ROS Sensor Handlers


Collaboration diagram for ROS Sensor Handlers:


class  chrono::ros::ChROSAccelerometerHandler
 This handler is responsible for interfacing a ChAccelerometerSensor to ROS. Will publish sensor_msgs::msg::Imu. More...
class  chrono::ros::ChROSCameraHandler
 This handler is responsible for interfacing a ChCameraSensor to ROS. Will publish sensor_msgs::msg::Image. More...
class  chrono::ros::ChROSGPSHandler
 This handler is responsible for interfacing a ChGPSSensor to ROS. Will publish sensor_msgs::msg::NavSatFix. More...
class  chrono::ros::ChROSGyroscopeHandler
 This handler is responsible for interfacing a ChGyroscopeSensor to ROS. Will publish sensor_msgs::msg::Imu. More...
class  chrono::ros::ChROSLidarHandler
 This handler interfaces a ChLidarSensor to ROS. More...
class  chrono::ros::ChROSMagnetometerHandler
 This handler is responsible for interfacing a ChMagnetometerSensor to ROS. More...
class  chrono::ros::ChROSSensorHandlerUtilities
 Utility class with static functions that may be useful for sensor-specific ROS handlers. More...


enum  ChROSLidarHandlerMessageType { LASER_SCAN, POINT_CLOUD2 }