Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 Cchrono::utils::MixtureIngredient::AddBodyCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for some user-defined action to be taken each time the generator creates and adds a body based on this mixture ingredient to the system
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChRandomShapeCreator::AddBodyCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for some user-defined action to be taken each time a body is generated and added to the system
 Cchrono::ChContactContainer::AddContactCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for some user defined action to be taken each time a contact is added to the container
 Cchrono::ChProximityContainer::AddProximityCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for some user defined action to be taken each time a proximity info is added to the container
 Cchrono::granular::BC_params_t< T, T3 >Big enum to handle all possible boundary conditions
 Cchrono::BodyExchangeStructure of data for sending a new body to a rank
 Cchrono::vehicle::BodyStateStructure to communicate a full body state
 Cchrono::ChSystemDistributed::BodyStateStores all data needed to fully update the state of a body
 Cchrono::BodyUpdateStructure of data for sending an update of an existing body to a rank
 Cchrono::collision::ChCollisionSystem::BroadphaseCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for user-defined actions to be performed for each 'near enough' pair of collision shapes found by the broad-phase collision step
 Cchrono::Ch_enable_bitmask_operators< E >Helper for adding bitmask operators | ^ & etc
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChAdaptiveSpeedControllerData collection from the speed controller can be started (restarted) and suspended (stopped) as many times as desired
 Cchrono::utils::ChAnalogueFilterAbstract Base class for simulated analogue filters in the time domain
 Cchrono::ChArchiveThis is a base class for archives with pointers to shared objects
 Cchrono::ChAssemblyAnalysisClass for assembly analysis
 Cchrono::ChAssetClasses for adding user data (such as rendering shapes, reference to files) to ChPhysicsItem objects
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChAxleBase class for a suspension subsystem
 Cchrono::geometry::ChBasisToolsBsplineTools for evaluating basis functions for B-splines, parametrized with parameter u (as lines) These bases are often called "N" in literature
 Cchrono::geometry::ChBasisToolsBsplineSurfacesTools for evaluating basis functions for tensor-product surface B-splines, parametrized with parameters u,v (as lines) These bases are often called "R" in literature
 Cchrono::geometry::ChBasisToolsNurbsTools for evaluating basis functions for NURBS, parametrized with parameter u (as lines) These bases are often called "R" in literature
 Cchrono::geometry::ChBasisToolsNurbsSurfacesTools for evaluating basis functions for tensor-product surface NURBS, parametrized with parameter u,v (as lines) These bases are often called "R" in literature
 Cchrono::fsi::ChBceBase class for processing boundary condition enforcing (BCE) marker forces in an FSI system
 Cchrono::fea::ChBeamMaterialInternalDataBase class for internal variables of materials
 Cchrono::fea::ChBeamSectionBase class for properties of beam sections
 Cchrono::fea::ChBeamSectionPropertiesBase class for properties of all beam sections
 Cchrono::utils::ChBenchmarkFixture< TEST, SKIP >Generic benchmark fixture for Chrono tests
 Cchrono::utils::ChBenchmarkTestBase class for a Chrono benchmark test
 Cchrono::ChBezierCurveDefinition of a piece-wise cubic Bezier approximation of a 3D curve
 Cchrono::ChBezierCurveTrackerDefinition of a tracker on a ChBezierCurve path
 Cchrono::ChBinaryArchiveBase class for streams (either in or out) based on binary formats
 Cchrono::irrlicht::ChBodySceneNodeIrrlicht scene node for a body
 Cchrono::fea::ChBuilderBeamANCFUtility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamANCF elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements
 Cchrono::fea::ChBuilderBeamEulerUtility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamEuler elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements
 Cchrono::fea::ChBuilderBeamIGAUtility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamIGA elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements
 Cchrono::fea::ChBuilderCableANCFUtility class for creating complex beams using ChElementCableANCF elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements
 Cchrono::collision::ChCAABBGeneratorGenerator for Axis-Aligned Bounding Boxes
 Cchrono::cascade::ChCascadeDocClass that contains an OCAF document (a tree hierarchy of shapes in the OpenCascade framework)
 Cchrono::cascade::ChCascadeMeshToolsTools to convert an OpenCASCADE shapes into triangle meshes
 Cchrono::collision::ChCBroadphaseClass for performing broad-phase collision detection
 Cchrono::ChClassFactoryA class factory
 Cchrono::ChClassRegistrationBaseBase class for all registration data of classes whose objects can be created via a class factory
 Cchrono::collision::ChCNarrowphaseDispatchClass for performing narrow-phase collision detection
 Cchrono::collision::ChCollisionInfoClass for passing basic data about contact pairs
 Cchrono::collision::ChCollisionModelClass containing the geometric model ready for collision detection
 Cchrono::collision::ChCollisionPairClass for storing information about a collision point
 Cchrono::collision::ChCollisionSystemBase class for generic collision engine
 Cchrono::fsi::ChCollisionSystemFsiBase class for processing proximity computation in an FSI system
 Cchrono::collision::ChCollisionUtilsClass with some utility functions for collision detection, as static functions
 Cchrono::ChColorClass for setting a color (used by ChVisualization)
 Cchrono::ChCommDistributedThis class holds functions for processing the system's bodies to determine when a body needs to be sent to another rank for either an update or for creation of a ghost
 Cchrono::ChConstraintBase class for representing constraints to be used with variational inequality solvers, used with Linear/CCP/LCP problems including inequalities, equalities, nonlinearities, etc
 Cchrono::ChConstraintBilateralBilateral (joint) constraints
 Cchrono::ChConstraintRigidRigidUnilateral (contact) constraints
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTuple_1vars< T >This is a container for 'half' of a constraint, and contains a tuple of 1 or 2 or 3 differently-sized jacobian chunks
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTuple_2vars< T >Case of tuple with reference to 2 ChVariable objects:
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTuple_3vars< T >Case of tuple with reference to 3 ChVariable objects:
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTuple_4vars< T >Case of tuple with reference to 4 ChVariable objects:
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTwoTuplesFrictionTallThis is enough to use dynamic_casting<> to detect all template types from ChConstraintTwoTuplesFrictionT
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTwoTuplesRollingNallThis is enough to use dynamic_casting<> to detect all template types from ChConstraintTwoTuplesRollingN
 Cchrono::ChConstraintTwoTuplesRollingTallThis is enough to use dynamic_casting<> to detect all template types from ChConstraintTwoTuplesRollingT
 Cchrono::ChContactableInterface for objects that generate contacts One should inherit from ChContactable_1vars, ChContactable_2vars etc
 Cchrono::fea::ChContactNodeXYZProxy to FEA nodes, to grant them the features needed for collision detection
 Cchrono::fea::ChContactNodeXYZROTProxy to FEA nodes with 3 xyz + 3 rot coords, to grant them the features needed for collision detection
 Cchrono::fea::ChContactSurfaceBase class for contact surfaces in FEA meshes
 Cchrono::ChContactTuple< Ta, Tb >Base class for contact between two generic ChContactable objects
 Cchrono::fea::ChContinuumMaterialBase class for properties of materials in a continuum
 Cchrono::collision::ChConvexDecompositionBase interface class for convex decomposition
 Cchrono::utils::ChConvexHull2DSimple 2D convex hull class
 Cchrono::collision::ChConvexHullLibraryWrapperWrapper for using and exporting the Bullet implementation of the convex hull library
 Cchrono::ChCoordsys< Real >COORDSYS:
 Cchrono::ChCoordsys< double >
 Cchrono::cosimul::ChCosimulationClass for cosimulation interface
 Cchrono::ChCubicSplineImplementation of 1-D piece-wise cubic spline curves
 Cchrono::fea::ChDampingCosseratBase interface for structural damping of beam sections of Cosserat type, where xyz force "n" and xyz torque "m" are a 6-dimensional function of generalized strain speeds, "e'" traction/shear speed and "k'" curvature speed, as: {n,m}=f({e',k'}) Children classes implement this function in different ways
 Cchrono::fea::ChDampingKirchhoffBase interface for damping of thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff
 Cchrono::fea::ChDampingReissnerBase interface for damping of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner
 Cchrono::ChDistributedDataManagerA class for storing data for maintaining a consistent view of a distributed simulation consisting of multiple wrapped instances of ChSystemParallelSMC
 Cchrono::ChDistributionBase class for all random distributions
 Cchrono::ChDomainDistributedThis class maps sub-domains of the global simulation domain to each MPI rank
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChDriverBase class for a vehicle driver system
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChDriverSTRBase class for a suspension test rig driver system
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChDriverTTRBase class for a track test rig driver system
 Cchrono::fea::ChElasticityCosseratBase interface for elasticity of beam sections of Cosserat type, where xyz force "n" and xyz torque "m" are a 6-dimensional function of generalized strains, "e" traction/shear and "k" curvatures, as: {n,m}=f({e,k}) There are various children classes that implement this function in different ways
 Cchrono::fea::ChElasticityKirchhoffBase interface for elasticity of thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff
 Cchrono::fea::ChElasticityReissnerBase interface for elasticity of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementBaseBase class for all finite elements, that can be used in the ChMesh physics item
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementCorotationalClass for corotational elements (elements with rotation matrices that follow the global motion of the element)
 Cchrono::ChEnumMapperBaseClass for mapping enums to ChNameValue pairs that contain a 'readable' ascii string of the selected enum
 Cchrono::ChExceptionClass for exceptions for throw() catch() mechanism
 Cchrono::fea::ChExtruderBeamEulerClass for an object that continuously extrude a beam (composed of ChElementBeamEuler elements) with prescribed velocity
 Cchrono::fea::ChExtruderBeamIGAClass for an object that continuously extrude a beam (composed of ChElementBeamIGA elements) with prescribed velocity
 Cchrono::ChFile_ps_axis_settingClass for settings of an axis (x or y, or t) of a 2D plotting of a function on a EPS file
 Cchrono::ChFile_ps_colorClass for RGB color for a PostScript item (line, circle, etc)
 Cchrono::ChFile_ps_graph_settingClass for generic settings of a 2D plotting of a function on a EPS file
 Cchrono::fsi::ChFluidDynamicsClass to represent the fluid dynamics system
 Cchrono::ChFmMatrix34< Real >Special MBD 3x4 matrix [Fm(q)], as in [Fp(q)] * [Fm(q)]' = [A(q)]
 Cchrono::ChFpMatrix34< Real >Special MBD 3x4 matrix [Fp(q)], as in [Fp(q)] * [Fm(q)]' = [A(q)]
 Cchrono::ChFrame< Real >ChFrame: a class for coordinate systems in 3D space
 Cchrono::ChFrame< double >
 Cchrono::ChFseqNodeNode for the list of functions in a ChFunction_Sequence object
 Cchrono::fsi::ChFsiDataManagerData manager class that holds all the information of the SPH markers and MBD system
 Cchrono::fsi::ChFsiForceClass to calculate force between SPH markers in Weakly Compressible SPH
 Cchrono::ChFunctionInterface base class for scalar functions of the type: y= f(x)
 Cchrono::ChFunctionPositionInterface base class for scalar->vector functions of the type:
 Cchrono::ChFunctionRotationInterface base class for scalar->quaternion functions of the type:
 Cchrono::ChFunctorArchiveInFunctor to call the ArchiveIN function for unrelated classes that implemented them
 Cchrono::ChFxAbstract interface class for math functions of the type A=f(B) where A and B are vectors of real values (to the limit, also single scalar values)
 Cchrono::fea::ChGaussIntegrationRuleClass for the management of the Gauss Quadrature in 1D, 2D or 3D space
 Cchrono::fea::ChGaussPointClass for a Gauss point, that has a position (1D-3D) and a weight
 Cchrono::ChGenotypeClass for individuals of the population; for the ChOptimizerGenetic optimization engine
 Cchrono::geometry::ChGeometryBase class for geometric objects used for collisions and visualization
 Cchrono::ChGlMatrix34< Real >Special MBD 3x4 matrix [Gl(q)], as in local angular speed conversion
 Cchrono::postprocess::ChGnuPlotClass for lotting data with GNUplot
 Cchrono::granular::ChGranMeshFamilyFrame< T >Position and rotation matrix defining the frame of a triangle mesh
 Cchrono::granular::ChGranMeshFamilyFrame< double >
 Cchrono::granular::ChGranMeshFamilyFrame< float >
 Cchrono::granular::ChGranParamsParameters needed for sphere-based granular dynamics
 Cchrono::granular::ChGranParams_trimeshExtra parameters needed for triangle-sphere contact
 Cchrono::granular::ChGranSphereDataHolds pointers to kinematic quantities of the granular system. These pointers must be in device-accessible memory
 Cchrono::ChGwMatrix34< Real >Special MBD 3x4 matrix [Gw(q)], as in absolute angular speed conversion
 Cchrono::cosimul::ChHostInfoClass for storing information about a TCP host in socket communication, ex with an IP address
 Cchrono::ChImplicitTimestepperBase class for implicit solvers (double inheritance)
 Cchrono::ChInertiaUtilsClass with some static functions that can be used to make computations with inertia tensors
 Cchrono::ChIntegrableInterface class for all objects that support time integration
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable1D< T >Base class for 1D integrand T=f(x) to be used in ChQuadrature
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable1D< ChMatrixNM< double, 27, 27 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable1D< ChVectorN< double, 27 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable2D< T >As ChIntegrable1D, but for 2D integrand T=f(x,y) to be used in ChQuadrature
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< T >As ChIntegrable1D, but for 3D integrand T=f(x,y,z) to be used in ChQuadrature
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< ChMatrixNM< double, 24, 24 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< ChMatrixNM< double, 27, 27 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< ChMatrixNM< double, 33, 33 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< ChMatrixNM< double, 72, 72 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< ChVectorN< double, 24 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< ChVectorN< double, 27 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< ChVectorN< double, 33 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< ChVectorN< double, 330 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< ChVectorN< double, 5184 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< ChVectorN< double, 54 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< ChVectorN< double, 696 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< ChVectorN< double, 72 > >
 Cchrono::ChIntegrable3D< ChVectorN< double, 906 > >
 Cchrono::irrlicht::ChIrrAppInterfaceClass to add some GUI to Irrlicht + ChronoEngine applications
 Cchrono::irrlicht::ChIrrAssetConverterClass with static functions which allow creation of Irrlicht frequent 'scene nodes' like lights, camera, sky box etc
 Cirr::scene::ChIrrCascadeMeshToolsTools to convert an OpenCASCADE shapes into 'Irrlicht' triangle meshes
 Cchrono::irrlicht::ChIrrNodeClass for Irrlicht visualization
 Cchrono::irrlicht::ChIrrNodeProxyToAssetClass for proxy to ChAsset, it is a node with mesh in Irrlicht system and a shared pointer to the ChAsset to whom it corresponds
 Cchrono::irrlicht::ChIrrParticlesSceneNodeDefinition of an Irrlicht scene node for particles
 Cchrono::irrlicht::ChIrrToolsClass with static functions which help with the integration of Chrono and Irrlicht 3D rendering library
 Cchrono::irrlicht::ChIrrWizardClass with static functions which allow creation of Irrlicht frequent 'scene nodes' like lights, camera, sky box etc
 Cchrono::ChIterativeSolverBase class for iterative solvers
 Cchrono::ChKblockBase class for representing items which introduce block-sparse matrices, that is blocks that connect some 'variables' and build a matrix K in a sparse variational inequality VI(Z*x-d,K):
 Cchrono::ChLinkForceClass for forces in link joints of type ChLinkLock
 Cchrono::ChLinkLimitClass for limits in ChLinkLock joints
 Cchrono::ChLinkMaskMask structure for N scalar constraint equations between two bodies
 Cchrono::ChList< dt >Class for linked list
 Cchrono::ChLoadableInterface for objects that can be subject to loads (forces) Forces can be distributed on UV surfaces, or lines, etc.,so look also the more detailed children classes
 Cchrono::ChLoaderClass for loads applied to a single ChLoadable object
 Cchrono::ChLoadJacobiansUtility class for storing jacobian matrices
 Cchrono::ChMaterialVisualization material properties
 Cchrono::fea::ChMaterialBeamANCFMaterial definition
 Cchrono::ChMaterialCompositeBase class for composite material for a contact pair
 Cchrono::ChMaterialCompositionStrategy< T >Base class for material composition strategy
 Cchrono::fea::ChMaterialShellANCFDefinition of materials to be used for ANCF shells
 Cchrono::fea::ChMaterialShellKirchhoffMaterial for a single layer of a thin shell (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, i.e
 Cchrono::fea::ChMaterialShellReissnerMaterial for a single layer of a 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al)
 Cchrono::ChMaterialSurfaceBase class for specifying material properties for contact force generation
 Cchrono::ChMatrix33< Real >Definition of a 3x3 fixed size matrix to represent 3D rotations and inertia tensors
 Cchrono::ChMatrix33< double >
 Cchrono::fea::ChMatrixCorotationPerform a corotation (warping) of a K matrix by pre- or post- multiplying it with a C matrix that has 3x3 rotation matrices R as diagonal blocks, so that C*K means:
 Cchrono::fea::ChMeshExporterCollection of mesh file writer utilities
 Cchrono::fea::ChMeshFileLoaderCollection of mesh file loader utilities
 Cchrono::fea::ChMeshSurfaceClass which defines a surface for a mesh FEA elements
 Cchrono::utils::ChMovingAverageMoving average filter for smoothing a data array
 Cchrono::ChMumpsEngineWrapper class for the MUMPS direct linear solver
 Cchrono::ChNameValue< T >This is a base class for name-value pairs
 Cchrono::ChNode< dt >Node for linked list
 Cchrono::ChNodeBaseClass for a node, that has some degrees of freedom and that contain a proxy to the solver
 Cchrono::ChNonlinearSolverSolver for systems of nonlinear equations
 Cchrono::ChObjBase class for items which can be named, deleted, copied. etc. as in the editor of a 3d modeler
 Cchrono::CHOMPfunctionsDummy functions that do nothing in case that no parallel multithreading via OpenMP is available
 Cchrono::CHOMPmutexDummy mmutex that does nothing in case that no parallel multithreading via OpenMP is available
 Cchrono::CHOMPscopedLockException-safe wrapper to a mutex: it automatically locks the mutex as soon as the wrapper is created, and releases the mutex when the wrapper is deleted (you simply put the wrapper in a code section delimited by {} parentheses, so it is deleted by the compiler when exiting the scope of the section or in case of premature exit because of an exception throw)
 Cchrono::opengl::ChOpenGLBaseBase class for all OpenGL related classes
 Cchrono::opengl::ChOpenGLGraphsClass to render simple plots for the UI
 Cchrono::opengl::ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPADSNSupport for ADS lighting with glow
 Cchrono::opengl::ChOpenGLVertexAttributesPADSNTSupport for ADS lighting with glow and texture coordinates
 Cchrono::opengl::ChOpenGLWindowManager for the OpenGL context and window
 Cchrono::ChOptimizerBase class for multi-variable optimization
 Cchrono::ChParallelDataManagerGlobal data manager for Chrono::Parallel
 Cchrono::utils::ChParserAdamsADAMS input file parser
 Cchrono::utils::ChParserOpenSimOpenSim input file parser
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChPartBase class for a vehicle subsystem
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChParticleEmitterClass for emitters of particles, with random positions, rotations, and random shapes
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChParticleEventTriggerBASE class for event triggers for the ChParticleProcessor You can directly use the ready-to-use triggers for common triggering (particle collides with some object, particle inside a box, etc.), or inherit your own class with custom triggering
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChParticleProcessEventBASE class for all event processors of single particles You can directly use the ready-to-use processor for basic behaviors (remove particle, count particle, etc.), or inherit your own class with custom event processing
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChParticleProcessorClass that can be used to process particles
 Cchrono::fea::ChPlasticityCosseratBase class for plasticity of beam sections of Cosserat type
 Cchrono::fea::ChPlasticityKirchhoffBase interface for plasticity of thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff
 Cchrono::fea::ChPlasticityReissnerBase interface for plasticity of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner
 Cchrono::fea::ChPolarDecomposition< Real >Perform a polar decomposition of a 3x3 P matrix in order to retrieve the orthogonal Q and the symmetric S form, as P=Q*S
 Cchrono::postprocess::ChPostProcessBaseBase class for post processing implementations
 Cchrono::utils::ChProfileIteratorAn iterator to navigate through the tree
 Cchrono::utils::ChProfileManagerThe Manager for the Profile system
 Cchrono::utils::ChProfileNodeA node in the Profile Hierarchy Tree
 Cchrono::ChProjectConstraintsFunctor class for performing projection on the hyper-cone
 Cchrono::ChProximityMeshlessClass for a proximity pair information in a meshless deformable continumm, made with a cluster of particles - that is, an 'edge' topological connectivity in in a meshless FEA approach, similar to the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
 Cchrono::ChProximitySPHClass for a proximity pair information in a SPH cluster of particles - that is, an 'edge' topological connectivity in in a meshless FEA approach, like the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
 Cchrono::ChPythonEngineClass for a Python parser
 Cchrono::ChQuadratureClass to perform Gauss-Legendre quadrature, in 1D, 2D, 3D
 Cchrono::ChQuadratureTablesClass to store polynomial roots and weights for the Gauss-Legendre quadrature
 Cchrono::ChQuadratureTablesTetrahedronClass to store polynomial roots and weights for quadrature over a tetrahedron
 Cchrono::ChQuadratureTablesTriangleClass to store polynomial roots and weights for quadrature over a triangle
 Cchrono::ChQuaternion< Real >Class defining quaternion objects, that is four-dimensional numbers, also known as Euler parameters
 Cchrono::ChQuaternion< double >
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChRandomParticleAlignmentBASE class for generators of random particle alignment
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChRandomParticlePositionBASE class for generators of random particle positions
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChRandomParticleVelocityBASE class for generators of random particle velocities
 Cchrono::particlefactory::ChRandomShapeCreatorBASE class for generators of random ChBody shapes
 Cchrono::collision::ChCollisionSystem::ChRayhitResultRecover results from RayHit() raycasting
 Cchrono::geometry::ChTriangleMeshConnected::ChRefineEdgeCriterionClass to be used optionally in RefineMeshEdges()
 Cchrono::utils::ChRunningAverageMoving average filter for smoothing running data
 Cchrono::ChSharedMassBodyUsed by ChVariablesBodySharedMass objects to reference a single mass property
 Cchrono::fea::ChShellKirchhoffInternalDataBase class for internal variables of Kirchhoff thin shells materials
 Cchrono::fea::ChShellReissnerInternalDataBase class for internal variables of Reissner shells materials
 Cchrono::ChShurProductFunctor class for calculating the Shur product of the matrix of unilateral constraints
 Cchrono::cosimul::ChSocketBase class for sockets
 Cchrono::cosimul::ChSocketFrameworkA single object of this class must be instantiated before using all classes related to sockets, because it initializes some platform-specific settings
 Cchrono::ChSolverBase class for all Chrono solvers (for linear problems or complementarity problems)
 Cchrono::ChSolverParallelBase class for all Chrono::Parallel solvers
 Cchrono::ChSparsityPatternLearnerUtility class for extracting sparsity patter from a sparse matrix
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChSpeedControllerData collection from the speed controller can be started (restarted) and suspended (stopped) as many times as desired
 Cchrono::ChStarMatrix33< Real >Special MBD 3x3 "star" matrix, , representing vector cross products
 Cchrono::ChStarMatrix44< Real >Special MBD 4x4 "star" matrix, representing quaternion cross product
 Cchrono::ChStateClass for state of time-integrable objects
 Cchrono::ChStateDeltaClass for incremental form of state of time-integrable objects
 Cchrono::ChStaticAnalysisBase class for static analysis
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChSteeringControllerBase class for all steering path-following PID controllers
 Cchrono::ChStreamThis is a base class for input/output (streaming)
 Cchrono::ChStreamFileThis is a base class for typical output on system's file, on a disk, using the typical C++ 'fstream' handler
 Cchrono::ChStreamIstreamWrapperThis is a wrapper for already-opened std::istream input streams
 Cchrono::ChStreamOstreamWrapperThis is a wrapper for already-opened std::ostream output streams (like std::cout or similar)
 Cchrono::ChStreamVectorWrapperThis is a wrapper for a std::vector<char> (buffer of chars)
 Cchrono::ChSystemDescriptorBase class for collecting objects inherited from ChConstraint, ChVariables and optionally ChKblock
 Cchrono::fsi::ChSystemFsiPhysical system for fluid-solid interaction problem
 Cchrono::granular::ChSystemGranularSMCMain Chrono::Granular system class used to control and dispatch the GPU sphere-only solver
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChTerrainBase class for a terrain system
 Cchrono::ChTimer< seconds_type >Class for high-resolution timing
 Cchrono::ChTimer< double >
 Cchrono::ChTimestepperBase class for timesteppers, i.e., time integrators that can advance a system state
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChTireTestRigDefinition of a single-tire test rig
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChTrackContactInfoContact information data structure
 Cchrono::ChTransform< Real >ChTransform: a class for fast coordinate transformations in 3D space
 Cchrono::fea::ChTriangleOfXYZnodesUtility class for using the ChLinkPointTriface constraint
 Cchrono::fea::ChTriangleOfXYZROTnodesUtility class for using the ChLinkPointTriface constraint
 Cchrono::granular::ChTriangleSoup< T3 >Class used to hold pointers for mesh arrays
 Cchrono::granular::ChTriangleSoup< float3 >
 Cchrono::fsi::ChUtilsDeviceThis utility class encapsulates a operators on device vectors which might be needed in host files
 Cchrono::utils::ChValidationThis class provides functionality for validation of simulation results
 Cchrono::ChValueClass that handle C++ values of generic type using type erasure and functors
 Cchrono::ChVariablesBase class for representing objects that introduce 'variables' (also referred as 'v') and their associated mass submatrices for a sparse representation of the problem
 Cchrono::ChVariableTupleCarrier_1vars< N1 >This is a set of 'helper' classes that make easier to manage the templated structure of the tuple constraints
 Cchrono::ChVariableTupleCarrier_1vars< 3 >
 Cchrono::ChVariableTupleCarrier_1vars< 6 >
 Cchrono::ChVariableTupleCarrier_1vars< T1 >
 Cchrono::ChVector< Real >Definition of general purpose 3d vector variables, such as points in 3D
 Cchrono::ChVector2< Real >Definition of a general purpose 2d vector
 Cchrono::ChVector< double >
 Cchrono::ChVector< float >
 Cchrono::ChVector< T >
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChVehicleBase class for chrono vehicle systems
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChVehicleOutputBase class for a vehicle output database
 Cchrono::fea::ChVoightTensor< Real >Base class for stress and strain tensors, in compact Voight notation that is with 6 components in a column
 Cchrono::vehicle::citybus::CityBusDefinition of the city bus assembly
 Cchrono_types::class_has_custom_new_operator< T >Check if a class has a custom new operator
 Cchrono::collision_settingsChrono::Parallel collision_settings
 Cchrono::utils::CompositeInertiaUtility class for calculating inertia properties of a composite body
 Cchrono::collision::ConvexBaseBase class for convex contact shapes
 Cchrono::collision::ConvexModelClass to encapsulate description of a convex collision shape
 Cchrono::utils::CProfileSampleProfileSampleClass is a simple way to profile a function's scope Use the BT_PROFILE macro at the start of scope to time
 Cchrono::utils::Generator::CreateObjectsCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for user-defined filtering of initial positions
 Cchrono::ChSystem::CustomCollisionCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for user defined actions performed at each collision detection step
 Cchrono::irrlicht::EffectHandlerMain effect handling class, use this to apply shadows and effects
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChDataDriver::EntryDefinition of driver inputs at a given time
 Cchrono::ChLinkSpringCB::ForceFunctorClass to be used as a callback interface for calculating the general spring-damper force
 Cchrono::ChLinkTSDA::ForceFunctorClass to be used as a callback interface for calculating the general spring-damper force
 Cchrono::utils::ChParserOpenSim::Report::ForceInfoInformation about a custom load created from OpenSim
 Cchrono::vehicle::ChTerrain::FrictionFunctorClass to be used as a functor interface for location-dependent coefficient of friction
 Cchrono::fsi::FsiBodiesDataDClass for storing the information of rigid bodies of the simulation on the device
 Cchrono::fsi::FsiBodiesDataHClass for storing the information of rigid bodies of the simulation on the host
 Cchrono::fsi::FsiGeneralDataClass to hold information of the fluid system that needs to be passed to Chrono
 Cchrono::utils::GeneratorProvides functionality for generating sets of bodies with positions drawn from a specified sampler and various mixture properties
 Cchrono::fsi::GpuTimerA template time recorder for cuda events
 Cchrono::vehicle::hmmwv::HMMWVDefinition of the HMMWV assembly
 Cchrono::host_containerStructure of arrays containing simulation data
 Cchrono::utils::ChParserAdams::Report::JointInfoInformation about a joint read in from ADAMS
 Cchrono::utils::ChParserOpenSim::Report::JointInfoInformation about a joint read in from OpenSim
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementShellANCF_8::LayerDefinition of a layer
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementShellReissner4::LayerDefinition of a layer
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementShellBST::LayerDefinition of a layer
 Cchrono::fea::ChElementShellANCF::LayerDefinition of a layer
 Cchrono::LocalShapeNodeLinked-list node for tracking free shapes
 Cchrono::vehicle::man::MAN_10tWrapper class for modeling an entire MAN 10t vehicle assembly (including the vehicle itself, the powertrain, and the tires)
 Cchrono::vehicle::man::MAN_5tWrapper class for modeling an entire MAN 5t vehicle assembly (including the vehicle itself, the powertrain, and the tires)
 Cchrono::vehicle::man::MAN_7tWrapper class for modeling an entire MAN 7t vehicle assembly (including the vehicle itself, the powertrain, and the tires)
 Cchrono::measures_containerAggregate of collision and solver measures
 Cchrono::utils::MixtureIngredientEncapsulation of an ingredient of one of the supported types in a mixture
 Cchrono::MPM_SettingsSettings for the Material Point Method
 Cchrono::collision::ChCollisionSystem::NarrowphaseCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for user-defined actions to be performed at each collision pair found during the narrow-phase collision step
 Cchrono::fsi::NumberOfObjectsNumber of fluid markers, solid bodies, solid markers, boundary markers
 Cchrono::ChLinkSpringCB::ODEClass to be used as a callback interface for specifying the ODE, y' = f(t,y); y(0) = y0
 Cchrono::ChLinkTSDA::ODEClass to be used as a callback interface for specifying the ODE, y' = f(t,y); y(0) = y0
 Cchrono::vehicle::RigidTerrain::PatchDefinition of a patch in a rigid terrain model
 Cchrono::utils::PDGrid< Point >Simple 3D grid utility class for use by the Poisson Disk sampler
 Cchrono::utils::PDGrid< chrono::ChVector< T > >
 Cchrono::granular::Plane_BC_params_t< T3 >Infinite Plane defined by point in plane and normal
 Cchrono::fea::PolarDecompositionPolar decomposition of a general 3x3 matrix
 Cchrono::fsi::ProximityDataDClass for storing the neighbor search informations on the device
 Cchrono::quaternionChrono::parallel quaternion class
 Cchrono::real2Chrono::Parallel pair (2-dimensional vector)
 Cchrono::real3Chrono::Parallel triplet (3-dimensional vector)
 Cchrono::real4Chrono::Parallel qudruple (4-dimensional array)
 Cchrono::utils::ChParserAdams::ReportReport containing information about objects parsed from file
 Cchrono::utils::ChParserOpenSim::ReportReport containing information about objects parsed from file
 Cchrono::ChContactContainer::ReportContactCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for some user defined action to be taken for each contact (already added to the container, maybe with already computed forces)
 Cchrono::ChProximityContainer::ReportProximityCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for some user defined action to be taken for each proximity pair (already added to the container)
 Cchrono::irrlicht::RTSCameraClass to create an interactive videocamera in Irrlicht, that is similar to the Maya camera but hasn't the problems that the Maya camera has in Irrlicht 1.5
 Cchrono::utils::Sampler< T >Base class for different types of point samplers
 Cchrono::vehicle::sedan::SedanDefinition of the sedan assembly
 Cchrono::settings_containerAggregate of all settings for Chrono::Parallel
 Cchrono::ShapeStructure of data for sending a collision shape to a rank
 Cchrono::shape_containerStructure of arrays containing contact shape information
 Cchrono::vehicle::SCMDeformableTerrain::SoilParametersCallbackClass to be used as a callback interface for location-dependent soil parameters
 Cchrono::solver_measuresSolver measures
 Cchrono::solver_settingsChrono::Parallel solver_settings
 Cchrono::fsi::SphMarkerDataDClass for storing the information of SPH markers on the device
 Cchrono::fsi::SphMarkerDataHClass for storing the information of SPH markers on the host
 Cchrono::vehicle::TerrainForceStructure to communicate a set of generalized terrain contact forces (tire or track shoe)
 Cchrono::ChLinkRotSpringCB::TorqueFunctorClass to be used as a functor interface for calculating the general spring-damper torque
 Cchrono::ChSystemDistributed::TriDataStructure of vertex data for a triangle in the bodies existing local frame
 Cchrono::vehicle::uaz::UAZBUSDefinition of the UAZ assembly
 Cirr::core::vector3dfCHUtility class to easily convert a Chrono vector into an Irrlicht vector3df
 Cchrono::vehicle::WheelStateStructure to communicate a full wheel body state
 Cchrono::granular::Z_Cone_BC_params_t< T, T3 >Z-aligned cone pointed downward
 Cchrono::granular::Z_Cylinder_BC_params_t< T, T3 >Infinite Z-aligned cylinder