chrono::fea Namespace Reference


Namespace for FEA classes.


 Utility functions for rotations in 3D and their derivatives.


struct  AverageSectionParameters
 The aeverage section properties of tapered section could be stored in this struct. More...
class  ChBeamMaterialInternalData
 Base class for internal variables of materials. More...
class  ChBeamSection
 Base class for properties of beam sections. More...
class  ChBeamSectionCable
 Simplified geometry for a 'cable' beam section in 3D, that is a beam without torsional stiffness and with circular section (i.e.same Ixx and Iyy properties). More...
class  ChBeamSectionCosserat
 Base class for properties of beam sections of Cosserat type (with shear too) such as ChElementBeamIGA. More...
class  ChBeamSectionCosseratEasyCircular
 A simple specialization of ChBeamSectionCosserat if you do not need to define its separate models for elasticity, plasticity, damping and inertia. More...
class  ChBeamSectionCosseratEasyRectangular
 A simple specialization of ChBeamSectionCosserat if you do not need to define its separate models for elasticity, plasticity, damping and inertia. More...
class  ChBeamSectionEuler
 Base class for all constitutive models of sections of Euler beams. More...
class  ChBeamSectionEulerAdvanced
 Advanced section of an Euler-Bernoulli beam in 3D, for a homogeneous density and homogeneous elasticity, given basic material properties (Izz and Iyy moments of inertia, area, Young modulus, etc.), but also supporting the advanced case of Iyy and Izz axes rotated respect reference, elastic center with offset from centerline reference, and shear center with offset from centerline reference. More...
class  ChBeamSectionEulerAdvancedGeneric
 General purpose section of an Euler-Bernoulli beam in 3D, not assuming homogeneous density or homogeneous elasticity, given basic material properties. More...
class  ChBeamSectionEulerEasyCircular
 A simple specialization of ChBeamSectionEuler if you just need the simplest model for a beam with circular centered section, with uniform elasticity and uniform density. More...
class  ChBeamSectionEulerEasyRectangular
 A simple specialization of ChBeamSectionEuler if you just need the simplest model for a rectangular centered beam, with uniform elasticity and uniform density. More...
class  ChBeamSectionEulerSimple
 Basic section of an Euler-Bernoulli beam in 3D, for a homogeneous density and homogeneous elasticity, given basic material properties (Izz and Iyy moments of inertia, area, Young modulus, etc.). More...
class  ChBeamSectionRayleighAdvancedGeneric
 This works exactly as ChBeamSectionEulerAdvancedGeneric, but adds the effect of Jyy Jzz rotational sectional inertias. More...
class  ChBeamSectionRayleighEasyCircular
 This works exactly as ChBeamSectionEulerEasyCircular, but adds the effect of Jyy Jzz rotational sectional inertias. More...
class  ChBeamSectionRayleighEasyRectangular
 This works exactly as ChBeamSectionEulerEasyRectangular, but adds the effect of Jyy Jzz rotational sectional inertias. More...
class  ChBeamSectionRayleighSimple
 This works exactly as ChBeamSectionEulerSimple, but adds the effect of Jyy Jzz rotational sectional inertias, whereas the conventional Euler theory would assume the mass to be concentrated in the center of mass, hence Jyy Jzz =0. More...
class  ChBeamSectionShape
 Base class for drawing tesselated profiles of beams in 3D views, if needed. More...
class  ChBeamSectionShapeCircular
 A ready-to-use class for drawing properties of circular beams. More...
class  ChBeamSectionShapePolyline
 A class for drawing properties of beams whose section is a set of M polylines, each with N points. More...
class  ChBeamSectionShapeRectangular
 A ready-to-use class for drawing properties of rectangular beams. More...
class  ChBeamSectionTaperedTimoshenkoAdvancedGeneric
 Base class for all constitutive models of sections of Tapered Timoshenko beams. More...
class  ChBeamSectionTaperedTimoshenkoAdvancedGenericFPM
 Base class for all constitutive models of fully-populated matrix(FPM) sections of Tapered Timoshenko beams. More...
class  ChBeamSectionTimoshenkoAdvancedGeneric
 Base class for all constitutive models of sections of Timoshenko beams. More...
class  ChBeamSectionTimoshenkoAdvancedGenericFPM
 For composite beams such as wind turbine blades and helicopter rotor blades, the cross-sectional stiffness properties in axial, shear, bending and torsion directions are coupled with each other, hence the fully-populated matrix(FPM) of cross-sectional stiffness properties is used to describe this complex coupling. More...
class  ChBuilderBeamANCF_3243
 Utility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamANCF_3243 elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements. More...
class  ChBuilderBeamANCF_3333
 Utility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamANCF_3333 elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements. More...
class  ChBuilderBeamEuler
 Utility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamEuler elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements. More...
class  ChBuilderBeamIGA
 Utility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamIGA elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements. More...
class  ChBuilderBeamTaperedTimoshenko
 Utility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamTaperedTimoshenko elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements. More...
class  ChBuilderBeamTaperedTimoshenkoFPM
 Utility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamTaperedTimoshenkoFPM elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements. More...
class  ChBuilderCableANCF
 Utility class for creating complex beams using ChElementCableANCF elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements. More...
class  ChContactNodeXYZ
 Proxy to FEA nodes, to grant them the features needed for collision detection. More...
class  ChContactNodeXYZRot
 Proxy to FEA nodes with 3 xyz + 3 rot coords, to grant them the features needed for collision detection. More...
class  ChContactNodeXYZRotSphere
 Proxy to FEA nodes for collisions, with spheres associated to nodes, for point-cloud type of collisions. More...
class  ChContactNodeXYZsphere
 Proxy to FEA nodes for collisions, with spheres associated to nodes, for point-cloud type of collisions. More...
class  ChContactSegmentXYZ
 Contact segment for FEA elements that use XYZ nodes. More...
class  ChContactSegmentXYZRot
 Contact segment for FEA elements that use XYZRot nodes. More...
class  ChContactSurface
 Base class for contact surfaces in FEA meshes. More...
class  ChContactSurfaceMesh
 Class which defines a contact surface for FEA elements, using a mesh of triangles. More...
class  ChContactSurfaceNodeCloud
 Class which defines a contact surface for FEA elements. More...
class  ChContactSurfaceSegmentSet
 Class which defines a contact surface for FEA elements. More...
class  ChContactTriangleXYZ
 Contact element of triangular type. More...
class  ChContactTriangleXYZRot
 Contact element of triangular type - version for triangles where the nodes are of ChNodeFEAxyzrot type. More...
class  ChContinuumDruckerPrager
 Class for the basic properties of elastoplastic materials of Drucker-Prager type, that are useful for simulating soils. More...
class  ChContinuumElastic
 Class for the basic properties of materials in an elastic continuum. More...
class  ChContinuumElastoplastic
 Class for all elastic materials that can undergo plastic flow. More...
class  ChContinuumElectrostatics
 Class for material for FEA electrostatic problems. More...
class  ChContinuumMaterial
 Base class for properties of materials in a continuum. More...
class  ChContinuumPlasticVonMises
 Class for the basic properties of materials in an elastoplastic continuum, with strain yield limit based on Von Mises yield. More...
class  ChContinuumPoisson3D
 Class for the basic properties of scalar fields P in 3D FEM problems that can be described by Laplace PDEs of type rho dP/dt + div [C] grad P = 0. More...
class  ChContinuumThermal
 Class for thermal fields, for FEA problems involving temperature, heat, etc. More...
class  ChDampingCosserat
 Base interface for structural damping of beam sections of Cosserat type, where xyz force "n" and xyz torque "m" are a 6-dimensional function of generalized strain speeds, "e'" traction/shear speed and "k'" curvature speed, as: {n,m}=f({e',k'}) Children classes implement this function in different ways. More...
class  ChDampingCosseratLinear
 Simple linear lumped damping of beam sections of Cosserat type, {n,m}=f({e',k'}) where damping is proportional to speed of deformation/curvature via linear constants: More...
class  ChDampingCosseratRayleigh
 Simple Rayleigh damping of beam sections of Cosserat type, where damping is proportional to stiffness via a beta coefficient. More...
class  ChDampingKirchhoff
 Base interface for damping of thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff. More...
class  ChDampingKirchhoffRayleigh
 Simple Rayleight damping of a Kirchhoff shell layer, where damping is proportional to stiffness via a beta coefficient. More...
class  ChDampingReissner
 Base interface for damping of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner. More...
class  ChDampingReissnerRayleigh
 Simple Rayleight damping of a Reissner-mindlin shell, where damping is proportional to stiffness via a beta coefficient. More...
class  ChElasticityCosserat
 Base interface for elasticity of beam sections of Cosserat type, where xyz force "n" and xyz torque "m" are a 6-dimensional function of generalized strains, "e" traction/shear and "k" curvatures, as: {n,m}=f({e,k}) There are various children classes that implement this function in different ways. More...
class  ChElasticityCosseratAdvanced
 Advanced linear elasticity for a Cosserat beam. More...
class  ChElasticityCosseratAdvancedGeneric
 Advanced linear elasticity for a Cosserat section, not assuming homogeneous elasticity. More...
class  ChElasticityCosseratAdvancedGenericFPM
 A Cosserat section which allows to input the material fully-populated stiffness matrix(FPM) of cross-section directly. More...
class  ChElasticityCosseratGeneric
 Generic linear elasticity for a Cosserat beam using directly a 6x6 matrix [E] as user-input data. More...
class  ChElasticityCosseratMesh
 Elasticity for a beam section in 3D, where the section is defined by a mesh of triangles. More...
class  ChElasticityCosseratSimple
 Simple linear elasticity model for a Cosserat beam, using basic material properties (zz and yy moments of inertia, area, Young modulus, etc.). More...
class  ChElasticityKirchhoff
 Base interface for elasticity of thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff. More...
class  ChElasticityKirchhoffGeneric
 Generic linear elasticity for thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff. More...
class  ChElasticityKirchhoffIsothropic
 Isothropic elasticity for thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff. More...
class  ChElasticityKirchhoffOrthotropic
 Orthotropic elasticity for thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff. More...
class  ChElasticityReissner
 Base interface for elasticity of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner. More...
class  ChElasticityReissnerGeneric
 Generic linear elasticity for 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner. More...
class  ChElasticityReissnerIsothropic
 Elasticity of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner. More...
class  ChElasticityReissnerOrthotropic
 Elasticity of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner. More...
class  ChElementANCF
 Base class for ANCF elements. More...
class  ChElementBar
 Simple finite element with two nodes and a bar that connects them. More...
class  ChElementBase
 Base class for all finite elements, that can be used in the ChMesh physics item. More...
class  ChElementBeam
 Base class for most structural elements of 'beam' type. More...
class  ChElementBeamANCF_3243
 ANCF beam element with two nodes. More...
class  ChElementBeamANCF_3333
 ANCF beam element with three nodes. More...
class  ChElementBeamEuler
 Simple beam element with two nodes and Euler-Bernoulli formulation. More...
class  ChElementBeamIGA
 Isogeometric formulation (IGA) of a Cosserat rod, with large displacements, based on the Geometrically Exact Beam Theory. More...
class  ChElementBeamTaperedTimoshenko
 Classical Timoshenko beam element with two nodes, and tapered sections. More...
class  ChElementBeamTaperedTimoshenkoFPM
 For composite beams such as wind turbine blades and helicopter rotor blades, the cross-sectional stiffness properties in axial, shear, bending and torsion directions are coupled with each other, hence the fully-populated matrix(FPM) of cross-sectional stiffness properties is used to describe this complex coupling. More...
class  ChElementCableANCF
 Simple beam element with two nodes and ANCF gradient-deficient formulation. More...
class  ChElementCorotational
 Class for corotational elements (elements with rotation matrices that follow the global motion of the element). More...
class  ChElementGeneric
 Class for all elements whose stiffness matrix can be seen as an NxN block-matrix split among N nodes. More...
class  ChElementHexaANCF_3813
 Hexahedronal solid element with 8 nodes (with EAS). More...
class  ChElementHexaANCF_3813_9
 Hexahedronal solid element with 8 nodes and a central curvature node. More...
class  ChElementHexaANCF_3843
 ANCF brick element with eight nodes. More...
class  ChElementHexaCorot_20
 Class for FEA elements of hexahedron type (isoparametric 3D bricks) with 20 nodes. More...
class  ChElementHexaCorot_8
 Class for FEA elements of hexahedron type (isoparametric 3D bricks) with 8 nodes. More...
class  ChElementHexahedron
 Base class for a FEA element with hexahedral shape. More...
class  ChElementShell
 Base class for most structural elements of 'shell' type. More...
class  ChElementShellANCF_3423
 ANCF laminated shell element with four nodes. More...
class  ChElementShellANCF_3443
 ANCF shell element with four nodes. More...
class  ChElementShellANCF_3833
 ANCF shell element with four nodes. More...
class  ChElementShellBST
 A Kirchhoff-Love thin shell element of triangular shape. More...
class  ChElementShellReissner4
 Laminated thick shell with geometrically exact kinematics, with 4 nodes. More...
class  ChElementSpring
 Simple finite element with two nodes and a spring/damper between the two nodes. More...
class  ChElementTetraCorot_10
 Tetrahedron FEA element with 10 nodes. More...
class  ChElementTetraCorot_4
 Tetrahedron FEA element with 4 nodes. More...
class  ChElementTetraCorot_4_P
 Tetrahedron FEM element with 4 nodes for scalar fields (for Poisson-like problems). More...
class  ChElementTetrahedron
 Base class for a FEA element with tetrahedral shape. More...
class  ChExtruderBeamEuler
 Class for an object that continuously extrude a beam (composed of ChElementBeamEuler elements) with prescribed velocity. More...
class  ChExtruderBeamIGA
 Class for an object that continuously extrude a beam (composed of ChElementBeamIGA elements) with prescribed velocity. More...
class  ChGaussIntegrationRule
 Class for the management of the Gauss Quadrature in 1D, 2D or 3D space. More...
class  ChGaussPoint
 Class for a Gauss point, that has a position (1D-3D) and a weight. More...
class  ChHexahedronFace
 Face of a hexahedron-shaped element. More...
class  ChInertiaCosserat
 Base class for inertial properties (mass, moment of inertia) of beam sections of Cosserat type. More...
class  ChInertiaCosseratAdvanced
 Inertia properties of a beam of Cosserat type, not necessarily of uniform density, from the following information that allows the center of mass to be offset respect to the beam centerline: More...
class  ChInertiaCosseratMassref
 Inertia properties of a beam of Cosserat type, not necessarily of uniform density, from the following information that allows the center of mass to be offset respect to the beam centerline: More...
class  ChInertiaCosseratSimple
 Inertia properties of a beam of Cosserat type, defined from an uniform density [kg/m^3], and the following geometric information: More...
class  ChInternalDataLumpedCosserat
 Internal variables for basic lumped plasticity in Cosserat beams. More...
class  ChLinkBeamIGAFrame
 Constraint that allows an IGA beam to slide relative to a ChBodyFrame. More...
class  ChLinkNodeFace
 Constraint between an xyz FEA node (point) and a triangular face given by three xyz FEA nodes The triangular face element is assumed to have linear shape function (e.g., the face of a tetrahedron or a triangular shell). More...
class  ChLinkNodeFaceRot
 Constraint between an xyz FEA node (point) and a triangular face given by three xyzrot FEA nodes. More...
class  ChLinkNodeFrame
 Constraint between an FEA node of ChNodeFEAxyz type and a ChBodyFrame (frame) object. More...
class  ChLinkNodeFrameGeneric
 Constraint between an FEA node of ChNodeFEAxyz type and a ChBodyFrame (frame) object. More...
class  ChLinkNodeNode
 Constraint between two xyz FEA nodes (points). More...
class  ChLinkNodeSlopeFrame
 Constraint between the direction of a FEA node of ChNodeFEAxyzD class, and a ChBodyFrame (frame). More...
class  ChLoadBeamWrench
 Atomic wrench (ready to use load) Load for a wrench (force+torque) at a specific position of a beam. More...
class  ChLoadBeamWrenchDistributed
 Distributed constant wrench (ready to use load) Load for a wrench (force+torque) at a specific position of a beam. More...
class  ChLoadContactSurfaceMesh
 Class for applying loads to a contact mesh as a cluster of forces on the nodes of the underlying finite elements. More...
class  ChLoaderBeamWrench
 Atomic wrench. More...
class  ChLoaderBeamWrenchDistributed
 Distributed constant wrench. More...
class  ChLoadNodeXYZRot
 Base class for loads representing a concentrated wrench (force + torque) acting on a ChNodeFEAxyzrot. More...
class  ChLoadNodeXYZRotBody
 Base class for loads representing a concentrated wrench (force & torque) acting between a ChNodeFEAxyzrot and a ChBody The force & torque is applied between two local references attached to the two nodes, loc_application_A and loc_application_B, not necessarily centered in the respective nodes. More...
class  ChLoadNodeXYZRotBodyBushingGeneric
 Load for a visco-elastic translational/rotational bushing acting between a ChNodeFEAxyzrot and a ChBody. More...
class  ChLoadNodeXYZRotBodyBushingMate
 Load for a visco-elastic translational/rotational bushing acting between a ChNodeFEAxyzrot and a ChBody. More...
class  ChLoadNodeXYZRotBodyBushingPlastic
 Load for a visco-elasto-plastic bushing acting between a ChNodeFEAxyzrot and a ChBody. More...
class  ChLoadNodeXYZRotBodyBushingSpherical
 Load for a visco-elastic bushing acting between a ChNodeFEAxyzrot and a ChBody. More...
class  ChLoadNodeXYZRotForceAbs
 Load representing a concentrated force acting on a ChNodeFEAxyzrot. More...
class  ChLoadNodeXYZRotNodeXYZRot
 Base class for loads representing a concentrated wrench (force & torque) acting between two ChNodeFEAxyzrot. More...
class  ChLoadNodeXYZRotNodeXYZRotBushingGeneric
 Load for a visco-elastic translational/rotational bushing acting between two bodies. More...
class  ChLoadNodeXYZRotNodeXYZRotBushingMate
 Load for a visco-elastic translational/rotational bushing acting between two ChNodeFEAxyzrot nodes. More...
class  ChLoadNodeXYZRotNodeXYZRotBushingPlastic
 Load for a visco-elasto-plastic bushing acting between two ChNodeFEAxyzrot. More...
class  ChLoadNodeXYZRotNodeXYZRotBushingSpherical
 Load for a visco-elastic bushing acting between two bodies. More...
class  ChMaterialBeamANCF
 Definition of materials to be used for ANCF beams utilizing the Enhanced Continuum Mechanics based method. More...
class  ChMaterialHexaANCF
 Definition of materials to be used for ANCF brick elements. More...
class  ChMaterialShellANCF
 Definition of materials to be used for ANCF shells. More...
class  ChMaterialShellKirchhoff
 Material for a single layer of a thin shell (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, i.e. More...
class  ChMaterialShellReissner
 Material for a single layer of a 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al). More...
class  ChMaterialShellReissnerIsothropic
 For backward compatibility only! New approach: create a ChElasticityReissnerOrthotropic and create a ChMaterialShellReissner by passing the elasticity as a parameter. More...
class  ChMaterialShellReissnerOrthotropic
 For backward compatibility only! New approach: create a ChElasticityReissnerOrthotropic and create a ChMaterialShellReissner by passing the elasticity as a parameter. More...
class  ChMatrixCorotation
 Perform a corotation (warping) of a K matrix by pre- or post- multiplying it with a C matrix that has 3x3 rotation matrices R as diagonal blocks, so that C*K means: More...
class  ChMesh
 Class which defines a mesh of finite elements of class ChElementBase using nodes of class ChNodeFEAbase. More...
class  ChMeshExporter
 Collection of mesh file writer utilities. More...
class  ChMeshFileLoader
 Collection of mesh file loader utilities. More...
class  ChMeshSurface
 Class which defines a surface for a mesh FEA elements. More...
class  ChNodeFEAbase
 Base class for a generic finite element node that can be stored in ChMesh containers. More...
class  ChNodeFEAcurv
 Generic finite element node with 9 degrees of freedom representing curvature. More...
class  ChNodeFEAxyz
 Class for a generic 3D finite element node, with x,y,z displacement. More...
class  ChNodeFEAxyzD
 Class for a generic 3D finite element node, with x,y,z displacement and a direction. More...
class  ChNodeFEAxyzDD
 Class for a generic 3D finite element node, with x,y,z displacement and 2 position vector derivatives. More...
class  ChNodeFEAxyzDDD
 Class for a generic 3D finite element node, with x,y,z displacement, and 3 position vector derivatives. More...
class  ChNodeFEAxyzP
 Class for a generic finite element node in 3D space, with scalar field P. More...
class  ChNodeFEAxyzrot
 Class for a generic ED finite element node, with x,y,z displacement and a 3D rotation. More...
class  ChPlasticityCosserat
 Base class for plasticity of beam sections of Cosserat type. More...
class  ChPlasticityCosseratLumped
 Lumped plasticity of Cosserat-type beams. More...
class  ChPlasticityKirchhoff
 Base interface for plasticity of thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff. More...
class  ChPlasticityReissner
 Base interface for plasticity of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner. More...
class  ChPolarDecomposition
 Perform a polar decomposition of a 3x3 P matrix in order to retrieve the orthogonal Q and the symmetric S form, as P=Q*S. More...
class  ChShellKirchhoffInternalData
 Base class for internal variables of Kirchhoff thin shells materials. More...
class  ChShellReissnerInternalData
 Base class for internal variables of Reissner shells materials. More...
class  ChTetrahedronFace
 Face of a tetrahedron-shaped element. More...
class  ChTriangleNodesXYZ
 Utility class for using the ChLinkNodeFace constraint. More...
class  ChTriangleNodesXYZrot
 Utility class for using the ChLinkNodeFaceRot constraint. More...
struct  DampingCoefficients
 This damping model supports you to assign different Rayleigh damping coefficients for different dimensions, which would be helpful for those anisotropic material, such as wind turbine blade. More...
class  PolarDecomposition
 Polar decomposition of a general 3x3 matrix. More...


using ChInertiaCosseratUniformDensity = ChInertiaCosseratSimple
using ChBeamSectionBasic = ChBeamSectionEulerSimple
using ChBeamSectionAdvanced = ChBeamSectionEulerAdvanced
using EigenMat5x1 = Eigen::Matrix< double, 5, 1 >
using EigenMat5x5 = Eigen::Matrix< double, 5, 5 >
typedef double(* LI_Type) (const double xi[2])
typedef double(* LI_J_Type) (const double xi[2])


int mysgn (double val)
template<int N>
bool LU_factor (ChMatrixNM< double, N, N > &A, ChMatrixNM< int, N, 1 > &INDX, bool &pivoting)
 In-place LU factorization. More...
template<int N>
void LU_solve (const ChMatrixNM< double, N, N > &A, const ChMatrixNM< int, N, 1 > &INDX, ChMatrixNM< double, N, 1 > &B)
 LU linear system solution (back substitution) More...


auto GetAverageValue = [](const double mv1, const double mv2) { return (mv1 + mv2) / 2.0; }
auto GetAverageValue3
auto GetAverageValue5
ChQuadratureTables static_tables_3243 (1, CH_QUADRATURE_STATIC_TABLES)
ChQuadratureTables static_tables_3333 (1, CH_QUADRATURE_STATIC_TABLES)
ChQuadratureTables static_tables_3843 (1, CH_QUADRATURE_STATIC_TABLES)
ChQuadratureTables static_tables_3443 (1, CH_QUADRATURE_STATIC_TABLES)
ChQuadratureTables static_tables_3833 (1, CH_QUADRATURE_STATIC_TABLES)

Variable Documentation

◆ GetAverageValue3

auto chrono::fea::GetAverageValue3
Initial value:
= [](const double mv1, const double mv2) {
if (mv1 * mv2 < 0.) {
return GetAverageValue(mv1, mv2);
return (mv1 + std::sqrt(mv1 * mv2) + mv2) * CH_1_3;

◆ GetAverageValue5

auto chrono::fea::GetAverageValue5
Initial value:
= [](const double mv1, const double mv2) {
if (mv1 * mv2 < 0.) {
return GetAverageValue(mv1, mv2);
return (mv1 + std::pow(mv1 * mv1 * mv1 * mv2, 0.25) + std::sqrt(mv1 * mv2) +
std::pow(mv1 * mv2 * mv2 * mv2, 0.25) + mv2) /