MODAL module


Modal analysis and substructuring.

Using this module, you can perform modal analysis directly in Chrono. This can be useful for computing natural frequencies, for computing stability (complex eigenvalue analysis, with damping matrices), or for substructuring (where subassemblies are replaced by modal bodies).

For additional information, see:

Collaboration diagram for MODAL module:


 Run-time visualization


 Namespace with classes for the modal module.


class  chrono::modal::ChGeneralizedEigenvalueSolver< ScalarT >
 Base interface class for generalized eigenvalue solvers A*x = lambda*B*x. More...
class  chrono::modal::callback_Ax
 Generic A*x callback. More...
class  chrono::modal::callback_Ax_sparse_shiftinvert
 The callback to be used for "A*x" where for shift&invert is: A = (As - sigma Bs)/Bs , so A*x = (As - sigma Bs)/(Bs*x), just like a linear system with coefficient matrix (As - sigma Bs) and known rhs Bs*x. More...
class  chrono::modal::callback_Ax_sparse_complexshiftinvert
 The callback to be used for "A*x" where for shift&invert is: A = (As - sigma Bs)/Bs , with COMPLEX sigma shift, so A*x = (As - sigma Bs)/(Bs*x), just like a linear system with coefficient matrix (As - sigma Bs) and known rhs Bs*x. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChKrylovSchurEig
 Compute (complex) eigenvalues and eigenvectors using the Krylov-Schur algorithm. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChModalAssembly
 Class for assemblies of items, for example ChBody, ChLink, ChMesh, etc. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChModalDamping
 Base class for damping models of modal reduced assemblies. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChModalDampingNone
 Class for no damping model. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChModalDampingRayleigh
 Class for simple Rayleigh damping model R^ = alpha*M^ + beta*K^ where M^ and K^ are the reduced matrices, both for boundary nodes and modal coords. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChModalDampingFactorRmm
 Class for setting the damping via N damping factors z_i of the internal mode coordinates. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChModalDampingFactorRayleigh
 Class for setting the damping via N damping factors z_i of the internal mode coordinates and alpha-beta Rayleigh damping for the boundary nodes, assuming R^ = [Rbb Rbm ] [Rmb Rmm ] with Rmm=diag { 2 z_1 w_1, 2 z_2 w_2, ..., 2 z_i w_i }, Rbb= alpha*Mbb + beta*Kbb, Rbm = 0, Rmb = 0. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChModalDampingFactorAssembly
 Class for setting the damping via N damping factors z_i for all the modes of the subassembly, where assembly n.modes = (boundary coords+internal modes) R^ = V'^-1 * Dd * V^-1 with Dd=diag { 2 z_1 w_1, 2 z_2 w_2, ..., 2 z_i w_i }, and V = eigenvectors of (M^, K^). More...
class  chrono::modal::ChModalDampingReductionR
 Class for damping as reduction of the original damping matrix via the eigenvectors of the undamped assembly, i.e. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChModalDampingCustom
 Class for damping defined with an user-defined matrix that could be obtained via external tools such as Matlab or FEA. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChModalSolver
 Base class for modal solvers. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChModalSolverDamped
 Modal solver for damped systems of the form (-w^2*M + i*w*R + K)*x = 0 s.t. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChModalSolverUndamped< EigenvalueSolverType >
 Modal solver for undamped systems (-w^2*M+K)*x = 0 s.t. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChSymGenEigenvalueSolver
 Base interface class for iterative eigenvalue solvers for generalized problem with real symmetric matrices. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChSymGenEigenvalueSolverKrylovSchur
 Generalized iterative eigenvalue solver implementing Krylov-Schur shift-and-invert method for real symmetric matrices. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChSymGenEigenvalueSolverLanczos
 Generalized iterative eigenvalue solver implementing Lanczos shift-and-invert method for real symmetric matrices. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChUnsymGenEigenvalueSolver
 Base interface class for iterative eigenvalue solvers for generalized problem with real generic matrices. More...
class  chrono::modal::ChUnsymGenEigenvalueSolverKrylovSchur
 Generalized iterative eigenvalue solver implementing Krylov-Schur shift-and-invert method for real generic matrices. More...


template<typename EigSolverType >
int chrono::modal::Solve (EigSolverType &eig_solver, ChSparseMatrix &A, ChSparseMatrix &B, ChMatrixDynamic< typename EigSolverType::ScalarType > &eigvects, ChVectorDynamic< typename EigSolverType::ScalarType > &eigvals, const std::list< std::pair< int, typename EigSolverType::ScalarType >> &eig_requests, bool uniquify=true, int eigvects_clipping_length=0)
 Helper function to solve any kind of generalized eigenvalue problem even with multiple requests. More...
void chrono::modal::BuildUndampedEigenProblemMatrices (ChAssembly &assembly, ChSystemDescriptor &temp_descriptor, ChSparseMatrix &A, ChSparseMatrix &B, int n_vars)
 Partially build the undamped eigenvalue problem matrices A and B from a given ChAssembly. More...
template<typename EigensolverType >
void chrono::modal::ChModalAssembly::DoModalReduction (const ChModalSolverUndamped< EigensolverType > &modal_solver, const ChModalDamping &damping_model=ChModalDampingNone())
 Perform modal reduction on this modal assembly, from the current "full" ("boundary"+"internal") assembly. More...
template<typename EigensolverType >
void chrono::modal::ChModalAssembly::DoModalReduction (ChSparseMatrix &full_M, ChSparseMatrix &full_K, ChSparseMatrix &full_Cq, const ChModalSolverUndamped< EigensolverType > &modal_solver, const ChModalDamping &damping_model=ChModalDampingNone())
 Perform modal reduction on this modal assembly that contains only the "boundary" nodes, whereas the "internal" nodes have been modeled only in an external FEA software with the full ("boundary"+"internal") modes. More...
int chrono::modal::ChModalSolverUndamped< EigenvalueSolverType >::Solve (const ChAssembly &assembly, ChMatrixDynamic< ScalarType > &eigvects, ChVectorDynamic< ScalarType > &eigvals, ChVectorDynamic< double > &freq) const
 Solve the constrained eigenvalue problem retrieving it from the ChAssembly. More...
int chrono::modal::ChModalSolverUndamped< EigenvalueSolverType >::Solve (const ChSparseMatrix &K, const ChSparseMatrix &M, const ChSparseMatrix &Cq, ChMatrixDynamic< ScalarType > &eigvects, ChVectorDynamic< ScalarType > &eigvals, ChVectorDynamic< double > &freq) const
 Solve the constrained eigenvalue problem setting it up from individual matrices. More...

Function Documentation

◆ BuildUndampedEigenProblemMatrices()

void ChApiModal chrono::modal::BuildUndampedEigenProblemMatrices ( ChAssembly assembly,
ChSystemDescriptor temp_descriptor,
ChSparseMatrix A,
ChSparseMatrix B,
int  n_vars 

Partially build the undamped eigenvalue problem matrices A and B from a given ChAssembly.

Utility function to build the A and B matrices for the undamped eigenvalue problem.

WARNING: Cq and Cq' signs are not flipped here: the user is expected to flip it during scaling (if any). The finale shape should be: A = [ -K -Cq' ] [ -Cq 0 ]

B = [ M 0 ] [ 0 0 ]

◆ DoModalReduction() [1/2]

template<typename EigensolverType >
void chrono::modal::ChModalAssembly::DoModalReduction ( ChSparseMatrix full_M,
ChSparseMatrix full_K,
ChSparseMatrix full_Cq,
const ChModalSolverUndamped< EigensolverType > &  modal_solver,
const ChModalDamping damping_model = ChModalDampingNone() 

Perform modal reduction on this modal assembly that contains only the "boundary" nodes, whereas the "internal" nodes have been modeled only in an external FEA software with the full ("boundary"+"internal") modes.

  • with an external FEA software, the full assembly is modeled with "boundary"+"internal" nodes.
  • with an external FEA software, the M mass matrix and the K stiffness matrix are saved to disk.
  • in Chrono, M and K and Cq constraint jacobians (if any) are load from disk and stored in ChSparseMatrix objects.
  • in Chrono, only boundary nodes are added to a ChModalAssembly.
  • in Chrono, run this function passing such M and K matrices: a modal analysis will be done on K and M Note that the size of M (and K) must be at least > m_num_coords_vel_boundary.
full_Mmass matrix of the full assembly (boundary+internal)
full_Kstiffness matrix of the full assembly (boundary+internal)
full_Cqconstraint jacobian matrix of the full assembly (boundary+internal)
modal_solversettings for the modal analysis, such as the number of modes to extract
damping_modeldamping model

◆ DoModalReduction() [2/2]

template<typename EigensolverType >
void chrono::modal::ChModalAssembly::DoModalReduction ( const ChModalSolverUndamped< EigensolverType > &  modal_solver,
const ChModalDamping damping_model = ChModalDampingNone() 

Perform modal reduction on this modal assembly, from the current "full" ("boundary"+"internal") assembly.

  • An undamped modal analysis will be done on the full assembly, followed by a modal reduction transformation.
  • The "boundary" nodes will be retained.
  • The "internal" nodes will be replaced by n_modes modal coordinates.

◆ Solve() [1/3]

template<typename EigenvalueSolverType >
int chrono::modal::ChModalSolverUndamped< EigenvalueSolverType >::Solve ( const ChAssembly assembly,
ChMatrixDynamic< ScalarType > &  eigvects,
ChVectorDynamic< ScalarType > &  eigvals,
ChVectorDynamic< double > &  freq 
) const

Solve the constrained eigenvalue problem retrieving it from the ChAssembly.

Only the position part of the eigenvectors is returned, unless SetClipPositionCoords(false) is called.

◆ Solve() [2/3]

template<typename EigenvalueSolverType >
int chrono::modal::ChModalSolverUndamped< EigenvalueSolverType >::Solve ( const ChSparseMatrix K,
const ChSparseMatrix M,
const ChSparseMatrix Cq,
ChMatrixDynamic< ScalarType > &  eigvects,
ChVectorDynamic< ScalarType > &  eigvals,
ChVectorDynamic< double > &  freq 
) const

Solve the constrained eigenvalue problem setting it up from individual matrices.

Only the position part of the eigenvectors is returned, unless SetClipPositionCoords(false) is called.

◆ Solve() [3/3]

template<typename EigSolverType >
int chrono::modal::Solve ( EigSolverType &  eig_solver,
ChSparseMatrix A,
ChSparseMatrix B,
ChMatrixDynamic< typename EigSolverType::ScalarType > &  eigvects,
ChVectorDynamic< typename EigSolverType::ScalarType > &  eigvals,
const std::list< std::pair< int, typename EigSolverType::ScalarType >> &  eig_requests,
bool  uniquify = true,
int  eigvects_clipping_length = 0 

Helper function to solve any kind of generalized eigenvalue problem even with multiple requests.

The eigenvectors are also filtered to avoid duplicates with the same frequency. This means that only one of the complex eigenvectors that come in conjugate pairs is stored. The eigrequest argument is a list of pairs, where the first element is the number of modes to be found, and the second element is the shift to apply for that specific search.