chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemCartesian Class Reference


Class to set up a Chrono::FSI problem using particles and markers on a Cartesian coordinates grid.

#include <ChFsiProblemSPH.h>

Inheritance diagram for chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemCartesian:
Collaboration diagram for chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemCartesian:


class  WaveTankProfile
 Interface for callback to specify wave tank profile. More...

Public Member Functions

 ChFsiProblemCartesian (ChSystem &sys, double spacing)
 Create a ChFsiProblemSPH object. More...
void Construct (const std::string &sph_file, const std::string &bce_file, const ChVector3d &pos)
 Construct using information from the specified files. More...
void Construct (const ChVector3d &box_size, const ChVector3d &pos, int side_flags)
 Construct SPH particles and optionally BCE markers in a box of given dimensions. More...
void Construct (const std::string &heightmap_file, double length, double width, const ChVector2d &height_range, double depth, bool uniform_depth, const ChVector3d &pos, int side_flags)
 Construct SPH particles and optionally BCE markers from a given heightmap. More...
size_t AddBoxContainer (const ChVector3d &box_size, const ChVector3d &pos, int side_flags)
 Add fixed BCE markers, representing a container for the computational domain. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChBodyConstructWaveTank (WavemakerType type, const ChVector3d &pos, const ChVector3d &box_size, double depth, std::shared_ptr< ChFunction > piston_fun, std::shared_ptr< WaveTankProfile > profile=nullptr, bool end_wall=true)
 Add a wave tank with a rigid-body wavemaker (piston-type or flap-type). More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemSPH
void SetVerbose (bool verbose)
 Enable verbose output during construction of ChFsiProblemSPH (default: false).
ChFsiSystemSPHGetSystemFSI ()
 Access the underlying FSI system.
ChFsiFluidSystemSPHGetFluidSystemSPH ()
 Access the underlying SPH system.
ChSystemGetMultibodySystem ()
 Access the underlying MBS system.
void SetCfdSPH (const ChFsiFluidSystemSPH::FluidProperties &fluid_props)
 Enable solution of a CFD problem.
void SetElasticSPH (const ChFsiFluidSystemSPH::ElasticMaterialProperties &mat_props)
 Enable solution of elastic SPH (for continuum representation of granular dynamics). More...
void SetSPHParameters (const ChFsiFluidSystemSPH::SPHParameters &sph_params)
 Set SPH method parameters.
size_t AddRigidBody (std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const chrono::utils::ChBodyGeometry &geometry, bool check_embedded, bool use_grid_bce=false)
 Add a rigid body to the FSI problem. More...
size_t AddRigidBodySphere (std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChVector3d &pos, double radius, bool use_grid_bce=false)
size_t AddRigidBodyBox (std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChFramed &pos, const ChVector3d &size)
size_t AddRigidBodyCylinderX (std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChFramed &pos, double radius, double length, bool use_grid_bce=false)
size_t AddRigidBodyMesh (std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChVector3d &pos, const std::string &obj_file, const ChVector3d &interior_point, double scale)
void SetBcePattern1D (BcePatternMesh1D pattern, bool remove_center=false)
 Set the BCE marker pattern for 1D flexible solids for subsequent calls to AddFeaMesh. More...
void SetBcePattern2D (BcePatternMesh2D pattern, bool remove_center=false)
 Set the BCE marker pattern for 2D flexible solids for subsequent calls to AddFeaMesh. More...
size_t AddFeaMesh (std::shared_ptr< fea::ChMesh > mesh, bool check_embedded)
 Add an FEA mesh to the FSI problem. More...
void RegisterParticlePropertiesCallback (std::shared_ptr< ParticlePropertiesCallback > callback)
 Register a callback for setting SPH particle initial properties.
void SetGravitationalAcceleration (const ChVector3d &gravity)
 Set gravitational acceleration for both multibody and fluid systems.
void SetStepSizeCFD (double step)
 Set integration step size for fluid dynamics.
void SetStepsizeMBD (double step)
 Set integration step size for multibody dynamics. More...
void SetComputationalDomain (ChAABB aabb, int periodic_sides)
 Explicitly set the computational domain limits. More...
void Initialize ()
 Complete construction of the FSI problem and initialize the FSI system. More...
void DoStepDynamics (double step)
 Advance the dynamics of the underlying FSI system by the specified step.
std::shared_ptr< ChBodyGetGroundBody () const
 Get the ground body.
size_t GetNumSPHParticles () const
 Get number of SPH particles.
size_t GetNumBoundaryBCEMarkers () const
 Get number of boundary BCE markers.
const ChAABBGetComputationalDomain () const
 Get limits of computational domain.
int GetPeriodicSides () const
 Get periodic sides of computational domain.
const ChAABBGetSPHBoundingBox () const
 Get limits of SPH volume.
const ChVector3dGetFsiBodyForce (std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body) const
 Return the FSI applied force on the specified body (as returned by AddRigidBody). More...
const ChVector3dGetFsiBodyTorque (std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body) const
 Return the FSI applied torque on on the specified body (as returned by AddRigidBody). More...
double GetRtfCFD () const
 Get current estimated RTF (real time factor) for the fluid system.
double GetRtfMBD () const
 Get current estimated RTF (real time factor) for the multibody system.
void SetOutputLevel (OutputLevel output_level)
 Set SPH simulation data output level (default: STATE_PRESSURE). More...
void SaveOutputData (double time, const std::string &sph_dir, const std::string &fsi_dir)
 Save current SPH and solid data to files. More...
void SaveInitialMarkers (const std::string &out_dir) const
 Save the set of initial SPH and BCE grid locations to files in the specified output directory.
PhysicsProblem GetPhysicsProblem () const
std::string GetPhysicsProblemString () const
std::string GetSphMethodTypeString () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemSPH
enum  WavemakerType { PISTON, FLAP }
 Wave generator types.
- Protected Types inherited from chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemSPH
typedef std::unordered_set< ChVector3i, CoordHashGridPoints
typedef std::vector< ChVector3dRealPoints
- Protected Member Functions inherited from chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemSPH
 ChFsiProblemSPH (ChSystem &sys, double spacing)
 Create a ChFsiProblemSPH object. More...
void ProcessBody (RigidBody &b)
 Prune SPH markers that are inside the solid body volume. More...
int ProcessBodyMesh (RigidBody &b, ChTriangleMeshConnected trimesh, const ChVector3d &interior_point)
 Prune SPH markers that are inside a body mesh volume. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemSPH
ChFsiFluidSystemSPH m_sysSPH
 underlying Chrono SPH system
ChFsiSystemSPH m_sysFSI
 underlying Chrono FSI system
double m_spacing
 particle and marker spacing
std::shared_ptr< ChBodym_ground
 ground body
GridPoints m_sph
 SPH particle grid locations.
GridPoints m_bce
 boundary BCE marker grid locations
ChVector3d m_offset_sph
 SPH particles offset.
ChVector3d m_offset_bce
 boundary BCE particles offset
ChAABB m_domain_aabb
 computational domain bounding box
int m_periodic_sides
 periodic sides
ChAABB m_sph_aabb
 SPH volume bounding box.
std::vector< RigidBodym_bodies
 list of FSI rigid bodies
std::vector< FeaMeshm_meshes
 list of FSI FEA meshes
std::unordered_map< std::shared_ptr< ChBody >, size_t > m_fsi_bodies
std::shared_ptr< ParticlePropertiesCallbackm_props_cb
 callback for particle properties
bool m_verbose
 if true, write information to standard output
bool m_initialized
 set to 'true' once terrain is initialized

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ChFsiProblemCartesian()

chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemCartesian::ChFsiProblemCartesian ( ChSystem sys,
double  spacing 

Create a ChFsiProblemSPH object.

No SPH parameters are set.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddBoxContainer()

size_t chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemCartesian::AddBoxContainer ( const ChVector3d box_size,
const ChVector3d pos,
int  side_flags 

Add fixed BCE markers, representing a container for the computational domain.

The specified 'box_size' represents the dimensions of the interior of the box. The reference position is the center of the bottom face of the box. Boundary BCE markers are created outside this volume, in layers, starting at a distance equal to the spacing. 'side_flags' are boolean combinations of BoxSide enums. It is the caller responsibility to ensure that the container BCE markers do not overlap with any SPH particles.

box_sizebox dimensions
posreference positions
side_flagssides for which BCE markers are created

◆ Construct() [1/3]

void chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemCartesian::Construct ( const ChVector3d box_size,
const ChVector3d pos,
int  side_flags 

Construct SPH particles and optionally BCE markers in a box of given dimensions.

The reference position is the center of the bottom face of the box; in other words, SPH particles are generated above this location and BCE markers for the bottom boundary are generated below this location. If created, the BCE markers for the top, bottom, and side walls are adjacent to the SPH domain; 'side_flags' are boolean combinations of BoxSide enums.

box_sizebox dimensions
posreference position
side_flagssides for which BCE markers are created

◆ Construct() [2/3]

void chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemCartesian::Construct ( const std::string &  heightmap_file,
double  length,
double  width,
const ChVector2d height_range,
double  depth,
bool  uniform_depth,
const ChVector3d pos,
int  side_flags 

Construct SPH particles and optionally BCE markers from a given heightmap.

The image file is read with STB, using the number of channels defined in the input file and reading the image as 16-bit (8-bit images are automatically converted). Supported image formats: JPEG, PNG, BMP, GIF, PSD, PIC, PNM. Create the SPH particle grid locations for a patch of specified X and Y dimensions with optional translation. The height at each grid point is obtained through bilinear interpolation from the gray values in the provided heightmap image (with pure black corresponding to the lower height range and pure white to the upper height range). SPH particle grid locations are generated to cover the specified depth under each grid point. If created, BCE marker layers are generated below the bottom-most layer of SPH particles and on the sides of the patch. 'side_flags' are boolean combinations of BoxSide enums.

heightmap_filefilename for the heightmap image
lengthpatch length (X direction)
widthpatch width (Y direction)
height_rangeheight range (black to white level)
depthfluid phase depth
uniform_depthif true, bottom follows surface
posreference position
side_flagssides for which BCE markers are created

◆ Construct() [3/3]

void chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemCartesian::Construct ( const std::string &  sph_file,
const std::string &  bce_file,
const ChVector3d pos 

Construct using information from the specified files.

The SPH particle and BCE marker locations are assumed to be provided on an integer grid. Locations in real space are generated using the specified grid separation value and the patch translated to the specified position.

sph_filefilename with SPH grid particle positions
bce_filefilename with BCE grid marker positions
posreference position

◆ ConstructWaveTank()

std::shared_ptr< ChBody > chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiProblemCartesian::ConstructWaveTank ( WavemakerType  type,
const ChVector3d pos,
const ChVector3d box_size,
double  depth,
std::shared_ptr< ChFunction piston_fun,
std::shared_ptr< WaveTankProfile profile = nullptr,
bool  end_wall = true 

Add a wave tank with a rigid-body wavemaker (piston-type or flap-type).

The wave tank can include a beach for wave dissipation, by specifying a profile for the bottom. By default (no profile functor provided), the tank is created with a flat horizontal bottom.

typewave generator type
posreference position
box_sizebox dimensions
depthfluid depth
piston_funpiston actuation function
profileprofile for tank bottom
end_wallinclude end_wall

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_fsi/sph/ChFsiProblemSPH.h
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_fsi/sph/ChFsiProblemSPH.cpp