Base class for all types of constraints that act like mechanical joints ('links') in 3D space.
#include <ChLinkBase.h>

Public Member Functions | |
ChLinkBase (const ChLinkBase &other) | |
bool | IsValid () |
Tells if the link data is currently valid. More... | |
void | SetValid (bool mon) |
Set the status of link validity. | |
bool | IsDisabled () |
Tells if all constraints of this link are currently turned on or off by the user. | |
virtual void | SetDisabled (bool mdis) |
User can use this to enable/disable all the constraint of the link as desired. | |
bool | IsBroken () |
Tells if the link is broken, for excess of pulling/pushing. | |
virtual void | SetBroken (bool mon) |
Set the 'broken' status vof this link. | |
virtual bool | IsActive () const override |
Return true if the link is currently active and thereofre included into the system solver. More... | |
virtual int | GetNumCoords ()=0 |
Get the number of scalar variables affected by constraints in this link. | |
virtual ChCoordsys | GetLinkAbsoluteCoords () |
Get the link coordinate system in absolute reference. More... | |
virtual ChFrame | GetVisualModelFrame (unsigned int nclone=0) override |
Get the reference frame (expressed in and relative to the absolute frame) of the visual model. More... | |
virtual ChVector | Get_react_force () |
To get reaction force, expressed in link coordinate system: | |
virtual ChVector | Get_react_torque () |
To get reaction torque, expressed in link coordinate system: | |
virtual ChVectorDynamic | GetConstraintViolation () const |
Get the current constraint violations. | |
virtual bool | IsRequiringWaking () |
Tells if this link requires that the connected ChBody objects must be waken if they are sleeping. More... | |
virtual void | ArchiveOUT (ChArchiveOut &marchive) override |
Method to allow serialization of transient data to archives. | |
virtual void | ArchiveIN (ChArchiveIn &marchive) override |
Method to allow deserialization of transient data from archives. | |
![]() | |
ChPhysicsItem (const ChPhysicsItem &other) | |
virtual ChPhysicsItem * | Clone () const override |
"Virtual" copy constructor (covariant return type). | |
ChSystem * | GetSystem () const |
Get the pointer to the parent ChSystem(). | |
virtual void | SetSystem (ChSystem *m_system) |
Set the pointer to the parent ChSystem(). More... | |
void | AddVisualModel (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModel > model) |
Add an (optional) visualization model. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModel > | GetVisualModel () const |
Access the visualization model (if any). More... | |
void | AddVisualShape (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShape > shape, const ChFrame<> &frame=ChFrame<>()) |
Add the specified visual shape to the visualization model. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShape > | GetVisualShape (unsigned int i) const |
Access the specified visualization shape in the visualization model (if any). More... | |
void | AddVisualShapeFEA (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShapeFEA > shapeFEA) |
Add the specified FEA visualization object to the visualization model. More... | |
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShapeFEA > | GetVisualShapeFEA (unsigned int i) const |
Access the specified FEA visualization object in the visualization model (if any). More... | |
virtual unsigned int | GetNumVisualModelClones () const |
Return the number of clones of the visual model associated with this physics item. More... | |
void | AddCamera (std::shared_ptr< ChCamera > camera) |
Attach a ChCamera to this physical item. More... | |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChCamera > > | GetCameras () const |
Get the set of cameras attached to this physics item. | |
virtual bool | GetCollide () const |
Tell if the object is subject to collision. More... | |
virtual void | SyncCollisionModels () |
If this physical item contains one or more collision models, synchronize their coordinates and bounding boxes to the state of the item. | |
virtual void | AddCollisionModelsToSystem () |
If this physical item contains one or more collision models, add them to the system's collision engine. | |
virtual void | RemoveCollisionModelsFromSystem () |
If this physical item contains one or more collision models, remove them from the system's collision engine. | |
virtual void | GetTotalAABB (ChVector<> &bbmin, ChVector<> &bbmax) |
Get the entire AABB axis-aligned bounding box of the object. More... | |
virtual void | GetCenter (ChVector<> &mcenter) |
Get a symbolic 'center' of the object. More... | |
virtual void | StreamINstate (ChStreamInBinary &mstream) |
Method to deserialize only the state (position, speed) Must be implemented by child classes. | |
virtual void | StreamOUTstate (ChStreamOutBinary &mstream) |
Method to serialize only the state (position, speed) Must be implemented by child classes. | |
virtual void | Setup () |
This might recompute the number of coordinates, DOFs, constraints, in case this might change (ex in ChAssembly), as well as state offsets of contained items (ex in ChMesh) | |
virtual void | Update (double mytime, bool update_assets=true) |
This is an important function, which is called by the owner ChSystem at least once per integration step. More... | |
virtual void | Update (bool update_assets=true) |
As above, but does not require updating of time-dependent data. More... | |
virtual void | SetNoSpeedNoAcceleration () |
Set zero speed (and zero accelerations) in state, without changing the position. More... | |
virtual int | GetDOF () |
Get the number of scalar coordinates (variables), if any, in this item. More... | |
virtual int | GetDOF_w () |
Get the number of scalar coordinates of variables derivatives (usually = DOF, but might be different than DOF, ex. More... | |
virtual int | GetDOC () |
Get the number of scalar constraints, if any, in this item. | |
virtual int | GetDOC_c () |
Get the number of scalar constraints, if any, in this item (only bilateral constr.) Children classes might override this. | |
virtual int | GetDOC_d () |
Get the number of scalar constraints, if any, in this item (only unilateral constr.) Children classes might override this. | |
unsigned int | GetOffset_x () |
Get offset in the state vector (position part) | |
unsigned int | GetOffset_w () |
Get offset in the state vector (speed part) | |
unsigned int | GetOffset_L () |
Get offset in the lagrangian multipliers. | |
void | SetOffset_x (const unsigned int moff) |
Set offset in the state vector (position part) Note: only the ChSystem::Setup function should use this. | |
void | SetOffset_w (const unsigned int moff) |
Set offset in the state vector (speed part) Note: only the ChSystem::Setup function should use this. | |
void | SetOffset_L (const unsigned int moff) |
Set offset in the lagrangian multipliers Note: only the ChSystem::Setup function should use this. | |
virtual void | IntStateGather (const unsigned int off_x, ChState &x, const unsigned int off_v, ChStateDelta &v, double &T) |
From item's state to global state vectors y={x,v} pasting the states at the specified offsets. More... | |
virtual void | IntStateScatter (const unsigned int off_x, const ChState &x, const unsigned int off_v, const ChStateDelta &v, const double T, bool full_update) |
From global state vectors y={x,v} to item's state (and update) fetching the states at the specified offsets. More... | |
virtual void | IntStateGatherAcceleration (const unsigned int off_a, ChStateDelta &a) |
From item's state acceleration to global acceleration vector. More... | |
virtual void | IntStateScatterAcceleration (const unsigned int off_a, const ChStateDelta &a) |
From global acceleration vector to item's state acceleration. More... | |
virtual void | IntStateGatherReactions (const unsigned int off_L, ChVectorDynamic<> &L) |
From item's reaction forces to global reaction vector. More... | |
virtual void | IntStateScatterReactions (const unsigned int off_L, const ChVectorDynamic<> &L) |
From global reaction vector to item's reaction forces. More... | |
virtual void | IntStateIncrement (const unsigned int off_x, ChState &x_new, const ChState &x, const unsigned int off_v, const ChStateDelta &Dv) |
Computes x_new = x + Dt , using vectors at specified offsets. More... | |
virtual void | IntStateGetIncrement (const unsigned int off_x, const ChState &x_new, const ChState &x, const unsigned int off_v, ChStateDelta &Dv) |
Computes Dt = x_new - x, using vectors at specified offsets. More... | |
virtual void | IntLoadResidual_F (const unsigned int off, ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const double c) |
Takes the F force term, scale and adds to R at given offset: R += c*F. More... | |
virtual void | IntLoadResidual_Mv (const unsigned int off, ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const ChVectorDynamic<> &w, const double c) |
Takes the M*v term, multiplying mass by a vector, scale and adds to R at given offset: R += c*M*w. More... | |
virtual void | IntLoadResidual_CqL (const unsigned int off_L, ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const ChVectorDynamic<> &L, const double c) |
Takes the term Cq'*L, scale and adds to R at given offset: R += c*Cq'*L. More... | |
virtual void | IntLoadConstraint_C (const unsigned int off, ChVectorDynamic<> &Qc, const double c, bool do_clamp, double recovery_clamp) |
Takes the term C, scale and adds to Qc at given offset: Qc += c*C. More... | |
virtual void | IntLoadConstraint_Ct (const unsigned int off, ChVectorDynamic<> &Qc, const double c) |
Takes the term Ct, scale and adds to Qc at given offset: Qc += c*Ct. More... | |
virtual void | IntToDescriptor (const unsigned int off_v, const ChStateDelta &v, const ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const unsigned int off_L, const ChVectorDynamic<> &L, const ChVectorDynamic<> &Qc) |
Prepare variables and constraints to accommodate a solution: More... | |
virtual void | IntFromDescriptor (const unsigned int off_v, ChStateDelta &v, const unsigned int off_L, ChVectorDynamic<> &L) |
After a solver solution, fetch values from variables and constraints into vectors: More... | |
virtual void | VariablesFbReset () |
Sets the 'fb' part (the known term) of the encapsulated ChVariables to zero. | |
virtual void | VariablesFbLoadForces (double factor=1) |
Adds the current forces (applied to item) into the encapsulated ChVariables, in the 'fb' part: qf+=forces*factor. | |
virtual void | VariablesQbLoadSpeed () |
Initialize the 'qb' part of the ChVariables with the current value of speeds. More... | |
virtual void | VariablesFbIncrementMq () |
Adds M*q (masses multiplied current 'qb') to Fb, ex. More... | |
virtual void | VariablesQbSetSpeed (double step=0) |
Fetches the item speed (ex. More... | |
virtual void | VariablesQbIncrementPosition (double step) |
Increment item positions by the 'qb' part of the ChVariables, multiplied by a 'step' factor. More... | |
virtual void | InjectVariables (ChSystemDescriptor &mdescriptor) |
Tell to a system descriptor that there are variables of type ChVariables in this object (for further passing it to a solver) Basically does nothing, but maybe that inherited classes may specialize this. | |
virtual void | InjectConstraints (ChSystemDescriptor &mdescriptor) |
Tell to a system descriptor that there are constraints of type ChConstraint in this object (for further passing it to a solver) Basically does nothing, but maybe that inherited classes may specialize this. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsBiReset () |
Sets to zero the known term (b_i) of encapsulated ChConstraints. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsBiLoad_C (double factor=1, double recovery_clamp=0.1, bool do_clamp=false) |
Adds the current C (constraint violation) to the known term (b_i) of encapsulated ChConstraints. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsBiLoad_Ct (double factor=1) |
Adds the current Ct (partial t-derivative, as in C_dt=0-> [Cq]*q_dt=-Ct) to the known term (b_i) of encapsulated ChConstraints. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsBiLoad_Qc (double factor=1) |
Adds the current Qc (the vector of C_dtdt=0 -> [Cq]*q_dtdt=Qc ) to the known term (b_i) of encapsulated ChConstraints. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsFbLoadForces (double factor=1) |
Adds the current link-forces, if any, (caused by springs, etc.) to the 'fb' vectors of the ChVariables referenced by encapsulated ChConstraints. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsLoadJacobians () |
Adds the current jacobians in encapsulated ChConstraints. | |
virtual void | ConstraintsFetch_react (double factor=1) |
Fetches the reactions from the lagrangian multiplier (l_i) of encapsulated ChConstraints. More... | |
virtual void | InjectKRMmatrices (ChSystemDescriptor &mdescriptor) |
Tell to a system descriptor that there are items of type ChKblock in this object (for further passing it to a solver) Basically does nothing, but maybe that inherited classes may specialize this. | |
virtual void | KRMmatricesLoad (double Kfactor, double Rfactor, double Mfactor) |
Adds the current stiffness K and damping R and mass M matrices in encapsulated ChKblock item(s), if any. More... | |
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ChObj (const ChObj &other) | |
int | GetIdentifier () const |
Gets the numerical identifier of the object. | |
void | SetIdentifier (int id) |
Sets the numerical identifier of the object. | |
double | GetChTime () const |
Gets the simulation time of this object. | |
void | SetChTime (double m_time) |
Sets the simulation time of this object. | |
const char * | GetName () const |
Gets the name of the object as C Ascii null-terminated string -for reading only! | |
void | SetName (const char myname[]) |
Sets the name of this object, as ascii string. | |
std::string | GetNameString () const |
Gets the name of the object as C Ascii null-terminated string. | |
void | SetNameString (const std::string &myname) |
Sets the name of this object, as std::string. | |
void | MFlagsSetAllOFF (int &mflag) |
void | MFlagsSetAllON (int &mflag) |
void | MFlagSetON (int &mflag, int mask) |
void | MFlagSetOFF (int &mflag, int mask) |
int | MFlagGet (int &mflag, int mask) |
virtual std::string & | ArchiveContainerName () |
Protected Attributes | |
bool | disabled |
all constraints of link disabled because of user needs | |
bool | valid |
link data is valid | |
bool | broken |
link is broken because of excessive pulling/pushing. | |
![]() | |
ChSystem * | system |
parent system | |
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModelInstance > | vis_model_instance |
instantiated visualization model | |
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChCamera > > | cameras |
set of cameras | |
unsigned int | offset_x |
offset in vector of state (position part) | |
unsigned int | offset_w |
offset in vector of state (speed part) | |
unsigned int | offset_L |
offset in vector of lagrangian multipliers | |
![]() | |
double | ChTime |
the time of simulation for the object | |
Member Function Documentation
◆ GetLinkAbsoluteCoords()
inlinevirtual |
Get the link coordinate system in absolute reference.
This represents the 'main' reference of the link: reaction forces and reaction torques are expressed in this coordinate system. Child classes should implement this.
Reimplemented in chrono::fea::ChLinkPointTrifaceRot, chrono::fea::ChLinkPointFrameGeneric, chrono::fea::ChLinkPointTriface, chrono::fea::ChLinkBeamIGAslider, chrono::fea::ChLinkPointFrame, chrono::fea::ChLinkDirFrame, chrono::fea::ChLinkPointPoint, and chrono::ChLink.
◆ GetVisualModelFrame()
inlineoverridevirtual |
Get the reference frame (expressed in and relative to the absolute frame) of the visual model.
For a ChLink, the default implementation returns the link coordinate frame.
Reimplemented from chrono::ChPhysicsItem.
Reimplemented in chrono::ChLinkMarkers, chrono::ChLinkRSDA, and chrono::ChLinkMateGeneric.
◆ IsActive()
inlineoverridevirtual |
Return true if the link is currently active and thereofre included into the system solver.
This method cumulates the effect of various flags (so a link may be inactive either because disabled, or broken, or not valid)
Reimplemented from chrono::ChPhysicsItem.
◆ IsRequiringWaking()
inlinevirtual |
Tells if this link requires that the connected ChBody objects must be waken if they are sleeping.
By default =true, i.e. always keep awaken, but child classes might return false for optimizing sleeping, in case no time-dependant.
◆ IsValid()
inline |
Tells if the link data is currently valid.
(i.e. pointers to other items are correct)
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/physics/ChLinkBase.h
- /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/physics/ChLinkBase.cpp