Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 Cchrono::sensor::AccelDataAccelerometer data
 Cchrono::utils::ChMixtureIngredient::AddBodyCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for some user-defined action to be taken each time the generator creates and adds a body based on this mixture ingredient to the system
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChRandomShapeCreator::AddBodyCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for some user-defined action to be taken each time a body is generated and added to the system
 Cchrono::ChContactContainer::AddContactCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for some user defined action to be taken each time a contact is added to the container
 Cchrono::ChProximityContainer::AddProximityCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for some user defined action to be taken each time a proximity info is added to the container
 Cchrono::AngleAxisRepresentation of a rotation as angle-axis
 Cchrono::AngleSetRepresentation of an Euler/Cardan angle set
 Cchrono::synchrono::ApproachLaneLane that is grouped into an approach with other ApproachLanes
 CAreaLightThe different types of area lights that can exist in our current models
 Cchrono::vehicle::artcar::ARTcarDefinition of the ARTcar assembly
 Cchrono::vehicle::AutomaticTransmissionSimpleCVTAutomatic transmission model template based on a simple gear-shifting model (specified through JSON file)
 Cchrono::fea::AverageSectionParametersThe aeverage section properties of tapered section could be stored in this struct
 Cchrono::sensor::BackgroundInformation about the background of the scene
 Cchrono::gpu::BC_params_t< T, T3 >Big enum to handle all possible boundary conditions
 Cchrono::vehicle::bmw::BMW_E90Definition of the BMW_E90 assembly
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChGenericWheeledSuspension::BodyIdentifierIdentification of a body in the suspension subsystem
 Cchrono::vehicle::BodyStateStructure to communicate a full body state
 Cchrono::utils::ChBodyGeometry::BoxShapeBox shape for visualization and/or collision
 Cchrono::ChCollisionSystem::BroadphaseCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for user-defined actions to be performed for each 'near enough' pair of collision shapes found by the broad-phase collision step
 Cchrono::sensor::ByteImageDataStores image data
 Cchrono::modal::callback_AxGeneric A*x callback
 CCameraMissParametersThe parameters associated with camera miss data. A.K.A background data
 CCameraParametersThe parameters needed to define a camera
 Cchrono::cbtArcArcCollisionAlgorithmCustom override of the default Bullet algorithm for 2Darc-2Darc collision
 Cchrono::cbtArcSegmentCollisionAlgorithmCustom override of the default Bullet algorithm for 2Dsegment-2Darc collision
 Cchrono::cbtCapsuleBoxCollisionAlgorithmCustom override of the default Bullet algorithm for capsule-box collision
 Cchrono::cbtCEtriangleShapeCollisionAlgorithmCustom override of the default Bullet algorithm for triangle-triangle collision
 Cchrono::cbtCylshellBoxCollisionAlgorithmCustom override of the default Bullet algorithm for cylshell-box collision
 Cchrono::cbtSegmentSegmentCollisionAlgorithmCustom override of the default Bullet algorithm for segment-segment collision
 Cchrono::cbtSphereCylinderCollisionAlgorithmCustom override of the default Bullet algorithm for sphere-cylinder collision
 Cchrono::cbtVector3CHUtility class to convert a Chrono ChVector3d into a Bullet vector3
 Cchrono::ChAABBAxis-aligned bounding box
 Cchrono::utils::ChAbsorbedPowerVerticalFilter for vertical absorbed power
 Cchrono::sensor::ChAccelerometerSensorAccelerometer class
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChAdaptiveSpeedControllerData collection from the speed controller can be started (restarted) and suspended (stopped) as many times as desired
 Cchrono::utils::ChAnalogueFilterBase class for simulated analogue filters in the time domain
 Cchrono::ChArchiveBase class for archives with pointers to shared objects
 Cchrono::ChAssemblyAnalysisClass for assembly analysis
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChAutomaticTransmissionShaftsTemplate for an automatic transmission model using shaft elements
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChAutomaticTransmissionSimpleMapTemplate for an automatic transmission model based on a simple gear-shifting model
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChAxleBase class for a suspension subsystem
 Cchrono::ChBasisToolsBSplineTools for evaluating basis functions for B-splines, parametrized with parameter u (as lines) These bases are often called "N" in literature
 Cchrono::ChBasisToolsBSplineSurfacesTools for evaluating basis functions for tensor-product surface B-splines, parametrized with parameters u,v (as lines) These bases are often called "R" in literature
 Cchrono::ChBasisToolsNurbsTools for evaluating basis functions for NURBS, parametrized with parameter u (as lines) These bases are often called "R" in literature
 Cchrono::ChBasisToolsNurbsSurfacesTools for evaluating basis functions for tensor-product surface NURBS, parametrized with parameter u,v (as lines) These bases are often called "R" in literature
 Cchrono::fea::ChBeamMaterialInternalDataBase class for internal variables of materials
 Cchrono::fea::ChBeamSectionBase class for properties of beam sections
 Cchrono::fea::ChBeamSectionShapeBase class for drawing tesselated profiles of beams in 3D views, if needed
 Cchrono::fea::ChBeamSectionTaperedTimoshenkoAdvancedGenericBase class for all constitutive models of sections of Tapered Timoshenko beams
 Cchrono::utils::ChBenchmarkFixture< TEST, SKIP >Generic benchmark fixture for Chrono tests
 Cchrono::utils::ChBenchmarkTestBase class for a Chrono benchmark test
 Cchrono::ChBezierCurveDefinition of a piece-wise cubic Bezier approximation of a 3D curve
 Cchrono::ChBezierCurveTrackerDefinition of a tracker on a ChBezierCurve path
 Cchrono::utils::ChBodyGeometryUtility class defining geometry (visualization and collision) and contact materials for a rigid body
 Cchrono::ChBroadphaseClass for performing broad-phase collision detection
 Cchrono::fea::ChBuilderBeamANCF_3243Utility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamANCF_3243 elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements
 Cchrono::fea::ChBuilderBeamANCF_3333Utility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamANCF_3333 elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements
 Cchrono::fea::ChBuilderBeamEulerUtility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamEuler elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements
 Cchrono::fea::ChBuilderBeamIGAUtility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamIGA elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements
 Cchrono::fea::ChBuilderBeamTaperedTimoshenkoUtility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamTaperedTimoshenko elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements
 Cchrono::fea::ChBuilderBeamTaperedTimoshenkoFPMUtility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamTaperedTimoshenkoFPM elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements
 Cchrono::fea::ChBuilderCableANCFUtility class for creating complex beams using ChElementCableANCF elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements
 Cchrono::utils::ChButterworthHighpassButterworth high-pass filter
 Cchrono::utils::ChButterworthLowpassButterworth low-pass filter
 Cchrono::ChCameraClass for defining a camera point of view with basic settings
 Cchrono::cascade::ChCascadeDocClass that contains an OCAF document (a tree hierarchy of shapes in the OpenCascade framework)
 Cirr::scene::ChCascadeIrrMeshToolsTools to convert OpenCASCADE shapes into 'Irrlicht' triangle meshes
 Cchrono::cascade::ChCascadeMeshToolsTools to convert an OpenCASCADE shapes into triangle meshes
 Cchrono::cascade::ChCascadeTriangulateClass for storing settings on OpenCASCADE tesselation of shapes
 Cchrono::ChCastingMapStores type-casting functions between different type pairs, allowing to pick them at runtime from std::type_index or classname Converting pointers between different classes is usually possible by standard type casting, given that the source and destination class types are known at compile time. This class allows to typecast between class types that are known only at runtime. The requirement is that the typecasting function has to be prepared in advance (i.e. at compile time), when the types are still known. For each potential conversion an instance of ChCastingMap has to be declared, together with its typecasting function. This procedure is simplified by the macros CH_UPCASTING(FROM, TO) and CH_UPCASTING_SANITIZED(FROM, TO, UNIQUETAG) When the conversion should take place the following can be called: ConversionMap::Convert(std::string("source_classname"), std::string("destination_classname"), <void* to object>)
 Cchrono::utils::ChChaseCameraUtility class for a generic chase camera which can be associated with any ChBody in a Chrono system
 Cchrono::ChClassFactoryA class factory
 Cchrono::ChClassRegistrationBaseBase class for all registration data of classes whose objects can be created via a class factory
 Cchrono::ChCLIWrapper for cxxopts
 Cchrono::ChCollisionDataGlobal data for the custom Chrono multicore collision system
 Cchrono::ChCollisionInfoClass defining basic geometric information for collision pairs
 Cchrono::ChCollisionModelClass defining the geometric model for collision detection
 Cchrono::ChCollisionModelBulletClass defining the Bullet geometric model for collision detection
 Cchrono::ChCollisionModelMulticoreGeometric model for the custom multicore Chrono collision system
 Cchrono::ChCollisionPairClass for storing information about a collision point
 Cchrono::ChCollisionShapeClass defining a collision shape
 Cchrono::ChCollisionSystemBase class for generic collision engine
 Cchrono::ChColorDefinition of a visual color
 Cchrono::ChConstraintBase class for representing constraints (bilateral or unilateral)
 Cchrono::ChConstraintBilateralBilateral (joint) constraints
 Cchrono::ChConstraintRigidRigidUnilateral (contact) constraints
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTuple_1vars< T >This is a container for 'half' of a constraint, and contains a tuple of 1 or 2 or 3 differently-sized jacobian chunks
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTuple_2vars< T >Case of tuple with reference to 2 ChVariable objects:
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTuple_3vars< T >Case of tuple with reference to 3 ChVariable objects:
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTuple_4vars< T >Case of tuple with reference to 4 ChVariable objects:
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTwoTuplesFrictionTallThis is enough to use dynamic_casting<> to detect all template types from ChConstraintTwoTuplesFrictionT
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTwoTuplesRollingNallThis is enough to use dynamic_casting<> to detect all template types from ChConstraintTwoTuplesRollingN
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTwoTuplesRollingTallThis is enough to use dynamic_casting<> to detect all template types from ChConstraintTwoTuplesRollingT
 Cchrono::ChContactableInterface for objects that generate contacts
 Cchrono::ChSystemSMC::ChContactForceTorqueSMCBase class for contact force calculation
 Cchrono::ChContactMaterialBase class for specifying material properties for contact force generation
 Cchrono::ChContactMaterialCompositeBase class for composite material for a contact pair
 Cchrono::ChContactMaterialCompositionStrategyBase class for material composition strategy
 Cchrono::ChContactMaterialDataMaterial information for a collision shape
 Cchrono::fea::ChContactNodeXYZProxy to FEA nodes, to grant them the features needed for collision detection
 Cchrono::fea::ChContactNodeXYZRotProxy to FEA nodes with 3 xyz + 3 rot coords, to grant them the features needed for collision detection
 Cchrono::fea::ChContactSegmentXYZContact segment for FEA elements that use XYZ nodes
 Cchrono::fea::ChContactSegmentXYZRotContact segment for FEA elements that use XYZRot nodes
 Cchrono::fea::ChContactSurfaceBase class for contact surfaces in FEA meshes
 Cchrono::ChContactTuple< Ta, Tb >Base class for contact between two generic ChContactable objects
 Cchrono::fea::ChContinuumMaterialBase class for properties of materials in a continuum
 Cchrono::ChConvexDecompositionBase interface class for convex decomposition
 Cchrono::utils::ChConvexHull2DSimple 2D convex hull class
 Cchrono::bt_utils::ChConvexHullLibraryWrapperWrapper for using and exporting the Bullet implementation of the convex hull library
 Cchrono::ChCoordsys< Real >Representation of a transform with translation and rotation
 Cchrono::ChCoordsys< double >
 Cchrono::fsi::ChCountersNumber of rigid and flexible solid bodies, fluid SPH particles, solid SPH particles, boundary SPH particles
 Cchrono::ChCubicSplineImplementation of 1-D piece-wise cubic spline curves
 Cchrono::fea::ChDampingCosseratBase interface for structural damping of beam sections of Cosserat type, where xyz force "n" and xyz torque "m" are a 6-dimensional function of generalized strain speeds, "e'" traction/shear speed and "k'" curvature speed, as: {n,m}=f({e',k'}) Children classes implement this function in different ways
 Cchrono::fea::ChDampingKirchhoffBase interface for damping of thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff
 Cchrono::fea::ChDampingReissnerBase interface for damping of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner
 Cchrono::ChDirectSolverLScomplexBase class for sparse direct linear solvers with complex coefficients
 Cchrono::ChDistributionBase class for all random distributions
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChDriverBase class for a vehicle driver system
 Cchrono::sensor::ChDynamicsManagerClass for managing dynamic sensors
 Cchrono::fea::ChElasticityCosseratBase interface for elasticity of beam sections of Cosserat type, where xyz force "n" and xyz torque "m" are a 6-dimensional function of generalized strains, "e" traction/shear and "k" curvatures, as: {n,m}=f({e,k}) There are various children classes that implement this function in different ways
 Cchrono::fea::ChElasticityKirchhoffBase interface for elasticity of thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff
 Cchrono::fea::ChElasticityReissnerBase interface for elasticity of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementANCFBase class for ANCF elements
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementBaseBase class for all finite elements, that can be used in the ChMesh physics item
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementCorotationalClass for corotational elements (elements with rotation matrices that follow the global motion of the element)
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementHexahedronBase class for a FEA element with hexahedral shape
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementTetrahedronBase class for a FEA element with tetrahedral shape
 Cchrono::ChEnumMapperBaseClass for mapping enums to ChNameValue pairs that contain a 'readable' ascii string of the selected enum
 Cchrono::vehicle::jeep::CherokeeDefinition of the Jeep Cherokee assembly
 Cchrono::vsg3d::ChEventHandlerVSGBase class for a user-defined event handler for the VSG run-time visualization system
 Cchrono::ChExplicitTimestepperBase properties for explicit solvers
 Cchrono::fea::ChExtruderBeamEulerClass for an object that continuously extrude a beam (composed of ChElementBeamEuler elements) with prescribed velocity
 Cchrono::fea::ChExtruderBeamIGAClass for an object that continuously extrude a beam (composed of ChElementBeamIGA elements) with prescribed velocity
 Cchrono::sensor::ChFilterBase class for all filters that can be applied to a sensor after initial rendering
 Cchrono::ChFmMatrix34< Real >Special MBD 3x4 matrix [Fm(q)], as in [Fp(q)] * [Fm(q)]' = [A(q)]
 Cchrono::ChFmuWrapperAbstract interface to a model exchange FMU
 Cchrono::ChFpMatrix34< Real >Special MBD 3x4 matrix [Fp(q)], as in [Fp(q)] * [Fm(q)]' = [A(q)]
 Cchrono::ChFrame< Real >Representation of a 3D transform
 Cchrono::ChFrame< double >
 Cchrono::ChFseqNodeNode for the list of functions in a ChFunctionSequence object
 Cchrono::fsi::ChFsiBaseBase class for various FSI classes
 Cchrono::fsi::ChFsiLinearSolverBase class for solving linear systems on GPUs
 Cchrono::fsi::ChFsiProblemBase class to set up a Chrono::FSI problem
 Cchrono::fsi::ChFsiVisualizationRun-time visualization support for Chrono::FSI systems
 Cchrono::ChFunctionInterface base class for scalar functions
 Cchrono::ChFunctionPositionInterface base class for scalar->vector functions
 Cchrono::ChFunctionRotationInterface base class for scalar->quaternion functions of the type:
 Cchrono::ChFunctorArchiveInFunctor to call the ArchiveIn function for unrelated classes that implemented them
 Cchrono::fea::ChGaussIntegrationRuleClass for the management of the Gauss Quadrature in 1D, 2D or 3D space
 Cchrono::fea::ChGaussPointClass for a Gauss point, that has a position (1D-3D) and a weight
 Cchrono::modal::ChGeneralizedEigenvalueSolver< ScalarT >Base interface class for generalized eigenvalue solvers A*x = lambda*B*x
 Cchrono::modal::ChGeneralizedEigenvalueSolver< double >
 Cchrono::modal::ChGeneralizedEigenvalueSolver< std::complex< double > >
 Cchrono::utils::ChGeneratorProvides functionality for generating sets of bodies with positions drawn from a specified sampler and various mixture properties
 Cchrono::ChGeometryBase class for geometric objects used for collisions and visualization
 Cchrono::ChGlMatrix34< Real >Special MBD 3x4 matrix [Gl(q)], as in local angular speed conversion
 Cchrono::postprocess::ChGnuPlotClass for plotting data with GNUplot
 Cchrono::sensor::ChGPSSensorGPS class
 Cchrono::gpu::ChGpuSimulationParametersStructure with Chrono::Gpu simulation parameters
 Cchrono::gpu::ChGpuVisualizationRun-time visualization support for Chrono::Gpu systems
 Cchrono::vsg3d::ChGuiComponentVSGBase class for a GUI component for the VSG run-time visualization system
 Cchrono::ChGwMatrix34< Real >Special MBD 3x4 matrix [Gw(q)], as in absolute angular speed conversion
 Cchrono::sensor::ChGyroscopeSensorGyroscope class
 Cchrono::ChHydraulicCylinderChHydraulicCylinder - a simple hydraulic cylinder Schematic:
 Cchrono::ChHydraulicDirectionalValve4x3ChHydraulicDirectionalValve4x3 - a computational model of 4/3 directional valve Schematic:
 Cchrono::ChHydraulicThrottleValveChHydraulicThrottleValve - a semi-empirical model of a throttle valve Schematic:
 Cchrono::ChImplicitTimestepperBase class for implicit solvers (double inheritance)
 Cchrono::fea::ChInertiaCosseratBase class for inertial properties (mass, moment of inertia) of beam sections of Cosserat type
 Cchrono::ChInertiaUtilsClass with some static functions that can be used to make computations with inertia tensors
 Cchrono::ChIntegrableInterface class for all objects that support time integration
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand1D< T >Base class for 1D integrand T = f(x) to be used in ChQuadrature
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand1D< ChMatrixNM< double, 12, 12 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand2D< T >Base class for 2D integrand T = f(x,y) to be used in ChQuadrature
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand3D< T >Base class for 3D integrand T = f(x,y,z) to be used in ChQuadrature
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand3D< ChElementShellANCF_3423::VectorN >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand3D< ChMatrixNM< double, 24, 24 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand3D< ChMatrixNM< double, 33, 33 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand3D< ChVectorN< double, 11 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand3D< ChVectorN< double, 33 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand3D< ChVectorN< double, 330 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand3D< ChVectorN< double, 54 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand3D< ChVectorN< double, 696 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand3D< ChVectorN< double, 8 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrand3D< ChVectorN< double, 906 > >
 Cchrono::irrlicht::ChIrrGUIIrrlicht GUI attached to a ChVisualSystemIrrlicht
 Cchrono::irrlicht::ChIrrNodeModelIrrlicht scene node associated with the visual model of a physics item
 Cchrono::irrlicht::ChIrrNodeShapeIrrlicht scene node associated with a visual shape in a visual model
 Cchrono::irrlicht::ChVisualSystemIrrlicht::ChIrrNodeVisualIrrlicht scene node for a visual model not associated with a physics item
 Cchrono::utils::ChISO2631_1_WdCombined filter Wd
 Cchrono::utils::ChISO2631_1_WfCombined filter Wf
 Cchrono::utils::ChISO2631_1_WkCombined filter Wk
 Cchrono::utils::ChISO2631_5_WxyISO2631-5 weighting filter for shock like signal in horizontal direction
 Cchrono::utils::ChISO2631_5_WzISO2631-5 weighting filter for shock like signal in vertical direction
 Cchrono::utils::ChISO2631_Shock_SeatCushionLoggerEasy to use class for evaluation of ISO 2361-5 shock load on sitting vehicle occupants
 Cchrono::utils::ChISO2631_Vibration_SeatCushionLoggerEasy to use class for evaluation of ISO 2361-1 vibration load on sitting vehicle occupants Input: 3 seat accelerations x,y,z in [m/s^2]
 Cchrono::ChIterativeSolverBase class for iterative solvers
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChJoystickAxisIRRIrrlicht interface to a specific joystick axis and its calibration data
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChJoystickButtonIRRIrrlicht interface to a specific joystick button
 Cchrono::ChKRMBlockSparse blocks loaded into the KRM global matrix, associated with a set of variables
 Cchrono::modal::ChKrylovSchurEigCompute (complex) eigenvalues and eigenvectors using the Krylov-Schur algorithm
 Cchrono::ChLinkForceClass for forces in link joints of type ChLinkLock
 Cchrono::ChLinkLimitClass for limits in ChLinkLock joints
 Cchrono::ChLinkMaskMask structure for N scalar constraint equations between two bodies
 Cchrono::ChLoadableInterface for objects that can be subject to loads (forces) Forces can be distributed on UV surfaces, or lines, etc.,so look also the more detailed children classes
 Cchrono::ChLoaderLoads applied to a single ChLoadable object
 Cchrono::ChLoadJacobiansUtility class for storing Jacobian matrices
 Cchrono::ChLumpingParmsHelper class for lumping parameters
 Cchrono::sensor::ChMagnetometerSensorMagnetometer class
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChManualTransmissionShaftsTemplate for a manual transmission model using shaft elements
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChMapDataUtility class for reading and setting an (x,y) map
 Cchrono::fea::ChMaterialBeamANCFDefinition of materials to be used for ANCF beams utilizing the Enhanced Continuum Mechanics based method
 Cchrono::fea::ChMaterialHexaANCFDefinition of materials to be used for ANCF brick elements
 Cchrono::fea::ChMaterialShellANCFDefinition of materials to be used for ANCF shells
 Cchrono::fea::ChMaterialShellKirchhoffMaterial for a single layer of a thin shell (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, i.e
 Cchrono::fea::ChMaterialShellReissnerMaterial for a single layer of a 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al)
 Cchrono::ChMatlabEngineClass for accessing the Matlab engine with a C++ wrapper
 Cchrono::ChMatrix33< Real >Definition of a 3x3 fixed-size matrix to represent 3D rotations and inertia tensors
 Cchrono::ChMatrix33< double >
 Cchrono::fea::ChMatrixCorotationPerform a corotation (warping) of a K matrix by pre- or post- multiplying it with a C matrix that has 3x3 rotation matrices R as diagonal blocks, so that C*K means:
 Cchrono::fea::ChMeshExporterCollection of mesh file writer utilities
 Cchrono::fea::ChMeshFileLoaderCollection of mesh file loader utilities
 Cchrono::fea::ChMeshSurfaceClass which defines a surface for a mesh FEA elements
 Cchrono::utils::ChMixtureIngredientEncapsulation of an ingredient of one of the supported types in a mixture
 Cchrono::modal::ChModalDampingBase class for damping models of modal reduced assemblies
 Cchrono::modal::ChModalEventReceiver< ScalarType >Custom Irrlicht event receiver for modal analysis visualization
 Cchrono::modal::ChModalSolverBase class for modal solvers
 Cchrono::utils::ChMotionFilterBase class for smoothing basic motion laws with discrete time-domain nonlinear filters
 Cchrono::utils::ChMovingAverageMoving average filter for smoothing a data array
 Cchrono::ChMulticoreDataManagerGlobal data manager for Chrono::Multicore
 Cchrono::ChMumpsEngineWrapper class for the MUMPS direct linear solver
 Cchrono::ChNameValue< T >Class to manage name-value pairs for serialization/deserialization
 Cchrono::ChNarrowphaseClass for performing narrowphase collision detection
 Cchrono::ChNodeBaseClass for a node, that has some degrees of freedom
 Cchrono::sensor::ChNoiseModelNoise model base class
 Cchrono::ChNonlinearSolverSolver for systems of nonlinear equations
 Cchrono::ChObjBase class for all Chrono objects
 Cchrono::ChOMPDummy no-op functions in case that no parallel multithreading via OpenMP is available
 Cchrono::CHOMPmutexDummy no-op mutex in case that no parallel multithreading via OpenMP is available
 Cchrono::CHOMPscopedLockException-safe wrapper to a mutex: it automatically locks the mutex as soon as the wrapper is created, and releases the mutex when the wrapper is deleted (you simply put the wrapper in a code section delimited by {} parentheses, so it is deleted by the compiler when exiting the scope of the section or in case of premature exit because of an exception throw)
 Cchrono::opengl::ChOpenGLBaseBase class for all OpenGL related classes
 Cchrono::opengl::ChOpenGLEventCBInterface of an object which can receive events
 Cchrono::opengl::ChOpenGLGraphsClass to render simple plots for the UI
 Cchrono::opengl::ChOpenGLParticleCBBase class for a particle rendering discriminator
 Cchrono::opengl::ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPADSNSupport for ADS lighting with glow
 Cchrono::opengl::ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPADSNTSupport for ADS lighting with glow and texture coordinates
 Cchrono::sensor::ChOptixEngineOptix Engine that is responsible for managing all render-based sensors
 Cchrono::sensor::ChOptixGeometryOptix Geometry class that is responsible for managing all geometric information in the optix scene This handles the acceleration structure and transforms
 Cchrono::sensor::ChOptixPipelineClass to hold all the Shader Binding Table parameters adnd manage the ray tracing pipeline, materials, ray gen programs
 Cchrono::parsers::ChParserAdamsADAMS input file parser
 Cchrono::parsers::ChParserOpenSimOpenSim input file parser
 Cchrono::parsers::ChParserURDFURDF input file parser
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChPartBase class for a vehicle subsystem
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChParticleEmitterClass for emitters of particles, with random positions, rotations, and random shapes
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChParticleEventTriggerBASE class for event triggers for the ChParticleProcessor You can directly use the ready-to-use triggers for common triggering (particle collides with some object, particle inside a box, etc.), or inherit your own class with custom triggering
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChParticleProcessEventBASE class for all event processors of single particles You can directly use the ready-to-use processor for basic behaviors (remove particle, count particle, etc.), or inherit your own class with custom event processing
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChParticleProcessorClass that can be used to process particles
 Cchrono::utils::ChPDGrid< Point >Simple 3D grid utility class for use by the Poisson Disk sampler
 Cchrono::utils::ChPDGrid< chrono::ChVector3< T > >
 Cchrono::fea::ChPlasticityCosseratBase class for plasticity of beam sections of Cosserat type
 Cchrono::fea::ChPlasticityKirchhoffBase interface for plasticity of thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff
 Cchrono::fea::ChPlasticityReissnerBase interface for plasticity of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner
 Cchrono::fea::ChPolarDecomposition< Real >Perform a polar decomposition of a 3x3 P matrix in order to retrieve the orthogonal Q and the symmetric S form, as P=Q*S
 Cchrono::postprocess::ChPostProcessBaseBase class for post processing implementations
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChPowertrainAssemblyDefintion of a powertrain assembly system
 Cchrono::utils::ChProfileIteratorAn iterator to navigate through the tree
 Cchrono::utils::ChProfileManagerThe Manager for the Profile system
 Cchrono::utils::ChProfileNodeA node in the Profile Hierarchy Tree
 Cchrono::utils::ChProfileSampleSimple way to profile a function's scope
 Cchrono::ChProjectConstraintsFunctor class for performing projection on the hyper-cone
 Cchrono::ChPropertyBase class for properties to attach to vertices or particles as arrays of data
 Cchrono::parsers::ChPythonEngineClass for a Python parser
 Cchrono::ChQuadratureGauss-Legendre quadrature in 1D, 2D, or 3D
 Cchrono::ChQuadratureTablesPolynomial roots and weights for the Gauss-Legendre quadrature
 Cchrono::ChQuadratureTablesTetrahedronPolynomial roots and weights for quadrature over a tetrahedron
 Cchrono::ChQuadratureTablesTrianglePolynomial roots and weights for quadrature over a triangle
 Cchrono::ChQuaternion< Real >Class defining quaternion objects, that is four-dimensional numbers
 Cchrono::ChQuaternion< double >
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChRandomParticleAlignmentBASE class for generators of random particle alignment
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChRandomParticlePositionBASE class for generators of random particle positions
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChRandomParticleVelocityBASE class for generators of random particle velocities
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChRandomShapeCreatorBASE class for generators of random ChBody shapes
 Cchrono::ChCollisionSystem::ChRayhitResultRecover results from RayHit() raycasting
 Cchrono::ChRayTestClass for performing ray intersection tests
 Cchrono::ChTriangleMeshConnected::ChRefineEdgeCriterionClass to be used optionally in RefineMeshEdges()
 Cchrono::parsers::ChRobotActuationGeneric robot actuation driver using interpolated data from files
 Cchrono::ros::ChROSHandlerBase class for a ROS handler
 Cchrono::ros::ChROSHandlerUtilitiesUtility class with static functions that may be useful for ROS handlers
 Cchrono::ros::ChROSInterfaceThis class handles the API interface between Chrono and ROS
 Cchrono::ros::ChROSManagerManagers the ROS handlers and their registration/updates
 Cchrono::ros::ChROSSensorHandlerUtilitiesUtility class with static functions that may be useful for sensor-specific ROS handlers
 Cchrono::utils::ChRunningAverageMoving average filter for smoothing running data
 Cchrono::utils::ChSampler< T >Base class for different types of point samplers
 Cchrono::sensor::ChSceneScene class used for camera renderings. Includes environment colors, lights, etc
 Cchrono::ChSchurProductFunctor class for calculating the Schur product of the matrix of unilateral constraints
 Cchrono::sensor::ChSensorBase class for a chrono sensor. A specific sensor can inherit from here
 Cchrono::sensor::ChSensorManagerClass for managing sensors. This is the Sensor system class
 Cchrono::ChSharedMassBodyReference to a single mass property shared by multiple ChVariablesBodySharedMass objects
 Cchrono::fea::ChShellKirchhoffInternalDataBase class for internal variables of Kirchhoff thin shells materials
 Cchrono::fea::ChShellReissnerInternalDataBase class for internal variables of Reissner shells materials
 Cchrono::utils::ChSocketBase class for sockets. Sockets have at least an ID and a port
 Cchrono::utils::ChSocketCommunicationClass for socket communication interface
 Cchrono::utils::ChSocketFrameworkA single object of this class must be instantiated before using all classes related to sockets, because it initializes some platform-specific settings
 Cchrono::utils::ChSocketHostInfoClass for storing information about a TCP host in socket communication, e.g. with an IP address
 Cchrono::ChSolverBase class for all Chrono solvers (for linear problems or complementarity problems)
 Cchrono::ChSolverMulticoreBase class for all Chrono::Multicore solvers
 Cchrono::gpu::ChSolverStateDataChSolverStateData contains information that pertains the solver, at a certain point in time
 Cchrono::ChSparsityPatternLearnerUtility class for extracting sparsity patter from a sparse matrix
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChSpeedControllerData collection from the speed controller can be started (restarted) and suspended (stopped) as many times as desired
 Cchrono::ChStarMatrix33< Real >Special MBD 3x3 "star" matrix, , representing vector cross products
 Cchrono::ChStarMatrix44< Real >Special MBD 4x4 "star" matrix, representing quaternion cross product
 Cchrono::ChStateClass for state of time-integrable objects
 Cchrono::ChStateDeltaClass for incremental form of state of time-integrable objects
 Cchrono::ChStaticAnalysisBase class for static analysis
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChSteeringControllerBase class for all steering path-following PID controllers
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChSuspensionTestRigBase class for a suspension test rig
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChSuspensionTestRigDriverBase class for a suspension test rig driver system
 Cchrono::ChSystemDescriptorBase class for collecting objects inherited from ChConstraint, ChVariables and optionally ChKRMBlock
 Cchrono::fsi::ChSystemFsiPhysical system for fluid-solid interaction problems
 Cchrono::gpu::ChSystemGpuInterface to a Chrono::Gpu system
 Cchrono::sensor::ChTachometerSensorTachometer class. This class queries the chrono system for the angular velocity of the parent body
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChTerrainBase class for a terrain system
 Cchrono::ChTextureClass for defining a texture
 Cchrono::ChTimerChrono wrappers for the high-resolution timer
 Cchrono::ChTimerMulticoreUtility class for managing a collection of timer objects
 Cchrono::ChTimestepperBase class for timesteppers, i.e., time integrators that can advance a system state
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChTireTestRigDefinition of a single-tire test rig
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChTrackTestRigDriverBase class for a track test rig driver system
 Cchrono::fea::ChTriangleNodesXYZUtility class for using the ChLinkNodeFace constraint
 Cchrono::fea::ChTriangleNodesXYZrotUtility class for using the ChLinkNodeFaceRot constraint
 Cchrono::utils::ChTSDAGeometryUtility class defining visualization geometry for a TSDA
 Cchrono::fsi::ChUtilsDeviceUtilities for thrust device vectors
 Cchrono::utils::ChValidationThis class provides functionality for validation of simulation results
 Cchrono::ChValueClass to handle C++ values of generic type using type erasure and functors
 Cchrono::ChVariablesBase class for representing objects that introduce 'variables' and their associated mass submatrices
 Cchrono::ChVariableTupleCarrier_1vars< N1 >This is a set of 'helper' classes that make easier to manage the templated structure of the tuple constraints
 Cchrono::ChVariableTupleCarrier_1vars< 3 >
 Cchrono::ChVariableTupleCarrier_1vars< 6 >
 Cchrono::ChVariableTupleCarrier_1vars< T1 >
 Cchrono::ChVector2< Real >Definition of a general purpose 2d vector
 Cchrono::ChVector2< bool >
 Cchrono::ChVector2< double >
 Cchrono::ChVector2< float >
 Cchrono::ChVector3< Real >Definition of general purpose 3d vector variables, such as points in 3D
 Cchrono::ChVector3< bool >
 Cchrono::ChVector3< double >
 Cchrono::ChVector3< float >
 Cchrono::ChVector3< T >
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChVehicleBase class for chrono vehicle systems
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChVehicleBushingDataStiffness and damping data for a vehicle bushing specification
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNodeBase class for a co-simulation node
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimDBPRigBase class for a drawbar-pull rig mechanism
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChVehicleJointWrapper class for a joint in a vehicle system which can be either a kinematic joint or a bushing
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChVehicleOutputBase class for a vehicle output database
 Cchrono::ChVisualMaterialDefinition of a visual material
 Cchrono::ChVisualModelBase class for a visual model which encapsulates a set of visual shapes
 Cchrono::ChVisualModelInstanceA visual model instance encodes a potentially shared visual model and its owning physics item
 Cchrono::ChVisualShapeBase class for a visualization asset for rendering (run-time or post processing)
 Cchrono::ChVisualShapeFEAFEA mesh visualization
 Cchrono::ChVisualSystemBase class for a Chrono run-time visualization system
 Cchrono::ChVoightTensor< Real >Base class for stress and strain tensors, in compact Voight notation
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChWheeledTrailerBase class for chrono wheeled trailer systems
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChWorldFrameDefinition of the world frame for Chrono::Vehicle simulations
 Cchrono::ChWrench< Real >Definition of a wrench (force + torque)
 Cchrono::utils::ChWriterCSVChWriterCSV Simple class to output to a Comma-Separated Values ASCII file
 Cchrono::vehicle::citybus::CityBusDefinition of the city bus assembly
 Cchrono_types::class_has_custom_new_operator< T >Check if a class has a custom new operator
 Cchrono::collision_settingsChrono::Multicore collision_settings
 Cchrono::ChParticleCloud::ColorCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for dynamic coloring of particles in a cloud
 Cchrono::utils::CompositeInertiaUtility class for calculating inertia properties of a composite body
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChForceElementTire::ContactDataTire contact information
 CContextParametersParameters associated with the entire optix scene
 Cchrono::ConvexBaseBase class for convex contact shapes
 Cchrono::utils::ChBodyGeometry::ConvexHullsShapeConvex hulls shape for collision
 Cchrono::fsi::ChFsiProblem::CoordHashHash function for a 3D integer grid coordinate
 Cchrono::copter::Copter< nop >Base class for any copter, template parameter nop is the number of propellers
 Cchrono::copter::Copter< 6 >
 Cchrono::utils::ChGenerator::CreateObjectsCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for user-defined filtering of initial positions
 Cchrono::curiosity::CuriosityCuriosity rover class
 Cchrono::curiosity::CuriosityDriverBase class definition for a Curiosity driver
 Cchrono::curiosity::CuriosityPartBase class definition for all Curiosity Rover parts
 Cchrono::ChSystem::CustomCollisionCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for user defined actions performed at each collision detection step
 Cchrono::parsers::ChParserURDF::CustomProcessorClass to be used as a callback interface for custom processing of the URDF XML string
 Cchrono::utils::ChBodyGeometry::CylinderShapeCylinder shape for visualization and/or collision
 Cchrono::fea::DampingCoefficientsThis damping model supports you to assign different Rayleigh damping coefficients for different dimensions, which would be helpful for those anisotropic material, such as wind turbine blade
 Cchrono::vsg3d::ChVisualSystemVSG::DeformableMeshData related to deformable meshes (FEA and SCM)
 Cchrono::vehicle::DriverInputsDriver (vehicle control) inputs
 Cchrono::vehicle::duro::DuroDefinition of the Duro vehicle assembly
 Cchrono::irrlicht::EffectHandlerMain effect handling class, use this to apply shadows and effects
 Cchrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi::ElasticMaterialPropertiesStructure with elastic material properties
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChDataDriver::EntryDefinition of driver inputs at a given time
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChChassis::ExternalForceTorqueBase class for a user-defined custom force/torque acting on the chassis body
 Cchrono::vehicle::feda::FEDADefinition of the FED-alpha assembly
 Cchrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi::FluidPropertiesStructure with fluid properties
 Cchrono::fmi2::FmuChronoComponentBaseExtension of FmuComponentBase class for Chrono FMUs
 Cchrono::fmi3::FmuChronoComponentBaseExtension of FmuComponentBase class for Chrono FMUs
 Cchrono::fmi2::FmuChronoUnitExtension of FmuUnit class for Chrono FMUs
 Cchrono::fmi3::FmuChronoUnitExtension of FmuUnit class for Chrono FMUs
 Cchrono::ChLinkTSDA::ForceFunctorClass to be used as a callback interface for calculating the general spring-damper force
 Cchrono::parsers::ChParserOpenSim::Report::ForceInfoInformation about a custom load created from OpenSim
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChTrackSuspension::ForceTorqueOutput structure for spring-damper forces or torques
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChTerrain::FrictionFunctorClass to be used as a functor interface for location-dependent coefficient of friction
 Cchrono::fsi::FsiBodyStateDRigid body states on device
 Cchrono::fsi::FsiBodyStateHRigid body states on host
 Cchrono::fsi::FsiDataFSI system information information exchanged with the Chrono system
 Cchrono::fsi::FsiMeshStateDFEA mesh state on device
 Cchrono::fsi::FsiMeshStateHFEA mesh states on host
 Cchrono::vehicle::gclass::G500Definition of the gclass assembly
 Cchrono::vehicle::gator::GatorDefinition of the Gator assembly
 Cchrono::synchrono::GPScoordWrapper class around vector stores GPS points as (lat, long, alt) in degrees
 Cchrono::sensor::GPSDataGPS data in generic format
 Cchrono::fsi::GpuTimerTime recorder for cuda events
 Cchrono::gpu::ChSystemGpu_impl::GranParamsStructure with simulation parameters for sphere-based granular dynamics
 Cchrono::sensor::GyroDataGyroscope data
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChTerrain::HeightFunctorClass to be used as a functor interface for location-dependent terrain height
 Cchrono::vehicle::hmmwv::HMMWVDefinition of the HMMWV assembly
 Cchrono::host_containerStructure of arrays containing simulation data
 Cchrono::synchrono::IntersectionContains some number of approaches - see ApproachMessage
 Cchrono::synchrono::IntersectionLaneLane for the purpose of SPAT messages (i.e. something that can have its light color change)
 Cchrono::ChStaticNonLinearRheonomicAnalysis::IterationCallbackCallback interface for updating the system at each iteration
 Cchrono::parsers::ChParserOpenSim::Report::JointInfoInformation about a joint read in from OpenSim
 Cchrono::parsers::ChParserAdams::Report::JointInfoInformation about a joint read in from ADAMS
 Cchrono::vehicle::kraz::KrazDefinition of the Kraz 64431 semi-trailer truck assembly
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynEnvironmentAgent::LaneDataIt defines the traffic light color and schedule for one lane
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementShellReissner4::LayerDefinition of a layer
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementShellANCF_3833::LayerDefinition of a layer
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementShellBST::LayerDefinition of a layer
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementShellANCF_3423::LayerDefinition of a layer
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementShellANCF_3443::LayerDefinition of a layer
 CLensParamsInverse lens param for modeling polynomial forward model
 CLidarParametersParameters used to define a lidar
 Cchrono::utils::ChBodyGeometry::LineShapeLine shape for visualization
 Cchrono::robosimian::LinkRoboSimian link
 Cchrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi::LinSolverParametersStructure with linear solver parameters (used only for implicit SPH)
 Cchrono::vehicle::fmtv::LMTVDefinition of the LMTV assembly
 Cchrono::ChStaticNonLinearIncremental::LoadIncrementCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for updating the system at each step of load increment
 Cchrono::sensor::LoggerInference Logger for TensorRT
 Cchrono::vehicle::m113::M113Definition of the m113 assembly
 Cchrono::sensor::MagnetDataMagnetometer data
 Cchrono::vehicle::man::MAN_10tWrapper class for modeling an entire MAN 10t vehicle assembly (including the vehicle itself, the powertrain, and the tires)
 Cchrono::vehicle::man::MAN_5tWrapper class for modeling an entire MAN 5t vehicle assembly (including the vehicle itself, the powertrain, and the tires)
 Cchrono::vehicle::man::MAN_7tWrapper class for modeling an entire MAN 7t vehicle assembly (including the vehicle itself, the powertrain, and the tires)
 Cchrono::vehicle::marder::MarderDefinition of the marder assembly
 CMaterialParametersAll parameters for specifying a material in optix
 CMaterialRecordParametersParameters associated with a single object in the scene. Padding added during record creation
 Cirr::core::matrix4CHUtility class to convert a Chrono frame into an Irrlicht transform
 Cchrono::measures_containerAggregate of collision and solver measures
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::MeshContactMesh contact information (received from terrain node)
 Cchrono::gpu::ChSystemGpuMesh_impl::MeshFrame< T >Position and rotation matrix defining the frame of a triangle mesh
 Cchrono::gpu::ChSystemGpuMesh_impl::MeshFrame< double >
 Cchrono::gpu::ChSystemGpuMesh_impl::MeshFrame< float >
 CMeshParametersAll the data to specific a triangle mesh
 Cchrono::gpu::ChSystemGpuMesh_impl::MeshParamsExtra parameters needed for triangle-sphere contact
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimBaseNode::MeshStateMesh state information (sent to terrain node)
 CMissParametersThe parameters for a camera miss record
 Cchrono::MPM_SettingsSettings for the Material Point Method
 Cchrono::vehicle::mrole::mroleDefinition of the mrole assembly
 Cchrono::vehicle::fmtv::MTVDefinition of the MTV assembly
 Cchrono::ChCollisionSystem::NarrowphaseCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for user-defined actions to be performed at each collision pair found during the narrow-phase collision step
 Cchrono::vehicle::SCMTerrain::NodeInfoInformation at SCM node
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChTerrain::NormalFunctorClass to be used as a functor interface for location-dependent terrain normal
 Cchrono::ChLinkTSDA::ODEClass to be used as a callback interface for specifying the ODE, y' = f(t,y); y(0) = y0
 Cchrono::vsg3d::ChVisualSystemVSG::ParticleCloudData for particle clouds
 Cchrono::fsi::ChFsiProblem::ParticlePropertiesCallbackInterface for callback to set initial particle pressure, density, viscosity, and velocity
 Cchrono::vehicle::RigidTerrain::PatchDefinition of a patch in a rigid terrain model
 CPerRayData_cameraData associated with a single camera ray
 CPerRayData_lidarData associated with a single lidar ray
 CPerRayData_radarData associated with a single radar ray
 CPerRayData_semanticData associated with a single segmentation camera ray
 CPerRayData_shadowData associated with a single shadow ray
 Cchrono::parsers::ChRobotActuation::PhaseChangeCallbackClass to be used as callback interface for user-defined actions at phase changes
 Cchrono::robosimian::RS_Driver::PhaseChangeCallbackClass to be used as callback interface for user-defined actions at phase changes
 Cchrono::sensor::PixelDIDepth and intensity data in generic format
 Cchrono::sensor::PixelFloat4A pixel as defined by RGBA float4 format
 Cchrono::sensor::PixelHalf4A pixel as defined by RGBA float4 format
 Cchrono::sensor::PixelRGBA8A pixel as defined by RGBA 8bpp format
 Cchrono::sensor::PixelSemanticA pixel as defined for semantic segmentation
 Cchrono::sensor::PixelXYZIPoint cloud and intensity data in generic format
 Cchrono::gpu::Plane_BC_params_t< T3 >Infinite Plane defined by point in plane and normal
 Cchrono::gpu::Plate_BC_params_t< T3 >Customized finite Plate defined by center of the plate, normal and y dim
 CPointLightPacked parameters of a point light
 Cchrono::fea::PolarDecompositionPolar decomposition of a general 3x3 matrix
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChANCFTire::ProfileTire profile
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChDeformableTire::ProfileTire profile definition
 Cchrono::sensor::ProgramStringHolds string values for ptx file and ray generation program
 Cchrono::fsi::ProximityDataDStruct to store neighbor search information on the device
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeChrono::ProxyBase class for a proxy associated with a co-simulation solid
 Cchrono::quaternionChrono multicore quaternion class
 CRadarParametersParameters used to define a radar
 CRaygenParametersParameters for specifying raygen programs
 Cchrono::ChRayTest::RayHitInfoInformation on ray intersection test result
 Cchrono::real2Chrono::Multicore pair (2-dimensional vector)
 Cchrono::real3Chrono::Multicore triplet (3-dimensional vector)
 Cchrono::real4Chrono multicore qudruple (4-dimensional array)
 Cchrono::parsers::ChParserAdams::ReportReport containing information about objects parsed from file
 Cchrono::parsers::ChParserOpenSim::ReportReport containing information about objects parsed from file
 Cchrono::ChContactContainer::ReportContactCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for some user defined action to be taken for each contact (already added to the container, maybe with already computed forces)
 Cchrono::ChContactContainerNSC::ReportContactCallbackNSCClass to be used as a NSC-specific callback interface for some user defined action to be taken for each contact (already added to the container, maybe with already computed forces)
 Cchrono::ChProximityContainer::ReportProximityCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for some user defined action to be taken for each proximity pair (already added to the container)
 Cchrono::fsi::ChFsiProblem::RigidBodySpecification of an FSI rigid body
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeChrono::RigidObstacleSpecification of a rigid obstacle
 Cchrono::robosimian::RoboSimianRoboSimian robot model
 Cchrono::robosimian::RS_DriverDriver for the RoboSimian robot
 Cchrono::robosimian::RS_LimbRoboSimian limb
 Cchrono::robosimian::RS_PartRoboSimian part
 Cchrono::irrlicht::RTSCameraClass to create an interactive videocamera in Irrlicht, that is similar to the Maya camera but hasn't the problems that the Maya camera has in Irrlicht 1.5
 Cchrono::vehicle::SAEToeBarLeafspringAxleSteerable leaf-spring solid axle suspension constructed with data from file
 Cchrono::cascade::ChCascadeDoc::ScanShapesCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for post-processing Cascade shapes
 Cchrono::vehicle::SCMContactableDataParameters for soil-contactable interaction
 Cchrono::synchrono::SCMParametersGroups SCM parameters into a struct, defines some useful defaults See SCMTerrain::SetSoilParameters and SoilParametersCallback for more details on these
 Cchrono::opengl::ChOpenGLStats::ScreenScreen coordinates for text placement
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChANCFTire::SectionTire section
 Cchrono::vehicle::sedan::SedanDefinition of the sedan assembly
 Cchrono::utils::ChTSDAGeometry::SegmentShapeSegment shape for TSDA visualization
 CSemanticCameraParametersParameters need to define a camera that generates semantic segmentation data
 Cchrono::sensor::SensorBufferThe base buffer class that contains sensor data (contains meta data of the buffer and pointer to raw data)
 Cchrono::settings_containerAggregate of all settings for Chrono::Multicore
 Cchrono::shape_containerStructure of arrays containing rigid collision shape information
 Cchrono::fsi::SimParamsStructure with FSI simulation parameters
 Cchrono::vehicle::SCMTerrain::SoilParametersCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for location-dependent soil parameters
 Cchrono::solver_measuresSolver measures
 Cchrono::solver_settingsChrono::Multicore solver_settings
 Cchrono::gpu::Sphere_BC_params_t< T, T3 >Sphere
 Cchrono::gpu::ChSystemGpu_impl::SphereDataStructure of pointers to kinematic quantities of the ChSystemGpu_impl
 Cchrono::utils::ChBodyGeometry::SphereShapeSphere shape for visualization and/or collision
 Cchrono::fsi::SphMarkerDataDStruct to store the information of SPH particles on the device
 Cchrono::fsi::SphMarkerDataHStruct to store the information of SPH particles on the host
 Cchrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi::SPHParametersStructure with SPH method parameters
 Cchrono::utils::ChTSDAGeometry::SpringShapeSpring shape for TSDA visualization
 Cchrono::state_containerStructure of arrays containing state data
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynAgentBase class for SynChrono agents
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynAgentFactoryGenerates SynTerrain's from JSON files Used to improve generality in Agent classes
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynChronoManagerBase class responsible for handling agents and synchronizing states between nodes
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynCommunicatorBase class communicator used to establish and facilitate communication between nodes
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynDDSDataReaderListenerData reader listener that can both count publishers on a topic and can be used as an asynchronous listener
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynDDSDataWriterListenerData writer listener that counts number of subscribers listening to a specific topic
 CSynDDSMessageThis class represents the structure SynDDSMessage defined by the user in the IDL file
 CSynDDSMessagePubSubTypeThis class represents the TopicDataType of the type SynDDSMessage defined by the user in the IDL file
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynDDSParticipantListenerParticipant listener that will count the number of participants and store their names to be used later
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynDDSPublisherDDS publisher wrapper. Sends information on a topic
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynDDSSubscriberDDS subscriber wrapper. Listens for information on a topic
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynDDSThreadSafeCounterThread safe counter used to count various elements Use case would be to block until a certain number of elements
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynDDSTopicDescribes information that's being distributed over an abstract "wire" Includes data type and meta information (i.e
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynFlatBuffersManagerHelper class that wraps the flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynGPSToolsHolds a SynTerrain along with the GPS coordinate mapped to the origin of the vector space
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynMessageSynMessage is the base class for all messages Basically wraps the FlatBuffer methods to better handle the SynChrono message passing system Will be inherited from to create new message types
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynMessageFactoryCalled by CommunicationManager to transform an incoming SynFlatBuffers::Message into a SynMessage
 Cchrono::synchrono::SynPoseWrapper for several constructs that are common to many flatbuffer messages (Vectors, Quaternions, frames)
 Cchrono::vehicle::TerrainForceStructure to communicate a set of generalized terrain contact forces (tire or track shoe)
 Cchrono::TimerDataWrapper class for a timer object
 Cchrono::ChLinkRSDA::TorqueFunctorClass to be used as a callback interface for calculating the general spring-damper torque
 Cchrono::sensor::TransformTransform struct for packing a translation, rotation, and scale
 Cchrono::gpu::ChSystemGpuMesh_impl::TriangleSoupStructure used to hold pointers for mesh arrays
 Cchrono::utils::ChBodyGeometry::TrimeshShapeTri-mesh shape for collision
 Cchrono::sensor::TRTDestroyerDestructor for tensorRT pointers
 Cchrono::turtlebot::TurtleBotTurtlebot Robot class This class assemble and initialize a complete turtlebot robot This class also handles general control commands of the robot
 Cchrono::turtlebot::Turtlebot_PartBase class definition of the Turtlebot Robot Part
 Cchrono::vehicle::unimog::U401Definition of the UAZ assembly
 Cchrono::vehicle::uaz::UAZBUSDefinition of the UAZ assembly
 Cchrono::vehicle::uaz::UAZBUS_SAEDefinition of the UAZ assembly
 Cchrono::vehicle::uaz::UAZBUS_SAEToeBarLeafspringAxleLeafspring axle subsystem for the uaz vehicle
 Cirr::core::vector3dfCHUtility class to convert a Chrono vector into an Irrlicht vector3df
 Cchrono::viper::ViperViper rover class
 Cchrono::viper::ViperDriverBase class definition for a Viper driver
 Cchrono::viper::ViperPartBase class definition for all Viper parts
 Cchrono::ChParticleCloud::VisibilityCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for dynamic visibility of particles in a cloud
 Cchrono::ChCollisionSystem::VisualizationCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for user-defined visualization of collision shapes
 Cchrono::vehicle::WheelStateStructure to communicate a full wheel body state
 Cchrono::gpu::Z_Cone_BC_params_t< T, T3 >Z-aligned cone pointed downward
 Cchrono::gpu::Z_Cylinder_BC_params_t< T, T3 >Infinite Z-aligned cylinder