chrono::ChMarker Class Reference


Markers are auxiliary reference frames attached to a rigid body and moving with the body.

Most often, markers are used as references to build ChLink() constraints between two rigid bodies. ChMarker also allows user-defined motion laws of the marker with respect to the parent body, e.g., to represent imposed trajectories.

#include <ChMarker.h>

Inheritance diagram for chrono::ChMarker:
Collaboration diagram for chrono::ChMarker:

Public Types

enum  MotionType { MotionType::FUNCTIONS, MotionType::KEYFRAMED, MotionType::EXTERNAL }

Public Member Functions

 ChMarker (const std::string &name, ChBody *body, const ChCoordsys<> &rel_csys, const ChCoordsys<> &rel_csys_dt, const ChCoordsys<> &rel_csys_dtdt)
 ChMarker (const ChMarker &other)
virtual ChMarkerClone () const override
 "Virtual" copy constructor (covariant return type).
ChBodyGetBody () const
 Gets a pointer to the associated rigid body.
void SetBody (ChBody *body)
 Sets the parent rigid body.
void ImposeRelativeTransform (const ChFrame<> &frame)
 Set body-relative marker frame and update auxiliary variables. More...
void ImposeAbsoluteTransform (const ChFrame<> &frame)
 Set absolute coordinate marker frame and update auxiliary variables. More...
const ChCoordsysdGetRestCoordsys () const
 Get the 'resting position'. More...
const ChFrameMoving< double > & GetAbsFrame () const
 Get reference to the inner 'absolute frame' auxiliary coordinates. More...
const ChCoordsysdGetAbsCoordsys () const
 Get the translation and rotation (as a ChCoordsysd) with respect to the absolute coordinates.
const ChCoordsysdGetAbsCoordsysDt () const
 Get the speed of translation and rotation (as a derived ChCoordsysd) with respect to the absolute coordinates.
const ChCoordsysdGetAbsCoordsysDt2 () const
 Get the acceleration of translation and rotation (as a derived ChCoordsysd) with respect to the absolute coordinates.
void SetAbsCoordsys (const ChCoordsysd &csys)
 Set the translation and rotation (as a ChCoordsysd) with respect to the absolute coordinates. More...
void SetAbsCoordsysDt (const ChCoordsysd &csys_dt)
 Set the speed of translation and rotation (as a ChCoordsysd) with respect to the absolute coordinates. More...
void SetAbsCoordsysDt2 (const ChCoordsysd &csys_dtdt)
 Set the speed of translation and rotation (as a ChCoordsysd) with respect to the absolute coordinates. More...
ChVector3d GetAbsAngVel () const
 Get the angular velocity with respect to global frame, expressed in absolute coordinates.
ChVector3d GetAbsAngAcc () const
 Get the angular acceleration with respect to global frame, expressed in absolute coordinates.
void SetMotionType (MotionType motion_type)
 Set the imposed motion type (default: MotionType::FUNCTIONS).
void SetMotionX (std::shared_ptr< ChFunction > funct)
 Set the imposed motion law, for translation on X body axis.
void SetMotionY (std::shared_ptr< ChFunction > funct)
 Set the imposed motion law, for translation on Y body axis.
void SetMotionZ (std::shared_ptr< ChFunction > funct)
 Set the imposed motion law, for translation on Z body axis.
void SetMotionAngle (std::shared_ptr< ChFunction > funct)
 Set the imposed motion law, for rotation about an axis.
void SetMotionAxis (ChVector3d axis)
 Set the axis of rotation, if rotation motion law is used.
MotionType GetMotionType () const
 Get the imposed motion type.
std::shared_ptr< ChFunctionGetMotionX () const
 Get imposed motion law, for translation on X body axis.
std::shared_ptr< ChFunctionGetMotionY () const
 Get imposed motion law, for translation on Y body axis.
std::shared_ptr< ChFunctionGetMotionZ () const
 Get imposed motion law, for translation on Z body axis.
std::shared_ptr< ChFunctionGetMotionAngle () const
 Get imposed motion law, for rotation about an axis.
ChVector3d GetMotionAxis () const
 Get the axis of rotation, if rotation motion law is used.
void UpdateTime (double time)
 Update time-dependent quantities (time-varying functions for relative coordinates, if any).
void UpdateState ()
 Update auxiliary variables (e.g., the m_abs_frame data) at current state.
virtual void Update (double time, bool update_assets) override
 Update the time-dependent variables (e.g., function objects to impose the body-relative motion) and then update the marker state.
void UpdatedExternalTime (double prevtime, double mtime)
 Update time from external signal.
virtual void ArchiveOut (ChArchiveOut &archive_out) override
 Method to allow serialization of transient data to archives.
virtual void ArchiveIn (ChArchiveIn &archive_in) override
 Method to allow deserialization of transient data from archives.
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChObj
 ChObj (const ChObj &other)
int GetIdentifier () const
 Get the unique integer identifier of this object. More...
void SetTag (int tag)
 Set an object integer tag (default: -1). More...
int GetTag () const
 Get the tag of this object.
void SetName (const std::string &myname)
 Set the name of this object.
const std::string & GetName () const
 Get the name of this object.
double GetChTime () const
 Gets the simulation time of this object.
void SetChTime (double m_time)
 Sets the simulation time of this object.
void AddVisualModel (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModel > model)
 Add an (optional) visualization model. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModelGetVisualModel () const
 Access the visualization model (if any). More...
void AddVisualShape (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShape > shape, const ChFrame<> &frame=ChFrame<>())
 Add the specified visual shape to the visualization model. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShapeGetVisualShape (unsigned int i) const
 Access the specified visualization shape in the visualization model (if any). More...
void AddVisualShapeFEA (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShapeFEA > shapeFEA)
 Add the specified FEA visualization object to the visualization model. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShapeFEAGetVisualShapeFEA (unsigned int i) const
 Access the specified FEA visualization object in the visualization model (if any). More...
virtual ChFrame GetVisualModelFrame (unsigned int nclone=0) const
 Get the reference frame (expressed in and relative to the absolute frame) of the visual model. More...
virtual unsigned int GetNumVisualModelClones () const
 Return the number of clones of the visual model associated with this object. More...
void AddCamera (std::shared_ptr< ChCamera > camera)
 Attach a camera to this object. More...
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChCamera > > GetCameras () const
 Get the set of cameras attached to this object.
void UpdateVisualModel ()
 Utility function to update only the associated visual assets (if any).
virtual std::string & ArchiveContainerName ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChFrameMoving< double >
 ChFrameMoving ()
 Default constructor (identity frame).
 ChFrameMoving (const ChVector3< double > &v, const ChQuaternion< double > &q=ChQuaternion< double >(1, 0, 0, 0))
 Construct from pos and rot (as a quaternion).
 ChFrameMoving (const ChVector3< double > &v, const ChMatrix33< double > &R)
 Construct from pos and rotation (as a 3x3 matrix).
 ChFrameMoving (const ChCoordsys< double > &C)
 Construct from a coordsys.
 ChFrameMoving (const ChFrame< double > &F)
 Construct from a frame.
 ChFrameMoving (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other)
 Copy constructor, build from another moving frame.
virtual ~ChFrameMoving ()
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other)
 Assignment operator: copy from another moving frame.
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator= (const ChFrame< double > &other)
 Assignment operator: copy from another frame.
bool operator== (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other) const
 Returns true for identical frames.
bool operator!= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other) const
 Returns true for different frames.
ChFrameMoving< double > operator>> (const ChFrameMoving< double > &F) const
 Transform another frame through this frame. More...
ChFrameMoving< double > operator* (const ChFrameMoving< double > &F) const
 Transform another frame through this frame. More...
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator>>= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &F)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with another frame. More...
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator>>= (const ChVector3< double > &v)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with a given vector (translate frame).
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator>>= (const ChQuaternion< double > &q)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with a given quaternion (rotate frame).
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator>>= (const ChCoordsys< double > &C)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with a given coordinate system.
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator>>= (const ChFrame< double > &F)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with another frame.
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator*= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &F)
 Transform this frame by post-multiplication with another frame. More...
const ChCoordsys< double > & GetCoordsysDt () const
 Return both rotation and translation velocities as a ChCoordsys object.
const ChCoordsys< double > & GetCoordsysDt2 () const
 Return both rotation and translation accelerations as a ChCoordsys object.
const ChVector3< double > & GetPosDt () const
 Return the linear velocity.
const ChVector3< double > & GetLinVel () const
 Return the linear velocity.
const ChVector3< double > & GetPosDt2 () const
 Return the linear acceleration.
const ChVector3< double > & GetLinAcc () const
 Return the linear acceleration.
const ChQuaternion< double > & GetRotDt () const
 Return the rotation velocity as a quaternion.
const ChQuaternion< double > & GetRotDt2 () const
 Return the rotation acceleration as a quaternion.
ChVector3< double > GetAngVelLocal () const
 Compute the angular velocity (expressed in local coords).
ChVector3< double > GetAngVelParent () const
 Compute the actual angular velocity (expressed in parent coords).
ChVector3< double > GetAngAccLocal () const
 Compute the actual angular acceleration (expressed in local coords).
ChVector3< double > GetAngAccParent () const
 Compute the actual angular acceleration (expressed in parent coords).
virtual void SetCoordsysDt (const ChCoordsys< double > &csys_dt)
 Set both linear and rotation velocities as a single ChCoordsys derivative.
virtual void SetPosDt (const ChVector3< double > &vel)
 Set the linear velocity.
virtual void SetLinVel (const ChVector3< double > &vel)
 Set the linear velocity.
virtual void SetRotDt (const ChQuaternion< double > &q_dt)
 Set the rotation velocity as a quaternion derivative. More...
virtual void SetAngVelLocal (const ChVector3< double > &w)
 Set the rotation velocity from the given angular velocity (expressed in local coordinates).
virtual void SetAngVelParent (const ChVector3< double > &w)
 Set the rotation velocity from given angular velocity (expressed in parent coordinates).
virtual void SetCoordsysDt2 (const ChCoordsys< double > &csys_dtdt)
 Set the linear and rotation accelerations as a single ChCoordsys derivative.
virtual void SetPosDt2 (const ChVector3< double > &acc)
 Set the linear acceleration.
virtual void SetLinAcc (const ChVector3< double > &acc)
 Set the linear acceleration.
virtual void SetRotDt2 (const ChQuaternion< double > &q_dtdt)
 Set the rotation acceleration as a quaternion derivative. More...
virtual void SetAngAccLocal (const ChVector3< double > &a)
 Set the rotation acceleration from given angular acceleration (expressed in local coordinates). More...
virtual void SetAngAccParent (const ChVector3< double > &a)
 Set the rotation acceleration from given angular acceleration (expressed in parent coordinates).
void ComputeRotMatDt (ChMatrix33< double > &R_dt) const
 Compute the time derivative of the rotation matrix.
void ComputeRotMatDt2 (ChMatrix33< double > &R_dtdt)
 Compute the second time derivative of the rotation matrix.
ChMatrix33< double > GetRotMatDt ()
 Return the time derivative of the rotation matrix.
ChMatrix33< double > GetRotMatDt2 ()
 Return the second time derivative of the rotation matrix.
void ConcatenatePreTransformation (const ChFrameMoving< double > &F)
 Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another frame. More...
void ConcatenatePostTransformation (const ChFrameMoving< double > &F)
 Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another frame F in local coordinate. More...
ChVector3< double > PointSpeedLocalToParent (const ChVector3< double > &localpos) const
 Return the velocity in the parent frame of a point fixed to this frame and expressed in local coordinates.
ChVector3< double > PointSpeedLocalToParent (const ChVector3< double > &localpos, const ChVector3< double > &localspeed) const
 Return the velocity in the parent frame of a moving point, given the point location and velocity expressed in local coordinates.
ChVector3< double > PointAccelerationLocalToParent (const ChVector3< double > &localpos) const
 Return the acceleration in the parent frame of a point fixed to this frame and expressed in local coordinates. More...
ChVector3< double > PointAccelerationLocalToParent (const ChVector3< double > &localpos, const ChVector3< double > &localspeed, const ChVector3< double > &localacc) const
 Return the acceleration in the parent frame of a moving point, given the point location, velocity, and acceleration expressed in local coordinates.
ChVector3< double > PointSpeedParentToLocal (const ChVector3< double > &parentpos, const ChVector3< double > &parentspeed) const
 Return the velocity of a point expressed in this frame, given the point location and velocity in the parent frame.
ChVector3< double > PointAccelerationParentToLocal (const ChVector3< double > &parentpos, const ChVector3< double > &parentspeed, const ChVector3< double > &parentacc) const
 Return the acceleration of a point expressed in this frame, given the point location, velocity, and acceleration in the parent frame.
ChFrameMoving< double > TransformLocalToParent (const ChFrameMoving< double > &F) const
 Transform a moving frame from 'this' local coordinate system to parent frame coordinate system.
ChFrameMoving< double > TransformParentToLocal (const ChFrameMoving< double > &F) const
 Transform a moving frame from the parent coordinate system to 'this' local frame coordinate system.
bool Equals (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other) const
 Returns true if this transform is identical to the other transform.
bool Equals (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other, double tol) const
 Returns true if this transform is equal to the other transform, within a tolerance 'tol'.
virtual void Invert () override
 Invert in place. More...
ChFrameMoving< double > GetInverse () const
 Return the inverse transform.
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChFrame< double >
 ChFrame ()
 Default constructor (identity frame).
 ChFrame (const ChVector3< double > &v, const ChQuaternion< double > &q=ChQuaternion< double >(1, 0, 0, 0))
 Construct from position and rotation (as quaternion).
 ChFrame (const ChVector3< double > &v, const ChMatrix33< double > &R)
 Construct from pos and rotation (as a 3x3 matrix).
 ChFrame (const ChVector3< double > &v, const double angle, const ChVector3< double > &u)
 Construct from position mv and rotation of angle alpha around unit vector mu.
 ChFrame (const ChCoordsys< double > &C)
 Construct from a coordsys.
 ChFrame (const ChFrame< double > &other)
 Copy constructor, build from another frame.
ChFrame< double > & operator= (const ChFrame< double > &other)
 Assignment operator: copy from another frame.
bool operator== (const ChFrame< double > &other) const
 Returns true for identical frames.
bool operator!= (const ChFrame< double > &other) const
 Returns true for different frames.
ChFrame< double > operator* (const ChFrame< double > &F) const
 Transform another frame through this frame. More...
ChVector3< double > operator* (const ChVector3< double > &v) const
 Transform a vector through this frame (express in parent frame). More...
ChFrame< double > operator>> (const ChFrame< double > &F) const
 Transform another frame through this frame. More...
ChVector3< double > operator/ (const ChVector3< double > &v) const
 Transform a vector through this frame (express from parent frame). More...
ChFrame< double > & operator>>= (const ChFrame< double > &F)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with another frame. More...
ChFrame< double > & operator>>= (const ChVector3< double > &v)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with a given vector (translate frame).
ChFrame< double > & operator>>= (const ChQuaternion< double > &q)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with a given quaternion (rotate frame).
ChFrame< double > & operator>>= (const ChCoordsys< double > &C)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with a given coordinate system.
ChFrame< double > & operator*= (const ChFrame< double > &F)
 Transform this frame by post-multiplication with another frame. More...
const ChCoordsys< double > & GetCoordsys () const
 Return both current rotation and translation as a ChCoordsys object.
const ChVector3< double > & GetPos () const
 Return the current translation vector.
const ChQuaternion< double > & GetRot () const
 Return the current rotation quaternion.
const ChMatrix33< double > & GetRotMat () const
 Return the current 3x3 rotation matrix.
ChVector3< double > GetRotAxis () const
 Get axis of finite rotation, in parent space.
double GetRotAngle () const
 Get angle of rotation about axis of finite rotation.
virtual void SetCoordsys (const ChCoordsys< double > &C)
 Impose both translation and rotation as a single ChCoordsys. More...
virtual void SetCoordsys (const ChVector3< double > &v, const ChQuaternion< double > &q)
 Impose both translation and rotation. More...
virtual void SetRot (const ChQuaternion< double > &q)
 Impose the rotation as a quaternion. More...
virtual void SetRot (const ChMatrix33< double > &R)
 Impose the rotation as a 3x3 matrix. More...
virtual void SetPos (const ChVector3< double > &pos)
 Impose the translation vector.
void ConcatenatePreTransformation (const ChFrame< double > &F)
 Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another frame. More...
void ConcatenatePostTransformation (const ChFrame< double > &F)
 Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another frame F in local coordinate. More...
void Move (const ChVector3< double > &v)
 An easy way to move the frame by the amount specified by vector v, (assuming v expressed in parent coordinates)
void Move (const ChCoordsys< double > &C)
 Apply both translation and rotation, assuming both expressed in parent coordinates, as a vector for translation and quaternion for rotation,.
ChVector3< double > TransformPointLocalToParent (const ChVector3< double > &v) const
 Transform a point from the local frame coordinate system to the parent coordinate system.
ChVector3< double > TransformPointParentToLocal (const ChVector3< double > &v) const
 Transforms a point from the parent coordinate system to local frame coordinate system.
ChVector3< double > TransformDirectionLocalToParent (const ChVector3< double > &d) const
 Transform a direction from the parent frame coordinate system to 'this' local coordinate system.
ChVector3< double > TransformDirectionParentToLocal (const ChVector3< double > &d) const
 Transforms a direction from 'this' local coordinate system to parent frame coordinate system.
ChWrench< double > TransformWrenchLocalToParent (const ChWrench< double > &w) const
 Transform a wrench from the local coordinate system to the parent coordinate system.
ChWrench< double > TransformWrenchParentToLocal (const ChWrench< double > &w) const
 Transform a wrench from the parent coordinate system to the local coordinate system.
ChFrame< double > TransformLocalToParent (const ChFrame< double > &F) const
 Transform a frame from 'this' local coordinate system to parent frame coordinate system.
ChFrame< double > TransformParentToLocal (const ChFrame< double > &F) const
 Transform a frame from the parent coordinate system to 'this' local frame coordinate system.
bool Equals (const ChFrame< double > &other) const
 Returns true if this transform is identical to the other transform.
bool Equals (const ChFrame< double > &other, double tol) const
 Returns true if this transform is equal to the other transform, within a tolerance 'tol'.
void Normalize ()
 Normalize the rotation, so that quaternion has unit length.
virtual void SetIdentity ()
 Sets to no translation and no rotation.
ChFrame< double > GetInverse () const
 Return the inverse transform.

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChObj
int GenerateUniqueIdentifier ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::ChObj
double ChTime
 object simulation time
std::string m_name
 object name
int m_identifier
 object unique identifier
int m_tag
 user-supplied tag
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModelInstancevis_model_instance
 instantiated visualization model
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChCamera > > cameras
 set of cameras
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::ChFrameMoving< double >
ChCoordsys< double > m_csys_dt
 rotation and position velocity, as vector + quaternion
ChCoordsys< double > m_csys_dtdt
 rotation and position acceleration, as vector + quaternion
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::ChFrame< double >
ChCoordsys< double > m_csys
 position and rotation, as vector + quaternion
ChMatrix33< double > m_rmat
 3x3 orthogonal rotation matrix

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ MotionType


marker uses its own x, y, z functions


marker moved via external key frames (derivatives obtained with finite differences)


marker moved via external functions (derivatives provided)

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetAbsFrame()

const ChFrameMoving<double>& chrono::ChMarker::GetAbsFrame ( ) const

Get reference to the inner 'absolute frame' auxiliary coordinates.

This object (coordinates/speeds/accel. of marker expressed in absolute coordinates) is useful for performance reasons. Note! it is updated only after each Update() function.

◆ GetRestCoordsys()

const ChCoordsysd& chrono::ChMarker::GetRestCoordsys ( ) const

Get the 'resting position'.

This is the position which the marker should have when the x,y,z motion laws are at time=0.

◆ ImposeAbsoluteTransform()

void chrono::ChMarker::ImposeAbsoluteTransform ( const ChFrame<> &  frame)

Set absolute coordinate marker frame and update auxiliary variables.

The current position becomes the 'resting position' coordinates for the current time.

◆ ImposeRelativeTransform()

void chrono::ChMarker::ImposeRelativeTransform ( const ChFrame<> &  frame)

Set body-relative marker frame and update auxiliary variables.

The current position becomes the 'resting position' coordinates for the current time.

◆ SetAbsCoordsys()

void chrono::ChMarker::SetAbsCoordsys ( const ChCoordsysd csys)

Set the translation and rotation (as a ChCoordsysd) with respect to the absolute coordinates.

NOTE! internal use only, for the moment. Use ImposeAbsoluteTransform() if needed.

◆ SetAbsCoordsysDt()

void chrono::ChMarker::SetAbsCoordsysDt ( const ChCoordsysd csys_dt)

Set the speed of translation and rotation (as a ChCoordsysd) with respect to the absolute coordinates.

NOTE! internal use only, for the moment.

◆ SetAbsCoordsysDt2()

void chrono::ChMarker::SetAbsCoordsysDt2 ( const ChCoordsysd csys_dtdt)

Set the speed of translation and rotation (as a ChCoordsysd) with respect to the absolute coordinates.

NOTE! internal use only, for the moment.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/physics/ChMarker.h
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/physics/ChMarker.cpp