Class for quick creation of rigid bodies with a box shape.
In addition to the base class, this optionally sets the visualization and/or collision shape and automatically calculates intertia properties based on the geometry.
#include <ChBodyEasy.h>

Public Member Functions | |
ChBodyEasyBox (double Xsize, double Ysize, double Zsize, double density, bool visualize=true, bool collide=false, std::shared_ptr< ChMaterialSurface > material=nullptr, std::shared_ptr< collision::ChCollisionModel > collision_model=chrono_types::make_shared< collision::ChCollisionModelBullet >()) | |
Create a ChBody with optional box visualization and/or collision shape. More... | |
ChBodyEasyBox (double Xsize, double Ysize, double Zsize, double density, std::shared_ptr< ChMaterialSurface > material, collision::ChCollisionSystemType collision_type) | |
Create a ChBody with a box visualization and collision shape using the specified collision model type. More... | |
![]() | |
ChBody (collision::ChCollisionSystemType collision_type=collision::ChCollisionSystemType::BULLET) | |
Build a rigid body. | |
ChBody (std::shared_ptr< collision::ChCollisionModel > new_collision_model) | |
Build a rigid body with a different collision model. | |
ChBody (const ChBody &other) | |
virtual | ~ChBody () |
Destructor. | |
virtual ChBody * | Clone () const override |
"Virtual" copy constructor (covariant return type). | |
void | SetBodyFixed (bool state) |
Sets the 'fixed' state of the body. More... | |
bool | GetBodyFixed () const |
Return true if this body is fixed to ground. | |
void | SetEvalContactCn (bool state) |
If true, the normal restitution coefficient is evaluated from painted material channel. | |
bool | GetEvalContactCn () const |
void | SetEvalContactCt (bool state) |
If true, the tangential restitution coefficient is evaluated from painted material channel. | |
bool | GetEvalContactCt () const |
void | SetEvalContactKf (bool state) |
If true, the kinetic friction coefficient is evaluated from painted material channel. | |
bool | GetEvalContactKf () const |
void | SetEvalContactSf (bool state) |
If true, the static friction coefficient is evaluated from painted material channel. | |
bool | GetEvalContactSf () const |
void | SetCollide (bool state) |
Enable/disable the collision for this rigid body. More... | |
virtual bool | GetCollide () const override |
Return true if collision is enabled for this body. | |
void | SetShowCollisionMesh (bool state) |
Show collision mesh in 3D views. | |
bool | GetShowCollisionMesh () const |
Return true if collision mesh is shown in 3D views. | |
void | SetLimitSpeed (bool state) |
Enable the maximum linear speed limit (beyond this limit it will be clamped). More... | |
bool | GetLimitSpeed () const |
Return true if maximum linear speed is limited. | |
void | SetNoGyroTorque (bool state) |
Deactivate the gyroscopic torque (quadratic term). More... | |
bool | GetNoGyroTorque () const |
Return true if gyroscopic torque is deactivated. | |
void | SetUseSleeping (bool state) |
Enable/disable option for setting bodies to "sleep". More... | |
bool | GetUseSleeping () const |
Return true if 'sleep' mode is activated. | |
void | SetSleeping (bool state) |
Force the body in sleeping mode or not (usually this state change is not handled by users, anyway, because it is mostly automatic). | |
bool | GetSleeping () const |
Return true if this body is currently in 'sleep' mode. | |
bool | TrySleeping () |
Test if a body could go in sleeping state if requirements are satisfied. More... | |
virtual bool | IsActive () const override |
Return true if the body is currently active and thereofre included into the system solver. More... | |
void | SetId (int id) |
Set body id for indexing (internal use only) | |
unsigned int | GetId () |
Set body id for indexing (internal use only) | |
void | SetGid (unsigned int id) |
Set global body index (internal use only) | |
unsigned int | GetGid () const |
Get the global body index (internal use only) | |
virtual int | GetDOF () override |
Number of coordinates of body: 7 because uses quaternions for rotation. | |
virtual int | GetDOF_w () override |
Number of coordinates of body: 6 because derivatives use angular velocity. | |
virtual ChVariables & | Variables () override |
Return a reference to the encapsulated ChVariablesBody, representing states (pos, speed, or accel.) and forces. More... | |
void | SetNoSpeedNoAcceleration () override |
Set no speed and no accelerations (but does not change the position) | |
void | SetCollisionModel (std::shared_ptr< collision::ChCollisionModel > new_collision_model) |
Change the collision model. | |
std::shared_ptr< collision::ChCollisionModel > | GetCollisionModel () |
Access the collision model for the collision engine. More... | |
virtual void | SyncCollisionModels () override |
Synchronize coll.model coordinate and bounding box to the position of the body. | |
virtual void | AddCollisionModelsToSystem () override |
If this physical item contains one or more collision models, add them to the system's collision engine. | |
virtual void | RemoveCollisionModelsFromSystem () override |
If this physical item contains one or more collision models, remove them from the system's collision engine. | |
virtual const ChFrameMoving & | GetFrame_COG_to_abs () const |
Get the rigid body coordinate system that represents the GOG (Center of Gravity). More... | |
virtual const ChFrameMoving & | GetFrame_REF_to_abs () const |
Get the rigid body coordinate system that is used for defining the collision shapes and the ChMarker objects. More... | |
virtual ChFrame | GetVisualModelFrame (unsigned int nclone=0) override |
Get the reference frame (expressed in and relative to the absolute frame) of the visual model. More... | |
virtual void | GetTotalAABB (ChVector<> &bbmin, ChVector<> &bbmax) override |
Get the entire AABB axis-aligned bounding box of the object, as defined by the collision model (if any). | |
virtual void | StreamINstate (ChStreamInBinary &mstream) override |
Method to deserialize only the state (position, speed) | |
virtual void | StreamOUTstate (ChStreamOutBinary &mstream) override |
Method to serialize only the state (position, speed) | |
void | SetDensity (float mdensity) |
The density of the rigid body, as [mass]/[unit volume]. More... | |
void | AddMarker (std::shared_ptr< ChMarker > amarker) |
Attach a marker to this body. | |
void | AddForce (std::shared_ptr< ChForce > aforce) |
Attach a force to this body. | |
void | RemoveMarker (std::shared_ptr< ChMarker > amarker) |
Remove a specific marker from this body. Warning: linear time search. | |
void | RemoveForce (std::shared_ptr< ChForce > aforce) |
Remove a specific force from this body. Warning: linear time search. | |
void | RemoveAllForces () |
Remove all markers at once. More... | |
void | RemoveAllMarkers () |
Remove all markers at once. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< ChMarker > | SearchMarker (const char *m_name) |
Finds a marker from its ChObject name. | |
std::shared_ptr< ChForce > | SearchForce (const char *m_name) |
Finds a force from its ChObject name. | |
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChMarker > > & | GetMarkerList () const |
Gets the list of children markers. More... | |
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChForce > > & | GetForceList () const |
Gets the list of children forces. More... | |
ChVector | Point_World2Body (const ChVector<> &mpoint) |
ChVector | Point_Body2World (const ChVector<> &mpoint) |
ChVector | Dir_World2Body (const ChVector<> &dir) |
ChVector | Dir_Body2World (const ChVector<> &dir) |
ChVector | RelPoint_AbsSpeed (const ChVector<> &mrelpoint) |
ChVector | RelPoint_AbsAcc (const ChVector<> &mrelpoint) |
void | SetMass (double newmass) |
Set the body mass. More... | |
double | GetMass () |
Get the body mass. | |
void | SetInertia (const ChMatrix33<> &newXInertia) |
Set the inertia tensor of the body. More... | |
const ChMatrix33 & | GetInertia () const |
Get the inertia tensor, expressed in the local coordinate system. More... | |
const ChMatrix33 & | GetInvInertia () const |
Get the inverse of the inertia matrix. | |
void | SetInertiaXX (const ChVector<> &iner) |
Set the diagonal part of the inertia tensor (Ixx, Iyy, Izz values). More... | |
ChVector | GetInertiaXX () const |
Get the diagonal part of the inertia tensor (Ixx, Iyy, Izz values). More... | |
void | SetInertiaXY (const ChVector<> &iner) |
Set the off-diagonal part of the inertia tensor (Ixy, Ixz, Iyz values). More... | |
ChVector | GetInertiaXY () const |
Get the extra-diagonal part of the inertia tensor (Ixy, Ixz, Iyz values). More... | |
void | SetMaxSpeed (float m_max_speed) |
Set the maximum linear speed (beyond this limit it will be clamped). More... | |
float | GetMaxSpeed () const |
void | SetMaxWvel (float m_max_wvel) |
Set the maximum angular speed (beyond this limit it will be clamped). More... | |
float | GetMaxWvel () const |
void | ClampSpeed () |
Clamp the body speed to the provided limits. More... | |
void | SetSleepTime (float m_t) |
Set the amount of time which must pass before going automatically in sleep mode when the body has very small movements. | |
float | GetSleepTime () const |
void | SetSleepMinSpeed (float m_t) |
Set the max linear speed to be kept for 'sleep_time' before freezing. | |
float | GetSleepMinSpeed () const |
void | SetSleepMinWvel (float m_t) |
Set the max linear speed to be kept for 'sleep_time' before freezing. | |
float | GetSleepMinWvel () const |
void | ComputeQInertia (ChMatrix44<> &mQInertia) |
Computes the 4x4 inertia tensor in quaternion space, if needed. | |
void | ComputeGyro () |
Computes the gyroscopic torque. More... | |
void | Accumulate_force (const ChVector<> &force, const ChVector<> &appl_point, bool local) |
Add an applied force to the body's accumulator (as an increment). More... | |
void | Accumulate_torque (const ChVector<> &torque, bool local) |
Add an applied torque to the body's accumulator (as an increment). More... | |
void | Empty_forces_accumulators () |
Clear the force and torque accumulators. | |
const ChVector & | Get_accumulated_force () const |
Return the current value of the accumulator force. More... | |
const ChVector & | Get_accumulated_torque () const |
Return the current value of the accumulator torque. More... | |
void | UpdateMarkers (double mytime) |
Update all children markers of the rigid body, at current body state. | |
void | UpdateForces (double mytime) |
Update all children forces of the rigid body, at current body state. | |
void | UpdateTime (double mytime) |
Update local time of rigid body, and time-dependent data. | |
virtual void | Update (double mytime, bool update_assets=true) override |
Update all auxiliary data of the rigid body and of its children (markers, forces..), at given time. | |
virtual void | Update (bool update_assets=true) override |
Update all auxiliary data of the rigid body and of its children (markers, forces..) | |
ChVector | GetAppliedForce () |
Return the resultant applied force on the body. More... | |
ChVector | GetAppliedTorque () |
Return the resultant applied torque on the body. More... | |
ChVector | GetContactForce () |
Get the resultant contact force acting on this body. | |
ChVector | GetContactTorque () |
Get the resultant contact torque acting on this body. | |
virtual ChPhysicsItem * | GetPhysicsItem () override |
This is only for backward compatibility. | |
virtual void | ArchiveOUT (ChArchiveOut &marchive) override |
Method to allow serialization of transient data to archives. | |
virtual void | ArchiveIN (ChArchiveIn &marchive) override |
Method to allow deserialization of transient data from archives. More... | |
virtual void | LoadableGetVariables (std::vector< ChVariables * > &mvars) override |
Get the pointers to the contained ChVariables, appending to the mvars vector. | |
virtual void | LoadableStateIncrement (const unsigned int off_x, ChState &x_new, const ChState &x, const unsigned int off_v, const ChStateDelta &Dv) override |
Increment all DOFs using a delta. | |
virtual void | LoadableGetStateBlock_x (int block_offset, ChState &mD) override |
Gets all the DOFs packed in a single vector (position part) | |
virtual void | LoadableGetStateBlock_w (int block_offset, ChStateDelta &mD) override |
Gets all the DOFs packed in a single vector (speed part) | |
virtual void | ComputeNF (const double U, const double V, const double W, ChVectorDynamic<> &Qi, double &detJ, const ChVectorDynamic<> &F, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_x, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_w) override |
Evaluate Q=N'*F, for Q generalized lagrangian load, where N is some type of matrix evaluated at point P(U,V,W) assumed in absolute coordinates, and F is a load assumed in absolute coordinates. More... | |
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ChPhysicsItem (const ChPhysicsItem &other) | |
ChSystem * | GetSystem () const |
Get the pointer to the parent ChSystem(). | |
virtual void | SetSystem (ChSystem *m_system) |
Set the pointer to the parent ChSystem(). More... | |
void | AddVisualModel (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModel > model) |
Add an (optional) visualization model. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModel > | GetVisualModel () const |
Access the visualization model (if any). More... | |
void | AddVisualShape (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShape > shape, const ChFrame<> &frame=ChFrame<>()) |
Add the specified visual shape to the visualization model. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShape > | GetVisualShape (unsigned int i) const |
Access the specified visualization shape in the visualization model (if any). More... | |
void | AddVisualShapeFEA (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShapeFEA > shapeFEA) |
Add the specified FEA visualization object to the visualization model. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShapeFEA > | GetVisualShapeFEA (unsigned int i) const |
Access the specified FEA visualization object in the visualization model (if any). More... | |
virtual unsigned int | GetNumVisualModelClones () const |
Return the number of clones of the visual model associated with this physics item. More... | |
void | AddCamera (std::shared_ptr< ChCamera > camera) |
Attach a ChCamera to this physical item. More... | |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChCamera > > | GetCameras () const |
Get the set of cameras attached to this physics item. | |
virtual void | GetCenter (ChVector<> &mcenter) |
Get a symbolic 'center' of the object. More... | |
virtual void | Setup () |
This might recompute the number of coordinates, DOFs, constraints, in case this might change (ex in ChAssembly), as well as state offsets of contained items (ex in ChMesh) | |
virtual int | GetDOC () |
Get the number of scalar constraints, if any, in this item. | |
virtual int | GetDOC_c () |
Get the number of scalar constraints, if any, in this item (only bilateral constr.) Children classes might override this. | |
virtual int | GetDOC_d () |
Get the number of scalar constraints, if any, in this item (only unilateral constr.) Children classes might override this. | |
unsigned int | GetOffset_x () |
Get offset in the state vector (position part) | |
unsigned int | GetOffset_w () |
Get offset in the state vector (speed part) | |
unsigned int | GetOffset_L () |
Get offset in the lagrangian multipliers. | |
void | SetOffset_x (const unsigned int moff) |
Set offset in the state vector (position part) Note: only the ChSystem::Setup function should use this. | |
void | SetOffset_w (const unsigned int moff) |
Set offset in the state vector (speed part) Note: only the ChSystem::Setup function should use this. | |
void | SetOffset_L (const unsigned int moff) |
Set offset in the lagrangian multipliers Note: only the ChSystem::Setup function should use this. | |
virtual void | IntStateGatherReactions (const unsigned int off_L, ChVectorDynamic<> &L) |
From item's reaction forces to global reaction vector. More... | |
virtual void | IntStateScatterReactions (const unsigned int off_L, const ChVectorDynamic<> &L) |
From global reaction vector to item's reaction forces. More... | |
virtual void | IntLoadResidual_CqL (const unsigned int off_L, ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const ChVectorDynamic<> &L, const double c) |
Takes the term Cq'*L, scale and adds to R at given offset: R += c*Cq'*L. More... | |
virtual void | IntLoadConstraint_C (const unsigned int off, ChVectorDynamic<> &Qc, const double c, bool do_clamp, double recovery_clamp) |
Takes the term C, scale and adds to Qc at given offset: Qc += c*C. More... | |
virtual void | IntLoadConstraint_Ct (const unsigned int off, ChVectorDynamic<> &Qc, const double c) |
Takes the term Ct, scale and adds to Qc at given offset: Qc += c*Ct. More... | |
virtual void | InjectConstraints (ChSystemDescriptor &mdescriptor) |
Tell to a system descriptor that there are constraints of type ChConstraint in this object (for further passing it to a solver) Basically does nothing, but maybe that inherited classes may specialize this. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsBiReset () |
Sets to zero the known term (b_i) of encapsulated ChConstraints. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsBiLoad_C (double factor=1, double recovery_clamp=0.1, bool do_clamp=false) |
Adds the current C (constraint violation) to the known term (b_i) of encapsulated ChConstraints. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsBiLoad_Ct (double factor=1) |
Adds the current Ct (partial t-derivative, as in C_dt=0-> [Cq]*q_dt=-Ct) to the known term (b_i) of encapsulated ChConstraints. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsBiLoad_Qc (double factor=1) |
Adds the current Qc (the vector of C_dtdt=0 -> [Cq]*q_dtdt=Qc ) to the known term (b_i) of encapsulated ChConstraints. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsFbLoadForces (double factor=1) |
Adds the current link-forces, if any, (caused by springs, etc.) to the 'fb' vectors of the ChVariables referenced by encapsulated ChConstraints. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsLoadJacobians () |
Adds the current jacobians in encapsulated ChConstraints. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsFetch_react (double factor=1) |
Fetches the reactions from the lagrangian multiplier (l_i) of encapsulated ChConstraints. More... | |
virtual void | InjectKRMmatrices (ChSystemDescriptor &mdescriptor) |
Tell to a system descriptor that there are items of type ChKblock in this object (for further passing it to a solver) Basically does nothing, but maybe that inherited classes may specialize this. | |
virtual void | KRMmatricesLoad (double Kfactor, double Rfactor, double Mfactor) |
Adds the current stiffness K and damping R and mass M matrices in encapsulated ChKblock item(s), if any. More... | |
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ChObj (const ChObj &other) | |
int | GetIdentifier () const |
Gets the numerical identifier of the object. | |
void | SetIdentifier (int id) |
Sets the numerical identifier of the object. | |
double | GetChTime () const |
Gets the simulation time of this object. | |
void | SetChTime (double m_time) |
Sets the simulation time of this object. | |
const char * | GetName () const |
Gets the name of the object as C Ascii null-terminated string -for reading only! | |
void | SetName (const char myname[]) |
Sets the name of this object, as ascii string. | |
std::string | GetNameString () const |
Gets the name of the object as C Ascii null-terminated string. | |
void | SetNameString (const std::string &myname) |
Sets the name of this object, as std::string. | |
void | MFlagsSetAllOFF (int &mflag) |
void | MFlagsSetAllON (int &mflag) |
void | MFlagSetON (int &mflag, int mask) |
void | MFlagSetOFF (int &mflag, int mask) |
int | MFlagGet (int &mflag, int mask) |
virtual std::string & | ArchiveContainerName () |
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ChBodyFrame (const ChBodyFrame &other) | |
void | To_abs_forcetorque (const ChVector<> &force, const ChVector<> &appl_point, bool local, ChVector<> &resultforce, ChVector<> &resulttorque) |
Transform a force applied at a point on the body into a force and moment applied to the COM and expressed in the absolute frame. More... | |
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ChFrameMoving (const ChVector< double > &mv=ChVector< double >(0, 0, 0), const ChQuaternion< double > &mq=ChQuaternion< double >(1, 0, 0, 0)) | |
Construct from pos and rot (as a quaternion) | |
ChFrameMoving (const ChVector< double > &mv, const ChMatrix33< double > &ma) | |
Construct from pos and rotation (as a 3x3 matrix) | |
ChFrameMoving (const ChCoordsys< double > &mc) | |
Construct from a coordsys. | |
ChFrameMoving (const ChFrame< double > &mc) | |
Construct from a frame. | |
ChFrameMoving (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other) | |
Copy constructor, build from another moving frame. | |
virtual | ~ChFrameMoving () |
Destructor. | |
ChFrameMoving< double > & | operator= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other) |
Assignment operator: copy from another moving frame. | |
ChFrameMoving< double > & | operator= (const ChFrame< double > &other) |
Assignment operator: copy from another frame. | |
bool | operator== (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other) const |
Returns true for identical frames. | |
bool | operator!= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other) const |
Returns true for different frames. | |
ChFrameMoving< double > | operator>> (const ChFrameMoving< double > &Fb) const |
The '>>' operator transforms a coordinate system, so transformations can be represented with this syntax: new_frame = old_frame >> tr_frame; For a sequence of transformations, i.e. More... | |
ChFrameMoving< double > | operator* (const ChFrameMoving< double > &Fb) const |
The '*' operator transforms a coordinate system, so transformations can be represented with this syntax: new_frame = tr_frame * old_frame; For a sequence of transformations, i.e. More... | |
ChFrameMoving< double > & | operator>>= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &T) |
Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by another frame, for example: A>>=T means A'=T*A ; or A'=A >> T. | |
ChFrameMoving< double > & | operator>>= (const ChVector< double > &D) |
Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a vector D, to 'move' by a displacement D: | |
ChFrameMoving< double > & | operator>>= (const ChQuaternion< double > &R) |
Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a quaternion R, to 'rotate' it by R: | |
ChFrameMoving< double > & | operator>>= (const ChCoordsys< double > &F) |
Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a ChCoordsys F: | |
ChFrameMoving< double > & | operator>>= (const ChFrame< double > &F) |
Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a ChFrame F: | |
ChFrameMoving< double > & | operator%= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &T) |
Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by another frame, for example: A%=T means A'=T*A ; or A'=A >> T Note: DEPRECATED, use >>= instead. | |
ChFrameMoving< double > & | operator*= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &T) |
Performs post-multiplication of this frame by another frame, for example: A*=T means A'=A*T ; or A'=T >> A. | |
ChCoordsys< double > & | GetCoord_dt () |
Return both current rotation and translation speeds as a coordsystem object, with vector and quaternion. | |
const ChCoordsys< double > & | GetCoord_dt () const |
ChCoordsys< double > & | GetCoord_dtdt () |
Return both current rotation and translation accelerations as a coordsystem object, with vector and quaternion. | |
const ChCoordsys< double > & | GetCoord_dtdt () const |
ChVector< double > & | GetPos_dt () |
Return the current speed as a 3d vector. | |
const ChVector< double > & | GetPos_dt () const |
ChVector< double > & | GetPos_dtdt () |
Return the current acceleration as a 3d vector. | |
const ChVector< double > & | GetPos_dtdt () const |
ChQuaternion< double > & | GetRot_dt () |
Return the current rotation speed as a quaternion. | |
const ChQuaternion< double > & | GetRot_dt () const |
ChQuaternion< double > & | GetRot_dtdt () |
Return the current rotation acceleration as a quaternion. | |
const ChQuaternion< double > & | GetRot_dtdt () const |
ChVector< double > | GetWvel_loc () const |
Computes the actual angular speed (expressed in local coords) | |
ChVector< double > | GetWvel_par () const |
Computes the actual angular speed (expressed in parent coords) | |
ChVector< double > | GetWacc_loc () const |
Computes the actual angular acceleration (expressed in local coords) | |
ChVector< double > | GetWacc_par () const |
Computes the actual angular acceleration (expressed in parent coords) | |
virtual void | SetCoord_dt (const ChCoordsys< double > &mcoord_dt) |
Set both linear speed and rotation speed as a single ChCoordsys derivative. | |
virtual void | SetPos_dt (const ChVector< double > &mvel) |
Set the linear speed. | |
virtual void | SetRot_dt (const ChQuaternion< double > &mrot_dt) |
Set the rotation speed as a quaternion. More... | |
virtual void | SetWvel_loc (const ChVector< double > &wl) |
Set the rotation speed from given angular speed (expressed in local csys) | |
virtual void | SetWvel_par (const ChVector< double > &wp) |
Set the rotation speed from given angular speed (expressed in parent csys) | |
virtual void | SetCoord_dtdt (const ChCoordsys< double > &mcoord_dtdt) |
Set both linear acceleration and rotation acceleration as a single ChCoordsys derivative. | |
virtual void | SetPos_dtdt (const ChVector< double > &macc) |
Set the linear acceleration. | |
virtual void | SetRot_dtdt (const ChQuaternion< double > &mrot_dtdt) |
Set the rotation acceleration as a quaternion derivative. More... | |
virtual void | SetWacc_loc (const ChVector< double > &al) |
Set the rotation acceleration from given angular acceleration (expressed in local csys) Note: even when the local angular acceleration is zero, you are still encouraged to call this method bacause q_dtdt might be nonzero due to nonzero q_dt in case of rotational motion. | |
virtual void | SetWacc_par (const ChVector< double > &ap) |
Set the rotation speed from given angular speed (expressed in parent csys) | |
void | Compute_Adt (ChMatrix33< double > &mA_dt) const |
Computes the time derivative of rotation matrix, mAdt. | |
void | Compute_Adtdt (ChMatrix33< double > &mA_dtdt) |
Computes the 2nd time derivative of rotation matrix, mAdtdt. | |
ChMatrix33< double > | GetA_dt () |
Computes and returns an Adt matrix (-note: prefer using Compute_Adt() directly for better performance) | |
ChMatrix33< double > | GetA_dtdt () |
Computes and returns an Adt matrix (-note: prefer using Compute_Adtdt() directly for better performance) | |
void | ConcatenatePreTransformation (const ChFrameMoving< double > &T) |
Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another ChFrameMoving T. More... | |
void | ConcatenatePostTransformation (const ChFrameMoving< double > &T) |
Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another ChFrameMoving T in local coordinate. More... | |
ChVector< double > | PointSpeedLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &localpos) const |
Given the position of a point in local frame coords, and assuming it is sticky to frame, return the speed in parent coords. | |
ChVector< double > | PointSpeedLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &localpos, const ChVector< double > &localspeed) const |
Given the position localpos of a point in the local reference frame, assuming that the point moves in the local reference frame with localspeed, return the speed in the parent reference frame. | |
ChVector< double > | PointAccelerationLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &localpos) const |
Given the position of a point in local frame coords, and assuming it is sticky to frame, return the acceleration in parent coords. More... | |
ChVector< double > | PointAccelerationLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &localpos, const ChVector< double > &localspeed, const ChVector< double > &localacc) const |
Given the position of a point in local frame coords, and assuming it has a frame-relative speed localspeed and frame-relative acceleration localacc, return the acceleration in parent coords. | |
ChVector< double > | PointSpeedParentToLocal (const ChVector< double > &parentpos, const ChVector< double > &parentspeed) const |
Given the position of a point in parent frame coords, and assuming it has an absolute speed parentspeed, return the speed in local coords. | |
ChVector< double > | PointAccelerationParentToLocal (const ChVector< double > &parentpos, const ChVector< double > &parentspeed, const ChVector< double > &parentacc) const |
Given the position of a point in parent frame coords, and assuming it has an absolute speed parentspeed and absolute acceleration parentacc, return the acceleration in local coords. | |
void | TransformLocalToParent (const ChFrameMoving< double > &local, ChFrameMoving< double > &parent) const |
This function transforms a frame from 'this' local coordinate system to parent frame coordinate system, and also transforms the speed and acceleration of the frame. More... | |
void | TransformParentToLocal (const ChFrameMoving< double > &parent, ChFrameMoving< double > &local) const |
This function transforms a frame from the parent coordinate system to 'this' local frame coordinate system. More... | |
bool | Equals (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other) const |
Returns true if coordsys is identical to other coordsys. | |
bool | Equals (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other, double tol) const |
Returns true if coordsys is equal to other coordsys, within a tolerance 'tol'. | |
virtual void | Invert () override |
The transformation (also for speeds, accelerations) is inverted in place. More... | |
ChFrameMoving< double > | GetInverse () const |
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ChFrame (const ChVector< double > &mv=ChVector< double >(0, 0, 0), const ChQuaternion< double > &mq=ChQuaternion< double >(1, 0, 0, 0)) | |
Default constructor, or construct from pos and rot (as a quaternion) | |
ChFrame (const ChVector< double > &mv, const ChMatrix33< double > &ma) | |
Construct from pos and rotation (as a 3x3 matrix) | |
ChFrame (const ChCoordsys< double > &mc) | |
Construct from a coordsys. | |
ChFrame (const ChVector< double > &mv, const double alpha, const ChVector< double > &mu) | |
Construct from position mv and rotation of angle alpha around unit vector mu. | |
ChFrame (const ChFrame< double > &other) | |
Copy constructor, build from another frame. | |
ChFrame< double > & | operator= (const ChFrame< double > &other) |
Assignment operator: copy from another frame. | |
bool | operator== (const ChFrame< double > &other) const |
Returns true for identical frames. | |
bool | operator!= (const ChFrame< double > &other) const |
Returns true for different frames. | |
ChFrame< double > | operator>> (const ChFrame< double > &Fb) const |
The '>>' operator transforms a coordinate system, so transformations can be represented with this syntax: new_frame = old_frame >> tr_frame; For a sequence of transformations, i.e. More... | |
ChFrame< double > | operator* (const ChFrame< double > &Fb) const |
The '>>' operator transforms a vector, so transformations can be represented with this syntax: new_v = old_v >> tr_frame; For a sequence of transformations, i.e. More... | |
ChVector< double > | operator* (const ChVector< double > &V) const |
The '*' operator transforms a vector, so transformations can be represented with this syntax: new_v = tr_frame * old_v; For a sequence of transformations, i.e. More... | |
ChVector< double > | operator/ (const ChVector< double > &V) const |
The '/' is like the '*' operator (see), but uses the inverse transformation for A, in A/b. More... | |
ChFrame< double > & | operator>>= (const ChFrame< double > &T) |
Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by another frame, for example: A>>=T means A'=T*A ; or A'=A >> T. | |
ChFrame< double > & | operator>>= (const ChVector< double > &D) |
Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a vector D, to 'move' by a displacement D: | |
ChFrame< double > & | operator>>= (const ChQuaternion< double > &R) |
Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a quaternion R, to 'rotate' it by R: | |
ChFrame< double > & | operator>>= (const ChCoordsys< double > &F) |
Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a ChCoordsys F, to transform it: | |
ChFrame< double > & | operator%= (const ChFrame< double > &T) |
Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by another frame, for example: A%=T means A'=T*A ; or A'=A >> T Note: DEPRECATED, use >>= instead. | |
ChFrame< double > & | operator*= (const ChFrame< double > &T) |
Performs post-multiplication of this frame by another frame, for example: A*=T means A'=A*T ; or A'=T >> A. | |
ChCoordsys< double > & | GetCoord () |
Return both current rotation and translation as a coordsystem object, with vector and quaternion. | |
const ChCoordsys< double > & | GetCoord () const |
ChVector< double > & | GetPos () |
Return the current translation as a 3d vector. | |
const ChVector< double > & | GetPos () const |
ChQuaternion< double > & | GetRot () |
Return the current rotation as a quaternion. | |
const ChQuaternion< double > & | GetRot () const |
ChMatrix33< double > & | GetA () |
Return the current rotation as a 3x3 matrix. | |
const ChMatrix33< double > & | GetA () const |
ChVector< double > | GetRotAxis () |
Get axis of finite rotation, in parent space. | |
double | GetRotAngle () |
Get angle of rotation about axis of finite rotation. | |
void | SetCoord (const ChCoordsys< double > &mcoord) |
Impose both translation and rotation as a single ChCoordsys. More... | |
void | SetCoord (const ChVector< double > &mv, const ChQuaternion< double > &mq) |
Impose both translation and rotation. More... | |
void | SetRot (const ChQuaternion< double > &mrot) |
Impose the rotation as a quaternion. More... | |
void | SetRot (const ChMatrix33< double > &mA) |
Impose the rotation as a 3x3 matrix. More... | |
void | SetPos (const ChVector< double > &mpos) |
Impose the translation. | |
void | ConcatenatePreTransformation (const ChFrame< double > &T) |
Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another ChFrame T. More... | |
void | ConcatenatePostTransformation (const ChFrame< double > &T) |
Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another ChFrame T in local coordinate. More... | |
void | Move (const ChVector< double > &V) |
An easy way to move the frame by the amount specified by vector V, (assuming V expressed in parent coordinates) | |
void | Move (const ChCoordsys< double > &VR) |
Apply both translation and rotation, assuming both expressed in parent coordinates, as a vector for translation and quaternion for rotation,. | |
ChVector< double > | TransformLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &local) const |
This function transforms a point from the local frame coordinate system to the parent coordinate system. More... | |
void | TransformLocalToParent (const ChFrame< double > &local, ChFrame< double > &parent) const |
This function transforms a frame from 'this' local coordinate system to parent frame coordinate system. More... | |
ChVector< double > | TransformPointLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &local) const |
ChVector< double > | TransformParentToLocal (const ChVector< double > &parent) const |
This function transforms a point from the parent coordinate system to local frame coordinate system. More... | |
void | TransformParentToLocal (const ChFrame< double > &parent, ChFrame< double > &local) const |
This function transforms a frame from the parent coordinate system to 'this' local frame coordinate system. More... | |
ChVector< double > | TransformPointParentToLocal (const ChVector< double > &parent) const |
ChVector< double > | TransformDirectionParentToLocal (const ChVector< double > &mdirection) const |
This function transforms a direction from 'this' local coordinate system to parent frame coordinate system. More... | |
ChVector< double > | TransformDirectionLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &mdirection) const |
This function transforms a direction from the parent frame coordinate system to 'this' local coordinate system. More... | |
bool | Equals (const ChFrame< double > &other) const |
Returns true if coordsys is identical to other coordsys. | |
bool | Equals (const ChFrame< double > &other, double tol) const |
Returns true if coordsys is equal to other coordsys, within a tolerance 'tol'. | |
void | Normalize () |
Normalize the rotation, so that quaternion has unit length. | |
virtual void | SetIdentity () |
Sets to no translation and no rotation. | |
ChFrame< double > | GetInverse () const |
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virtual bool | IsTetrahedronIntegrationNeeded () |
If true, use quadrature over u,v,w in [0..1] range as tetrahedron volumetric coords (with z=1-u-v-w) otherwise use default quadrature over u,v,w in [-1..+1] as box isoparametric coords. | |
virtual bool | IsTrianglePrismIntegrationNeeded () |
If true, use quadrature over u,v in [0..1] range as triangle natural coords (with z=1-u-v), and use linear quadrature over w in [-1..+1], otherwise use default quadrature over u,v,w in [-1..+1] as box isoparametric coords. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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ChCoordsys< double > | coord_dt |
Rotation and position speed, as vector+quaternion. | |
ChCoordsys< double > | coord_dtdt |
Rotation and position acceleration, as vector+quaternion. | |
![]() | |
ChCoordsys< double > | coord |
Rotation and position, as vector+quaternion. | |
ChMatrix33< double > | Amatrix |
3x3 orthogonal rotation matrix | |
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std::shared_ptr< collision::ChCollisionModel > | collision_model |
pointer to the collision model | |
unsigned int | body_id |
body-specific identifier, used for indexing (internal use only) | |
unsigned int | body_gid |
body-specific identifier, used for global indexing (internal use only) | |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChMarker > > | marklist |
list of markers | |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChForce > > | forcelist |
list of forces | |
ChVector | gyro |
gyroscopic torque, i.e. Qm = Wvel x (XInertia*Wvel) | |
ChVector | Xforce |
force acting on body, applied to COM (in absolute coords) | |
ChVector | Xtorque |
torque acting on body (in body local coords) | |
ChVector | Force_acc |
force accumulator, applied to COM (in absolute coords) | |
ChVector | Torque_acc |
torque accumulator (in body local coords) | |
float | density |
used when doing the 'recompute mass' operation. | |
ChVariablesBodyOwnMass | variables |
interface to solver (store inertia and coordinates) | |
float | max_speed |
limit on linear speed | |
float | max_wvel |
limit on angular velocity | |
float | sleep_time |
float | sleep_minspeed |
float | sleep_minwvel |
float | sleep_starttime |
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ChSystem * | system |
parent system | |
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModelInstance > | vis_model_instance |
instantiated visualization model | |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChCamera > > | cameras |
set of cameras | |
unsigned int | offset_x |
offset in vector of state (position part) | |
unsigned int | offset_w |
offset in vector of state (speed part) | |
unsigned int | offset_L |
offset in vector of lagrangian multipliers | |
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double | ChTime |
the time of simulation for the object | |
Constructor & Destructor Documentation
◆ ChBodyEasyBox() [1/2]
chrono::ChBodyEasyBox::ChBodyEasyBox | ( | double | Xsize, |
double | Ysize, | ||
double | Zsize, | ||
double | density, | ||
bool | visualize = true , |
bool | collide = false , |
std::shared_ptr< ChMaterialSurface > | material = nullptr , |
std::shared_ptr< collision::ChCollisionModel > | collision_model = chrono_types::make_shared<collision::ChCollisionModelBullet>() |
) |
Create a ChBody with optional box visualization and/or collision shape.
The box is created centered at the center of mass. Mass and inertia are set automatically depending on density.
- Parameters
Xsize size along the X dimension Ysize size along the Y dimension Zsize size along the Z dimension density density of the body visualize create visualization asset collide enable collision material surface contact material collision_model collision model
◆ ChBodyEasyBox() [2/2]
chrono::ChBodyEasyBox::ChBodyEasyBox | ( | double | Xsize, |
double | Ysize, | ||
double | Zsize, | ||
double | density, | ||
std::shared_ptr< ChMaterialSurface > | material, | ||
collision::ChCollisionSystemType | collision_type | ||
) |
Create a ChBody with a box visualization and collision shape using the specified collision model type.
The box is created centered at the center of mass. Mass and inertia are set automatically depending on density.
- Parameters
Xsize size along the X dimension Ysize size along the Y dimension Zsize size along the Z dimension density density of the body material surface contact material collision_type collision model type
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/physics/ChBodyEasy.h
- /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/physics/ChBodyEasy.cpp