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Collaboration diagram for Flatbuffer Messages:


struct  chrono::synchrono::ApproachLane
 Lane that is grouped into an approach with other ApproachLanes. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynApproachMessage
 Approach message. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynCopterStateMessage
 State class that holds state information for a SynCopter. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynCopterDescriptionMessage
 Description class that holds description information for a SynCopter. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynEnvironmentMessage
 The environment agent state class This should be inherited and stored with additional state information relevant to the environment agent Should hold frequently passed data, such as synchronization information For infrequently passed data, please see SynAgentDescriptionMessage. More...
struct  chrono::synchrono::Intersection
 Contains some number of approaches - see ApproachMessage. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynMAPMessage
 Store the Map information in the simulation. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynMessage
 SynMessage is the base class for all messages Basically wraps the FlatBuffer methods to better handle the SynChrono message passing system Will be inherited from to create new message types. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynMessageFactory
 Called by CommunicationManager to transform an incoming SynFlatBuffers::Message into a SynMessage. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynPose
 Wrapper for several constructs that are common to many flatbuffer messages (Vectors, Quaternions, frames) More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynSCMMessage
 SCM Message. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynSimulationMessage
 This class contains diagnostic and simulation configuration based information that is typically passed between CommunicationManagers in the initialization phase. More...
struct  chrono::synchrono::IntersectionLane
 Lane for the purpose of SPAT messages (i.e. something that can have its light color change) More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynSPATMessage
 SPAT Message. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynTrackedVehicleStateMessage
 State class that holds state information for a SynTrackedVehicleAgent. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynTrackedVehicleDescriptionMessage
 Description class that holds description information for a SynTrackedVehicle. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynWheeledVehicleStateMessage
 State class that holds state information for a SynWheeledVehicle. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynWheeledVehicleDescriptionMessage
 Description class that holds description information for a SynWheeledVehicle. More...
class  chrono::synchrono::SynFlatBuffersManager
 Helper class that wraps the flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder. More...


typedef flatbuffers::Offset< SynFlatBuffers::Message > chrono::synchrono::FlatBufferMessage
typedef std::vector< std::shared_ptr< SynMessage > > chrono::synchrono::SynMessageList
typedef std::map< int, std::map< int, std::shared_ptr< SynMessage > > > chrono::synchrono::SynMessageMap


enum  LaneColor { GREEN, YELLOW, RED }