ROS Handlers


ROS Handlers.

Collaboration diagram for ROS Handlers:


 ROS Vehicle Handlers
 ROS Sensor Handlers
 ROS Robot Handlers


class  chrono::ros::ChROSHandler
 Base class for a ROS handler. More...
class  chrono::ros::ChROSBodyHandler
 This handler is responsible for publishing state information about a ChBody. More...
class  chrono::ros::ChROSClockHandler
 Publishes rosgraph_msgs::msg::Clock messages at each timestep (by default) of the simulation. More...
class  chrono::ros::ChROSHandlerUtilities
 Utility class with static functions that may be useful for ROS handlers. More...
class  chrono::ros::ChROSTFHandler
 This handler is responsible for publishing transform (tf) information. More...