chrono::granular::ChSystemGranularSMC_trimesh Class Reference
Class implements functionality required to handle the interaction between a mesh soup and granular material.
Mesh soup: a collection of meshes that each has a certain number of triangle elements. For instance, the meshes associated with the four wheels of a rover operating on granular material would be smashed into one soup having four mesh families.
#include <ChGranularTriMesh.h>
Inheritance diagram for chrono::granular::ChSystemGranularSMC_trimesh:

Collaboration diagram for chrono::granular::ChSystemGranularSMC_trimesh:

Public Member Functions | |
ChSystemGranularSMC_trimesh (float sphere_rad, float density, float3 boxDims) | |
void | set_K_n_SPH2MESH (double someValue) |
void | set_Gamma_n_SPH2MESH (double someValue) |
void | set_K_t_SPH2MESH (double someValue) |
void | set_Gamma_t_SPH2MESH (double someValue) |
unsigned int | getNumTriangleFamilies () const |
void | collectGeneralizedForcesOnMeshSoup (float *genForcesOnSoup) |
Collect forces exerted on meshes by granular system Each generalized force is 3 forces (x,y,z) and 3 torques (x,y,z) Forces are genForcesOnSoup in order of triangle family genForcesOnSoup should have 6 entries for each family. | |
void | meshSoup_applyRigidBodyMotion (double *position_orientation_data, float *vel) |
position_orientation_data should have 7 entries for each family: 3 pos, 4 orientation vel should have 6 entries for each family: 3 linear velocity, 3 angular velocity | |
virtual double | advance_simulation (float duration) override |
Advance simulation by duration in user units, return actual duration elapsed Requires initialize() to have been called. | |
virtual void | initialize () override |
Initialize simulation so that it can be advanced Must be called before advance_simulation and after simulation parameters are set. | |
void | write_meshes (std::string outfilename) |
Write visualization files for triangle meshes with current positions. | |
void | set_Adhesion_ratio_S2M (float someValue) |
Set the ratio of adhesion force to sphere weight for sphere to mesh. | |
void | set_static_friction_coeff_SPH2MESH (float mu) |
void | set_rolling_coeff_SPH2MESH (float mu) |
void | set_spinning_coeff_SPH2MESH (float mu) |
void | enableMeshCollision () |
Enable mesh contact. | |
void | disableMeshCollision () |
Disable mesh contact. | |
ChTriangleSoup< float3 > * | getMeshSoup () |
ChGranParams_trimesh * | getTriParams () |
![]() | |
ChSystemGranularSMC (float sphere_rad, float density, float3 boxDims) | |
Construct granular system with given sphere radius, density, and big domain dimensions. | |
unsigned int | get_SD_count () const |
Return number of subdomains in the big domain. | |
void | set_gravitational_acceleration (float xVal, float yVal, float zVal) |
Set acceleration of gravity. | |
size_t | getNumSpheres () const |
Return total number of spheres in the system. | |
size_t | estimateMemUsage () const |
Roughly estimates the total amount of memory used by the system. | |
size_t | Create_BC_Sphere (float center[3], float radius, bool outward_normal, bool track_forces) |
Create an axis-aligned sphere boundary condition. | |
size_t | Create_BC_Cone_Z (float cone_tip[3], float slope, float hmax, float hmin, bool outward_normal, bool track_forces) |
Create an z-axis aligned cone boundary condition. | |
size_t | Create_BC_Plane (float plane_pos[3], float plane_normal[3], bool track_forces) |
Create plane boundary condition. | |
size_t | Create_BC_Cyl_Z (float center[3], float radius, bool outward_normal, bool track_forces) |
Create an z-axis aligned cylinder boundary condition. | |
void | createWallBCs () |
Create big domain walls out of plane boundary conditions. | |
bool | disable_BC_by_ID (size_t BC_id) |
Disable a boundary condition by its ID, returns false if the BC does not exist. | |
bool | enable_BC_by_ID (size_t BC_id) |
Enable a boundary condition by its ID, returns false if the BC does not exist. | |
bool | set_BC_offset_function (size_t BC_id, const GranPositionFunction &offset_function) |
Enable a boundary condition by its ID, returns false if the BC does not exist. | |
bool | getBCReactionForces (size_t BC_id, float forces[3]) const |
Get the reaction forces on a boundary by ID, returns false if the forces are invalid (bad BC ID) | |
void | setOutputMode (GRAN_OUTPUT_MODE mode) |
Set the output mode of the simulation. | |
void | setVerbose (GRAN_VERBOSITY level) |
Set simualtion verbosity – used to check on very large, slow simulations or debug. | |
void | setOutputFlags (unsigned char flags) |
Set output settings bit flags by bitwise ORing settings in GRAN_OUTPUT_FLAGS. | |
void | set_fixed_stepSize (float size_UU) |
Set timestep size. | |
void | set_timeIntegrator (GRAN_TIME_INTEGRATOR new_integrator) |
Set the time integration scheme for the system. | |
void | set_friction_mode (GRAN_FRICTION_MODE new_mode) |
Set friction formulation. More... | |
void | set_rolling_mode (GRAN_ROLLING_MODE new_mode) |
Set rolling resistence formulation. More... | |
double | get_max_z () const |
Get the max z position of the spheres, allows easier co-simulation. | |
void | set_static_friction_coeff_SPH2SPH (float mu) |
Set sphere-to-sphere static friction coefficient. | |
void | set_static_friction_coeff_SPH2WALL (float mu) |
Set sphere-to-wall static friction coefficient. | |
void | set_rolling_coeff_SPH2SPH (float mu) |
Set sphere-to-sphere rolling friction coefficient – units and use vary by rolling friction mode. | |
void | set_rolling_coeff_SPH2WALL (float mu) |
Set sphere-to-wall rolling friction coefficient – units and use vary by rolling friction mode. | |
void | set_spinning_coeff_SPH2SPH (float mu) |
Set sphere-to-sphere spinning friction coefficient – units and use vary by spinning friction mode. | |
void | set_spinning_coeff_SPH2WALL (float mu) |
Set sphere-to-wall spinning friction coefficient – units and use vary by spinning friction mode. | |
void | set_K_n_SPH2SPH (double someValue) |
Set sphere-to-sphere normal contact stiffness. | |
void | set_K_n_SPH2WALL (double someValue) |
Set sphere-to-wall normal contact stiffness. | |
void | set_Gamma_n_SPH2SPH (double someValue) |
Set sphere-to-sphere normal damping coefficient. | |
void | set_Gamma_n_SPH2WALL (double someValue) |
Set sphere-to-wall normal damping coefficient. | |
void | set_K_t_SPH2SPH (double someValue) |
Set sphere-to-sphere tangent contact stiffness. | |
void | set_Gamma_t_SPH2SPH (double someValue) |
Set sphere-to-sphere tangent damping coefficient. | |
void | set_K_t_SPH2WALL (double someValue) |
Set sphere-to-wall tangent contact stiffness. | |
void | set_Gamma_t_SPH2WALL (double someValue) |
Set sphere-to-wall tangent damping coefficient. | |
void | set_Cohesion_ratio (float someValue) |
Set the ratio of cohesion to gravity for monodisperse spheres. Assumes a constant cohesion model. | |
void | set_Adhesion_ratio_S2W (float someValue) |
Set the ratio of adhesion to gravity for sphere to wall. Assumes a constant cohesion model. | |
void | set_BD_Fixed (bool fixed) |
Set the big domain to be fixed or not; if fixed it will ignore any given position functions. | |
void | setParticlePositions (const std::vector< float3 > &points, const std::vector< float3 > &vels=std::vector< float3 >()) |
Set initial particle positions. MUST be called only once and MUST be called before initialize. | |
void | setParticleFixed (const std::vector< bool > &fixed) |
Set particle fixity. MUST be called only once and MUST be called before initialize. | |
void | setBDWallsMotionFunction (const GranPositionFunction &pos_fn) |
Prescribe the motion of the big domain, allows wavetank-style simulations. | |
void | setPsiFactors (unsigned int psi_T_new, unsigned int psi_L_new) |
Set tuning psi factors for tuning the non-dimensionalization. | |
void | checkSDCounts (std::string ofile, bool write_out, bool verbose) const |
Copy back the subdomain device data and save it to a file for error checking on the priming kernel. | |
void | writeFile (std::string ofile) const |
Writes out particle positions according to the system output mode. | |
void | setMaxSafeVelocity_SU (float max_vel) |
Safety check velocity to ensure the simulation is still stable. | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | initializeTriangles () |
Create a helper to do triangle initialization. | |
void | resetTriangleBroadphaseInformation () |
Reset information used for triangle broadphase collision detection. | |
void | resetTriangleForces () |
Reset computed forces and torques on each triangle family. | |
void | cleanupTriMesh () |
Clean up data structures associated with triangle mesh. | |
void | runTriangleBroadphase () |
Broadphase CD for triangles. | |
virtual double | get_max_K () const override |
Get the maximum stiffness term in the system. | |
template<typename T > | |
void | generate_rot_matrix (double *ep, T *rot_mat) |
void | ApplyFrameTransform (float3 &p, float *pos, float *rot_mat) |
![]() | |
int3 | getSDTripletFromID (unsigned int SD_ID) const |
Wrap the device helper function. | |
void | initializeSpheres () |
Create a helper to do sphere initialization. | |
void | defragment_initial_positions () |
Sorts particle positions spatially in order to improve memory efficiency. | |
void | setupSphereDataStructures () |
Setup sphere data, initialize local coords. | |
void | partitionBD () |
This method figures out how big a SD is, and how many SDs are going to be necessary in order to cover the entire BD. More... | |
void | copyConstSphereDataToDevice () |
Copy constant sphere data to device. | |
void | resetBroadphaseInformation () |
Reset binning and broadphase info. | |
void | resetSphereAccelerations () |
Reset sphere accelerations. | |
void | resetBCForces () |
Reset sphere-wall forces. | |
void | packSphereDataPointers () |
Collect all the sphere data into the member struct. | |
void | runSphereBroadphase () |
Run the first sphere broadphase pass to get things started. | |
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > | |
T1 | convertToPosSU (T2 val) |
Helper function to convert a position in UU to its SU representation while also changing data type. | |
void | convertBCUnits () |
convert all BCs from UU to SU | |
float | get_max_vel () const |
Max velocity of all particles in system. | |
virtual void | switchToSimUnits () |
This method defines the mass, time, length Simulation Units. More... | |
void | setBCOffset (const BC_type &, const BC_params_t< float, float3 > ¶ms_UU, BC_params_t< int64_t, int64_t3 > ¶ms_SU, double3 offset_UU) |
Set the position function of a boundary condition and account for the offset. | |
void | updateBCPositions () |
Update positions of each boundary condition using prescribed functions. | |
Protected Attributes | |
ChGranParams_trimesh * | tri_params |
Set of simulation parameters related to triangle data. | |
ChTriangleSoup< float3 > * | meshSoup |
Clean copy of mesh soup interacting with granular material in unified memory. Stored in UU. | |
double | K_n_s2m_UU |
Sphere-to-mesh normal contact stiffness, in user units (Hertzian spring) | |
double | Gamma_n_s2m_UU |
Sphere-to-mesh normal damping coefficient, in user units. | |
double | K_t_s2m_UU |
Sphere-to-mesh tangent contact stiffness, in user units (Hertzian spring) | |
double | Gamma_t_s2m_UU |
Sphere-to-mesh tangent damping coefficient, in user units. | |
double | rolling_coeff_s2m_UU |
Rolling friction coefficient for sphere-to-mesh – units and effect depend on rolling resistance model. | |
double | spinning_coeff_s2m_UU |
Spinning friction coefficient for sphere-to-mesh – units and effect depend on spinning resistance model. | |
float | adhesion_s2m_over_gravity |
Ratio of sphere-to-mesh adhesion to gravity (constant adhesion model) | |
bool | mesh_collision_enabled = true |
Enable or disable collision between spheres and meshes. | |
std::vector< unsigned int, cudallocator< unsigned int > > | triangles_in_SD_composite |
Number of triangles touching each subdomain. | |
std::vector< unsigned int, cudallocator< unsigned int > > | SD_numTrianglesTouching |
Number of triangles touching each subdomain. | |
std::vector< unsigned int, cudallocator< unsigned int > > | SD_TriangleCompositeOffsets |
Big array of triangle offsets for each subdomain. | |
![]() | |
double | LENGTH_SU2UU |
1 / C_L. Any length expressed in SU is a multiple of SU2UU | |
double | TIME_SU2UU |
1 / C_T. Any time quantity in SU is measured as a positive multiple of TIME_SU2UU | |
double | MASS_SU2UU |
1 / C_M. Any mass quantity is measured as a positive multiple of MASS_SU2UU. | |
double | FORCE_SU2UU |
1 / C_F. Any force quantity is measured as a multiple of FORCE_SU2UU. | |
double | TORQUE_SU2UU |
1 / C_tau. Any torque quantity is measured as a multiple of TORQUE_SU2UU. | |
double | VEL_SU2UU |
1 / C_v. Any velocity quantity is measured as a multiple of VEL_SU2UU. | |
unsigned int | psi_T |
Safety factor on simulation time. | |
unsigned int | psi_L |
Safety factor on space adim. | |
ChGranParams * | gran_params |
Holds the sphere and big-domain-related params in unified memory. | |
ChGranSphereData * | sphere_data |
Holds system degrees of freedom. | |
GRAN_VERBOSITY | verbosity |
Allows the code to be very verbose for debugging. | |
unsigned char | output_flags |
Bit flags indicating what fields to write out during writeFile Set with the GRAN_OUTPUT_FLAGS enum. | |
GRAN_OUTPUT_MODE | file_write_mode |
How to write the output files? Default is CSV. | |
unsigned int | nSpheres |
Number of discrete elements. | |
unsigned int | nSDs |
Number of subdomains. | |
std::vector< int, cudallocator< int > > | sphere_local_pos_X |
Store X positions relative to owner subdomain in unified memory. | |
std::vector< int, cudallocator< int > > | sphere_local_pos_Y |
Store Y positions relative to owner subdomain in unified memory. | |
std::vector< int, cudallocator< int > > | sphere_local_pos_Z |
Store Z positions relative to owner subdomain in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | pos_X_dt |
Store X velocity in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | pos_Y_dt |
Store Y velocity in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | pos_Z_dt |
Store Z velocity in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_Omega_X |
Store X angular velocity (axis and magnitude in one vector) in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_Omega_Y |
Store Y angular velocity (axis and magnitude in one vector) in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_Omega_Z |
Store Z angular velocity (axis and magnitude in one vector) in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_acc_X |
Store X acceleration in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_acc_Y |
Store Y acceleration in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_acc_Z |
Store Z acceleration in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_ang_acc_X |
Store X angular acceleration (axis and magnitude in one vector) in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_ang_acc_Y |
Store Y angular acceleration (axis and magnitude in one vector) in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_ang_acc_Z |
Store Z angular acceleration (axis and magnitude in one vector) in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_acc_X_old |
X acceleration history used for the Chung integrator in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_acc_Y_old |
Y acceleration history used for the Chung integrator in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_acc_Z_old |
Z acceleration history used for the Chung integrator in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_ang_acc_X_old |
X angular acceleration history used for the Chung integrator in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_ang_acc_Y_old |
Y angular acceleration history used for the Chung integrator in unified memory. | |
std::vector< float, cudallocator< float > > | sphere_ang_acc_Z_old |
Z angular acceleration history used for the Chung integrator in unified memory. | |
std::vector< not_stupid_bool, cudallocator< not_stupid_bool > > | sphere_fixed |
Fixity of each sphere. | |
std::vector< unsigned int, cudallocator< unsigned int > > | contact_partners_map |
Set of contact partners for each sphere. Only used in frictional simulations. | |
std::vector< not_stupid_bool, cudallocator< not_stupid_bool > > | contact_active_map |
Whether the frictional contact at an index is active. | |
std::vector< float3, cudallocator< float3 > > | contact_history_map |
Tracks the tangential history vector for a given contact pair. Only used in multistep friction. | |
float | X_accGrav |
X gravity in user units. | |
float | Y_accGrav |
Y gravity in user units. | |
float | Z_accGrav |
Z gravity in user units. | |
std::vector< unsigned int, cudallocator< unsigned int > > | SD_NumSpheresTouching |
Entry "i" says how many spheres touch subdomain i. | |
std::vector< unsigned int, cudallocator< unsigned int > > | SD_SphereCompositeOffsets |
std::vector< unsigned int, cudallocator< unsigned int > > | spheres_in_SD_composite |
Array containing the IDs of the spheres stored in the SDs associated with the box. | |
std::vector< unsigned int, cudallocator< unsigned int > > | sphere_owner_SDs |
List of owner subdomains for each sphere. | |
float | stepSize_UU |
User provided timestep in UU. | |
float | stepSize_SU |
SU (adimensional) value of time step. | |
GRAN_TIME_INTEGRATOR | time_integrator |
how is the system integrated through time? | |
float | elapsedSimTime |
Total time elapsed since beginning of simulation. | |
double | K_n_s2s_UU |
Normal stiffness for sphere-to-sphere contact (Hertzian spring constant) | |
double | K_n_s2w_UU |
Normal stiffness for sphere-to-wall contact (Hertzian spring constant) | |
double | Gamma_n_s2s_UU |
Normal damping for sphere-to-sphere. | |
double | Gamma_n_s2w_UU |
Normal damping for sphere-to-wall. | |
double | K_t_s2s_UU |
Tangential stiffness for sphere-to-sphere (Hertzian spring constant. | |
double | K_t_s2w_UU |
Tangential stiffness for sphere-to-wall (Hertzian spring constant. | |
double | Gamma_t_s2s_UU |
Tangential damping for sphere-to-sphere. | |
double | Gamma_t_s2w_UU |
Tangential damping for sphere-to-wall. | |
double | rolling_coeff_s2s_UU |
Rolling friction coefficient for sphere-to-sphere. | |
double | rolling_coeff_s2w_UU |
Rolling friction coefficient for sphere-to-wall Units and use are dependent on the rolling friction model used. | |
double | spinning_coeff_s2s_UU |
Spinning friction coefficient for sphere-to-sphere. | |
double | spinning_coeff_s2w_UU |
Spinning friction coefficient for sphere-to-wall Units and use are dependent on the spinning friction model used. | |
float | cohesion_over_gravity |
Store the ratio of the acceleration due to cohesion vs the acceleration due to gravity, makes simple API. | |
float | adhesion_s2w_over_gravity |
Store the ratio of the acceleration due to adhesion vs the acceleration due to gravity. | |
int64_t3 | BD_rest_frame_SU |
The reference point for UU to SU local coordinates. | |
std::vector< BC_type, cudallocator< BC_type > > | BC_type_list |
List of generalized boundary conditions that constrain sphere motion. | |
std::vector< BC_params_t< int64_t, int64_t3 >, cudallocator< BC_params_t< int64_t, int64_t3 > > > | BC_params_list_SU |
Sim-unit (adimensional) details of boundary conditions. | |
std::vector< BC_params_t< float, float3 >, cudallocator< BC_params_t< float, float3 > > > | BC_params_list_UU |
User-unit (dimensional) details of boundary conditions. | |
std::vector< GranPositionFunction > | BC_offset_function_list |
Offset motions functions for boundary conditions – used for moving walls, wavetanks, etc. | |
const float | sphere_radius_UU |
User defined radius of the sphere. | |
const float | sphere_density_UU |
User defined density of the sphere. | |
const float | box_size_X |
X-length of the big domain; defines the global X axis located at the CM of the box. | |
const float | box_size_Y |
Y-length of the big domain; defines the global Y axis located at the CM of the box. | |
const float | box_size_Z |
Z-length of the big domain; defines the global Z axis located at the CM of the box. | |
std::vector< float3 > | user_sphere_positions |
User-provided sphere positions in UU. | |
std::vector< float3 > | user_sphere_vel |
User-provided sphere velocities in UU. | |
std::vector< bool > | user_sphere_fixed |
User-provided sphere fixity as bools. | |
bool | BD_is_fixed = true |
Allow the user to set the big domain to be fixed, ignoring any given position functions. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
GranPositionFunction | BDOffsetFunction |
The offset function for the big domain walls. | |
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_granular/physics/ChGranularTriMesh.h
- /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_granular/physics/ChGranularTriMesh.cpp