chrono::ChSystemSMC Class Reference


Class for a physical system in which contact is modeled using a smooth (penalty-based) method.

#include <ChSystemSMC.h>

Inheritance diagram for chrono::ChSystemSMC:
Collaboration diagram for chrono::ChSystemSMC:


class  ChContactForceTorqueSMC
 Base class for contact force calculation. More...

Public Types

enum  ContactForceModel { Hooke, Hertz, PlainCoulomb, Flores }
 Enum for SMC contact type. More...
enum  AdhesionForceModel { Constant, DMT, Perko }
 Enum for adhesion force model. More...
enum  TangentialDisplacementModel { None, OneStep, MultiStep }
 Enum for tangential displacement model. More...

Public Member Functions

 ChSystemSMC ()
 Constructor for ChSystemSMC.
 ChSystemSMC (const ChSystemSMC &other)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ChSystemSMCClone () const override
 "Virtual" copy constructor (covariant return type).
virtual ChContactMethod GetContactMethod () const override
 Return the contact method supported by this system.
virtual void SetContactContainer (std::shared_ptr< ChContactContainer > container) override
 Replace the contact container. More...
void UseMaterialProperties (bool val)
 Enable/disable using physical contact material properties. More...
bool UsingMaterialProperties () const
 Return true if contact coefficients are estimated from physical material properties.
void SetContactForceModel (ContactForceModel model)
 Set the normal contact force model.
ContactForceModel GetContactForceModel () const
 Get the current normal contact force model.
void SetAdhesionForceModel (AdhesionForceModel model)
 Set the adhesion force model.
AdhesionForceModel GetAdhesionForceModel () const
 Get the current adhesion force model.
void SetTangentialDisplacementModel (TangentialDisplacementModel model)
 Set the tangential displacement model. More...
TangentialDisplacementModel GetTangentialDisplacementModel () const
 Get the current tangential displacement model.
void SetContactStiff (bool val)
 Declare the contact forces as stiff. More...
bool IsContactStiff () const
 Return true if contact forces were declared as stiff.
void SetSlipVelocityThreshold (double vel)
 Slip velocity threshold. More...
double GetSlipVelocityThreshold () const
void SetCharacteristicImpactVelocity (double vel)
 Characteristic impact velocity (Hooke contact force model).
double GetCharacteristicImpactVelocity () const
virtual void SetContactForceTorqueAlgorithm (std::unique_ptr< ChContactForceTorqueSMC > &&algorithm)
 Change the default SMC contact force calculation (and torque, too, if needed).
const ChContactForceTorqueSMCGetContactForceTorqueAlgorithm () const
 Accessor for the current SMC contact force calculation.
virtual void ArchiveOut (ChArchiveOut &archive_out) override
 Method to allow serialization of transient data to archives.
virtual void ArchiveIn (ChArchiveIn &archive_in) override
 Method to allow deserialization of transient data from archives. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChSystem
 ChSystem ()
 Create a physical system.
 ChSystem (const ChSystem &other)
 Copy constructor.
virtual ~ChSystem ()
void SetTimestepperType (ChTimestepper::Type type)
 Set the method for time integration (time stepper type). More...
ChTimestepper::Type GetTimestepperType () const
 Get the current method for time integration (time stepper type).
void SetTimestepper (std::shared_ptr< ChTimestepper > stepper)
 Set the timestepper object to be used for time integration.
std::shared_ptr< ChTimestepperGetTimestepper () const
 Get the timestepper currently used for time integration.
virtual void SetCollisionSystemType (ChCollisionSystem::Type type)
 Set the collision detection system used by this Chrono system to the specified type.
virtual void SetCollisionSystem (std::shared_ptr< ChCollisionSystem > coll_system)
 Set the collision detection system used by this Chrono system.
std::shared_ptr< ChCollisionSystemGetCollisionSystem () const
 Access the underlying collision system. More...
virtual void SetMaterialCompositionStrategy (std::unique_ptr< ChContactMaterialCompositionStrategy > &&strategy)
 Change the default composition laws for contact surface materials (coefficient of friction, cohesion, compliance, etc.)
const ChContactMaterialCompositionStrategyGetMaterialCompositionStrategy () const
 Accessor for the current composition laws for contact surface material.
void SetMaxPenetrationRecoverySpeed (double value)
 Set the speed limit of exiting from penetration situations (default: 0.6). More...
virtual void SetSolver (std::shared_ptr< ChSolver > newsolver)
 Attach a solver (derived from ChSolver) for use by this system. More...
virtual std::shared_ptr< ChSolverGetSolver ()
 Access the solver currently associated with this system.
void SetSolverType (ChSolver::Type type)
 Choose the solver type, to be used for the simultaneous solution of the constraints in dynamical simulations (as well as in kinematics, statics, etc.) Notes: More...
ChSolver::Type GetSolverType () const
 Gets the current solver type.
void SetSystemDescriptor (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemDescriptor > newdescriptor)
 Instead of using the default 'system descriptor', you can create your own custom descriptor (inherited from ChSystemDescriptor) and plug it into the system using this function.
std::shared_ptr< ChSystemDescriptorGetSystemDescriptor ()
 Access directly the 'system descriptor'.
void SetGravitationalAcceleration (const ChVector3d &gacc)
 Set the gravitational acceleration vector.
const ChVector3dGetGravitationalAcceleration () const
 Get the gravitatoinal acceleration vector.
double GetChTime () const
 Get the simulation time of this system.
void SetChTime (double time)
 Set (overwrite) the simulation time of this system.
double GetStep () const
 Gets the current time step used for integration (dynamic and kinematic simulation). More...
size_t GetNumSteps () const
 Return the total number of time steps taken so far.
void ResetNumSteps ()
 Reset to 0 the total number of time steps.
int DoStepDynamics (double step_size)
 Advance the dynamics simulation by a single time step of given length. More...
bool DoFrameDynamics (double frame_time, double step_size)
 Advance the dynamics simulation until the specified frame end time is reached. More...
AssemblyAnalysis::ExitFlag DoStepKinematics (double step_size)
 Advance the kinematics simulation for a single step of given length.
AssemblyAnalysis::ExitFlag DoFrameKinematics (double frame_time, double step_size)
 Advance the kinematics simulation to the specified frame end time. More...
bool DoStaticAnalysis (ChStaticAnalysis &analysis)
 Perform a generic static analysis.
bool DoStaticLinear ()
 Solve the position of static equilibrium (and the reactions). More...
bool DoStaticNonlinear (int nsteps=10, bool verbose=false)
 Solve the position of static equilibrium (and the reactions). More...
bool DoStaticNonlinearRheonomic (int max_num_iterations=10, bool verbose=false, std::shared_ptr< ChStaticNonLinearRheonomicAnalysis::IterationCallback > callback=nullptr)
 Solve the position of static equilibrium (and the reactions). More...
bool DoStaticRelaxing (double step_size, int num_iterations=10)
 Find the static equilibrium configuration (and the reactions) starting from the current position. More...
unsigned int GetSolverSolveCount () const
 Return the number of calls to the solver's Solve() function. More...
unsigned int GetSolverSetupCount () const
 Return the number of calls to the solver's Setup() function. More...
AssemblyAnalysis::ExitFlag DoAssembly (int action, int max_num_iterationsNR=6, double abstol_residualNR=1e-10, double reltol_updateNR=1e-6, double abstol_updateNR=1e-6)
 Assemble the system. More...
unsigned int RemoveRedundantConstraints (bool remove_links=false, double qr_tol=1e-6, bool verbose=false)
 Remove redundant constraints through QR decomposition of the constraints Jacobian matrix. More...
virtual void SetNumThreads (int num_threads_chrono, int num_threads_collision=0, int num_threads_eigen=0)
 Set the number of OpenMP threads used by Chrono itself, Eigen, and the collision detection system. More...
unsigned int GetNumThreadsChrono () const
unsigned int GetNumThreadsCollision () const
unsigned int GetNumThreadsEigen () const
const ChAssemblyGetAssembly () const
 Get the underlying assembly containing all physics items.
virtual void AddBody (std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body)
 Attach a body to the underlying assembly.
virtual void AddShaft (std::shared_ptr< ChShaft > shaft)
 Attach a shaft to the underlying assembly.
virtual void AddLink (std::shared_ptr< ChLinkBase > link)
 Attach a link to the underlying assembly.
virtual void AddMesh (std::shared_ptr< fea::ChMesh > mesh)
 Attach a mesh to the underlying assembly.
virtual void AddOtherPhysicsItem (std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item)
 Attach a ChPhysicsItem object that is not a body, link, or mesh.
void Add (std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item)
 Attach an arbitrary ChPhysicsItem (e.g. More...
void AddBatch (std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item)
 Items added in this way are added like in the Add() method, but not instantly, they are simply queued in a batch of 'to add' items, that are added automatically at the first Setup() call. More...
void FlushBatch ()
 If some items are queued for addition in the assembly, using AddBatch(), this will effectively add them and clean the batch. More...
virtual void RemoveBody (std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body)
 Remove a body from this assembly.
virtual void RemoveShaft (std::shared_ptr< ChShaft > shaft)
 Remove a shaft from this assembly.
virtual void RemoveLink (std::shared_ptr< ChLinkBase > link)
 Remove a link from this assembly.
virtual void RemoveMesh (std::shared_ptr< fea::ChMesh > mesh)
 Remove a mesh from the assembly.
virtual void RemoveOtherPhysicsItem (std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item)
 Remove a ChPhysicsItem object that is not a body or a link.
void Remove (std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item)
 Remove arbitrary ChPhysicsItem that was added to the underlying assembly.
void RemoveAllBodies ()
 Remove all bodies from the underlying assembly.
void RemoveAllShafts ()
 Remove all shafts from the underlying assembly.
void RemoveAllLinks ()
 Remove all links from the underlying assembly.
void RemoveAllMeshes ()
 Remove all meshes from the underlying assembly.
void RemoveAllOtherPhysicsItems ()
 Remove all physics items not in the body, link, or mesh lists.
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChBody > > & GetBodies () const
 Get the list of bodies.
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChShaft > > & GetShafts () const
 Get the list of shafts.
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChLinkBase > > & GetLinks () const
 Get the list of links.
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< fea::ChMesh > > & GetMeshes () const
 Get the list of meshes.
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > > & GetOtherPhysicsItems () const
 Get the list of physics items that are not in the body or link lists.
std::shared_ptr< ChBodySearchBody (const std::string &name) const
 Search a body by its name.
std::shared_ptr< ChBodySearchBodyID (int id) const
 Search a body by its ID.
std::shared_ptr< ChShaftSearchShaft (const std::string &name) const
 Search a shaft by its name.
std::shared_ptr< ChLinkBaseSearchLink (const std::string &name) const
 Search a link by its name.
std::shared_ptr< fea::ChMeshSearchMesh (const std::string &name) const
 Search a mesh by its name.
std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItemSearchOtherPhysicsItem (const std::string &name) const
 Search from other ChPhysics items (not bodies, links, or meshes) by name.
std::shared_ptr< ChMarkerSearchMarker (const std::string &name) const
 Search a marker by its name.
std::shared_ptr< ChMarkerSearchMarker (int id) const
 Search a marker by its unique ID.
std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItemSearch (const std::string &name) const
 Search an item (body, link or other ChPhysics items) by name.
virtual unsigned int GetNumBodies () const
 Get the total number of bodies added to the system, including fixed and sleeping bodies.
virtual unsigned int GetNumBodiesActive () const
 Get the number of active bodies, excluding sleeping or fixed.
virtual unsigned int GetNumBodiesSleeping () const
 Get the number of sleeping bodies.
virtual unsigned int GetNumBodiesFixed () const
 Get the number of bodies fixed to ground.
virtual unsigned int GetNumShafts () const
 Get the number of shafts.
virtual unsigned int GetNumShaftsSleeping () const
 Get the number of shafts that are in sleeping mode (excluding fixed shafts).
virtual unsigned int GetNumShaftsFixed () const
 Get the number of shafts that are fixed to ground.
virtual unsigned int GetNumShaftsTotal () const
 Get the total number of shafts added to the assembly, including the grounded and sleeping shafts.
virtual unsigned int GetNumLinks () const
 Get the number of links (including non active).
virtual unsigned int GetNumLinksActive () const
 Get the number of active links.
virtual unsigned int GetNumMeshes () const
 Get the number of meshes.
virtual unsigned int GetNumOtherPhysicsItems () const
 Get the number of other physics items (including non active).
virtual unsigned int GetNumOtherPhysicsItemsActive () const
 Get the number of other active physics items.
void ShowHierarchy (std::ostream &m_file, int level=0) const
 Write the hierarchy of contained bodies, markers, etc. More...
void Clear ()
 Removes all bodies/marker/forces/links/contacts, also resets timers and events.
virtual void CustomEndOfStep ()
 Executes custom processing at the end of step. More...
double ComputeCollisions ()
 Perform the collision detection. More...
void RegisterCustomCollisionCallback (std::shared_ptr< CustomCollisionCallback > callback)
 Specify a callback object to be invoked at each collision detection step. More...
void UnregisterCustomCollisionCallback (std::shared_ptr< CustomCollisionCallback > callback)
 Remove the given collision callback from this system.
std::shared_ptr< ChContactContainerGetContactContainer () const
 Access the underlying contact container. More...
void SetSleepingAllowed (bool ms)
 Turn on this feature to let the system put to sleep the bodies whose motion has almost come to a rest. More...
bool IsSleepingAllowed () const
 Tell if the system will put to sleep the bodies whose motion has almost come to a rest.
ChVisualSystemGetVisualSystem () const
 Get the visual system to which this ChSystem is attached (if any).
virtual unsigned int GetNumContacts ()
 Gets the number of contacts.
virtual double GetTimerStep () const
 Return the time (in seconds) spent for computing the time step.
virtual double GetTimerAdvance () const
 Return the time (in seconds) for time integration, within the time step.
virtual double GetTimerLSsolve () const
 Return the time (in seconds) for the solver, within the time step. More...
virtual double GetTimerLSsetup () const
 Return the time (in seconds) for the solver Setup phase, within the time step.
virtual double GetTimerJacobian () const
 Return the time (in seconds) for calculating/loading Jacobian information, within the time step.
virtual double GetTimerCollision () const
 Return the time (in seconds) for runnning the collision detection step, within the time step.
virtual double GetTimerSetup () const
 Return the time (in seconds) for system setup, within the time step.
virtual double GetTimerUpdate () const
 Return the time (in seconds) for updating auxiliary data, within the time step.
double GetTimerCollisionBroad () const
 Return the time (in seconds) for broadphase collision detection, within the time step.
double GetTimerCollisionNarrow () const
 Return the time (in seconds) for narrowphase collision detection, within the time step.
double GetRTF () const
 Get current estimated RTF (real time factor). More...
void SetRTF (double rtf)
 Set (overwrite) the RTF value for this system (if calculated externally).
void ResetTimers ()
 Resets the timers.
void EnableSolverMatrixWrite (bool val, const std::string &out_dir=".")
bool IsSolverMatrixWriteEnabled () const
 Return true if solver matrices are being written to disk.
void WriteSystemMatrices (bool save_M, bool save_K, bool save_R, bool save_Cq, const std::string &path, bool one_indexed=true)
 Write the mass (M), damping (R), stiffness (K), and constraint Jacobian (Cq) matrices at current configuration. More...
void GetMassMatrix (ChSparseMatrix &M)
 Compute the system-level mass matrix and load in the provided sparse matrix.
void GetStiffnessMatrix (ChSparseMatrix &K)
 Compute the system-level stiffness matrix and load in the provided sparse matrix. More...
void GetDampingMatrix (ChSparseMatrix &R)
 Compute the system-level damping matrix and load in the provided sparse matrix. More...
void GetConstraintJacobianMatrix (ChSparseMatrix &Cq)
 Compute the system-level constraint Jacobian matrix and load in the provided sparse matrix. More...
virtual void Setup ()
 Counts the number of bodies and links. More...
void Update (double mytime, bool update_assets=true)
 Updates all the auxiliary data and children of bodies, forces, links, given their current state.
void Update (bool update_assets=true)
 Updates all the auxiliary data and children of bodies, forces, links, given their current state.
void ForceUpdate ()
 In normal usage, no system update is necessary at the beginning of a new dynamics step (since an update is performed at the end of a step). More...
void IntToDescriptor (const unsigned int off_v, const ChStateDelta &v, const ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const unsigned int off_L, const ChVectorDynamic<> &L, const ChVectorDynamic<> &Qc)
void IntFromDescriptor (const unsigned int off_v, ChStateDelta &v, const unsigned int off_L, ChVectorDynamic<> &L)
void InjectVariables (ChSystemDescriptor &sys_descriptor)
 Register with the given system descriptor all ChVariable objects associated with items in the system.
void InjectConstraints (ChSystemDescriptor &sys_descriptor)
 Register with the given system descriptor any ChConstraint objects associated with items in the system.
void LoadConstraintJacobians ()
 Compute and load current Jacobians in encapsulated ChConstraint objects.
void InjectKRMMatrices (ChSystemDescriptor &sys_descriptor)
 Register with the given system descriptor any ChKRMBlock objects associated with items in the system.
void LoadKRMMatrices (double Kfactor, double Rfactor, double Mfactor)
 Compute and load current stiffnes (K), damping (R), and mass (M) matrices in encapsulated ChKRMBlock objects. More...
void VariablesFbReset ()
void VariablesFbLoadForces (double factor=1)
void VariablesQbLoadSpeed ()
void VariablesFbIncrementMq ()
void VariablesQbSetSpeed (double step=0)
void VariablesQbIncrementPosition (double step)
void ConstraintsBiReset ()
void ConstraintsBiLoad_C (double factor=1, double recovery_clamp=0.1, bool do_clamp=false)
void ConstraintsBiLoad_Ct (double factor=1)
void ConstraintsBiLoad_Qc (double factor=1)
void ConstraintsFbLoadForces (double factor=1)
void ConstraintsFetch_react (double factor=1)
virtual unsigned int GetNumCoordsPosLevel () override
 Get the number of coordinates at the position level. More...
virtual unsigned int GetNumCoordsVelLevel () override
 Get the number of coordinates at the velocity level. More...
virtual unsigned int GetNumConstraints () override
 Get the number of scalar constraints in the system.
virtual unsigned int GetNumConstraintsBilateral ()
 Get the number of bilateral scalar constraints.
virtual unsigned int GetNumConstraintsUnilateral ()
 Get the number of unilateral scalar constraints.
virtual void StateGather (ChState &x, ChStateDelta &v, double &T) override
 From system to state y={x,v}.
virtual void StateScatter (const ChState &x, const ChStateDelta &v, const double T, bool full_update) override
 From state Y={x,v} to system. This also triggers an update operation.
virtual void StateGatherAcceleration (ChStateDelta &a) override
 From system to state derivative (acceleration), some timesteppers might need last computed accel.
virtual void StateScatterAcceleration (const ChStateDelta &a) override
 From state derivative (acceleration) to system, sometimes might be needed.
virtual void StateGatherReactions (ChVectorDynamic<> &L) override
 From system to reaction forces (last computed) - some timestepper might need this.
virtual void StateScatterReactions (const ChVectorDynamic<> &L) override
 From reaction forces to system, ex. store last computed reactions in ChLink objects for plotting etc.
virtual void StateIncrementX (ChState &x_new, const ChState &x, const ChStateDelta &Dx) override
 Perform x_new = x + dx, for x in Y = {x, dx/dt}. More...
virtual bool StateSolveCorrection (ChStateDelta &Dv, ChVectorDynamic<> &DL, const ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const ChVectorDynamic<> &Qc, const double c_a, const double c_v, const double c_x, const ChState &x, const ChStateDelta &v, const double T, bool force_state_scatter, bool full_update, bool force_setup) override
 Assuming a DAE of the form. More...
virtual void LoadResidual_F (ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const double c) override
 Increment a vector R with the term c*F: R += c*F. More...
virtual void LoadResidual_Mv (ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const ChVectorDynamic<> &w, const double c) override
 Increment a vector R with a term that has M multiplied a given vector w: R += c*M*w. More...
virtual void LoadLumpedMass_Md (ChVectorDynamic<> &Md, double &err, const double c) override
 Adds the lumped mass to a Md vector, representing a mass diagonal matrix. More...
virtual void LoadResidual_CqL (ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const ChVectorDynamic<> &L, const double c) override
 Increment a vectorR with the term Cq'*L: R += c*Cq'*L. More...
virtual void LoadConstraint_C (ChVectorDynamic<> &Qc, const double c, const bool do_clamp=false, const double clamp=1e30) override
 Increment a vector Qc with the term C: Qc += c*C. More...
virtual void LoadConstraint_Ct (ChVectorDynamic<> &Qc, const double c) override
 Increment a vector Qc with the term Ct = partial derivative dC/dt: Qc += c*Ct. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChIntegrableIIorder
virtual void StateSetup (ChState &x, ChStateDelta &v, ChStateDelta &a)
 Set up the system state with separate II order components x, v, a for y = {x, v} and dy/dt={v, a}.
virtual bool StateSolveA (ChStateDelta &Dvdt, ChVectorDynamic<> &L, const ChState &x, const ChStateDelta &v, const double T, const double dt, bool force_state_scatter, bool full_update, ChLumpingParms *lumping=nullptr)
 Solve for accelerations: a = f(x,v,t) Given current state y={x,v} , computes acceleration a in the state derivative dy/dt={v,a} and lagrangian multipliers L (if any). More...
virtual void StateGather (ChState &y, double &T) override
 Gather system state in specified array. More...
virtual void StateScatter (const ChState &y, const double T, bool full_update) override
 Scatter the states from the provided array to the system. More...
virtual void StateGatherDerivative (ChStateDelta &Dydt) override
 Gather from the system the state derivatives in specified array. More...
virtual void StateScatterDerivative (const ChStateDelta &Dydt) override
 Scatter the state derivatives from the provided array to the system. More...
virtual void StateIncrement (ChState &y_new, const ChState &y, const ChStateDelta &Dy) override
 Increment state array: y_new = y + Dy. More...
virtual bool StateSolve (ChStateDelta &dydt, ChVectorDynamic<> &L, const ChState &y, const double T, const double dt, bool force_state_scatter, bool full_update, ChLumpingParms *lumping=nullptr) override
 Solve for state derivatives: dy/dt = f(y,t). More...
virtual bool StateSolveCorrection (ChStateDelta &Dy, ChVectorDynamic<> &L, const ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const ChVectorDynamic<> &Qc, const double a, const double b, const ChState &y, const double T, const double dt, bool force_state_scatter, bool full_update, bool force_setup) override final
 Override of method for Ist order implicit integrators. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChIntegrable
virtual unsigned int GetNumCoordsAccLevel ()
 Return the number of coordinates at the acceleration level.
virtual void StateSetup (ChState &y, ChStateDelta &dy)
 Set up the system state.
virtual void LoadResidual_Hv (ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const ChVectorDynamic<> &v, const double c)
 Increment a vector R (usually the residual in a Newton Raphson iteration for solving an implicit integration step) with a term that has H multiplied a given vector w: R += c*H*w. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChSystem
virtual void DescriptorPrepareInject (ChSystemDescriptor &sys_descriptor)
 Pushes all ChConstraints and ChVariables contained in links, bodies, etc. into the system descriptor.
void Initialize ()
 Initial system setup before analysis. More...
virtual ChVector3d GetBodyAppliedForce (ChBody *body)
 Return the resultant applied force on the specified body. More...
virtual ChVector3d GetBodyAppliedTorque (ChBody *body)
 Return the resultant applied torque on the specified body. More...
bool ManageSleepingBodies ()
 Put bodies to sleep if possible. More...
virtual bool AdvanceDynamics ()
 Performs a single dynamics simulation step, advancing the system state by the current step size.
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::ChSystem
ChAssembly assembly
 underlying mechanical assembly
std::shared_ptr< ChContactContainercontact_container
 the container of contacts
ChVector3d G_acc
 gravitational acceleration
bool is_initialized
 if false, an initial setup is required (i.e. a call to Initialize)
bool is_updated
 if false, a new update is required (i.e. a call to Update)
unsigned int m_num_coords_pos
 num of scalar coordinates at position level for all active bodies
unsigned int m_num_coords_vel
 num of scalar coordinates at velocity level for all active bodies
unsigned int m_num_constr
 num of scalar constraints (at velocity level) for all active constraints
unsigned int m_num_constr_bil
 num of scalar bilateral active constraints (velocity level)
unsigned int m_num_constr_uni
 num of scalar unilateral active constraints (velocity level)
double ch_time
 simulation time of the system
double step
 time step
bool use_sleeping
 if true, put to sleep objects that come to rest
std::shared_ptr< ChSystemDescriptordescriptor
 system descriptor
std::shared_ptr< ChSolversolver
 solver for DVI or DAE problem
double max_penetration_recovery_speed
 limit for speed of penetration recovery (positive)
size_t stepcount
 internal counter for steps
unsigned int setupcount
 number of calls to the solver's Setup()
unsigned int solvecount
 number of StateSolveCorrection (reset to 0 at each timestep of static analysis)
bool write_matrix
 write current system matrix to file(s); for debugging
std::string output_dir
 output directory for writing system matrices
unsigned int ncontacts
 total number of contacts
std::shared_ptr< ChCollisionSystemcollision_system
 collision engine
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< CustomCollisionCallback > > collision_callbacks
 user-defined collision callbacks
std::unique_ptr< ChContactMaterialCompositionStrategycomposition_strategy
 material composition strategy More...
int nthreads_chrono
int nthreads_eigen
int nthreads_collision
ChTimer timer_step
 timer for integration step
ChTimer timer_advance
 timer for time integration
ChTimer timer_ls_solve
 timer for solver (excluding setup phase)
ChTimer timer_ls_setup
 timer for solver setup
ChTimer timer_jacobian
 timer for computing/loading Jacobian information
ChTimer timer_collision
 timer for collision detection
ChTimer timer_setup
 timer for system setup
ChTimer timer_update
 timer for system update
double m_RTF
 real-time factor (simulation time / simulated time)
std::shared_ptr< ChTimesteppertimestepper
 time-stepper object
ChVectorDynamic applied_forces
 system-wide vector of applied forces (lazy evaluation)
bool applied_forces_current
 indicates if system-wide vector of forces is up-to-date

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ AdhesionForceModel

Enum for adhesion force model.


constant adhesion force


Derjagin-Muller-Toropov model.


Perko et al. (2001) model.

◆ ContactForceModel

Enum for SMC contact type.


linear Hookean model


nonlinear Hertzian model


basic tangential force definition for non-granular bodies


nonlinear Hertzian model

◆ TangentialDisplacementModel

Enum for tangential displacement model.


no tangential force


use only current relative tangential velocity


use contact history (from contact initiation)

Member Function Documentation

◆ ArchiveIn()

void chrono::ChSystemSMC::ArchiveIn ( ChArchiveIn archive_in)

Method to allow deserialization of transient data from archives.

Method to allow de serialization of transient data from archives.

Reimplemented from chrono::ChSystem.

◆ SetContactContainer()

void chrono::ChSystemSMC::SetContactContainer ( std::shared_ptr< ChContactContainer container)

Replace the contact container.

The provided container object must be inherited from ChContactContainerSMC.

Reimplemented from chrono::ChSystem.

◆ SetContactStiff()

void chrono::ChSystemSMC::SetContactStiff ( bool  val)

Declare the contact forces as stiff.

If true, this enables calculation of contact force Jacobians.

◆ SetSlipVelocityThreshold()

void chrono::ChSystemSMC::SetSlipVelocityThreshold ( double  vel)

Slip velocity threshold.

No tangential contact forces are generated if the magnitude of the tangential relative velocity is below this value.

◆ SetTangentialDisplacementModel()

void chrono::ChSystemSMC::SetTangentialDisplacementModel ( TangentialDisplacementModel  model)

Set the tangential displacement model.

Note that currently MultiStep falls back to OneStep.

◆ UseMaterialProperties()

void chrono::ChSystemSMC::UseMaterialProperties ( bool  val)

Enable/disable using physical contact material properties.

If true, contact coefficients are estimated from physical material properties. Otherwise, explicit values of stiffness and damping coefficients are used.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/physics/ChSystemSMC.h
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/physics/ChSystemSMC.cpp