A Kirchhoff-Love thin shell element of triangular shape.
This is based on the BST Basic Shell Triangle idea of Onate et al., where 3 purely translational nodes are used for the triangle itself, and 3 other purely translational nodes are used from the neighbouring triangles to infer curvature.
The node numbering is as in the following scheme, where 0-1-2 are the nodes of the triangle, and 3-4-5 are the nodes from neighbouring elements in the mesh:
2 4 o----o---o 3 \ |\ | \ | \ | \ | | 0 o---o 1 \ | \ | | o 5
#include <ChElementShellBST.h>

Classes | |
class | Layer |
Definition of a layer. More... | |
Public Types | |
using | ShapeVector = ChMatrixNM< double, 1, 3 > |
Public Member Functions | |
void | SetNodes (std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > node0, std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > node1, std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > node2, std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > node3, std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > node4, std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > node5) |
Specify the nodes of this element. More... | |
virtual unsigned int | GetNumNodes () override |
Get the number of nodes used by this element, not considering those marked with "nullptr" ex. if at boundary. | |
virtual unsigned int | GetNumCoordsPosLevel () override |
Get the number of coordinates in the field used by the referenced nodes. | |
virtual unsigned int | GetNodeNumCoordsPosLevel (unsigned int n) override |
Get the number of coordinates from the n-th node used by this element. | |
virtual std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAbase > | GetNode (unsigned int n) override |
Access the n-th node of this element, not considering those marked with "nullptr" ex. if at boundary n=0..5. | |
std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > | GetNodeMainTriangle (unsigned int n) const |
Get a handle to the n node of this element, among the three of the triangle part, n=0..2. | |
std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > | GetNodeNeighbour (unsigned int n) const |
Get a handle to the n node from the three of the neighbouring triangles, n=0..2. Even if nullptr. | |
void | SetAsNeutral () |
Sets the neutral rotations of nodes at once, assuming the current element position is for zero strain. | |
void | AddLayer (double thickness, double theta, std::shared_ptr< ChMaterialShellKirchhoff > material) |
Add a layer. More... | |
void | SetLayerZreferenceCentered () |
Impose the reference z level of shell element as centered along the total thickness. More... | |
void | SetLayerZreference (double z_from_bottom) |
Impose the reference z level of shell element respect to the lower face of bottom layer Note! Use after you added all layers. | |
size_t | GetNumLayers () const |
Get the number of layers. | |
const Layer & | GetLayer (size_t i) const |
Get a handle to the specified layer. | |
double | GetThickness () |
Get the total thickness of the shell element (might be sum of multiple layer thicknesses) | |
void | ShapeFunctions (ShapeVector &N, const double u, const double v) |
Fills the N shape function matrix, evaluated in "natural" triangle coordinates U and V. | |
void | ShapeFunctionsDerivativeU (ShapeVector &Nu, const double u, const double v) |
Fills the Nu shape function derivative matrix with respect to U. Note, may remove u,v parms cause constant. | |
void | ShapeFunctionsDerivativeV (ShapeVector &Nv, const double u, const double v) |
Fills the Nv shape function derivative matrix with respect to V. Note, may remove u,v parms cause constant. | |
void | ShapeFunctionsDerivativeX (ShapeVector &Nx, const ChMatrixNM< double, 2, 2 > &Jux, const double u, const double v) |
Fills the Nx shape function derivative matrix with respect to X local element direction. More... | |
void | ShapeFunctionsDerivativeY (ShapeVector &Ny, const ChMatrixNM< double, 2, 2 > &Jux, const double u, const double v) |
Fills the Ny shape function derivative matrix with respect to Y local element direction. More... | |
virtual void | GetStateBlock (ChVectorDynamic<> &mD) override |
Fill the D vector with the current field values at thenodes of the element, with proper ordering. More... | |
virtual void | ComputeKRMmatricesGlobal (ChMatrixRef H, double Kfactor, double Rfactor=0, double Mfactor=0) override |
Set H as the stiffness matrix K, scaled by Kfactor. More... | |
virtual void | ComputeInternalForces (ChVectorDynamic<> &Fi) override |
Computes the internal forces. More... | |
void | ComputeInternalForces_impl (ChVectorDynamic<> &Fi, ChState &state_x, ChStateDelta &state_w, bool used_for_differentiation=false) |
virtual void | Update () override |
Update the state of this element. | |
void | EleIntLoadLumpedMass_Md (ChVectorDynamic<> &Md, double &error, const double c) override |
Adds the lumped mass to a Md vector, representing a mass diagonal matrix. More... | |
virtual void | EvaluateSectionDisplacement (const double u, const double v, ChVector3d &u_displ, ChVector3d &u_rotaz) override |
Gets the xyz displacement of a point on the shell, and the rotation RxRyRz of section reference, at parametric coordinates 'u' and 'v'. More... | |
virtual void | EvaluateSectionFrame (const double u, const double v, ChVector3d &point, ChQuaternion<> &rot) override |
Gets the absolute xyz position of a point on the shell, and the absolute rotation of section reference, at parametric coordinates 'u' and 'v'. More... | |
virtual void | EvaluateSectionPoint (const double u, const double v, ChVector3d &point) override |
Gets the absolute xyz position of a point on the shell, at parametric coordinates 'u' and 'v'. More... | |
virtual void | EvaluateSectionVelNorm (double U, double V, ChVector3d &Result) override |
Virtual method to plot velocity field distribution. More... | |
virtual bool | IsTriangleShell () override |
Return false if quadrilateral shell - hence u,v parametric coordinates assumed in -1..+1, return true if triangular shell - hence u,v are triangle natural coordinates assumed in 0..+1. | |
void | ComputeInternalJacobians (double Kfactor, double Rfactor) |
Compute Jacobians of the internal forces. More... | |
virtual unsigned int | GetLoadableNumCoordsPosLevel () override |
Gets the number of DOFs affected by this element (position part). | |
virtual unsigned int | GetLoadableNumCoordsVelLevel () override |
Gets the number of DOFs affected by this element (velocity part). | |
virtual void | LoadableGetStateBlockPosLevel (int block_offset, ChState &mD) override |
Gets all the DOFs packed in a single vector (position part). | |
virtual void | LoadableGetStateBlockVelLevel (int block_offset, ChStateDelta &mD) override |
Gets all the DOFs packed in a single vector (velocity part). | |
virtual void | LoadableStateIncrement (const unsigned int off_x, ChState &x_new, const ChState &x, const unsigned int off_v, const ChStateDelta &Dv) override |
Increment all DOFs using a delta. | |
virtual unsigned int | GetNumFieldCoords () override |
Number of coordinates in the interpolated field, ex=3 for a tetrahedron finite element or a cable, = 1 for a thermal problem, etc. | |
virtual unsigned int | GetNumSubBlocks () override |
Get the number of DOFs sub-blocks. | |
virtual unsigned int | GetSubBlockOffset (unsigned int nblock) override |
Get the offset of the specified sub-block of DOFs in global vector. | |
virtual unsigned int | GetSubBlockSize (unsigned int nblock) override |
Get the size of the specified sub-block of DOFs in global vector. | |
virtual bool | IsSubBlockActive (unsigned int nblock) const override |
Check if the specified sub-block of DOFs is active. | |
virtual void | LoadableGetVariables (std::vector< ChVariables * > &mvars) override |
Get the pointers to the contained ChVariables, appending to the mvars vector. | |
virtual void | ComputeNF (const double U, const double V, ChVectorDynamic<> &Qi, double &detJ, const ChVectorDynamic<> &F, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_x, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_w) override |
Evaluate N'*F , where N is some type of shape function evaluated at U,V coordinates of the surface, each ranging in -1..+1 F is a load, N'*F is the resulting generalized load Returns also det[J] with J=[dx/du,..], that might be useful in gauss quadrature. More... | |
virtual void | ComputeNF (const double U, const double V, const double W, ChVectorDynamic<> &Qi, double &detJ, const ChVectorDynamic<> &F, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_x, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_w) override |
Evaluate N'*F , where N is some type of shape function evaluated at U,V,W coordinates of the volume, each ranging in -1..+1 F is a load, N'*F is the resulting generalized load Returns also det[J] with J=[dx/du,..], that might be useful in gauss quadrature. More... | |
virtual double | GetDensity () override |
This is needed so that it can be accessed by ChLoaderVolumeGravity. More... | |
virtual ChVector3d | ComputeNormal (const double U, const double V) override |
Gets the normal to the surface at the parametric coordinate U,V. More... | |
virtual bool | IsTriangleIntegrationNeeded () override |
If true, use quadrature over u,v in [0..1] range as triangle area coords (with z=1-u-v) otherwise use default quadrature over u,v in [-1..+1] as rectangular isoparametric coords. | |
virtual bool | IsTrianglePrismIntegrationNeeded () override |
If true, use quadrature over u,v in [0..1] range as triangle natural coords (with z=1-u-v), and use linear quadrature over w in [-1..+1], otherwise use default quadrature over u,v,w in [-1..+1] as box isoparametric coords. | |
![]() | |
ChKRMBlock & | Kstiffness () |
Access the proxy to stiffness, for sparse solver. | |
virtual void | EleIntLoadResidual_F (ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const double c) override |
Add the internal forces (pasted at global nodes offsets) into a global vector R, multiplied by a scaling factor c, as R += forces * c This default implementation is SLIGHTLY INEFFICIENT. | |
virtual void | EleIntLoadResidual_Mv (ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const ChVectorDynamic<> &w, const double c) override |
Add the product of element mass M by a vector w (pasted at global nodes offsets) into a global vector R, multiplied by a scaling factor c, as R += M * w * c This default implementation is VERY INEFFICIENT. | |
virtual void | EleIntLoadResidual_F_gravity (ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const ChVector3d &G_acc, const double c) override |
Add the contribution of gravity loads, multiplied by a scaling factor c, as: R += M * g * c This default implementation is VERY INEFFICIENT. More... | |
virtual void | ComputeGravityForces (ChVectorDynamic<> &Fg, const ChVector3d &G_acc) override |
Compute the gravitational forces. More... | |
virtual void | ComputeMmatrixGlobal (ChMatrixRef M) override |
Calculate the mass matrix, expressed in global reference. More... | |
virtual void | InjectKRMMatrices (ChSystemDescriptor &descriptor) override |
Register with the given system descriptor any ChKRMBlock objects associated with this item. | |
virtual void | LoadKRMMatrices (double Kfactor, double Rfactor, double Mfactor) override |
Compute and load current stiffnes (K), damping (R), and mass (M) matrices in encapsulated ChKRMBlock objects. More... | |
virtual void | VariablesFbLoadInternalForces (double factor=1.) override |
Add the internal forces, expressed as nodal forces, into the encapsulated ChVariables. | |
virtual void | VariablesFbIncrementMq () override |
Add M*q (internal masses multiplied current 'qb'). | |
![]() | |
virtual unsigned int | GetNumCoordsPosLevelActive () |
Get the actual number of active degrees of freedom. More... | |
virtual unsigned int | GetNodeNumCoordsPosLevelActive (unsigned int n) |
Get the actual number of active coordinates from the specified node that are used by this element. More... | |
virtual void | ComputeNodalMass () |
Compute element's nodal masses. | |
virtual void | EleDoIntegration () |
This is optionally implemented if there is some internal state that requires integration. | |
![]() | |
virtual bool | IsTetrahedronIntegrationNeeded () |
If true, use quadrature over u,v,w in [0..1] range as tetrahedron volumetric coords (with z=1-u-v-w) otherwise use default quadrature over u,v,w in [-1..+1] as box isoparametric coords. | |
Public Attributes | |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > > | m_nodes |
element nodes | |
std::vector< Layer > | m_layers |
element layers | |
std::vector< double > | m_layers_z |
layer separation z values (not scaled, default centered tot thickness) | |
double | tot_thickness |
total element thickness | |
ChMatrixNM< double, 2, 2 > | Jux |
jacobian [d{u,v}/d{x,y}], as inverse of [d{x,y}/d{u,v}] | |
double | area |
initial element triangle area | |
ChVector3d | l0 |
initial lengths | |
ChVector3d | cM [3] |
cM coefficients | |
ChVector3d | cI [3] |
cI coefficients | |
ChVector3d | rI |
rI coefficients = RIi/(RMi/RIi) = (1/hIi)/((1/hMi)(1/hIi)) | |
ChVector3d | phi0 |
initial edge bendings | |
ChVector3d | phi |
actual edge bendings (last computed) | |
ChVector3d | k0 |
initial curvature (not needed?) | |
ChVector3d | e0 |
initial strain | |
ChVector3d | k |
actual curvature (last computed) | |
ChVector3d | e |
actual strain (last computed) | |
ChVector3d | n |
actual stress, membrane (last computed) | |
ChVector3d | m |
actual stress, bending (last computed) | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
double | mass |
![]() | |
ChKRMBlock | Kmatr |
Member Function Documentation
◆ AddLayer()
void chrono::fea::ChElementShellBST::AddLayer | ( | double | thickness, |
double | theta, | ||
std::shared_ptr< ChMaterialShellKirchhoff > | material | ||
) |
Add a layer.
By default, when adding more than one layer, the reference z level of the shell element is centered along the total thickness.
- Parameters
thickness layer thickness theta fiber angle (radians) material layer material
◆ ComputeInternalForces()
overridevirtual |
Computes the internal forces.
(E.g. the actual position of nodes is not in relaxed reference position) and set values in the Fi vector.
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementBase.
◆ ComputeInternalForces_impl()
void chrono::fea::ChElementShellBST::ComputeInternalForces_impl | ( | ChVectorDynamic<> & | Fi, |
ChState & | state_x, | ||
ChStateDelta & | state_w, | ||
bool | used_for_differentiation = false |
) |
- Parameters
Fi vector of internal forces state_x state position to evaluate Fi state_w state speed to evaluate Fi used_for_differentiation true if called during finite-difference Jacobian approximation
◆ ComputeInternalJacobians()
void chrono::fea::ChElementShellBST::ComputeInternalJacobians | ( | double | Kfactor, |
double | Rfactor | ||
) |
Compute Jacobians of the internal forces.
This function calculates a linear combination of the stiffness (K) and damping (R) matrices, J = Kfactor * K + Rfactor * R for given coefficients Kfactor and Rfactor. This Jacobian will be further combined with the global mass matrix M and included in the global stiffness matrix H in the function ComputeKRMmatricesGlobal().
◆ ComputeKRMmatricesGlobal()
overridevirtual |
Set H as the stiffness matrix K, scaled by Kfactor.
Optionally, also superimposes global damping matrix R, scaled by Rfactor, and mass matrix M, scaled by Mfactor. Matrices are expressed in global reference. Corotational elements can take the local Kl & Rl matrices and rotate them.
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementBase.
◆ ComputeNF() [1/2]
overridevirtual |
Evaluate N'*F , where N is some type of shape function evaluated at U,V coordinates of the surface, each ranging in -1..+1 F is a load, N'*F is the resulting generalized load Returns also det[J] with J=[dx/du,..], that might be useful in gauss quadrature.
- Parameters
U parametric coordinate in surface V parametric coordinate in surface Qi Return result of Q = N'*F here detJ Return det[J] here F Input F vector, size is =n. field coords. state_x if != 0, update state (pos. part) to this, then evaluate Q state_w if != 0, update state (speed part) to this, then evaluate Q
Implements chrono::ChLoadableUV.
◆ ComputeNF() [2/2]
overridevirtual |
Evaluate N'*F , where N is some type of shape function evaluated at U,V,W coordinates of the volume, each ranging in -1..+1 F is a load, N'*F is the resulting generalized load Returns also det[J] with J=[dx/du,..], that might be useful in gauss quadrature.
- Parameters
U parametric coordinate in volume V parametric coordinate in volume W parametric coordinate in volume Qi Return result of N'*F here, maybe with offset block_offset detJ Return det[J] here F Input F vector, size is = n.field coords. state_x if != 0, update state (pos. part) to this, then evaluate Q state_w if != 0, update state (speed part) to this, then evaluate Q
Implements chrono::ChLoadableUVW.
◆ ComputeNormal()
overridevirtual |
Gets the normal to the surface at the parametric coordinate U,V.
Each coordinate ranging in -1..+1.
Implements chrono::ChLoadableUV.
◆ EleIntLoadLumpedMass_Md()
overridevirtual |
Adds the lumped mass to a Md vector, representing a mass diagonal matrix.
Used by lumped explicit integrators. If mass lumping is impossible or approximate, adds scalar error to "error" parameter. Md += c*diag(M) or Md += c*HRZ(M) or other lumping heuristics This default implementation is VERY INEFFICIENT.
Reimplemented from chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric.
◆ EvaluateSectionDisplacement()
overridevirtual |
Gets the xyz displacement of a point on the shell, and the rotation RxRyRz of section reference, at parametric coordinates 'u' and 'v'.
Note, u=-1..+1 , v= -1..+1 parametric coordinates, except if triangular shell, where u=0..+1, v=0..+1, natural triangle coords. Results are not corotated.
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementShell.
◆ EvaluateSectionFrame()
overridevirtual |
Gets the absolute xyz position of a point on the shell, and the absolute rotation of section reference, at parametric coordinates 'u' and 'v'.
Note, u=-1..+1 , v= -1..+1 parametric coordinates, except if triangular shell, where u=0..+1, v=0..+1, natural triangle coords. Results are corotated.
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementShell.
◆ EvaluateSectionPoint()
overridevirtual |
Gets the absolute xyz position of a point on the shell, at parametric coordinates 'u' and 'v'.
Note, u=-1..+1 , v= -1..+1 parametric coordinates, except if triangular shell, where u=0..+1, v=0..+1, natural triangle coords. Results are corotated.
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementShell.
◆ EvaluateSectionVelNorm()
overridevirtual |
Virtual method to plot velocity field distribution.
Note, u=-1..+1 , v= -1..+1 parametric coordinates, except if triangular shell, where u=0..+1, v=0..+1, natural triangle coords.
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementShell.
◆ GetDensity()
overridevirtual |
This is needed so that it can be accessed by ChLoaderVolumeGravity.
Density is mass per unit surface.
Implements chrono::ChLoadableUVW.
◆ GetStateBlock()
overridevirtual |
Fill the D vector with the current field values at thenodes of the element, with proper ordering.
If the D vector has not the size of this->GetNumCoordsPosLevel(), it will be resized. {x_a y_a z_a x_b y_b z_b ....}
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementBase.
◆ SetLayerZreferenceCentered()
void chrono::fea::ChElementShellBST::SetLayerZreferenceCentered | ( | ) |
Impose the reference z level of shell element as centered along the total thickness.
This is the default behavior each time you call AddLayer(); Note! Use after you added all layers.
◆ SetNodes()
void chrono::fea::ChElementShellBST::SetNodes | ( | std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > | node0, |
std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > | node1, | ||
std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > | node2, | ||
std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > | node3, | ||
std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > | node4, | ||
std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > | node5 | ||
) |
Specify the nodes of this element.
The node numbering is as in the following scheme, where 0-1-2 are the nodes of the triangle, and 3-4-5 are the nodes from neighbouring elements in the mesh: On the boundary, one or more of nodes 3,4,5 might be "nullptr".
2 4 o----o---o 3 \ |\ | \ | \ | \ | | 0 o---o 1 \ | \ | | o 5
◆ ShapeFunctionsDerivativeX()
void chrono::fea::ChElementShellBST::ShapeFunctionsDerivativeX | ( | ShapeVector & | Nx, |
const ChMatrixNM< double, 2, 2 > & | Jux, | ||
const double | u, | ||
const double | v | ||
) |
Fills the Nx shape function derivative matrix with respect to X local element direction.
The jacobian Jux = [d{u,v}/d{x,y}] must be provided, often from inverse of Jxu = [d{x,y}/d{u,v}], so that [Nx;Ny]=[Jux]*[Nu;Nv]. Note, may remove u,v parms cause constant
◆ ShapeFunctionsDerivativeY()
void chrono::fea::ChElementShellBST::ShapeFunctionsDerivativeY | ( | ShapeVector & | Ny, |
const ChMatrixNM< double, 2, 2 > & | Jux, | ||
const double | u, | ||
const double | v | ||
) |
Fills the Ny shape function derivative matrix with respect to Y local element direction.
The jacobian Jux = [d{u,v}/d{x,y}] must be provided, often from inverse of Jxu = [d{x,y}/d{u,v}], so that [Nx;Ny]=[Jux]*[Nu;Nv]. Note, may remove u,v parms cause constant
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/fea/ChElementShellBST.h
- /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/fea/ChElementShellBST.cpp