Utility classes
Collaboration diagram for Utility classes:

Classes | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamMaterialInternalData |
Base class for internal variables of materials. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSection |
Base class for properties of beam sections. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionCable |
Simplified geometry for a 'cable' beam section in 3D, that is a beam without torsional stiffness and with circular section (i.e.same Ixx and Iyy properties). More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityCosserat |
Base interface for elasticity of beam sections of Cosserat type, where xyz force "n" and xyz torque "m" are a 6-dimensional function of generalized strains, "e" traction/shear and "k" curvatures, as: {n,m}=f({e,k}) There are various children classes that implement this function in different ways. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityCosseratSimple |
Simple linear elasticity model for a Cosserat beam, using basic material properties (zz and yy moments of inertia, area, Young modulus, etc.). More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityCosseratGeneric |
Generic linear elasticity for a Cosserat beam using directly a 6x6 matrix [E] as user-input data. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityCosseratAdvanced |
Advanced linear elasticity for a Cosserat beam. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityCosseratAdvancedGeneric |
Advanced linear elasticity for a Cosserat section, not assuming homogeneous elasticity. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityCosseratMesh |
Elasticity for a beam section in 3D, where the section is defined by a mesh of triangles. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChPlasticityCosserat |
Base class for plasticity of beam sections of Cosserat type. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChInternalDataLumpedCosserat |
Internal variables for basic lumped plasticity in Cosserat beams. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChPlasticityCosseratLumped |
Lumped plasticity of Cosserat-type beams. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChDampingCosserat |
Base interface for structural damping of beam sections of Cosserat type, where xyz force "n" and xyz torque "m" are a 6-dimensional function of generalized strain speeds, "e'" traction/shear speed and "k'" curvature speed, as: {n,m}=f({e',k'}) Children classes implement this function in different ways. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChDampingCosseratLinear |
Simple linear lumped damping of beam sections of Cosserat type, {n,m}=f({e',k'}) where damping is proportional to speed of deformation/curvature via linear constants: More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChDampingCosseratRayleigh |
Simple Rayleigh damping of beam sections of Cosserat type, where damping is proportional to stiffness via a beta coefficient. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChInertiaCosserat |
Base class for ineri tal properties (mass, moment of inertia) of beam sections of Cosserat type. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChInertiaCosseratSimple |
Inertia properties of a beam of Cosserat type, defined from an uniform density [kg/m^3], and the following geometric information: More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChInertiaCosseratAdvanced |
Inertia properties of a beam of Cosserat type, not necessarily of uniform density, from the following information that allows the center of mass to be offset respect to the beam centerline: More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChInertiaCosseratMassref |
Inertia properties of a beam of Cosserat type, not necessarily of uniform density, from the following information that allows the center of mass to be offset respect to the beam centerline: More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionCosserat |
Base class for properties of beam sections of Cosserat type (with shear too) such as ChElementBeamIGA. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionCosseratEasyRectangular |
A simple specialization of ChBeamSectionCosserat if you do not need to define its separate models for elasticity, plasticity, damping and inertia. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionCosseratEasyCircular |
A simple specialization of ChBeamSectionCosserat if you do not need to define its separate models for elasticity, plasticity, damping and inertia. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionEuler |
Base class for all constitutive models of sections of Euler beams. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionEulerSimple |
Basic section of an Euler-Bernoulli beam in 3D, for a homogeneous density and homogeneous elasticity, given basic material properties (Izz and Iyy moments of inertia, area, Young modulus, etc.). More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionEulerAdvanced |
Advanced section of an Euler-Bernoulli beam in 3D, for a homogeneous density and homogeneous elasticity, given basic material properties (Izz and Iyy moments of inertia, area, Young modulus, etc.), but also supporting the advanced case of Iyy and Izz axes rotated respect reference, elastic center with offset from centerline reference, and shear center with offset from centerline reference. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionEulerAdvancedGeneric |
General purpose section of an Euler-Bernoulli beam in 3D, not assuming homogeneous density or homogeneous elasticity, given basic material properties. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionEulerEasyRectangular |
A simple specialization of ChBeamSectionEuler if you just need the simplest model for a rectangular centered beam, with uniform elasticity and uniform density. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionEulerEasyCircular |
A simple specialization of ChBeamSectionEuler if you just need the simplest model for a beam with circular centered section, with uniform elasticity and uniform density. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionRayleighSimple |
This works exactly as ChBeamSectionEulerSimple, but adds the effect of Jyy Jzz rotational sectional inertias, whereas the conventional Euler theory would assume the mass to be concentrated in the center of mass, hence Jyy Jzz =0. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionRayleighEasyRectangular |
This works exactly as ChBeamSectionEulerEasyRectangular, but adds the effect of Jyy Jzz rotational sectional inertias. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionRayleighEasyCircular |
This works exactly as ChBeamSectionEulerEasyCircular, but adds the effect of Jyy Jzz rotational sectional inertias. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionRayleighAdvancedGeneric |
This works exactly as ChBeamSectionEulerAdvancedGeneric, but adds the effect of Jyy Jzz rotational sectional inertias. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionShape |
Base class for drawing tesselated profiles of beams in 3D views, if needed. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionShapeCircular |
A ready-to-use class for drawing properties of circular beams. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionShapeRectangular |
A ready-to-use class for drawing properties of rectangular beams. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionShapePolyline |
A class for drawing properties of beams whose section is a set of M polylines, each with N points. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBuilderBeamEuler |
Utility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamEuler elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBuilderCableANCF |
Utility class for creating complex beams using ChElementCableANCF elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBuilderBeamANCF |
Utility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamANCF elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChBuilderBeamIGA |
Utility class for creating complex beams using ChElementBeamIGA elements, for example subdivides a segment in multiple finite elements. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChExtruderBeamEuler |
Class for an object that continuously extrude a beam (composed of ChElementBeamEuler elements) with prescribed velocity. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChExtruderBeamIGA |
Class for an object that continuously extrude a beam (composed of ChElementBeamIGA elements) with prescribed velocity. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChMeshExporter |
Collection of mesh file writer utilities. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChMeshFileLoader |
Collection of mesh file loader utilities. More... | |
Typedefs | |
using | chrono::fea::ChInertiaCosseratUniformDensity = ChInertiaCosseratSimple |
using | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionBasic = ChBeamSectionEulerSimple |
using | chrono::fea::ChBeamSectionAdvanced = ChBeamSectionEulerAdvanced |