class | AIDriver |
| Driver. More...
class | ANCFTire |
| ANCF tire constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | AntirollBarRSD |
| RSD antirollbar model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | AutomaticTransmissionShafts |
| Shafts-based automatic transmission subsystem (specified through JSON file). More...
class | AutomaticTransmissionSimpleCVT |
| Automatic transmission model template based on a simple gear-shifting model (specified through JSON file). More...
class | AutomaticTransmissionSimpleMap |
| Automatic transmission model template based on a simple gear-shifting model (specified through JSON file). More...
class | Balancer |
| Balancer subchassis system constructed with data from file. More...
struct | BodyState |
| Structure to communicate a full body state. More...
class | BrakeShafts |
| Wheeled vehicle shafts-based brake model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | BrakeSimple |
| Vehicle simple brake model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | ChAdaptiveSpeedController |
| Data collection from the speed controller can be started (restarted) and suspended (stopped) as many times as desired. More...
class | ChAIDriver |
| Driver. More...
class | ChANCFTire |
| ANCF tire template. More...
class | ChAntirollBar |
| Base class for an anti-roll bar subsystem. More...
class | ChAntirollBarRSD |
| Template for an anti-roll subsystem using an RSD. More...
class | ChassisConnectorArticulated |
| Articulated chassis connector model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | ChassisConnectorFifthWheel |
| Fifth wheel chassis connector model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | ChassisConnectorHitch |
| Hitch chassis connector model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | ChassisConnectorTorsion |
| Torsion chassis connector model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | ChAutomaticTransmissionShafts |
| Template for an automatic transmission model using shaft elements. More...
class | ChAutomaticTransmissionSimpleMap |
| Template for an automatic transmission model based on a simple gear-shifting model. More...
class | ChAxle |
| Base class for a suspension subsystem. More...
class | ChBalancer |
| Template for a balancer subchassis system. More...
class | ChBrake |
| Base class for a brake subsystem. More...
class | ChBrakeShafts |
| Brake for wheeled vehicles modeled using a clutch between two shafts. More...
class | ChBrakeSimple |
| Template for a simple brake subsystem. More...
class | ChChassis |
| Base class for the chassis vehicle subsystem. More...
class | ChChassisConnector |
| Base class for a chassis connector subsystem. More...
class | ChChassisConnectorArticulated |
| Template for an articulation chassis connector. More...
class | ChChassisConnectorFifthWheel |
| Template for a fifth-wheel chassis connector. More...
class | ChChassisConnectorHitch |
| Template for a hitch chassis connector. This is a passive connector, modeled with a spherical joint. More...
class | ChChassisConnectorTorsion |
| Template for a torsion chassis connector. More...
class | ChChassisRear |
| Base class for a rear chassis vehicle subsystem. More...
class | ChClosedLoopDriver |
| Base class for closed-loop path-follower driver modesl. More...
class | ChDataDriver |
| Driver inputs from data file. More...
class | ChDeDionAxle |
| Base class for a DeDion solid axle suspension. More...
class | ChDeformableTire |
| Base class for a deformable tire model. More...
class | ChDistanceIdler |
| Base class for an idler subsystem with a fixed distance tensioner. More...
class | ChDoubleTrackWheel |
| Base class for a double track wheel (template definition). More...
class | ChDoubleWishbone |
| Base class for a double-A arm suspension modeled with bodies and constraints. More...
class | ChDoubleWishboneReduced |
| Base class for a double-A arm suspension modeled with distance constraints. More...
class | ChDriveline |
| Base class for a vehicle driveline subsystem. More...
class | ChDrivelineTV |
| Base class for a tracked vehicle driveline. More...
class | ChDrivelineWV |
| Base class for a wheeled vehicle driveline subsystem. More...
class | ChDriver |
| Base class for a vehicle driver system. More...
class | ChEngine |
| Base class for an engine subsystem. More...
class | ChEngineShafts |
| Template for an engine model using shaft elements. More...
class | ChEngineSimple |
| Template for simplified engine model. More...
class | ChEngineSimpleMap |
| Template for simple engine model based on speed-torque engine maps. More...
class | ChFEATire |
| Co-rotational FEA tire template. More...
class | ChFialaTire |
| Fiala based tire model. More...
class | ChForceElementTire |
| Base class for a force element (handling) tire model. More...
class | ChGenericWheeledSuspension |
| Base class for a generic wheeled vehicle suspension. More...
class | ChHendricksonPRIMAXX |
| Base class for a Hendrickson PRIMAXX EX suspension. More...
class | ChHumanDriver |
| Closed-loop path-follower and speed maintaining driver model. More...
class | ChIdler |
| Base class for an idler subsystem. More...
class | ChInteractiveDriver |
| Interactive driver for the a vehicle. More...
class | ChLeafspringAxle |
| Base class for a leaf-spring solid axle suspension. More...
class | ChMacPhersonStrut |
| Base class for a MacPherson strut modeled with bodies and constraints. More...
class | ChManualTransmissionShafts |
| Template for a manual transmission model using shaft elements. More...
class | ChMapData |
| Utility class for reading and setting an (x,y) map. More...
class | ChMultiLink |
| Base class for a multi-link suspension modeled with bodies and constraints. More...
class | ChPac02Tire |
| Pacjeka 02 tire model. More...
class | ChPac89Tire |
| Pacjeka 89 tire model. More...
class | ChPart |
| Base class for a vehicle subsystem. More...
class | ChPathFollowerACCDriver |
| Closed-loop path-follower driver model. More...
class | ChPathFollowerDriver |
| Path-following driver system using a default PID lateral steering controller. More...
class | ChPathFollowerDriverPP |
| Path-following driver system using a lateral steering controller as used on the Pure Pursuit AV. More...
class | ChPathFollowerDriverSR |
| Path-following driver system using a P-like lateral steering controller with variable path prediction. More...
class | ChPathFollowerDriverStanley |
| Path-following driver system using a lateral steering controller as used on the Stanley AV. More...
class | ChPathFollowerDriverXT |
| Path-following driver system using an extended PID lateral steering controller. More...
class | ChPathSteeringController |
| Path-following steering PID controller. More...
class | ChPathSteeringControllerPP |
| "Pure Pursuit" path-following controller This implementation is based on the CARLA Pure Pursuit controller: https://carla.org// https://thomasfermi.github.io/Algorithms-for-Automated-Driving/Control/PurePursuit.html Original algorithm documented at: https://www.ri.cmu.edu/pub_files/pub3/coulter_r_craig_1992_1/coulter_r_craig_1992_1.pdf More...
class | ChPathSteeringControllerSR |
| Path-following steering P-like controller with variable path prediction. More...
class | ChPathSteeringControllerStanley |
| "Stanley" path-following ontroller named after an autonomous vehicle called Stanley. More...
class | ChPathSteeringControllerXT |
| Path-following steering 3(2) channel PDT1/PT1 controller. More...
class | ChPitmanArm |
| Base class for a Pitman Arm steering subsystem. More...
class | ChPitmanArmShafts |
| Base class for a Pitman Arm steering subsystem with compliant steering column. More...
class | ChPowertrainAssembly |
| Defintion of a powertrain assembly system. More...
class | ChPushPipeAxle |
| Base class for a DeDion solid axle suspension. More...
class | ChRackPinion |
| Base class for a Rack-Pinion steering subsystem. More...
class | ChReissnerTire |
| Tire template for tires based on Reissner shells. More...
class | ChRigidChassis |
| Template for a rigid-body main chassis vehicle subsystem. More...
class | ChRigidChassisRear |
| Template for a rigid-body rear chassis vehicle subsystem. More...
class | ChRigidPanhardAxle |
| Base class for a solid Panhard axle suspension. More...
class | ChRigidPinnedAxle |
| Base class for a rigid suspension with a pinned axle. More...
class | ChRigidSuspension |
| Base class for a rigid suspension, i.e. More...
class | ChRigidTire |
| Rigid tire model. More...
class | ChRotaryArm |
| Base class for a Toe Bar steering subsystem. More...
class | ChRotationalDamperSuspension |
| Base class for a torsion-bar suspension system using a rotational damper (template definition). More...
class | ChSAELeafspringAxle |
| Base class for a leaf-spring solid axle suspension. More...
class | ChSemiTrailingArm |
| Base class for a semi-trailing arm suspension (non-steerable). More...
class | ChShaftsDriveline2WD |
| 2WD driveline model template based on ChShaft objects. More...
class | ChShaftsDriveline4WD |
| 4WD driveline model template based on ChShaft objects. More...
class | ChShaftsDriveline6WD |
| 4WD driveline model template based on ChShaft objects. More...
class | ChShaftsDriveline8WD |
| 4WD driveline model template based on ChShaft objects. More...
class | ChSimpleDriveline |
| Simple driveline model. More...
class | ChSimpleDrivelineXWD |
| Simple driveline model. More...
class | ChSimpleTrackDriveline |
| Simple driveline model for a tracked vehicle. More...
class | ChSingleTrackWheel |
| Base class for a single track wheel (template definition). More...
class | ChSingleWishbone |
| Base class for a double-A arm suspension modeled with bodies and constraints. More...
class | ChSolidAxle |
| Base class for a solid axle suspension modeled with bodies and constraints. More...
class | ChSolidBellcrankThreeLinkAxle |
| Base class for a coil-spring or air-spring solid axle suspension, typically combined with the rotary arm steering. More...
class | ChSolidThreeLinkAxle |
| Base class for a coil-spring or air-spring solid axle suspension. More...
class | ChSpeedController |
| Data collection from the speed controller can be started (restarted) and suspended (stopped) as many times as desired. More...
class | ChSpindle |
| Definition of a wheeled vehicle spindle. More...
class | ChSprocket |
| Base class for a tracked vehicle sprocket. More...
class | ChSprocketBand |
| Base class for a sprocket template with gear profile composed of circular arcs and a flat seat. More...
class | ChSprocketDoublePin |
| Base class for a sprocket template with gear profile composed of circular arcs and a flat seat. More...
class | ChSprocketSinglePin |
| Base class for a sprocket template with gear profile composed of circular arcs. More...
class | ChSteering |
| Base class for a steering subsystem. More...
class | ChSteeringController |
| Base class for all steering path-following PID controllers. More...
class | ChSubchassis |
| Base class for a sub-chassis system for wheeled vehicles. More...
class | ChSuspension |
| Base class for a suspension subsystem. More...
class | ChSuspensionTestRig |
| Base class for a suspension test rig. More...
class | ChSuspensionTestRigDataDriver |
| Driver inputs for a suspension test rig from data file. More...
class | ChSuspensionTestRigDriver |
| Base class for a suspension test rig driver system. More...
class | ChSuspensionTestRigInteractiveDriver |
| Interactive driver for a suspension test rig. More...
class | ChSuspensionTestRigPlatform |
| Definition of a suspension test rig using platforms to actuate the tires. More...
class | ChSuspensionTestRigPushrod |
| Definition of a suspension test rig with direct actuation on the spindle bodies. More...
class | ChSuspensionTestRigVisualSystemIRR |
| Customized Chrono::Irrlicht visualization system for suspension test rig simulation. More...
class | ChSuspensionTestRigVisualSystemVSG |
| Customized Chrono::VSG visualization system for suspension test rig simulation. More...
class | ChTerrain |
| Base class for a terrain system. More...
class | ChThreeLinkIRS |
| Base class for a 3-link independent rear suspension (non-steerable). More...
class | ChTire |
| Base class for a tire system. More...
class | ChTireTestRig |
| Definition of a single-tire test rig. More...
class | ChTMeasyTire |
| TMeasy handling tire model. More...
class | ChTMsimpleTire |
| TMsimple handling tire model. More...
class | ChToeBarDeDionAxle |
| Base class for a steerable leaf-spring solid axle suspension. More...
class | ChToeBarLeafspringAxle |
| Base class for a steerable leaf-spring solid axle suspension. More...
class | ChToeBarPushPipeAxle |
| Base class for a steerable leaf-spring solid axle suspension. More...
class | ChToeBarRigidPanhardAxle |
| Base class for a steerable solid Panhard axle suspension. More...
class | ChTrackAssembly |
| Definition of a track assembly. More...
class | ChTrackAssemblyBand |
| Definition of a continuous band track assembly. More...
class | ChTrackAssemblyBandANCF |
| Definition of a continuous band track assembly using an ANCFshell-based web A track assembly consists of a sprocket, an idler (with tensioner mechanism), a set of suspensions (road-wheel assemblies), and a collection of track shoes. More...
class | ChTrackAssemblyBandBushing |
| Definition of a continuous band track assembly using a bushing-based web A track assembly consists of a sprocket, an idler (with tensioner mechanism), a set of suspensions (road-wheel assemblies), and a collection of track shoes. More...
class | ChTrackAssemblyDoublePin |
| Definition of a double-pin track assembly. More...
class | ChTrackAssemblySegmented |
| Base class for segmented track assemblies. More...
class | ChTrackAssemblySinglePin |
| Definition of a single-pin track assembly. More...
class | ChTrackBrake |
| Base class for a tracked vehicle brake subsystem. More...
class | ChTrackBrakeShafts |
| Brake for tracked vehicles modeled using a clutch between two shafts. More...
class | ChTrackBrakeSimple |
| Simple brake created with constant torque opposing sprocket rotation. More...
class | ChTrackContactManager |
| Class for monitoring contacts of tracked vehicle subsystems. More...
class | ChTrackCustomContact |
| Callback interface for user-defined custom contact between road wheels and track shoes. More...
class | ChTrackDrivelineBDS |
| Track driveline model template based on ChShaft objects. More...
class | ChTrackedVehicle |
| Base class for chrono tracked vehicle systems. More...
class | ChTrackedVehicleVisualSystemIrrlicht |
| Customized Chrono Irrlicht visualization system for tracked vehicle simulation. More...
class | ChTrackedVehicleVisualSystemVSG |
| Customized Chrono::VSG visualization system for tracked vehicle simulation. More...
class | ChTrackShoe |
| Base class for a track shoe. More...
class | ChTrackShoeBand |
| Base class for continuous band track shoes using rigid treads. More...
class | ChTrackShoeBandANCF |
| Base class for a continuous band track shoe using an ANCFshell-based web. More...
class | ChTrackShoeBandBushing |
| Base class for a continuous band track shoe using a bushing-based web. More...
class | ChTrackShoeDoublePin |
| Base class for a double-pin track shoe (template definition). More...
class | ChTrackShoeSegmented |
| Base class for segmented track shoes. More...
class | ChTrackShoeSinglePin |
| Base class for a single-pin track shoe (template definition). More...
class | ChTrackSuspension |
| Base class for a tracked vehicle suspension subsystem. More...
class | ChTrackTestRig |
| Definition of a suspension test rig. More...
class | ChTrackTestRigDataDriver |
| Driver inputs for a track test rig from data file. More...
class | ChTrackTestRigDriver |
| Base class for a track test rig driver system. More...
class | ChTrackTestRigInteractiveDriver |
| Interactive driver for a track test rig. More...
class | ChTrackTestRigRoadDriver |
| Driver inputs for a track test rig based on road profile. More...
class | ChTrackTestRigVisualSystemIRR |
| Customized Chrono Irrlicht application for track test rig visualization. More...
class | ChTrackTestRigVisualSystemVSG |
| Customized Chrono::VSG visualization system for track test rig simulation. More...
class | ChTrackWheel |
| Base class for a track wheel subsystem. More...
class | ChTranslationalDamperSuspension |
| Base class for a torsion-bar suspension system using linear dampers (template definition). More...
class | ChTranslationalIdler |
| Base class for an idler subsystem with a translational tensioner. More...
class | ChTransmission |
| Base class for a transmission subsystem. More...
class | ChVehicle |
| Base class for chrono vehicle systems. More...
struct | ChVehicleBushingData |
| Stiffness and damping data for a vehicle bushing specification. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimBaseNode |
| Base class for a co-simulation node. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimCuriosityNode |
| Curiosity rover co-simulation node. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimDBPRig |
| Base class for a drawbar-pull rig mechanism. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimDBPRigImposedAngVel |
| Drawbar-pull rig mechanism with imposed angular velocity. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimDBPRigImposedSlip |
| Drawbar-pull rig mechanism with imposed slip. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimOtherNode |
| Definition of an additional MPI node not directly involved in co-simulation. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimRigNode |
| Mechanism for a single-wheel testing rig. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimTerrainNode |
| Base class for a terrain node. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeChrono |
| Base class for terrain nodes that use one of the Chrono terrain formulations. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeGranularGPU |
| Definition of the GPU granular terrain node (using Chrono::Gpu). More...
class | ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeGranularOMP |
| Definition of the OpenMP granular terrain node (using Chrono::Multicore). More...
class | ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeGranularSPH |
| Definition of the SPH continuum representation of granular terrain node (using Chrono::FSI). More...
class | ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeRigid |
| Definition of the rigid terrain node (using Chrono::Multicore). More...
class | ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeSCM |
| Definition of the SCM deformable terrain node. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimTireNode |
| Base class for all tire nodes. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimTireNodeBypass |
| Definition of the bypass tire node. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimTireNodeFlexible |
| Definition of the flexible tire node. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimTireNodeRigid |
| Definition of the rigid tire node. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimTrackedMBSNode |
| Base class for all MBS nodes with tracks. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimTrackedVehicleNode |
| Tracked vehicle co-simulation node. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimViperNode |
| Viper rover co-simulation node. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimWheeledMBSNode |
| Base class for all MBS nodes with wheels. More...
class | ChVehicleCosimWheeledVehicleNode |
| Wheeled vehicle co-simulation node. More...
class | ChVehicleJoint |
| Wrapper class for a joint in a vehicle system which can be either a kinematic joint or a bushing. More...
class | ChVehicleOutput |
| Base class for a vehicle output database. More...
class | ChVehicleOutputASCII |
| ASCII text vehicle output database. More...
class | ChVehicleOutputHDF5 |
| HDF5 vehicle output database. More...
class | ChVehicleVisualSystemIrrlicht |
| Customized Chrono Irrlicht visualization for vehicle simulations. More...
class | ChVehicleVisualSystemVSG |
| VSG-based Chrono run-time visualization system. More...
class | ChWheel |
| Base class for a vehicle wheel subsystem. More...
class | ChWheeledTrailer |
| Base class for chrono wheeled trailer systems. More...
class | ChWheeledVehicle |
| Base class for chrono wheeled vehicle systems. More...
class | ChWheeledVehicleVisualSystemIrrlicht |
| Customized Chrono Irrlicht visualization system for wheeled vehicle simulation. More...
class | ChWheeledVehicleVisualSystemVSG |
| Customized Chrono::VSG visualization system for wheeled vehicle simulation. More...
class | ChWorldFrame |
| Definition of the world frame for Chrono::Vehicle simulations. More...
class | CRGTerrain |
| Concrete class for a (rigid) road loaded from an OpenCRG file. More...
class | CRMTerrain |
| Continuum representation (CRM) deformable terrain model using SPH. More...
class | DeDionAxle |
| Leaf-spring solid axle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | DegressiveDamperForce |
| Utility class for specifying a degressive translational damper force. More...
class | DistanceIdler |
| Distance idler model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | DoubleTrackWheel |
| Double track-wheel model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | DoubleWishbone |
| Double-A arm suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | DoubleWishboneReduced |
| Reduced double-A arm suspension constructed with data from file. More...
struct | DriverInputs |
| Driver (vehicle control) inputs. More...
class | EngineShafts |
| Shafts-based engine subsystem (specified through JSON file). More...
class | EngineSimple |
| Simple engine subsystem (specified through JSON file). More...
class | EngineSimpleMap |
| Simple speed-torque engine map subsystem (specified through JSON file). More...
class | FEATerrain |
| FEA Deformable terrain model. More...
class | FEATire |
| Co-rotational FEA tire constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | FialaTire |
| Fiala tire constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | FlatTerrain |
| Concrete class for a flat horizontal terrain. More...
class | GenericWheeledSuspension |
| Generic wheeled vehicle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | GranularTerrain |
| Granular terrain model. More...
class | HendricksonPRIMAXX |
| Hendrickson PRIMAXX suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | LeafspringAxle |
| Leaf-spring solid axle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | LinearDamperForce |
| Utility class for specifying a linear translational damper force. More...
class | LinearDamperTorque |
| Utility class for specifying a linear rotational damper torque. More...
class | LinearSpringDamperForce |
| Utility class for specifying a linear translational spring-damper force with pre-tension. More...
class | LinearSpringDamperTorque |
| Utility class for specifying a linear rotational spring-damper torque. More...
class | LinearSpringForce |
| Utility class for specifying a linear translational spring force with pre-tension. More...
class | LinearSpringTorque |
| Utility class for specifying a linear rotational spring torque. More...
class | MacPhersonStrut |
| MacPherson strut suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | ManualTransmissionShafts |
| Shafts-based automatic transmission subsystem (specified through JSON file). More...
class | MapSpringDamperForce |
| Utility class for specifying a general nonlinear translational spring-damper force with pre-tension. More...
class | MultiLink |
| Multi-link suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | NonlinearDamperForce |
| Utility class for specifying a nonlinear translational damper force. More...
class | NonlinearDamperTorque |
| Utility class for specifying a nonlinear rotational damper torque. More...
class | NonlinearSpringDamperForce |
| Utility class for specifying a nonlinear translational spring-damper force with pre-tension. More...
class | NonlinearSpringDamperTorque |
| Utility class for specifying a nonlinear rotational spring-damper torque. More...
class | NonlinearSpringForce |
| Utility class for specifying a nonlinear translational spring force with pre-tension. More...
class | NonlinearSpringTorque |
| Utility class for specifying a nonlinear rotational spring torque. More...
class | ObsModTerrain |
| Concrete class for a flat horizontal terrain. More...
class | Pac02Tire |
| PAC89 tire model from JSON file. More...
class | Pac89Tire |
| PAC89 tire model from JSON file. More...
class | PitmanArm |
| Pitman arm steering model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | PushPipeAxle |
| Leaf-spring solid axle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | RackPinion |
| Rack-pinion steering model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | RandomSurfaceTerrain |
| Terrain object representing an uneven area with controlled roughness. More...
class | ReissnerTire |
| Tire with Reissner shells, constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | RigidChassis |
| Vehicle rigid chassis model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | RigidChassisRear |
| Vehicle rigid rear chassis model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | RigidPanhardAxle |
| Solid Panhard axle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | RigidPinnedAxle |
| Rigid suspension with pinned axle constructed with data from file. More...
class | RigidSuspension |
| Rigid suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | RigidTerrain |
| Rigid terrain model. More...
class | RigidTire |
| Rigid tire constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | RotaryArm |
| RotaryArm-pinion steering model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | RotationalDamperSuspension |
| Torsion-bar suspension system using linear dampers constructed with data from file (JSON format) More...
class | SAELeafspringAxle |
| Leaf-spring solid axle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | SAEToeBarLeafspringAxle |
| Steerable leaf-spring solid axle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | SCMContactableData |
| Parameters for soil-contactable interaction. More...
class | SCMLoader |
| Underlying implementation of the Soil Contact Model. More...
class | SCMTerrain |
| Deformable terrain model. More...
class | SemiTrailingArm |
| Semi-trailing arm suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | ShaftsDriveline2WD |
| 2WD driveline model template based on ChShaft objects using data from file (JSON format). More...
class | ShaftsDriveline4WD |
| 4WD driveline model template based on ChShaft objects using data from file (JSON format). More...
class | SimpleDriveline |
| Simple driveline model template using data from file (JSON format). More...
class | SimpleDrivelineXWD |
| Simple driveline model template using data from file (JSON format). More...
class | SimpleTrackDriveline |
| Simple tracked vehicle driveline model template using data from file (JSON format). More...
class | SingleTrackWheel |
| Single track-wheel model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | SingleWishbone |
| Single A-arm suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | SolidAxle |
| Solid axle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | SolidBellcrankThreeLinkAxle |
| solid axle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | SolidThreeLinkAxle |
| Leaf-spring solid axle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | SpringForce |
| Base class for linear and nonlinear translational spring forces. More...
class | SprocketBand |
| Tracked vehicle continuous-band sprocket model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | SprocketDoublePin |
| Tracked vehicle double-pin sprocket model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | SprocketSinglePin |
| Tracked vehicle single-pin sprocket model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
struct | TerrainForce |
| Structure to communicate a set of generalized terrain contact forces (tire or track shoe). More...
class | ThreeLinkIRS |
| Three-link Independent Rear Suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | TMeasyTire |
| TMeasy tire constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | TMsimpleTire |
| TMeasy tire constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | ToeBarDeDionAxle |
| Steerable leaf-spring solid axle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | ToeBarLeafspringAxle |
| Steerable leaf-spring solid axle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | ToeBarPushPipeAxle |
| Steerable leaf-spring solid axle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | ToeBarRigidPanhardAxle |
| Steerable leaf-spring solid axle suspension constructed with data from file. More...
class | TrackAssemblyBandANCF |
| Band-ANCF track assembly model constructed from a JSON specification file. More...
class | TrackAssemblyBandBushing |
| Band-bushing track assembly model constructed from a JSON specification file. More...
class | TrackAssemblyDoublePin |
| Double-pin track assembly model constructed from a JSON specification file. More...
class | TrackAssemblySinglePin |
| Single-pin track assembly model constructed from a JSON specification file. More...
class | TrackBrakeShafts |
| Tracked vehicle shafts-based brake model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | TrackBrakeSimple |
| Tracked vehicle simple brake model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | TrackDrivelineBDS |
| BDS tracked vehicle driveline model template using data from file (JSON format). More...
class | TrackedVehicle |
| Tracked vehicle model constructed from a JSON specification file. More...
class | TrackShoeBandANCF |
| Band-ANCF track shoe with central guide constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | TrackShoeBandBushing |
| Band-bushing track shoe with central guide constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | TrackShoeDoublePin |
| Double-pin track shoe with central guide constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | TrackShoeSinglePin |
| Single-pin track shoe with central guide constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | TranslationalDamperSuspension |
| Torsion-bar suspension system using linear dampers constructed with data from file (JSON format) More...
class | TranslationalIdler |
| Translational idler model constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | Wheel |
| Vehicle wheel constructed with data from file (JSON format). More...
class | WheeledTrailer |
| Wheeled trailer model constructed from a JSON specification file. More...
class | WheeledVehicle |
| Wheeled vehicle model constructed from a JSON specification file. More...
struct | WheelState |
| Structure to communicate a full wheel body state. More...
rapidjson::Value | Vec2Val (const ChVector3d &vec, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType &allocator) |
rapidjson::Value | Quat2Val (const ChQuaternion<> &q, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType &allocator) |
rapidjson::Value | Frame2Val (const ChFrame<> &frame, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType &allocator) |
rapidjson::Value | Csys2Val (const ChCoordsys<> &csys, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType &allocator) |
rapidjson::Value | Mat2Val (const ChMatrixNM< double, 6, 6 > &mat, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType &allocator) |
rapidjson::Value | VisualModel2Val (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModel > model, rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType &allocator) |
void | SetDataPath (const std::string &path) |
| Set the path to the Chrono::Vehicle data directory (ATTENTION: not thread safe).
const std::string & | GetDataPath () |
| Get the current path to the Chrono::Vehicle data directory (thread safe).
std::string | GetDataFile (const std::string &filename) |
| Get the complete path to the specified filename (thread safe). More...
void | ShowHelp () |
std::string | format_number (int num, int precision) |
bool | calcBarycentricCoordinates (const ChVector3d &v1, const ChVector3d &v2, const ChVector3d &v3, const ChVector3d &v, double &a1, double &a2, double &a3) |
void | ReadFileJSON (const std::string &filename, Document &d) |
ChVector3d | ReadVectorJSON (const Value &a) |
ChQuaternion | ReadQuaternionJSON (const Value &a) |
ChCoordsys | ReadCoordinateSystemJSON (const Value &a) |
ChColor | ReadColorJSON (const Value &a) |
ChContactMaterialData | ReadMaterialInfoJSON (const rapidjson::Value &mat) |
std::shared_ptr< ChVehicleBushingData > | ReadBushingDataJSON (const rapidjson::Value &bd) |
ChVehicleJoint::Type | ReadVehicleJointTypeJSON (const Value &a) |
utils::ChBodyGeometry | ReadVehicleGeometryJSON (const rapidjson::Value &d) |
| Load and return a vehicle geometry structure from the specified JSON value. More...
CH_VEHICLE_API utils::ChTSDAGeometry | ReadTSDAGeometryJSON (const rapidjson::Value &d) |
| Load and return a TSDA geometry structure from the specified JSON value.
std::shared_ptr< ChLinkTSDA::ForceFunctor > | ReadTSDAFunctorJSON (const rapidjson::Value &tsda, double &free_length) |
std::shared_ptr< ChLinkRSDA::TorqueFunctor > | ReadRSDAFunctorJSON (const rapidjson::Value &rsda, double &free_angle) |
std::shared_ptr< ChChassis > | ReadChassisJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a chassis subsystem from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChChassisRear > | ReadChassisRearJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a rear chassis subsystem from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChChassisConnector > | ReadChassisConnectorJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a chassis connector subsystem from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChEngine > | ReadEngineJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return an engine subsystem from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChTransmission > | ReadTransmissionJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a transmission subsystem from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChSuspension > | ReadSuspensionJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a suspension subsystem from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChSteering > | ReadSteeringJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a steering subsystem from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChDrivelineWV > | ReadDrivelineWVJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a driveline subsystem from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChAntirollBar > | ReadAntirollbarJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a steering subsystem from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChWheel > | ReadWheelJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a steering subsystem from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChSubchassis > | ReadSubchassisJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a subchassis subsystem from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChBrake > | ReadBrakeJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a steering subsystem from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChTire > | ReadTireJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a tire from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChTrackAssembly > | ReadTrackAssemblyJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a track assembly from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChDrivelineTV > | ReadDrivelineTVJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a track driveline from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChTrackBrake > | ReadTrackBrakeJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a track brake from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChIdler > | ReadIdlerJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return an idler from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChTrackSuspension > | ReadTrackSuspensionJSON (const std::string &filename, bool has_shock, bool lock_arm) |
| Load and return a track suspension from the specified JSON file.
std::shared_ptr< ChTrackWheel > | ReadTrackWheelJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a road-wheel from the specified JSON file.
CH_VEHICLE_API void | ReadFileJSON (const std::string &filename, rapidjson::Document &d) |
| Load and return a RapidJSON document from the specified file. More...
CH_VEHICLE_API ChVector3d | ReadVectorJSON (const rapidjson::Value &a) |
| Load and return a ChVector3d from the specified JSON array.
CH_VEHICLE_API ChQuaternion | ReadQuaternionJSON (const rapidjson::Value &a) |
| Load and return a ChQuaternion from the specified JSON array.
CH_VEHICLE_API ChCoordsys | ReadCoordinateSystemJSON (const rapidjson::Value &a) |
| Load and return a coordinate system from the specific JSON value.
CH_VEHICLE_API ChColor | ReadColorJSON (const rapidjson::Value &a) |
| Load and return a ChColor from the specified JSON array.
CH_VEHICLE_API ChVehicleJoint::Type | ReadVehicleJointTypeJSON (const rapidjson::Value &a) |
| Load and return a vehicle joint type from the specific JSON value.
std::shared_ptr< ChBezierCurve > | StraightLinePath (const ChVector3d &start, const ChVector3d end, unsigned int num_intermediate=0) |
| Straight line path between the two specified end points. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChBezierCurve > | CirclePath (const ChVector3d &start, double radius, double run, bool left_turn=true, int num_turns=1) |
| Circular path with an initial straight-line run in the X direction. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChBezierCurve > | DoubleLaneChangePath (const ChVector3d &start, double ramp, double width, double length, double run, bool left_turn=true) |
| Double lane change path with initial and final runs in the X direction. More...
double | VolumeCyl (double r_outer, double r_inner, double cyl_height) |
double | InertiaRotCyl (double mass, double r_outer, double r_inner) |
double | InertiaTipCyl (double mass, double r_outer, double r_inner, double cyl_height) |
void | differentialSplitXWD (double torque, double max_bias, double speed_left, double speed_right, double &torque_left, double &torque_right) |
utils::ChBodyGeometry | TransformVehicleGeometry (const utils::ChBodyGeometry &geom, int side) |
utils::ChTSDAGeometry | TransformTSDAGeometry (const utils::ChTSDAGeometry &geom, int side) |
ChGenericWheeledSuspension::BodyIdentifier | ReadBodyIdentifierJSON (const Value &a) |
void | AttachNodeToShell (std::shared_ptr< ChMesh > m_mesh, std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyz > m_node) |