chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiParamsSPH Struct Reference


Structure with FSI simulation parameters.

#include <ChFsiParamsSPH.h>

Collaboration diagram for chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiParamsSPH:

Public Attributes

SPHMethod sph_method
 SPH method (WCSPH or I2SPH)
EosType eos_type
 Equation of state type (Tait or isothermal)
ViscosityType viscosity_type
 Viscosity treatment type (physics-based laminar flow or artificial)
BoundaryType boundary_type
 Boundary type (Adami or Holmes)
KernelType kernel_type
 Kernel type (Quadratic, cubic spline, quintinc spline, quintic Wendland)
ShiftingMethod shifting_method
 Shifting method (NONE, PPST, XSPH, PPST_XSPH)
bool elastic_SPH
 Set physics problem: CFD (false) or CRM granular (true)
int3 gridSize
 dx, dy, dz distances between particle centers
Real3 worldOrigin
 Origin point.
Real3 cellSize
 Cell size for the neighbor particle search.
uint numBodies
 Number of FSI bodies.
Real3 boxDims
 Dimensions (AABB) of the domain.
Real3 zombieBoxDims
 Dimensions (AABB) of the zombie domain.
Real3 zombieOrigin
 Origin point of the zombie domain.
Real d0
 Initial separation of SPH particles.
Real ood0
 1 / d0
Real d0_multiplier
 Multiplier to obtain the interaction length, h = d0_multiplier * d0.
Real h
 Kernel interaction length.
Real ooh
 1 / h
Real h_multiplier
 Multiplier to obtain kernel radius, r = h_multiplier * h (depends on kernel type)
int num_neighbors
 Number of neighbor particles.
Real epsMinMarkersDis
 Multiplier for minimum distance between markers (d_min = eps * h)
int num_bce_layers
 Number of BCE marker layers attached to boundary and solid surfaces (default: 3)
Real toleranceZone
 Helps determine the particles that are in the domain but are outside the boundaries, so they are not considered fluid particles and are dropped at the beginning of the simulation.
Real base_pressure
 Relative value of pressure applied to the whole domain.
Real3 delta_pressure
 Change in Pressure for periodic BC (when particle moves from one side to the other)
Real3 V_in
 Inlet velocity for inlet BC.
Real x_in
 Inlet position for inlet BC.
Real3 gravity
 Gravitational acceleration.
Real3 bodyForce3
 Constant force applied to the fluid particles (solids not directly affected)
Real rho0
Real invrho0
 1 / rho0
Real volume0
 Initial particle volume.
Real markerMass
 marker mass
Real mu0
Real v_Max
 Max velocity of fluid used in equation of state. Run simulation once to be able to determine it.
Real shifting_xsph_eps
 Coefficient for XSPH shifting.
Real shifting_ppst_push
 Coefficient for PPST shifting - this is applied when penetration with fictitious sphere is detected.
Real shifting_ppst_pull
 Coefficient for PPST pulling - this is applied when penetration with fictitious.
Real shifting_beta_implicit
 Coefficient for shifting used in implicit scheme.
Real shifting_diffusion_A
 TODO: Add documentation.
Real shifting_diffusion_AFSM
 TODO: Add documentation.
Real shifting_diffusion_AFST
 TODO: Add documentation.
Real dT
 Time step. More...
Real kdT
 Implicit integration parameter.
Real gammaBB
 Equation of state parameter.
int periodic_sides
 Periodic boundary condition sides for the defined computational domain - Takes values NONE, X, Y, Z, All (can also be combined using binary OR and bitwise AND). More...
bool use_default_limits
 true if cMin and cMax are not user-provided (default: true)
bool use_init_pressure
 true if pressure set based on height (default: false)
Real3 cMinInit
 Minimum point of the fluid domain.
Real3 cMaxInit
 Maximum point of the fluid domain.
Real binSize0
 Suggests the length of the bin each particle occupies. More...
double pressure_height
 height for pressure initialization
int densityReinit
 Reinitialize density after densityReinit steps. More...
bool Conservative_Form
 Whether conservative or consistent discretization should be used.
int gradient_type
 Type of the gradient operator.
int laplacian_type
 Type of the laplacian operator.
bool USE_Consistent_G
 Use consistent discretization for gradient operator.
bool USE_Consistent_L
 Use consistent discretization for laplacian operator.
bool USE_Delta_SPH
 Use delta SPH.
Real density_delta
 Parameter for delta SPH.
bool DensityBaseProjection
 Set true to use density based projetion scheme in ISPH solver.
bool Pressure_Constraint
 Whether the singularity of the pressure equation should be fixed.
SolverType LinearSolver
 Type of the linear solver.
Real Alpha
 Poisson Pressure Equation source term constant. Used to control the noise in the FS forces.
Real LinearSolver_Abs_Tol
 Poisson Pressure Equation residual.
Real LinearSolver_Rel_Tol
 Poisson Pressure Equation Absolute residual.
int LinearSolver_Max_Iter
 Linear Solver maximum number of iteration.
bool Verbose_monitoring
 Poisson Pressure Equation Absolute residual.
Real Max_Pressure
 Max Pressure in the pressure solver.
Real PPE_relaxation
bool ClampPressure
 Clamp pressure to 0 if negative, based on the ISPH paper by Ihmsen et al. (2013)
Real IncompressibilityFactor
 Incompressibility factor (default: 1)
Real Cs
 Speed of sound.
bool Apply_BC_U
 This option lets you apply a velocity BC on the BCE markers.
Real L_Characteristic
 Characteristic for Re number computation.
bool non_newtonian
 Set true to model non-newtonian fluid.
Rheology rheology_model
 Model of the rheology.
Real ave_diam
 average particle diameter
Real cohesion
 c in the stress model sigma=(mu*p+c)/|D|
FrictionLaw mu_of_I
 Constant I in granular material dyanmcis.
Real mu_max
 maximum viscosity
Real mu_fric_s
 friction mu_s
Real mu_fric_2
 mu_2 constant in mu=mu(I)
Real mu_I0
 Reference Inertia number.
Real mu_I_b
 b constant in mu=mu(I)=mu_s+b*I
Real HB_sr0
 Herschel–Bulkley consistency index.
Real HB_k
 Herschel–Bulkley consistency index.
Real HB_n
 Herschel–Bulkley power.
Real HB_tau0
 Herschel–Bulkley yeild stress.
Real E_young
 Young's modulus.
Real G_shear
 Shear modulus.
Real INV_G_shear
 1.0 / G_shear
Real K_bulk
 Bulk modulus.
Real Nu_poisson
 Poisson's ratio.
Real Ar_vis_alpha
 Artifical viscosity coefficient.
Real Coh_coeff
 Cohesion coefficient.
Real C_Wi
 Threshold of the integration of the kernel function.
Real boxDimX
 Dimension of the space domain - X.
Real boxDimY
 Dimension of the space domain - Y.
Real boxDimZ
 Dimension of the space domain - Z.
bool x_periodic
bool y_periodic
bool z_periodic
int3 minBounds
 Lower limit point of the grid (in grid index)
int3 maxBounds
 Upper limit point of the grid (in grid index)
Real3 cMin
 Lower limit point (in world coordinates)
Real3 cMax
 Upper limit point (in world coordinates)
Real3 zombieMin
 Lower limit point of the zombie domain -> All particles outside this will be frozen.
Real3 zombieMax
 Upper limit point of the zombie domain -> All particles outside this will be frozen.
Real3 bodyActiveDomain
 Size of the active domain that influenced by an FSI body.
Real settlingTime
 Time for the granular to settle down.
int num_proximity_search_steps
 Number of steps between updates to neighbor lists.

Member Data Documentation

◆ binSize0

Real chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiParamsSPH::binSize0

Suggests the length of the bin each particle occupies.

Normally this would be 2*hsml since hsml is the radius of the particle, but when we have periodic boundary condition varies a little from 2 hsml.This may change slightly due to the location of the periodic BC.

◆ densityReinit

int chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiParamsSPH::densityReinit

Reinitialize density after densityReinit steps.

Note that doing this more frequently helps in getting more accurate incompressible fluid, but more stable solution is obtained for larger densityReinit

◆ dT

Real chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiParamsSPH::dT

Time step.

Depending on the model this will vary and the only way to determine what time step to use is to run simulations multiple time and find which one is the largest dT that produces a stable simulation.

◆ periodic_sides

int chrono::fsi::sph::ChFsiParamsSPH::periodic_sides

Periodic boundary condition sides for the defined computational domain - Takes values NONE, X, Y, Z, All (can also be combined using binary OR and bitwise AND).

(default: NONE)

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_fsi/sph/ChFsiParamsSPH.h