
Global data for the custom Chrono multicore collision system.

#include <ChCollisionData.h>

Collaboration diagram for chrono::ChCollisionData:

Public Member Functions

 ChCollisionData (bool owns_data)

Public Attributes

bool owns_state_data
 if false, state data set from outside
state_container state_data
 state data arrays
shape_container shape_data
 shape information data arrays
real collision_envelope
 collision envelope for rigid shapes
real p_collision_envelope
 collision envelope for 3-dof particles
real p_kernel_radius
 3-dof particle radius
short2 p_collision_family
 collision family and family mask for 3-dof particles
std::vector< real3aabb_min
 list of bounding boxes minimum point
std::vector< real3aabb_max
 list of bounding boxes maximum point
std::vector< long long > pair_shapeIDs
 shape IDs for each shape pair (encoded in a single long long)
std::vector< long long > contact_shapeIDs
 shape IDs for each contact (encoded in a single long long)
std::vector< real3norm_rigid_rigid
 [num_rigid_contacts] normal for each rigid-rigid contact
std::vector< real3cpta_rigid_rigid
 [num_rigid_contacts] point on first shape for each rigid-rigid contact
std::vector< real3cptb_rigid_rigid
 [num_rigid_contacts] point on second shape for each rigid-rigid contact
std::vector< real > dpth_rigid_rigid
 [num_rigid_contacts] penetration depth for each rigid-rigid contact
std::vector< real > erad_rigid_rigid
 [num_rigid_contacts] effective contact radius for each rigid-rigid contact
std::vector< vec2 > bids_rigid_rigid
 [num_rigid_contacts] body IDs for each rigid-rigid contact pair
std::vector< real3norm_rigid_particle
std::vector< real3cpta_rigid_particle
std::vector< real > dpth_rigid_particle
std::vector< int > neighbor_rigid_particle
std::vector< int > c_counts_rigid_particle
std::vector< int > neighbor_3dof_3dof
std::vector< int > c_counts_3dof_3dof
std::vector< int > particle_indices_3dof
std::vector< int > reverse_mapping_3dof
vec3 bins_per_axis
 number of slices along each axis of the collision detection grid
real3 bin_size
 bin sizes in each direction
real3 inv_bin_size
 bin size reciprocals in each direction
real3 min_bounding_point
 LBR (left-bottom-rear) corner of union of all AABBs.
real3 max_bounding_point
 RTF (right-top-front) corner of union of all AABBs.
real3 global_origin
 grid zero point (same as LBR)
uint num_bins
 total number of bins
uint num_bin_aabb_intersections
 number of bin - shape AABB intersections
uint num_active_bins
 number of bins intersecting at least one shape AABB
uint num_possible_collisions
 number of candidate collisions from broadphase
real3 rigid_min_bounding_point
 LBR (left-bottom-rear) corner of union of rigid AABBs.
real3 rigid_max_bounding_point
 RTF (right-top-front) corner of union of rigid AABBs.
real3 part_min_bounding_point
 LBR (left-bottom-rear) corner of union of particle AABBs.
real3 part_max_bounding_point
 RTF (right-top-front) corner of union of particle AABBs.
vec3 part_bins_per_axis
 grid resolution for particles
std::vector< uint > bin_intersections
 [num_rigid_shapes+1] number of bin intersections for each shape AABB
std::vector< uint > bin_number
 [num_bin_aabb_intersections] bin index for bin-shape AABB intersections
std::vector< uint > bin_aabb_number
 [num_bin_aabb_intersections] shape ID for bin-shape AABB intersections
std::vector< uint > bin_active
 [num_active_bins] bin index of active bins (no duplicates)
std::vector< uint > bin_start_index
std::vector< uint > bin_start_index_ext
std::vector< uint > bin_num_contact
uint num_rigid_shapes
 number of collision models in a system
uint num_rigid_contacts
 number of contacts between rigid bodies in a system
uint num_rigid_particle_contacts
 number of contacts between rigid and particle objects
uint num_particle_contacts
 number of contacts between particle objects

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/collision/multicore/ChCollisionData.h