Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
▼Nchrono | Main namespace for the Chrono package |
NAssemblyAnalysis | Enumerations for assembly analysis types |
Nbt_utils | Utilities for Bullet-based collision detection |
Ncascade | Namespace with classes for the CASCADE module |
Ncopter | Namespace with classes for the Copter models |
Ncuriosity | Namespace with classes for the Curiosity model |
▼Nfea | Namespace for FEA classes |
Nrotutils | Utility functions for rotations in 3D and their derivatives |
Nfmi2 | Namespace with classes for the FMI module (FMI 2.0 support) |
Nfmi3 | Namespace with classes for the FMI module (FMI 3.0 support) |
▼Nfsi | Namespace with classes for the FSI module |
▼Nsph | Namespace with internal classes for the SPH-based FSI submodule |
NBoxSide | Enumeration for box sides |
NCylSide | Enumeration for cylinder sides |
NPeriodicSide | Enumeration for specifying whether the sides of a computational domain are periodic or not |
Ngpu | Namespace with classes for the Gpu module |
▼Nirrlicht | Namespace with classes for the Irrlicht module |
Ntools | Utilities for interfacing Chrono and Irrlicht |
Nmc_utils | Utilities for Chrono multicore collision detection |
Nmodal | Namespace with classes for the modal module |
Nparsers | Namespace with classes for the Parsers module |
Nparticlefactory | Namespace for classes that generate flows of particles |
Npostprocess | Namespace with classes for the POSTPROCESS module |
▼Nrobosimian | Namespace with classes for the RoboSimian model |
NCollisionFamily | RoboSimian collision families |
NCollisionFlags | RoboSimian collision flags (specify which part carries collision shapes) |
Nros | Namespace for Chrono::ROS |
Nsensor | Namespace for Chrono::Sensor |
Nsynchrono | Namespace for SynChrono |
▼Nturtlebot | Namespace with classes for the Turtlebot model |
NCollisionFamily | Turtlebot collision families |
Nutils | Chrono core utilities |
▼Nvehicle | Namespace with classes for the VEHICLE module |
Nartcar | Namespace for the artcar vehicle model |
Nbmw | Namespace for the BMW 330i vehicle model |
Ncitybus | Namespace for the bus vehicle model |
Nduro | Namespace for the Duro vehicle model |
Nfeda | Namespace for the FED-alpha vehicle model |
Nfmtv | Namespace for the FMTV vehicle models |
Ngator | Namespace for the Gator vehicle model |
Ngclass | Namespace for the Mercedes G500 vehicle model |
Ngeneric | Namespace for the generic wheeled vehicle model |
Nhmmwv | Namespace for the HMMWV vehicle model |
Njeep | Namespace for the Jeep Cherokee vehicle model |
Nkraz | Namespace for the Kraz truck vehicle model |
Nm113 | Namespace for the M113 track vehicle model |
Nman | Namespace for the MAN truck vehicle models |
Nmarder | Namespace for the Marder track vehicle model |
Nmrole | Namespace for the MROLE multi-purpose wheeled vehicle model |
Nsedan | Namespace for the passenger vehicle model |
NTrackedCollisionFlag | Enumerations for track collision flags |
Nuaz | Namespace for the UAZ vehicle model |
Nunimog | Namespace for the Unimog 401 vehicle model |
NVehicleCollisionFamily | Enumerations for vehicle collision families |
NVehicleObjTag | Utilities to encode and decode vehicle object tags |
Nviper | Namespace with classes for the Viper model |
Nvsg3d | Namespace with classes for the VSG module |
Nchrono_types | Namespace for custom make_shared implementation |
▼Nirr | Main Irrlicht namespace (Chrono extensions) |
Ncore | Irrlicht base classes (Chrono extensions) |