Tracked vehicles


Tracked vehicle subsystems.

Collaboration diagram for Tracked vehicles:


 Idler subsystem
 Suspension subsystem
 Roller subsystem
 Sprocket subsystem
 Brake subsystem
 Driveline subsystem
 Track-shoe subsystem
 Track test rig classes
 Utility classes


class  chrono::vehicle::ChTrackAssembly
 Definition of a track assembly. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChTrackContactManager
 Class for monitoring contacts of tracked vehicle subsystems. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChTrackCustomContact
 Callback interface for user-defined custom contact between road wheels and track shoes. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChTrackedVehicle
 Base class for chrono tracked vehicle systems. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChTrackTestRigVisualSystemIRR
 Customized Chrono Irrlicht application for track test rig visualization. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChTrackAssemblyBand
 Definition of a continuous band track assembly. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChTrackAssemblyBandANCF
 Definition of a continuous band track assembly using an ANCFshell-based web A track assembly consists of a sprocket, an idler (with tensioner mechanism), a set of suspensions (road-wheel assemblies), and a collection of track shoes. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChTrackAssemblyBandBushing
 Definition of a continuous band track assembly using a bushing-based web A track assembly consists of a sprocket, an idler (with tensioner mechanism), a set of suspensions (road-wheel assemblies), and a collection of track shoes. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChTrackAssemblyDoublePin
 Definition of a double-pin track assembly. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChTrackAssemblySegmented
 Base class for segmented track assemblies. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChTrackAssemblySinglePin
 Definition of a single-pin track assembly. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::TrackAssemblyBandANCF
 Band-ANCF track assembly model constructed from a JSON specification file. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::TrackAssemblyBandBushing
 Band-bushing track assembly model constructed from a JSON specification file. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::TrackAssemblyDoublePin
 Double-pin track assembly model constructed from a JSON specification file. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::TrackAssemblySinglePin
 Single-pin track assembly model constructed from a JSON specification file. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::TrackedVehicle
 Tracked vehicle model constructed from a JSON specification file. More...