struct | ByteImageData |
| stores image data More...
class | ChCameraSensor |
| Camera class. More...
class | ChDynamicsManager |
| class for managing dynamic sensors. More...
class | ChFilter |
| Base class for all filters that can be applied to a sensor after initial rendering. More...
class | ChFilterAccess |
| Filter for accessing data from the sensor. More...
class | ChFilterCameraNoiseConstNormal |
| A filter that adds Gaussian noise across an image with constant mean and standard deviation. More...
class | ChFilterCameraNoisePixDep |
| A filter that adds pixel dependent gaussian noise across an image. Method summarized in paper: () More...
class | ChFilterGPSUpdate |
| Class for generating GPS data for a GPS sensor. More...
class | ChFilterGrayscale |
| A filter that, when applied to a sensor, changes the RGB buffer to grayscale. More...
class | ChFilterImageResize |
| A filter that, when applied to a sensor, resizes the image to the specified dimensions. More...
class | ChFilterImgAlias |
| A filter that, when applied to a sensor, reduces the resolution for antialiasing. More...
class | ChFilterIMUUpdate |
| Class for generating IMU data. More...
class | ChFilterLidarNoiseXYZI |
| A filter that adds noise based on depth and intensity given data in point cloud format. More...
class | ChFilterONNX |
| A filter that processes data through a pre-trained neural network, based on ONNX format. More...
class | ChFilterOptixRender |
| A filter that generates data for a ChOptixSensor. More...
class | ChFilterPCfromDepth |
| A filter that, when applied to a sensor, generates point cloud data from depth values. More...
class | ChFilterSave |
| A filter that, when applied to a sensor, saves the data as an image. More...
class | ChFilterSavePtCloud |
| A filter that, when applied to a sensor, saves point cloud data. More...
class | ChFilterUFF |
| A filter that processes data through a pre-trained neural network, based on UFF format. More...
class | ChFilterVisualize |
| A filter that, when applied to a sensor, creates a GUI window to visualize the sensor (using GLFW). More...
class | ChFilterVisualizePointCloud |
| A filter that, when applied to a sensor, creates a GUI window to visualize the sensor (using GLFW). More...
class | ChGPSNoiseModel |
| GPS Noise Model base class. All GPS noise models should inherit from here. More...
class | ChGPSNoiseNone |
| GPS Noise model: individually parameterized independent gaussian distribution. More...
class | ChGPSNoiseNormal |
| GPS Noise model: individually parameterized independent gaussian distribution. More...
class | ChGPSSensor |
| GPS class. More...
class | ChIMUNoiseModel |
| IMU Noise Model base class. More...
class | ChIMUNoiseNone |
| IMU Noise model: no noise. More...
class | ChIMUNoiseNormalDrift |
| IMU Noise model: gaussian drifting noise with noncorrelated equal distributions. More...
class | ChIMUSensor |
| IMU class. More...
class | ChLidarSensor |
| Lidar class. This corresponds to a scanning lidar. More...
class | ChOptixEngine |
| Optix Engine that is responsible for managing all render-based sensors. More...
class | ChOptixSensor |
| Optix sensor class - the base class for all sensors that interface with OptiX to generate and render their data. More...
class | ChScene |
| Scene class used for camera renderings. Includes environment colors, lights, etc. More...
class | ChSensor |
| GPS data format (4 doubles total) More...
class | ChSensorManager |
| class for managing sensors. This is the Sensor system class. More...
struct | GPSData |
| GPS data in generic format. More...
struct | IMUData |
| IMU data in generic format. More...
class | Logger |
| Inference Logger for TensorRT. More...
struct | PixelDI |
| Depth and intensity data in generic format. More...
struct | PixelRGBA8 |
| A pixel as defined by RGBA 8bpp format. More...
struct | PixelXYZI |
| Point cloud and intensity data in generic format. More...
struct | ProgramString |
| holds string values for ptx file and ray generation program More...
class | Sensor |
| Sensor class for constructing sensors from a JSON specification file. More...
struct | SensorBuffer |
| The base buffer class that contains sensor data (contains meta data of the buffer and pointer to raw data) More...
struct | SensorBufferT |
| Base class of 2D buffers. More...
struct | TRTDestroyer |
| destructor for tensorRT pointers More...
void | cuda_camera_noise_const_normal (unsigned char *bufPtr, int width, int height, float mean, float stdev, curandState_t *rng) |
| Kernel for applying uniform Gaussian noise to an image. More...
void | cuda_camera_noise_pixel_dependent (unsigned char *bufPtr, int width, int height, float gain, float sigma_read, float sigma_adc, curandState_t *rng) |
| Kernel for applying pixel dependent Gaussian noise to an image. More...
__global__ void | init_random_states (unsigned int seed, curandState_t *rng_states, int n_generators) |
| Device function for initialing random values for cuRAND. More...
void | init_cuda_rng (unsigned int seed, curandState_t *rng_states, int n_generators) |
| Host function for initialing random values for cuRAND. More...
void | cuda_grayscale (void *bufRGBA, void *bufOut, int width, int height) |
| RGB 8 bpp image of uchar to greyscale image conversion. More...
void | cuda_image_alias (void *bufIn, void *bufOut, int w_out, int h_out, int factor, int pix_size) |
| An antialiasing helper function that reduces image quality by performing mean reduction of image. More...
void | cuda_image_gauss_blur_char (void *buf, int w, int h, int c, int factor) |
| An image blurring function that reduces performs Gaussian blur. More...
void | cuda_lidar_clip (float *buf, int width, int height, float threshold, float default_dist) |
| Function for reduction of data when multiple samples are used per beam. More...
void | cuda_lidar_noise_normal (float *bufPtr, int width, int height, float stdev_range, float stdev_v_angle, float stdev_h_angle, float stdev_intensity, curandState_t *rng) |
| Function for applying Gaussian noise to raw ground truth lidar data. More...
void | cuda_lidar_mean_reduce (void *bufIn, void *bufOut, int width, int height, int radius) |
| Function for reduction of data when multiple samples are used per beam. More...
void | cuda_lidar_strong_reduce (void *bufIn, void *bufOut, int width, int height, int radius) |
| Function for reduction of data when multiple samples are used per beam. More...
void | preprocess_RGBA8_to_FLOAT3 (void *bufIn, void *bufOut, int h, int w) |
| Function that converts uchar RGBA8 image to float3 image. More...
void | preprocess_RGBA8_to_FLOAT4 (void *bufIn, void *bufOut, int num_entries) |
| Function that converts uchar RGBA8 image to float4 image. More...
void | postprocess_FLOAT4_to_RGBA8 (void *bufIn, void *bufOut, int num_entries) |
| Function that converts float4 image to uchar RGBA8 image. More...
void | preprocess_RGBA8_to_FLOAT4_CHW (void *bufIn, void *bufOut, int c, int h, int w) |
| Function that converts uchar RGBA8 image to float4 image with channels first. More...
void | preprocess_normalize_float (void *bufIn, float add, float mult, int c, int h, int w) |
| Function that normalized input data in float format. More...
void | postprocess_FLOAT4_to_RGBA8_CHW (void *bufIn, void *bufOut, int c, int h, int w) |
| Function that converts float4 image to uchar RGBA8 image with channels first. More...
void | cuda_pointcloud_from_depth (void *bufDI, void *bufOut, int width, int height, float hfov, float max_v_angle, float min_v_angle) |
| Converts depth data to point cloud data for a lidar. More...
CH_SENSOR_API optix::Program | GetRTProgram (optix::Context context, std::string file_name, std::string program_name) |
| launches ray generation program More...
ByteImageData | LoadImage (std::string filename) |
| loads image to struct ByteImageData, returns an empty struct with 0 values if loading failed More...
Transform | CreateEmptyTransform (optix::Context context) |
| creates an empty optix transform::node More...
Transform | CreateTransform (optix::Context context, ChMatrix33< double > a, ChVector< double > b) |
| creates an opti::transform node More...
Transform | CreateTransform (optix::Context context, ChMatrix33< double > a, ChVector< double > b, ChVector< double > s) |
| creates an optix::transform node More...
Transform | CreateTransformFromEndPoints (optix::Context context, ChVector<> a, ChVector<> b, ChVector<> from) |
| creatse an optix::transform node based on end points More...
Transform | CreateTransformFromEndPoints (optix::Context context, ChVector<> a, ChVector<> b, ChVector<> from, ChVector<> s) |
void | UpdateTransform (optix::Transform t, ChMatrix33< double > a, ChVector< double > b) |
| updates the projection matrix in the optix::transform object More...
void | UpdateTransform (optix::Transform t, ChMatrix33< double > a, ChVector< double > b, ChVector< double > s) |
| updates the projection matrix in the optix::transform object More...
optix::Transform | CreateTransformFromEndPoints (optix::Context context, ChVector<> a, ChVector<> b, ChVector<> from, ChVector< double > s) |
| creatse an optix::transform node based on end points More...
Document | ReadFileJSON (const std::string &filename) |
| Load and return a RapidJSON document from the specified file. More...
ChVector | ReadVectorJSON (const Value &a) |
ChQuaternion | ReadQuaternionJSON (const Value &a) |
ChFrame | ReadFrameJSON (const Value &a) |
std::shared_ptr< ChSensor > | ReadSensorJSON (const std::string &filename, std::shared_ptr< chrono::ChBody > parent, chrono::ChFrame< double > offsetPose) |
| Load and return a sensor from the specified JSON file. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChCameraSensor > | ReadCameraSensorJSON (const std::string &filename, std::shared_ptr< chrono::ChBody > parent, chrono::ChFrame< double > offsetPose) |
| Load and return a camera sensor from the specified JSON file. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChGPSSensor > | ReadGPSSensorJSON (const std::string &filename, std::shared_ptr< chrono::ChBody > parent, chrono::ChFrame< double > offsetPose) |
| Load and return a gps sensor from the specified JSON file. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChIMUSensor > | ReadIMUSensorJSON (const std::string &filename, std::shared_ptr< chrono::ChBody > parent, chrono::ChFrame< double > offsetPose) |
| Load and return a imu sensor from the specified JSON file. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChLidarSensor > | ReadLidarSensorJSON (const std::string &filename, std::shared_ptr< chrono::ChBody > parent, chrono::ChFrame< double > offsetPose) |
| Load and return a lidar sensor from the specified JSON file. More...
void | ReadFilterListJSON (const std::string &filename, std::shared_ptr< ChSensor > sensor) |
| Load and return a sensor filter list from the specified JSON file. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChFilter > | CreateFilterJSON (const Value &value) |
std::shared_ptr< ChIMUNoiseModel > | CreateIMUNoiseJSON (const Value &value) |
std::shared_ptr< ChGPSNoiseModel > | CreateGPSNoiseJSON (const Value &value) |
std::string | GetStringMemberWithDefault (const Value &value, const char *member, const char *def) |
CH_SENSOR_API ChVector | ReadVectorJSON (const rapidjson::Value &a) |
| Load and return a ChVector from the specified JSON array. More...
CH_SENSOR_API ChQuaternion | ReadQuaternionJSON (const rapidjson::Value &a) |
| Load and return a ChQuaternion from the specified JSON array. More...
CH_SENSOR_API ChFrame | ReadFrameJSON (const rapidjson::Value &a) |
| Load and return a ChFrame from the specified JSON array. More...
CH_SENSOR_API std::shared_ptr< ChFilter > | CreateFilterJSON (const rapidjson::Value &value) |
| Load and return a sensor filter from the specified JSON value. More...
CH_SENSOR_API std::shared_ptr< ChIMUNoiseModel > | CreateIMUNoiseJSON (const rapidjson::Value &value) |
| Load and return a imu noise model from the specified JSON value. More...
CH_SENSOR_API std::shared_ptr< ChGPSNoiseModel > | CreateGPSNoiseJSON (const rapidjson::Value &value) |
| Load and return a gps noise model from the specified JSON value. More...
CH_SENSOR_API std::string | GetStringMemberWithDefault (const rapidjson::Value &value, const char *member, const char *def="") |
| Load and return a std::string from the specified JSON value Will check if member exists and returns if it does, def if not. More...
void | CreateModernMeshAssets (std::shared_ptr< ChTriangleMeshShape > mesh_shape) |
| Generate a set of visual assets that works with OptiX and handles the most modern rendering information contained in the mesh as possible. More...
void | ConvertToModernAssets (std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body) |
| Convert assets attached to a ChBody to modern assets by creating all necessary parameters for reflections, refractions, etc. More...
void | ConvertToModernAssets (ChSystem *sys) |
| Parse all assets of a chrono system to do a full conversion to assets needed by OptiX. More...
template<class T > |
T * | cudaMallocHelper (unsigned int size) |
| Function for creating a chunk of memory that will implicitely desconstruct itself. More...
template<class T > |
void | cudaFreeHelper (T *ptr) |
| The desconstructor that will be called to free memory from the device pointer. More...