
Base class for segmented track shoes.

These are track shoes modeled with one or more rigid bodies connected through joints and/or bushings.

#include <ChTrackShoeSegmented.h>

Inheritance diagram for chrono::vehicle::ChTrackShoeSegmented:
Collaboration diagram for chrono::vehicle::ChTrackShoeSegmented:

Public Member Functions

std::shared_ptr< ChContactMaterialGetSprocketContactMaterial () const
 Get the contact material for the track shoe part interacting with the sprocket.
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChTrackShoe
virtual GuidePinType GetType () const =0
 Return the type of track shoe (guiding pin). More...
size_t GetIndex () const
 Get the index of this track shoe within its containing track assembly.
std::shared_ptr< ChBodyGetShoeBody () const
 Get the shoe body.
virtual ChVector3d GetTension () const =0
 Get track tension at this track shoe. More...
virtual double GetHeight () const =0
 Return the height of the track shoe.
virtual double GetPitch () const =0
 Return the pitch length of the track shoe. More...
virtual ChVector3d GetLateralContactPoint () const =0
 Return the location for lateral contact with the sprocket, expressed in the shoe reference frame. More...
virtual utils::ChBodyGeometry GetGroundContactGeometry () const
 Return contact geometry and material for interaction with terrain.
void EnableCollision (bool val)
 Turn on/off collision flag for the shoe body.
void SetIndex (size_t index)
 Set the index of this track shoe within its containing track assembly.
virtual void Connect (std::shared_ptr< ChTrackShoe > next, ChTrackAssembly *assembly, ChChassis *chassis, bool ccw)=0
 Connect this track shoe to the specified neighbor. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChPart
const std::string & GetName () const
 Get the name identifier for this subsystem.
void SetName (const std::string &name)
 Set the name identifier for this subsystem.
virtual std::string GetTemplateName () const =0
 Get the name of the vehicle subsystem template.
bool IsInitialized () const
 Return flag indicating whether or not the part is fully constructed.
double GetMass () const
 Get the subsystem mass. More...
const ChFrameGetCOMFrame () const
 Get the current subsystem COM frame (relative to and expressed in the subsystem's reference frame). More...
const ChMatrix33GetInertia () const
 Get the current subsystem inertia (relative to the subsystem COM frame). More...
const ChFrameGetTransform () const
 Get the current subsystem position relative to the global frame. More...
void SetVisualizationType (VisualizationType vis)
 Set the visualization mode for this subsystem.
virtual void SetOutput (bool state)
 Enable/disable output for this subsystem.
bool OutputEnabled () const
 Return the output state for this subsystem.
virtual void ExportComponentList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument) const
 Export this subsystem's component list to the specified JSON object. More...
virtual void Output (ChVehicleOutput &database) const
 Output data for this subsystem's component list to the specified database.

Protected Member Functions

 ChTrackShoeSegmented (const std::string &name)
virtual void Initialize (std::shared_ptr< ChBodyAuxRef > chassis, const ChVector3d &location, const ChQuaternion<> &rotation) override
 Initialize this track shoe subsystem. More...
virtual void EnableTrackBendingStiffness (bool val)=0
 Activate or deactivate the RSDA elements used to model track bending stiffness.
virtual void AddVisualizationAssets (VisualizationType vis) override
 Add visualization assets for the track shoe subsystem.
virtual void RemoveVisualizationAssets () override
 Remove visualization assets for the track shoe subsystem.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChTrackShoe
 ChTrackShoe (const std::string &name)
 Construct a track shoe subsystem with given name.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChPart
 ChPart (const std::string &name)
 Construct a vehicle subsystem with the specified name.
virtual void InitializeInertiaProperties ()=0
 Initialize subsystem inertia properties. More...
virtual void UpdateInertiaProperties ()=0
 Update subsystem inertia properties. More...
void AddMass (double &mass)
 Add this subsystem's mass. More...
void AddInertiaProperties (ChVector3d &com, ChMatrix33<> &inertia)
 Add this subsystem's inertia properties. More...
virtual void Create (const rapidjson::Document &d)
 Create a vehicle subsystem from JSON data. More...
void ExportBodyList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChBody >> bodies) const
 Export the list of bodies to the specified JSON document.
void ExportShaftList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChShaft >> shafts) const
 Export the list of shafts to the specified JSON document.
void ExportJointList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChLink >> joints) const
 Export the list of joints to the specified JSON document.
void ExportCouplesList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChShaftsCouple >> couples) const
 Export the list of shaft couples to the specified JSON document.
void ExportMarkerList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChMarker >> markers) const
 Export the list of markers to the specified JSON document.
void ExportLinSpringList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChLinkTSDA >> springs) const
 Export the list of translational springs to the specified JSON document.
void ExportRotSpringList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChLinkRSDA >> springs) const
 Export the list of rotational springs to the specified JSON document.
void ExportBodyLoadList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChLoadBodyBody >> loads) const
 Export the list of body-body loads to the specified JSON document.

Protected Attributes

utils::ChBodyGeometry m_geometry
 collection of visualization and collision shapes
ChContactMaterialData m_shoe_sprk_minfo
 data for contact material for shoe shape contacting sprocket
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChTrackShoe
size_t m_index
 index of this track shoe within its containing track assembly
std::shared_ptr< ChBodym_shoe
 handle to the shoe body
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChPart
std::string m_name
 subsystem name
bool m_initialized
 specifies whether ot not the part is fully constructed
bool m_output
 specifies whether or not output is generated for this subsystem
std::shared_ptr< ChPartm_parent
 parent subsystem (empty if parent is vehicle)
double m_mass
 subsystem mass
ChMatrix33 m_inertia
 inertia tensor (relative to subsystem COM)
ChFrame m_com
 COM frame (relative to subsystem reference frame)
ChFrame m_xform
 subsystem frame expressed in the global frame


class ChTrackAssemblySegmented

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChPart
static ChMatrix33 TransformInertiaMatrix (const ChVector3d &moments, const ChVector3d &products, const ChMatrix33<> &vehicle_rot, const ChMatrix33<> &body_rot)
 Utility function for transforming inertia tensors between centroidal frames. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChPart
static void RemoveVisualizationAssets (std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item)
 Erase all visual shapes from the visual model associated with the specified physics item (if any).
static void RemoveVisualizationAsset (std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item, std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShape > shape)
 Erase the given shape from the visual model associated with the specified physics item (if any).

Member Function Documentation

◆ Initialize()

void chrono::vehicle::ChTrackShoeSegmented::Initialize ( std::shared_ptr< ChBodyAuxRef chassis,
const ChVector3d location,
const ChQuaternion<> &  rotation 

Initialize this track shoe subsystem.

[in]chassischassis body
[in]locationlocation relative to the chassis frame
[in]rotationorientation relative to the chassis frame

Reimplemented from chrono::vehicle::ChTrackShoe.

Reimplemented in chrono::vehicle::ChTrackShoeDoublePin, and chrono::vehicle::ChTrackShoeSinglePin.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_vehicle/tracked_vehicle/track_shoe/ChTrackShoeSegmented.h
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_vehicle/tracked_vehicle/track_shoe/ChTrackShoeSegmented.cpp