chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real > Class Template Reference


template<class Real = double>
class chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >

Representation of a moving 3D.

A ChFrameMoving is a ChFrame that also keeps track of the frame velocity and acceleration.

See Coordinate Systems manual page.

#include <ChFrameMoving.h>

Inheritance diagram for chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >:
Collaboration diagram for chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >:

Public Member Functions

 ChFrameMoving ()
 Default constructor (identity frame).
 ChFrameMoving (const ChVector3< Real > &v, const ChQuaternion< Real > &q=ChQuaternion< Real >(1, 0, 0, 0))
 Construct from pos and rot (as a quaternion).
 ChFrameMoving (const ChVector3< Real > &v, const ChMatrix33< Real > &R)
 Construct from pos and rotation (as a 3x3 matrix).
 ChFrameMoving (const ChCoordsys< Real > &C)
 Construct from a coordsys.
 ChFrameMoving (const ChFrame< Real > &F)
 Construct from a frame.
 ChFrameMoving (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &other)
 Copy constructor, build from another moving frame.
virtual ~ChFrameMoving ()
ChFrameMoving< Real > & operator= (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &other)
 Assignment operator: copy from another moving frame.
ChFrameMoving< Real > & operator= (const ChFrame< Real > &other)
 Assignment operator: copy from another frame.
bool operator== (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &other) const
 Returns true for identical frames.
bool operator!= (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &other) const
 Returns true for different frames.
ChFrameMoving< Real > operator>> (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &F) const
 Transform another frame through this frame. More...
ChFrameMoving< Real > operator* (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &F) const
 Transform another frame through this frame. More...
ChFrameMoving< Real > & operator>>= (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &F)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with another frame. More...
ChFrameMoving< Real > & operator*= (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &F)
 Transform this frame by post-multiplication with another frame. More...
ChFrameMoving< Real > & operator>>= (const ChVector3< Real > &v)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with a given vector (translate frame).
ChFrameMoving< Real > & operator>>= (const ChQuaternion< Real > &q)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with a given quaternion (rotate frame).
ChFrameMoving< Real > & operator>>= (const ChCoordsys< Real > &C)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with a given coordinate system.
ChFrameMoving< Real > & operator>>= (const ChFrame< Real > &F)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with another frame.
const ChCoordsys< Real > & GetCoordsysDt () const
 Return both rotation and translation velocities as a ChCoordsys object.
const ChCoordsys< Real > & GetCoordsysDt2 () const
 Return both rotation and translation accelerations as a ChCoordsys object.
const ChVector3< Real > & GetPosDt () const
 Return the linear velocity.
const ChVector3< Real > & GetLinVel () const
 Return the linear velocity.
const ChVector3< Real > & GetPosDt2 () const
 Return the linear acceleration.
const ChVector3< Real > & GetLinAcc () const
 Return the linear acceleration.
const ChQuaternion< Real > & GetRotDt () const
 Return the rotation velocity as a quaternion.
const ChQuaternion< Real > & GetRotDt2 () const
 Return the rotation acceleration as a quaternion.
ChVector3< Real > GetAngVelLocal () const
 Compute the angular velocity (expressed in local coords).
ChVector3< Real > GetAngVelParent () const
 Compute the actual angular velocity (expressed in parent coords).
ChVector3< Real > GetAngAccLocal () const
 Compute the actual angular acceleration (expressed in local coords).
ChVector3< Real > GetAngAccParent () const
 Compute the actual angular acceleration (expressed in parent coords).
virtual void SetCoordsysDt (const ChCoordsys< Real > &csys_dt)
 Set both linear and rotation velocities as a single ChCoordsys derivative.
virtual void SetPosDt (const ChVector3< Real > &vel)
 Set the linear velocity.
virtual void SetLinVel (const ChVector3< Real > &vel)
 Set the linear velocity.
virtual void SetRotDt (const ChQuaternion< Real > &q_dt)
 Set the rotation velocity as a quaternion derivative. More...
virtual void SetAngVelLocal (const ChVector3< Real > &w)
 Set the rotation velocity from the given angular velocity (expressed in local coordinates).
virtual void SetAngVelParent (const ChVector3< Real > &w)
 Set the rotation velocity from given angular velocity (expressed in parent coordinates).
virtual void SetCoordsysDt2 (const ChCoordsys< Real > &csys_dtdt)
 Set the linear and rotation accelerations as a single ChCoordsys derivative.
virtual void SetPosDt2 (const ChVector3< Real > &acc)
 Set the linear acceleration.
virtual void SetLinAcc (const ChVector3< Real > &acc)
 Set the linear acceleration.
virtual void SetRotDt2 (const ChQuaternion< Real > &q_dtdt)
 Set the rotation acceleration as a quaternion derivative. More...
virtual void SetAngAccLocal (const ChVector3< Real > &a)
 Set the rotation acceleration from given angular acceleration (expressed in local coordinates). More...
virtual void SetAngAccParent (const ChVector3< Real > &a)
 Set the rotation acceleration from given angular acceleration (expressed in parent coordinates).
void ComputeRotMatDt (ChMatrix33< Real > &R_dt) const
 Compute the time derivative of the rotation matrix.
void ComputeRotMatDt2 (ChMatrix33< Real > &R_dtdt)
 Compute the second time derivative of the rotation matrix.
ChMatrix33< Real > GetRotMatDt ()
 Return the time derivative of the rotation matrix.
ChMatrix33< Real > GetRotMatDt2 ()
 Return the second time derivative of the rotation matrix.
void ConcatenatePreTransformation (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &F)
 Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another frame. More...
void ConcatenatePostTransformation (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &F)
 Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another frame F in local coordinate. More...
ChVector3< Real > PointSpeedLocalToParent (const ChVector3< Real > &localpos) const
 Return the velocity in the parent frame of a point fixed to this frame and expressed in local coordinates.
ChVector3< Real > PointSpeedLocalToParent (const ChVector3< Real > &localpos, const ChVector3< Real > &localspeed) const
 Return the velocity in the parent frame of a moving point, given the point location and velocity expressed in local coordinates.
ChVector3< Real > PointAccelerationLocalToParent (const ChVector3< Real > &localpos) const
 Return the acceleration in the parent frame of a point fixed to this frame and expressed in local coordinates. More...
ChVector3< Real > PointAccelerationLocalToParent (const ChVector3< Real > &localpos, const ChVector3< Real > &localspeed, const ChVector3< Real > &localacc) const
 Return the acceleration in the parent frame of a moving point, given the point location, velocity, and acceleration expressed in local coordinates.
ChVector3< Real > PointSpeedParentToLocal (const ChVector3< Real > &parentpos, const ChVector3< Real > &parentspeed) const
 Return the velocity of a point expressed in this frame, given the point location and velocity in the parent frame.
ChVector3< Real > PointAccelerationParentToLocal (const ChVector3< Real > &parentpos, const ChVector3< Real > &parentspeed, const ChVector3< Real > &parentacc) const
 Return the acceleration of a point expressed in this frame, given the point location, velocity, and acceleration in the parent frame.
ChFrameMoving< Real > TransformLocalToParent (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &F) const
 Transform a moving frame from 'this' local coordinate system to parent frame coordinate system.
ChFrameMoving< Real > TransformParentToLocal (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &F) const
 Transform a moving frame from the parent coordinate system to 'this' local frame coordinate system.
bool Equals (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &other) const
 Returns true if this transform is identical to the other transform.
bool Equals (const ChFrameMoving< Real > &other, Real tol) const
 Returns true if this transform is equal to the other transform, within a tolerance 'tol'.
virtual void Invert () override
 Invert in place. More...
ChFrameMoving< Real > GetInverse () const
 Return the inverse transform.
virtual void ArchiveOut (ChArchiveOut &archive_out) override
 Method to allow serialization of transient data to archives.
virtual void ArchiveIn (ChArchiveIn &archive_in) override
 Method to allow de-serialization of transient data from archives.
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChFrame< Real >
 ChFrame ()
 Default constructor (identity frame).
 ChFrame (const ChVector3< Real > &v, const ChQuaternion< Real > &q=ChQuaternion< Real >(1, 0, 0, 0))
 Construct from position and rotation (as quaternion).
 ChFrame (const ChVector3< Real > &v, const ChMatrix33< Real > &R)
 Construct from pos and rotation (as a 3x3 matrix).
 ChFrame (const ChVector3< Real > &v, const Real angle, const ChVector3< Real > &u)
 Construct from position mv and rotation of angle alpha around unit vector mu.
 ChFrame (const ChCoordsys< Real > &C)
 Construct from a coordsys.
 ChFrame (const ChFrame< Real > &other)
 Copy constructor, build from another frame.
ChFrame< Real > & operator= (const ChFrame< Real > &other)
 Assignment operator: copy from another frame.
bool operator== (const ChFrame< Real > &other) const
 Returns true for identical frames.
bool operator!= (const ChFrame< Real > &other) const
 Returns true for different frames.
ChFrame< Real > operator* (const ChFrame< Real > &F) const
 Transform another frame through this frame. More...
ChFrame< Real > operator>> (const ChFrame< Real > &F) const
 Transform another frame through this frame. More...
ChVector3< Real > operator* (const ChVector3< Real > &v) const
 Transform a vector through this frame (express in parent frame). More...
ChVector3< Real > operator/ (const ChVector3< Real > &v) const
 Transform a vector through this frame (express from parent frame). More...
ChFrame< Real > & operator>>= (const ChFrame< Real > &F)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with another frame. More...
ChFrame< Real > & operator*= (const ChFrame< Real > &F)
 Transform this frame by post-multiplication with another frame. More...
ChFrame< Real > & operator>>= (const ChVector3< Real > &v)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with a given vector (translate frame).
ChFrame< Real > & operator>>= (const ChQuaternion< Real > &q)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with a given quaternion (rotate frame).
ChFrame< Real > & operator>>= (const ChCoordsys< Real > &C)
 Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with a given coordinate system.
const ChCoordsys< Real > & GetCoordsys () const
 Return both current rotation and translation as a ChCoordsys object.
const ChVector3< Real > & GetPos () const
 Return the current translation vector.
const ChQuaternion< Real > & GetRot () const
 Return the current rotation quaternion.
const ChMatrix33< Real > & GetRotMat () const
 Return the current 3x3 rotation matrix.
ChVector3< Real > GetRotAxis () const
 Get axis of finite rotation, in parent space.
Real GetRotAngle () const
 Get angle of rotation about axis of finite rotation.
virtual void SetCoordsys (const ChCoordsys< Real > &C)
 Impose both translation and rotation as a single ChCoordsys. More...
virtual void SetCoordsys (const ChVector3< Real > &v, const ChQuaternion< Real > &q)
 Impose both translation and rotation. More...
virtual void SetRot (const ChQuaternion< Real > &q)
 Impose the rotation as a quaternion. More...
virtual void SetRot (const ChMatrix33< Real > &R)
 Impose the rotation as a 3x3 matrix. More...
virtual void SetPos (const ChVector3< Real > &pos)
 Impose the translation vector.
void ConcatenatePreTransformation (const ChFrame< Real > &F)
 Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another frame. More...
void ConcatenatePostTransformation (const ChFrame< Real > &F)
 Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another frame F in local coordinate. More...
void Move (const ChVector3< Real > &v)
 An easy way to move the frame by the amount specified by vector v, (assuming v expressed in parent coordinates)
void Move (const ChCoordsys< Real > &C)
 Apply both translation and rotation, assuming both expressed in parent coordinates, as a vector for translation and quaternion for rotation,.
ChVector3< Real > TransformPointLocalToParent (const ChVector3< Real > &v) const
 Transform a point from the local frame coordinate system to the parent coordinate system.
ChVector3< Real > TransformPointParentToLocal (const ChVector3< Real > &v) const
 Transforms a point from the parent coordinate system to local frame coordinate system.
ChVector3< Real > TransformDirectionLocalToParent (const ChVector3< Real > &d) const
 Transform a direction from the parent frame coordinate system to 'this' local coordinate system.
ChVector3< Real > TransformDirectionParentToLocal (const ChVector3< Real > &d) const
 Transforms a direction from 'this' local coordinate system to parent frame coordinate system.
ChWrench< Real > TransformWrenchLocalToParent (const ChWrench< Real > &w) const
 Transform a wrench from the local coordinate system to the parent coordinate system.
ChWrench< Real > TransformWrenchParentToLocal (const ChWrench< Real > &w) const
 Transform a wrench from the parent coordinate system to the local coordinate system.
ChFrame< Real > TransformLocalToParent (const ChFrame< Real > &F) const
 Transform a frame from 'this' local coordinate system to parent frame coordinate system.
ChFrame< Real > TransformParentToLocal (const ChFrame< Real > &F) const
 Transform a frame from the parent coordinate system to 'this' local frame coordinate system.
bool Equals (const ChFrame< Real > &other) const
 Returns true if this transform is identical to the other transform.
bool Equals (const ChFrame< Real > &other, Real tol) const
 Returns true if this transform is equal to the other transform, within a tolerance 'tol'.
void Normalize ()
 Normalize the rotation, so that quaternion has unit length.
virtual void SetIdentity ()
 Sets to no translation and no rotation.
ChFrame< Real > GetInverse () const
 Return the inverse transform.

Protected Attributes

ChCoordsys< Real > m_csys_dt
 rotation and position velocity, as vector + quaternion
ChCoordsys< Real > m_csys_dtdt
 rotation and position acceleration, as vector + quaternion
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::ChFrame< Real >
ChCoordsys< Real > m_csys
 position and rotation, as vector + quaternion
ChMatrix33< Real > m_rmat
 3x3 orthogonal rotation matrix


class chrono::fmi2::FmuChronoComponentBase
class chrono::fmi3::FmuChronoComponentBase

Member Function Documentation

◆ ConcatenatePostTransformation()

template<class Real = double>
void chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >::ConcatenatePostTransformation ( const ChFrameMoving< Real > &  F)

Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another frame F in local coordinate.

This is equivalent to post-multiply this frame by the other frame F: this'= this * F or this'= F >> this

◆ ConcatenatePreTransformation()

template<class Real = double>
void chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >::ConcatenatePreTransformation ( const ChFrameMoving< Real > &  F)

Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another frame.

This is equivalent to pre-multiply this frame by the other frame F: this'= F * this or this' = this >> F

◆ Invert()

template<class Real = double>
virtual void chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >::Invert ( )

Invert in place.

If w=A*v, after A.Invert() we have v=A*w;

Reimplemented from chrono::ChFrame< Real >.

◆ operator*()

template<class Real = double>
ChFrameMoving<Real> chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >::operator* ( const ChFrameMoving< Real > &  F) const

Transform another frame through this frame.

If A is this frame and F another frame expressed in A, then G = A * F is the frame F expresssed in the parent frame of A. For a sequence of transformations, i.e. a chain of coordinate systems, one can also write: G = F_1to0 * F_2to1 * F_3to2 * F; i.e., just like done with a sequence of Denavitt-Hartemberg matrix multiplications. This operation is not commutative. Velocities and accelerations are also transformed.

◆ operator*=()

template<class Real = double>
ChFrameMoving<Real>& chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >::operator*= ( const ChFrameMoving< Real > &  F)

Transform this frame by post-multiplication with another frame.

If A is this frame, then A *= F means A' = A * F or A' = F >> A.

◆ operator>>()

template<class Real = double>
ChFrameMoving<Real> chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >::operator>> ( const ChFrameMoving< Real > &  F) const

Transform another frame through this frame.

If A is this frame and F another frame expressed in A, then G = F >> A is the frame F expresssed in the parent frame of A. For a sequence of transformations, i.e. a chain of coordinate systems, one can also write: G = F >> F_3to2 >> F_2to1 >> F_1to0; i.e., just like done with a sequence of Denavitt-Hartemberg matrix multiplications (but reverting order). This operation is not commutative. Velocities and accelerations are also transformed.

◆ operator>>=()

template<class Real = double>
ChFrameMoving<Real>& chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >::operator>>= ( const ChFrameMoving< Real > &  F)

Transform this frame by pre-multiplication with another frame.

If A is this frame, then A >>= F means A' = F * A or A' = A >> F.

◆ PointAccelerationLocalToParent()

template<class Real = double>
ChVector3<Real> chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >::PointAccelerationLocalToParent ( const ChVector3< Real > &  localpos) const

Return the acceleration in the parent frame of a point fixed to this frame and expressed in local coordinates.


  • the first and second derivatives of pos and rot are assumed to have been assigned.
  • when the local angular acceleration is zero, it's still necessary to call SetAngAccLocal(VNULL) because q_dtdt may be nonzero due to nonzero q_dt in case of rotational motion.

◆ SetAngAccLocal()

template<class Real = double>
virtual void chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >::SetAngAccLocal ( const ChVector3< Real > &  a)

Set the rotation acceleration from given angular acceleration (expressed in local coordinates).

Note: even when the local angular acceleration is zero, this function should still be called because q_dtdt might be nonzero due to nonzero q_dt (in case of rotational motion).

◆ SetRotDt()

template<class Real = double>
virtual void chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >::SetRotDt ( const ChQuaternion< Real > &  q_dt)

Set the rotation velocity as a quaternion derivative.

Note: the quaternion must satisfy: dot(q,q_dt)=0.

◆ SetRotDt2()

template<class Real = double>
virtual void chrono::ChFrameMoving< Real >::SetRotDt2 ( const ChQuaternion< Real > &  q_dtdt)

Set the rotation acceleration as a quaternion derivative.

Note: the quaternion must satisfy: dot(q,q_dtdt)+dot(q_dt,q_dt)=0.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/core/ChFrameMoving.h