chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleVisualSystemOpenGL Class Reference


OpenGL-based Chrono run-time visualization system.

#include <ChVehicleVisualSystemOpenGL.h>

Inheritance diagram for chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleVisualSystemOpenGL:
Collaboration diagram for chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleVisualSystemOpenGL:

Public Member Functions

 ChVehicleVisualSystemOpenGL ()
 Construct a vehicle OpenGL visualization system.
virtual void Initialize () override
 Initialize the visualization system.
virtual void Advance (double step) override
 Advance the dynamics of the chase camera. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::opengl::ChVisualSystemOpenGL
void SetWindowSize (unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
 Set the window size (default 640x480). More...
void SetWindowTitle (const std::string &win_title)
 Set the window title (default ""). More...
void SetCameraVertical (CameraVerticalDir vert)
 Set camera vertical direction (default CameraVerticalDir::Z).
void SetCameraVertical (const ChVector3d &up)
 Set camera vertical direction (default (0,0,1)).
void SetCameraProperties (float scale=0.5f, float near_clip_dist=0.1f, float far_clip_dist=1000.0f)
 Set camera scale and clip distances. More...
void SetRenderMode (RenderMode mode)
 Set render mode for solid objects (default: SOLID)
void SetParticleRenderMode (RenderMode mode, float radius)
 Set render mode for particle systems (default: POINTS) and size.
virtual void AttachSystem (ChSystem *sys) override
 Attach a Chrono system to the run-time visualization system. More...
void AttachStatsRenderer (std::shared_ptr< ChOpenGLStats > renderer)
 Attach a user-defined text renderer for stats overlay. More...
void EnableStats (bool state)
 Enable/disable stats overlay display (default: true).
virtual int AddCamera (const ChVector3d &pos, ChVector3d targ=VNULL) override
 Add a camera to the 3d scene.
virtual void SetCameraPosition (int id, const ChVector3d &pos) override
 Set the location of the specified camera.
virtual void SetCameraTarget (int id, const ChVector3d &target) override
 Set the target (look-at) point of the specified camera.
virtual void SetCameraPosition (const ChVector3d &pos) override
 Set the location of the current (active) camera.
virtual void SetCameraTarget (const ChVector3d &target) override
 Set the target (look-at) point of the current (active) camera.
void AddUserEventReceiver (std::shared_ptr< ChOpenGLEventCB > receiver)
 Attach a custom event receiver to the application.
void AttachParticleSelector (std::shared_ptr< ChOpenGLParticleCB > selector)
 Attach a custom particle rendering selector.
virtual void BindAll () override
 Process all visual assets in the associated ChSystem. More...
virtual void BindItem (std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item) override
 Process the visual assets for the spcified physics item. More...
virtual bool Run () override
 Run the Irrlicht device. More...
virtual void Quit () override
 Terminate the visualization system.
virtual void BeginScene () override
 Perform any necessary operations at the beginning of each rendering frame.
virtual void Render () override
 Draw all 3D shapes and GUI elements at the current frame. More...
virtual void EndScene () override
 End the scene draw at the end of each animation frame.
virtual void WriteImageToFile (const std::string &filename) override
 Create a snapshot of the last rendered frame and save it to the provided file. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChVisualSystem
void SetVerbose (bool verbose)
 Enable/disable information terminal output during initialization (default: false).
virtual void UnbindItem (std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item)
 Remove the visual assets for the specified physics item from this visualization system.
virtual void AddGrid (double x_step, double y_step, int nx, int ny, ChCoordsys<> pos=CSYSNORM, ChColor col=ChColor(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f))
 Add a grid with specified parameters in the x-y plane of the given frame. More...
virtual ChVector3d GetCameraPosition () const
 Get the location of the current (active) camera.
virtual ChVector3d GetCameraTarget () const
 Get the target (look-at) point of the current (active) camera.
void UpdateCamera (int id, const ChVector3d &pos, ChVector3d target)
 Update the location and/or target points of the specified camera.
void UpdateCamera (const ChVector3d &pos, ChVector3d target)
virtual int AddVisualModel (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModel > model, const ChFrame<> &frame)
 Add a visual model not associated with a physical item. More...
virtual int AddVisualModel (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShape > shape, const ChFrame<> &frame)
 Add a visual model not associated with a physical item. More...
virtual void UpdateVisualModel (int id, const ChFrame<> &frame)
 Update the position of the specified visualization-only model.
virtual void RenderFrame (const ChFrame<> &frame, double axis_length=1)
 Render the specified reference frame.
virtual void RenderCOGFrames (double axis_length=1)
 Render COG frames for all bodies in the system.
virtual double GetSimulationRTF () const
 Return the simulation real-time factor (simulation time / simulated time). More...
virtual double GetSimulationTime () const
 Return the current simulated time. More...
void SetImageOutputDirectory (const std::string &dir)
 Set output directory for saving frame snapshots (default: ".").
void SetImageOutput (bool val)
 Enable/disable writing of frame snapshots to file.
std::vector< ChSystem * > GetSystems () const
 Get the list of associated Chrono systems.
ChSystemGetSystem (int i) const
 Get the specified associated Chrono system.


class ChVehicleKeyboardHandlerOpenGL

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from chrono::ChVisualSystem
enum  Type {
  Type::IRRLICHT, Type::VSG, Type::OpenGL, Type::OptiX,
 Supported run-time visualization systems. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::opengl::ChVisualSystemOpenGL
static void WrapRenderStep (void *stepFunction)
 Callback wrapper for steps of the render loop. Works with Emscripten.
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::ChVisualSystem
bool m_verbose
 terminal output
bool m_initialized
std::vector< ChSystem * > m_systems
 associated Chrono system(s)
bool m_write_images
 if true, save snapshots
std::string m_image_dir
 directory for image files

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_vehicle/ChVehicleVisualSystemOpenGL.h
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_vehicle/ChVehicleVisualSystemOpenGL.cpp