
Template for a rigid-body main chassis vehicle subsystem.

#include <ChRigidChassis.h>

Inheritance diagram for chrono::vehicle::ChRigidChassis:
Collaboration diagram for chrono::vehicle::ChRigidChassis:

Public Member Functions

 ChRigidChassis (const std::string &name, bool fixed=false)
 Construct a vehicle subsystem with the specified name. More...
virtual std::string GetTemplateName () const override
 Get the name of the vehicle subsystem template.
bool HasCollision () const
 Specifies whether or not collision shapes were defined.
bool HasPrimitives () const
 Specifies whether or not visualization primitives were defined.
bool HasMesh () const
 Specifies whether or not a visualization mesh was defined.
const std::string & GetMeshFilename () const
 Get the name of the Wavefront file with chassis visualization mesh. More...
virtual void Initialize (ChSystem *system, const ChCoordsys<> &chassisPos, double chassisFwdVel, int collision_family=0) override
 Initialize the chassis at the specified global position and orientation. More...
virtual void EnableCollision (bool state) override
 Enable/disable contact for the chassis. More...
virtual void AddVisualizationAssets (VisualizationType vis) override
 Add visualization assets to this subsystem, for the specified visualization mode.
virtual void RemoveVisualizationAssets () override final
 Remove all visualization assets from this subsystem.
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChChassis
 ChChassis (const std::string &name, bool fixed=false)
 Construct a chassis subsystem with the specified name. More...
virtual ChCoordsys GetLocalDriverCoordsys () const =0
 Get the local driver position and orientation. More...
virtual const ChVector3d GetLocalPosRearConnector () const
 Get the location (in the local frame of this chassis) of the connection to a rear chassis.
std::shared_ptr< ChBodyAuxRefGetBody () const
 Get a handle to the vehicle's chassis body.
ChSystemGetSystem () const
 Get a pointer to the containing system.
const ChVector3dGetPos () const
 Get the global location of the chassis reference frame origin.
ChQuaternion GetRot () const
 Get the orientation of the chassis reference frame. More...
ChVector3d GetDriverPos () const
 Get the global location of the driver.
double GetSpeed () const
 Get the vehicle speed. More...
double GetCOMSpeed () const
 Get the speed of the chassis COM. More...
double GetRollRate () const
 Get the roll rate of the chassis. More...
double GetPitchRate () const
 Get the pitch rate of the chassis. More...
double GetYawRate () const
 Get the yaw rate of the chassis. More...
double GetTurnRate () const
 Get the turn rate of the chassis. More...
ChVector3d GetPointLocation (const ChVector3d &locpos) const
 Get the global position of the specified point. More...
ChVector3d GetPointVelocity (const ChVector3d &locpos) const
 Get the global velocity of the specified point. More...
ChVector3d GetPointAcceleration (const ChVector3d &locpos) const
 Get the acceleration at the specified point. More...
void SetFixed (bool val)
 Set the "fixed to ground" status of the chassis body.
bool IsFixed () const
 Return true if the chassis body is fixed to ground.
bool HasBushings () const
 Return true if the vehicle model contains bushings.
void AddMarker (const std::string &name, const ChFrame<> &frame)
 Add a marker on the chassis body at the specified position (relative to the chassis reference frame). More...
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChMarker > > & GetMarkers () const
void SetAerodynamicDrag (double Cd, double area, double air_density)
 Set parameters and enable aerodynamic drag force calculation. More...
virtual void Synchronize (double time)
 Update the state of the chassis subsystem. More...
void AddJoint (std::shared_ptr< ChVehicleJoint > joint)
 Utility function to add a joint (kinematic or bushing) to the vehicle system.
void AddExternalForceTorque (std::shared_ptr< ExternalForceTorque > load)
 Utility force to add an external load to the chassis body.
void AddTerrainLoad (std::shared_ptr< ChLoadBase > terrain_load)
 Add a terrain load to the vehicle system. More...
virtual void InitializeInertiaProperties () override
 Initialize subsystem inertia properties. More...
virtual void UpdateInertiaProperties () override
 Update subsystem inertia properties. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChPart
const std::string & GetName () const
 Get the name identifier for this subsystem.
void SetName (const std::string &name)
 Set the name identifier for this subsystem.
bool IsInitialized () const
 Return flag indicating whether or not the part is fully constructed.
double GetMass () const
 Get the subsystem mass. More...
const ChFrameGetCOMFrame () const
 Get the current subsystem COM frame (relative to and expressed in the subsystem's reference frame). More...
const ChMatrix33GetInertia () const
 Get the current subsystem inertia (relative to the subsystem COM frame). More...
const ChFrameGetTransform () const
 Get the current subsystem position relative to the global frame. More...
void SetVisualizationType (VisualizationType vis)
 Set the visualization mode for this subsystem.
virtual void SetOutput (bool state)
 Enable/disable output for this subsystem.
bool OutputEnabled () const
 Return the output state for this subsystem.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void ExportComponentList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument) const override
 Export this subsystem's component list to the specified JSON object. More...
virtual void Output (ChVehicleOutput &database) const override
 Output data for this subsystem's component list to the specified database.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChChassis
virtual double GetBodyMass () const =0
virtual ChFrame GetBodyCOMFrame () const =0
virtual ChMatrix33 GetBodyInertia () const =0
- Protected Member Functions inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChPart
 ChPart (const std::string &name)
 Construct a vehicle subsystem with the specified name.
void AddMass (double &mass)
 Add this subsystem's mass. More...
void AddInertiaProperties (ChVector3d &com, ChMatrix33<> &inertia)
 Add this subsystem's inertia properties. More...
virtual void Create (const rapidjson::Document &d)
 Create a vehicle subsystem from JSON data. More...
void ExportBodyList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChBody >> bodies) const
 Export the list of bodies to the specified JSON document.
void ExportShaftList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChShaft >> shafts) const
 Export the list of shafts to the specified JSON document.
void ExportJointList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChLink >> joints) const
 Export the list of joints to the specified JSON document.
void ExportCouplesList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChShaftsCouple >> couples) const
 Export the list of shaft couples to the specified JSON document.
void ExportMarkerList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChMarker >> markers) const
 Export the list of markers to the specified JSON document.
void ExportLinSpringList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChLinkTSDA >> springs) const
 Export the list of translational springs to the specified JSON document.
void ExportRotSpringList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChLinkRSDA >> springs) const
 Export the list of rotational springs to the specified JSON document.
void ExportBodyLoadList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChLoadBodyBody >> loads) const
 Export the list of body-body loads to the specified JSON document.

Protected Attributes

utils::ChBodyGeometry m_geometry
 collection of visualization and collision shapes
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChChassis
std::shared_ptr< ChBodyAuxRefm_body
 handle to the chassis body
std::shared_ptr< ChLoadContainerm_container_bushings
 load container for vehicle bushings
std::shared_ptr< ChLoadContainerm_container_external
 load container for external forces
std::shared_ptr< ChLoadContainerm_container_terrain
 load container for terrain forces
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ExternalForceTorque > > m_external_loads
 external loads
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChMarker > > m_markers
 list of user-defined markers
bool m_fixed
 is the chassis body fixed to ground?
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChPart
std::string m_name
 subsystem name
bool m_initialized
 specifies whether ot not the part is fully constructed
bool m_output
 specifies whether or not output is generated for this subsystem
std::shared_ptr< ChPartm_parent
 parent subsystem (empty if parent is vehicle)
double m_mass
 subsystem mass
ChMatrix33 m_inertia
 inertia tensor (relative to subsystem COM)
ChFrame m_com
 COM frame (relative to subsystem reference frame)
ChFrame m_xform
 subsystem frame expressed in the global frame

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChChassis
static void RemoveJoint (std::shared_ptr< ChVehicleJoint > joint)
 Utility function to remove a joint (kinematic or bushing) from the vehicle system.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChPart
static ChMatrix33 TransformInertiaMatrix (const ChVector3d &moments, const ChVector3d &products, const ChMatrix33<> &vehicle_rot, const ChMatrix33<> &body_rot)
 Utility function for transforming inertia tensors between centroidal frames. More...
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from chrono::vehicle::ChPart
static void RemoveVisualizationAssets (std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item)
 Erase all visual shapes from the visual model associated with the specified physics item (if any).
static void RemoveVisualizationAsset (std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item, std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShape > shape)
 Erase the given shape from the visual model associated with the specified physics item (if any).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ChRigidChassis()

chrono::vehicle::ChRigidChassis::ChRigidChassis ( const std::string &  name,
bool  fixed = false 

Construct a vehicle subsystem with the specified name.

[in]namename of the subsystem
[in]fixedis the chassis body fixed to ground?

Member Function Documentation

◆ EnableCollision()

virtual void chrono::vehicle::ChRigidChassis::EnableCollision ( bool  state)

Enable/disable contact for the chassis.

This function controls contact of the chassis with all other collision shapes in the simulation. Must be called after initialization and has effect only if the derived object has defined some collision shapes.

Implements chrono::vehicle::ChChassis.

◆ ExportComponentList()

void chrono::vehicle::ChRigidChassis::ExportComponentList ( rapidjson::Document &  jsonDocument) const

Export this subsystem's component list to the specified JSON object.

Derived classes should override this function and first invoke the base class implementation, followed by calls to the various static Export***List functions, as appropriate.

Reimplemented from chrono::vehicle::ChPart.

◆ GetMeshFilename()

const std::string& chrono::vehicle::ChRigidChassis::GetMeshFilename ( ) const

Get the name of the Wavefront file with chassis visualization mesh.

An empty string is returned if no mesh was specified.

◆ Initialize()

void chrono::vehicle::ChRigidChassis::Initialize ( ChSystem system,
const ChCoordsys<> &  chassisPos,
double  chassisFwdVel,
int  collision_family = 0 

Initialize the chassis at the specified global position and orientation.

[in]systemcontaining system
[in]chassisPosabsolute chassis position
[in]chassisFwdVelinitial chassis forward velocity
[in]collision_familychassis collision family

Reimplemented from chrono::vehicle::ChChassis.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_vehicle/chassis/ChRigidChassis.h
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_vehicle/chassis/ChRigidChassis.cpp