A wrapper to use the Bullet collision detection library.
#include <ChCModelBullet.h>

Public Member Functions | |
virtual int | ClearModel () override |
Deletes all inserted geometries. More... | |
virtual int | BuildModel () override |
Builds the BV hierarchy. More... | |
virtual bool | AddSphere (double radius, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>()) override |
Add a sphere shape to this model, for collision purposes. | |
virtual bool | AddEllipsoid (double rx, double ry, double rz, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1)) override |
Add an ellipsoid shape to this model, for collision purposes. | |
virtual bool | AddBox (double hx, double hy, double hz, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1)) override |
Add a box shape to this model, for collision purposes. | |
virtual bool | AddCylinder (double rx, double rz, double hy, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1)) override |
Add a cylinder to this model (default axis on Y direction), for collision purposes. | |
virtual bool | AddCone (double rx, double rz, double hy, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1)) override |
Add a cylinder to this model (default axis on Y direction), for collision purposes. | |
virtual bool | AddCapsule (double radius, double hlen, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1)) override |
Add a capsule to this model (default axis in Y direction), for collision purposes. | |
virtual bool | AddRoundedBox (double hx, double hy, double hz, double sphere_r, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1)) override |
Add a rounded box shape to this model, for collision purposes. | |
virtual bool | AddRoundedCylinder (double rx, double rz, double hy, double sphere_r, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1)) override |
Add a rounded cylinder to this model (default axis on Y direction), for collision purposes. | |
virtual bool | AddRoundedCone (double rx, double rz, double hy, double sphere_r, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1)) override |
Add a rounded cone to this model (default axis on Y direction), for collision purposes. | |
virtual bool | AddConvexHull (const std::vector< ChVector< double >> &pointlist, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1)) override |
Add a convex hull to this model. More... | |
virtual bool | AddTriangleMesh (std::shared_ptr< geometry::ChTriangleMesh > trimesh, bool is_static, bool is_convex, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1), double sphereswept_thickness=0.0) override |
Add a triangle mesh to this model, passing a triangle mesh. More... | |
virtual bool | AddTriangleMeshConcave (std::shared_ptr< geometry::ChTriangleMesh > trimesh, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1)) |
CUSTOM for this class only: add a concave triangle mesh that will be managed by GImpact mesh-mesh algorithm. More... | |
virtual bool | AddTriangleMeshConcaveDecomposed (std::shared_ptr< ChConvexDecomposition > mydecomposition, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1)) |
CUSTOM for this class only: add a concave triangle mesh that will be decomposed into a compound of convex shapes. More... | |
virtual bool | AddBarrel (double Y_low, double Y_high, double R_vert, double R_hor, double R_offset, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1)) override |
Add a barrel-like shape to this model (main axis on Y direction), for collision purposes. More... | |
virtual bool | Add2Dpath (std::shared_ptr< geometry::ChLinePath > mpath, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1), const double thickness=0.001) override |
Add a 2D closed line, defined on the XY plane passing by pos and aligned as rot, that defines a 2D collision shape that will collide with another 2D line of the same type if aligned on the same plane. More... | |
virtual bool | AddPoint (double radius=0, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>()) override |
Add a point-like sphere, that will collide with other geometries, but won't ever create contacts between them. More... | |
virtual bool | AddTriangleProxy (ChVector<> *p1, ChVector<> *p2, ChVector<> *p3, ChVector<> *ep1, ChVector<> *ep2, ChVector<> *ep3, bool mowns_vertex_1, bool mowns_vertex_2, bool mowns_vertex_3, bool mowns_edge_1, bool mowns_edge_2, bool mowns_edge_3, double msphereswept_rad=0) |
Add a triangle from mesh. More... | |
virtual bool | AddCopyOfAnotherModel (ChCollisionModel *another) override |
Add all shapes already contained in another model. More... | |
virtual void | SetFamily (int mfamily) override |
By default, all collision objects belong to family n.0, but you can set family in range 0..15. More... | |
virtual int | GetFamily () override |
virtual void | SetFamilyMaskNoCollisionWithFamily (int mfamily) override |
By default, family mask is all turned on, so all families can collide with this object, but you can turn on-off some bytes of this mask so that some families do not collide. More... | |
virtual void | SetFamilyMaskDoCollisionWithFamily (int mfamily) override |
virtual bool | GetFamilyMaskDoesCollisionWithFamily (int mfamily) override |
Tells if the family mask of this collision object allows for the collision with another collision object belonging to a given family. More... | |
virtual void | SetFamilyGroup (short int group) override |
Set the collision family group of this model. More... | |
virtual void | SetFamilyMask (short int mask) override |
Set the collision mask for this model. More... | |
virtual void | GetAABB (ChVector<> &bbmin, ChVector<> &bbmax) const override |
Returns the axis aligned bounding box (AABB) of the collision model, i.e. More... | |
virtual void | SyncPosition () override |
Sets the position and orientation of the collision model as the current position of the corresponding ChContactable. | |
bool | SetSphereRadius (double coll_radius, double out_envelope) |
If the collision shape is a sphere, resize it and return true (if no sphere is found in this collision shape, return false). More... | |
virtual void | ArchiveOUT (ChArchiveOut &marchive) override |
Method to allow serialization of transient data to archives. | |
virtual void | ArchiveIN (ChArchiveIn &marchive) override |
Method to allow deserialization of transient data from archives. | |
btCollisionObject * | GetBulletModel () |
Return the pointer to the Bullet model. | |
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virtual bool | AddConvexHull (const std::vector< ChVector< double > > &pointlist, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1))=0 |
Add a convex hull to this model. More... | |
virtual bool | AddConvexHullsFromFile (ChStreamInAscii &mstream, const ChVector<> &pos=ChVector<>(), const ChMatrix33<> &rot=ChMatrix33<>(1)) |
Add a cluster of convex hulls by a '.chulls' file description. More... | |
ChContactable * | GetContactable () |
Gets the pointer to the contactable object. | |
virtual void | SetContactable (ChContactable *mc) |
Sets the pointer to the contactable object. More... | |
virtual ChPhysicsItem * | GetPhysicsItem () |
Gets the pointer to the client owner ChPhysicsItem. More... | |
virtual short int | GetFamilyGroup () const |
Return the collision family group of this model. More... | |
virtual short int | GetFamilyMask () const |
Return the collision mask for this model. More... | |
virtual void | SetSafeMargin (double amargin) |
Sets the suggested collision 'inward safe margin' for the shapes to be added from now on, using the AddBox, AddCylinder etc (where, if this margin is too high for some thin or small shapes, it may be clamped). More... | |
virtual float | GetSafeMargin () |
Returns the inward safe margin (see SetSafeMargin() ) | |
virtual void | SetEnvelope (double amargin) |
Sets the suggested collision outward 'envelope' (used from shapes added, from now on, to this collision model). More... | |
virtual float | GetEnvelope () |
Returns the outward safe margin (see SetEnvelope() ) | |
Protected Attributes | |
btCollisionObject * | bt_collision_object |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< btCollisionShape > > | shapes |
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float | model_envelope |
float | model_safe_margin |
ChContactable * | mcontactable |
short int | family_group |
short int | family_mask |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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static void | SetDefaultSuggestedEnvelope (double menv) |
Using this function BEFORE you start creating collision shapes, it will make all following collision shapes to take this collision envelope (safe outward layer) as default. More... | |
static void | SetDefaultSuggestedMargin (double mmargin) |
Using this function BEFORE you start creating collision shapes, it will make all following collision shapes to take this collision margin (inward penetration layer) as default. More... | |
static double | GetDefaultSuggestedEnvelope () |
static double | GetDefaultSuggestedMargin () |
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virtual float | GetSuggestedFullMargin () |
Member Function Documentation
◆ Add2Dpath()
overridevirtual |
Add a 2D closed line, defined on the XY plane passing by pos and aligned as rot, that defines a 2D collision shape that will collide with another 2D line of the same type if aligned on the same plane.
This is useful for mechanisms that work on a plane, and that require more precise collision that is not possible with current 3D shapes. For example, the line can contain concave or convex round fillets. Requirements:
- the line must be clockwise for inner material, (counterclockwise=hollow, material outside)
- the line must contain only ChLineSegment and ChLineArc sub-lines
- the sublines must follow in the proper order, with coincident corners, and must be closed.
Reimplemented from chrono::collision::ChCollisionModel.
◆ AddBarrel()
overridevirtual |
Add a barrel-like shape to this model (main axis on Y direction), for collision purposes.
The barrel shape is made by lathing an arc of an ellipse around the vertical Y axis. The center of the ellipse is on Y=0 level, and it is offsetted by R_offset from the Y axis in radial direction. The two radii of the ellipse are R_vert (for the vertical direction, i.e. the axis parallel to Y) and R_hor (for the axis that is perpendicular to Y). Also, the solid is clamped with two discs on the top and the bottom, at levels Y_low and Y_high.
Implements chrono::collision::ChCollisionModel.
◆ AddConvexHull()
overridevirtual |
Add a convex hull to this model.
A convex hull is simply a point cloud that describe a convex polytope. Connectivity between the vertexes, as faces/edges in triangle meshes is not necessary. Points are passed as a list, that is instantly copied into the model.
◆ AddCopyOfAnotherModel()
overridevirtual |
Add all shapes already contained in another model.
Thank to the adoption of shared pointers, underlying shapes are shared (not copied) among the models; this will save memory when you must simulate thousands of objects with the same collision shape. The 'another' model must be of ChModelBullet subclass.
Implements chrono::collision::ChCollisionModel.
◆ AddPoint()
overridevirtual |
Add a point-like sphere, that will collide with other geometries, but won't ever create contacts between them.
- Parameters
radius the radius of the node pos the position of the node in model coordinates
Reimplemented from chrono::collision::ChCollisionModel.
◆ AddTriangleMesh()
overridevirtual |
Add a triangle mesh to this model, passing a triangle mesh.
Add a triangle mesh to this model.
Note: if possible, for better performance, avoid triangle meshes and prefer simplified representations as compounds of primitive convex shapes (boxes, sphers, etc).
- Parameters
trimesh the triangle mesh is_static true if model doesn't move. May improve performance. is_convex if true, a convex hull is used. May improve robustness. pos displacement respect to COG rot the rotation of the mesh sphereswept_thickness outward sphere-swept layer (when supported)
Implements chrono::collision::ChCollisionModel.
◆ AddTriangleMeshConcave()
virtual |
CUSTOM for this class only: add a concave triangle mesh that will be managed by GImpact mesh-mesh algorithm.
Note that, despite this can work with arbitrary meshes, there could be issues of robustness and precision, so when possible, prefer simplified representations as compounds of convex shapes of boxes/spheres/etc.. type.
◆ AddTriangleMeshConcaveDecomposed()
virtual |
CUSTOM for this class only: add a concave triangle mesh that will be decomposed into a compound of convex shapes.
Decomposition could be more efficient than AddTriangleMeshConcave(), but preprocessing decomposition might take a while, and decomposition result is often approximate. Therefore, despite this can work with arbitrary meshes, there could be issues of robustness and precision, so when possible, prefer simplified representations as compounds of convex shapes of boxes/spheres/etc.. type.
◆ AddTriangleProxy()
virtual |
Add a triangle from mesh.
For efficiency, points are stored as pointers. Thus, the user must take care of memory management and of dangling pointers.
- Parameters
p1 points to vertex1 coords p2 points to vertex2 coords p3 points to vertex3 coords ep1 points to neighbouring vertex at edge1 if any ep2 points to neighbouring vertex at edge1 if any ep3 points to neighbouring vertex at edge1 if any mowns_vertex_1 vertex is owned by this triangle (otherwise, owned by neighbour) mowns_vertex_2 vertex is owned by this triangle (otherwise, owned by neighbour) mowns_vertex_3 vertex is owned by this triangle (otherwise, owned by neighbour) mowns_edge_1 edge is owned by this triangle (otherwise, owned by neighbour) mowns_edge_2 edge is owned by this triangle (otherwise, owned by neighbour) mowns_edge_3 edge is owned by this triangle (otherwise, owned by neighbour) msphereswept_rad sphere swept triangle ('fat' triangle, improves robustness)
◆ BuildModel()
overridevirtual |
Builds the BV hierarchy.
Call this function AFTER adding the geometric description. MUST be inherited by child classes! (ex for building BV hierarchies)
Implements chrono::collision::ChCollisionModel.
◆ ClearModel()
overridevirtual |
Deletes all inserted geometries.
Also, if you begin the definition of a model, AFTER adding the geometric description, remember to call the ClearModel(). MUST be inherited by child classes! (ex for resetting also BV hierarchies)
Implements chrono::collision::ChCollisionModel.
◆ GetAABB()
overridevirtual |
Returns the axis aligned bounding box (AABB) of the collision model, i.e.
max-min along the x,y,z world axes. Remember that SyncPosition() should be invoked before calling this.
Implements chrono::collision::ChCollisionModel.
◆ GetFamilyMaskDoesCollisionWithFamily()
overridevirtual |
Tells if the family mask of this collision object allows for the collision with another collision object belonging to a given family.
NOTE: this function has NO effect if used before you add the body to a ChSystem, using AddBody(). Use after AddBody(). This default implementation uses the family mask.
Reimplemented from chrono::collision::ChCollisionModel.
◆ SetFamily()
overridevirtual |
By default, all collision objects belong to family n.0, but you can set family in range 0..15.
This is used when the objects collided with another: the contact is created only if the family is within the 'family mask' of the other, and viceversa. NOTE: these functions have NO effect if used before you add the body to a ChSystem, using AddBody(). Use after AddBody(). These default implementations use the family group.
Reimplemented from chrono::collision::ChCollisionModel.
◆ SetFamilyGroup()
overridevirtual |
Set the collision family group of this model.
This is an alternative way of specifying the collision family for this object. The value family_group must have a single bit set (i.e. it must be a power of 2). The corresponding family is then the bit position.
Reimplemented from chrono::collision::ChCollisionModel.
◆ SetFamilyMask()
overridevirtual |
Set the collision mask for this model.
Any set bit in the specified mask indicates that this model collides with all objects whose family is equal to the bit position.
Reimplemented from chrono::collision::ChCollisionModel.
◆ SetFamilyMaskNoCollisionWithFamily()
overridevirtual |
By default, family mask is all turned on, so all families can collide with this object, but you can turn on-off some bytes of this mask so that some families do not collide.
When two objects collide, the contact is created only if the family is within the 'family mask' of the other, and viceversa. NOTE: these functions have NO effect if used before you add the body to a ChSystem, using AddBody(). Use after AddBody(). These default implementations use the family mask.
Reimplemented from chrono::collision::ChCollisionModel.
◆ SetSphereRadius()
bool chrono::collision::ChModelBullet::SetSphereRadius | ( | double | coll_radius, |
double | out_envelope | ||
) |
If the collision shape is a sphere, resize it and return true (if no sphere is found in this collision shape, return false).
It can also change the outward envelope; the inward margin is automatically the radius of the sphere.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/collision/ChCModelBullet.h
- /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/collision/ChCModelBullet.cpp