
Collaboration diagram for OptiX-Based Code:


struct  AreaLight
 The different types of area lights that can exist in our current models. More...
struct  PointLight
 Packed parameters of a point light. More...
struct  CameraMissParameters
 The parameters associated with camera miss data. A.K.A background data. More...
struct  MissParameters
 The parameters for a camera miss record. More...
struct  LensParams
 Inverse lens param for modeling polynomial forward model. More...
struct  CameraParameters
 The parameters needed to define a camera. More...
struct  SemanticCameraParameters
 Parameters need to define a camera that generates semantic segmentation data. More...
struct  LidarParameters
 Parameters used to define a lidar. More...
struct  RadarParameters
 Parameters used to define a radar. More...
struct  RaygenParameters
 Parameters for specifying raygen programs. More...
struct  MeshParameters
 All the data to specific a triangle mesh. More...
struct  MaterialParameters
 All parameters for specifying a material in optix. More...
struct  ContextParameters
 Parameters associated with the entire optix scene. More...
struct  MaterialRecordParameters
 Parameters associated with a single object in the scene. Padding added during record creation. More...
struct  PerRayData_camera
 Data associated with a single camera ray. More...
struct  PerRayData_semantic
 Data associated with a single segmentation camera ray. More...
struct  PerRayData_shadow
 Data associated with a single shadow ray. More...
struct  PerRayData_lidar
 Data associated with a single lidar ray. More...
struct  PerRayData_radar
 Data associated with a single radar ray. More...
class  chrono::sensor::ChOptixEngine
 Optix Engine that is responsible for managing all render-based sensors. More...
struct  chrono::sensor::Transform
 Transform struct for packing a translation, rotation, and scale. More...
class  chrono::sensor::ChOptixGeometry
 Optix Geometry class that is responsible for managing all geometric information in the optix scene This handles the acceleration structure and transforms. More...
class  chrono::sensor::ChOptixPipeline
 Class to hold all the Shader Binding Table parameters adnd manage the ray tracing pipeline, materials, ray gen programs. More...
struct  chrono::sensor::ProgramString
 holds string values for ptx file and ray generation program More...
struct  chrono::sensor::ByteImageData
 stores image data More...


#define OPTIX_ERROR_CHECK(result)
 Checks the output of an optix call for any error, will throw a runtime error if not success. More...
#define CUDA_ERROR_CHECK(result)
 Checks the output of a cuda call for any error, will throw a runtime error if not success. More...


enum  RayType {
 Ray types, used to determine the shading and miss functions for populating ray information. More...
enum  CameraLensModelType { PINHOLE, FOV_LENS, RADIAL }
 The type of lens model that camera can use for rendering. More...
enum  BackgroundMode { BackgroundMode::SOLID_COLOR, BackgroundMode::GRADIENT, BackgroundMode::ENVIRONMENT_MAP }
 Type of background to be spherically mapped when rays miss all objects in the scene. More...
enum  LidarBeamShape { LidarBeamShape::RECTANGULAR, LidarBeamShape::ELLIPTICAL }
 The shape of a lidar beam. More...
enum  RadarReturnMode { RadarReturnMode::RETURN, RadarReturnMode::TRACK }
 The mode used when determining what data the radar should return. More...
enum  chrono::sensor::PipelineType {
  chrono::sensor::PipelineType::CAMERA, chrono::sensor::PipelineType::SEGMENTATION, DEPTH_CAMERA, chrono::sensor::PipelineType::LIDAR_SINGLE,
  chrono::sensor::PipelineType::LIDAR_MULTI, chrono::sensor::PipelineType::RADAR
 The type of ray tracing used to model the sensor. More...


void chrono::sensor::GetShaderFromFile (OptixDeviceContext context, OptixModule &module, const std::string &file_name, OptixModuleCompileOptions &module_compile_options, OptixPipelineCompileOptions &pipeline_compile_options)
 launches ray generation program More...
void chrono::sensor::optix_log_callback (unsigned int level, const char *tag, const char *message, void *)
ByteImageData chrono::sensor::LoadByteImage (const std::string &filename)
 loads image to struct ByteImageData, returns an empty struct with 0 values if loading failed More...
void chrono::sensor::SetSensorShaderDir (const std::string &path)


__half half4::x
__half half4::y
__half half4::z
__half half4::w
float3 AreaLight::pos
 the centre position of the area light from a global perspective
float3 AreaLight::color
 the light's color and intensity
float AreaLight::max_range
 the range at which 10% of the light's intensity remains
float3 AreaLight::du
 the vector signifying the length of the area light
float3 AreaLight::dv
 The vector signifying the width of the area light.
float3 PointLight::pos
 the light's global position
float3 PointLight::color
 the light's color and intensity
float PointLight::max_range
 the range at which 10% of the light's intensity remains
BackgroundMode CameraMissParameters::mode
 the mode to determine type of miss shading
float3 CameraMissParameters::color_zenith
 the color at the zenith (ignored when using a sky map)
float3 CameraMissParameters::color_horizon
 the color at the horizon (only used for GRADIENT)
cudaTextureObject_t CameraMissParameters::env_map
 the texture object of the sky map (ignored when using a color mode)
CameraMissParameters MissParameters::camera_miss
float LensParams::a0
float LensParams::a1
float LensParams::a2
float LensParams::a3
float LensParams::a4
float LensParams::a5
float LensParams::a6
float LensParams::a7
float LensParams::a8
float CameraParameters::hFOV
 horizontal field of view
CameraLensModelType CameraParameters::lens_model
 lens model to use
LensParams CameraParameters::lens_parameters
 lens fitting parameters (if applicable)
unsigned int CameraParameters::super_sample_factor
 number of samples per pixel in each dimension
float CameraParameters::gamma
 camera's gamma value
bool CameraParameters::use_gi
 whether to use global illumination
bool CameraParameters::use_fog
 whether to use the scene fog model
half4 * CameraParameters::frame_buffer
 buffer of camera pixels
half4 * CameraParameters::albedo_buffer
 the material color of the first hit. Only initialized if using global illumination
half4 * CameraParameters::normal_buffer
 The screen-space normal of the first hit. More...
curandState_t * CameraParameters::rng_buffer
 The random number generator object. Only initialized if using global illumination.
float DepthCameraParameters::hFOV
 horizontal field of view
CameraLensModelType DepthCameraParameters::lens_model
 lens model to use
LensParams DepthCameraParameters::lens_parameters
 lens fitting parameters (if applicable)
float * DepthCameraParameters::frame_buffer
 buffer of class and instance ids
curandState_t * DepthCameraParameters::rng_buffer
 only initialized if using global illumination
float SemanticCameraParameters::hFOV
 horizontal field of view
CameraLensModelType SemanticCameraParameters::lens_model
 lens model to use
LensParams SemanticCameraParameters::lens_parameters
 lens fitting parameters (if applicable)
ushort2 * SemanticCameraParameters::frame_buffer
 buffer of class and instance ids
curandState_t * SemanticCameraParameters::rng_buffer
 only initialized if using global illumination
float LidarParameters::max_vert_angle
 angle of the top-most lidar channel
float LidarParameters::min_vert_angle
 angle of the bottom-most lidar channel
float LidarParameters::hFOV
 horizontal field of view of the lidar
float LidarParameters::max_distance
 maximum distance measureable by the lidar
float LidarParameters::clip_near
 near clipping distance to geometric considerations
unsigned short LidarParameters::sample_radius
 radius of samples for discretizing the lidar beams
LidarBeamShape LidarParameters::beam_shape
 the beam shape
float LidarParameters::horiz_div_angle
 divergence angle of the beam horizontally (in radians)
float LidarParameters::vert_div_angle
 divergence angle of the beam vertically (in radians)
float2 * LidarParameters::frame_buffer
 buffer where the lidar data will be placed when generated
float RadarParameters::vFOV
float RadarParameters::hFOV
float RadarParameters::max_distance
float RadarParameters::clip_near
float RadarParameters::horiz_div_angle
float RadarParameters::vert_div_angle
float3 RadarParameters::velocity
 the velocity of the sensor
float * RadarParameters::frame_buffer
 buffer where the radar data will be placed when generated
float RaygenParameters::t0
 time of the first ray
float RaygenParameters::t1
 time of the last ray
float3 RaygenParameters::pos0
 sensor position at t0
float4 RaygenParameters::rot0
 sensor rotation at t0
float3 RaygenParameters::pos1
 sensor position at t1
float4 RaygenParameters::rot1
 sensor rotation at t1
CameraParameters   RaygenParameters::camera
 the specific data when modeling a camera
SemanticCameraParameters   RaygenParameters::segmentation
 the specific data when modeling a semantic segementation camera
LidarParameters   RaygenParameters::lidar
 the specific data when modeling a lidar
RadarParameters   RaygenParameters::radar
 the specific data when modeling a radar
DepthCameraParameters   RaygenParameters::depthCamera
union {
   CameraParameters   RaygenParameters::camera
 the specific data when modeling a camera
   SemanticCameraParameters   RaygenParameters::segmentation
 the specific data when modeling a semantic segementation camera
   LidarParameters   RaygenParameters::lidar
 the specific data when modeling a lidar
   RadarParameters   RaygenParameters::radar
 the specific data when modeling a radar
   DepthCameraParameters   depthCamera
 the data for the specific sensor
float4 * MeshParameters::vertex_buffer
 a device pointer to the mesh's vertices // size 8
float4 * MeshParameters::normal_buffer
 a device pointer to the mesh's normals //size 8
float2 * MeshParameters::uv_buffer
 a device pointer to the mesh's uv coordinates // size 8
uint4 * MeshParameters::vertex_index_buffer
 a device pointer to the mesh's vertex indices // size 8
uint4 * MeshParameters::normal_index_buffer
 a device pointer to the mesh's normal indices // size 8
uint4 * MeshParameters::uv_index_buffer
 a device pointer to the mesh's uv indices // size 8
unsigned int * MeshParameters::mat_index_buffer
 a device pointer to the mesh's materials on a per face basis // size 8
double MeshParameters::pad
 padding to ensure 16 byte alignment // size 8
float3 MaterialParameters::Kd
 the diffuse color // size 12
float3 MaterialParameters::Ks
 the specular color // size 12
float3 MaterialParameters::Ke
float MaterialParameters::anisotropy
 < the emissive color // size 12> More...
float MaterialParameters::fresnel_exp
 the fresnel exponent // size 4
float MaterialParameters::fresnel_min
 the minimum fresnel value (0-1) // size 4
float MaterialParameters::fresnel_max
 maximum fresnel value (0-1) // size 4
float MaterialParameters::transparency
 transparency value (0-1) // size 4
float MaterialParameters::roughness
 roughness value (0-1) // size 4
float MaterialParameters::metallic
 metallic value (0-1) // size 4
float MaterialParameters::lidar_intensity
 reflectivity in a lidar's wavelength (0-1) // size 4
float MaterialParameters::radar_backscatter
 reflectivity in a radar's wavelength (0-1) // size 4
int MaterialParameters::use_specular_workflow
 toggle between a specular workflow or a metallic/roughness PBR workflow // size 4
cudaTextureObject_t MaterialParameters::kd_tex
 a diffuse color texture // size 8
cudaTextureObject_t MaterialParameters::kn_tex
 a normal perterbation texture // size 8
cudaTextureObject_t MaterialParameters::ks_tex
 a specular color texture // size 8
cudaTextureObject_t MaterialParameters::ke_tex
cudaTextureObject_t MaterialParameters::metallic_tex
 <an emissive color texture // size 8 More...
cudaTextureObject_t MaterialParameters::roughness_tex
 a roughness texture // size 8
cudaTextureObject_t MaterialParameters::opacity_tex
 an opacity texture // size 8
cudaTextureObject_t MaterialParameters::weight_tex
 a weight texture for blended textures // size 8
float2 MaterialParameters::tex_scale
 texture scaling // size 8
unsigned short int MaterialParameters::class_id
 a class id of an object // size 2
unsigned short int MaterialParameters::instance_id
 an instance id of an object // size 2
int MaterialParameters::use_hapke
float MaterialParameters::emissive_power
float MaterialParameters::w
float MaterialParameters::b
float MaterialParameters::c
float MaterialParameters::B_s0
float MaterialParameters::h_s
float MaterialParameters::phi
float MaterialParameters::theta_p
float3 MaterialParameters::pad
 device pointer to the set of area lights in the scene
 device pointer to set of point lights in the scene
int ContextParameters::num_arealights
 the number of area lights in the scene
int ContextParameters::num_lights
 the number of point lights in the scene
float3 ContextParameters::ambient_light_color
 the ambient light color and intensity
float3 ContextParameters::fog_color
 color of fog in the scene
float ContextParameters::fog_scattering
 scattering coefficient of fog in the scene
int ContextParameters::max_depth
 maximum traversable depth
float ContextParameters::scene_epsilon
 an epsilon value used for detecting self intersections
float ContextParameters::importance_cutoff
 mimumum value before killing rays
OptixTraversableHandle ContextParameters::root
 a handle to the root node in the scene
 device pointer to list of materials to use for shading
 device pointer to list of meshes for instancing
int ContextParameters::handle_ptr
unsigned int MaterialRecordParameters::material_pool_id
 material id of first material to be
unsigned int MaterialRecordParameters::num_blended_materials
 number of blended materials on this object (can use a weight file per material to blend)
unsigned int MaterialRecordParameters::mesh_pool_id
 mesh id of object
float3 MaterialRecordParameters::translational_velocity
 translational velocity of object, used for radars
float3 MaterialRecordParameters::angular_velocity
 angular velocity of object, used for radar
float MaterialRecordParameters::objectId
 object id, used for tracking and clustering in radar
float3 PerRayData_camera::color
 color packed on the ray
float3 PerRayData_camera::contrib_to_pixel
 the current contribution to the pixel
curandState_t PerRayData_camera::rng
 a random number generator. Only valid if use_gi is true
int PerRayData_camera::depth
 the current depth of the ray
bool PerRayData_camera::use_gi
 whether global illumination is on
float3 PerRayData_camera::albedo
 the albed of the first hit
float3 PerRayData_camera::normal
 the global normal of the first hit
bool PerRayData_camera::use_fog
 whether to use fog on this prd
float PerRayData_depthCamera::depth
unsigned short int PerRayData_semantic::class_id
 the class id of the first hit
unsigned short int PerRayData_semantic::instance_id
 the instance id of the first hit
float3 PerRayData_shadow::attenuation
 the current attenuation of the light
int PerRayData_shadow::depth
 the current traversal depth of the ray
float PerRayData_shadow::ramaining_dist
 the remaining distance to the light
float PerRayData_lidar::range
 the distance to the first hit
float PerRayData_lidar::intensity
 the intensity of the first hit
float PerRayData_radar::range
float PerRayData_radar::rcs
float3 PerRayData_radar::velocity
float PerRayData_radar::objectId

Macro Definition Documentation


#define CUDA_ERROR_CHECK (   result)
{ \
if (result != cudaSuccess) { \
std::string error_name = std::string(cudaGetErrorName(result)); \
std::string error_string = std::string(cudaGetErrorString(result)); \
std::string file = std::string(__FILE__); \
std::string line = std::to_string(__LINE__); \
throw std::runtime_error(error_name + ": " + error_string + " at " + file + ":" + line); \
} \

Checks the output of a cuda call for any error, will throw a runtime error if not success.


#define OPTIX_ERROR_CHECK (   result)
{ \
if (result != OPTIX_SUCCESS) { \
std::string error_name = std::string(optixGetErrorName(result)); \
std::string error_string = std::string(optixGetErrorString(result)); \
std::string file = std::string(__FILE__); \
std::string line = std::to_string(__LINE__); \
throw std::runtime_error(error_name + ": " + error_string + " at " + file + ":" + line); \
} \

Checks the output of an optix call for any error, will throw a runtime error if not success.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BackgroundMode

enum BackgroundMode

Type of background to be spherically mapped when rays miss all objects in the scene.


single solid color defined by RGB


color gradient used for upper hemisphere


image used for spherical sky map

◆ CameraLensModelType

The type of lens model that camera can use for rendering.


traditional computer graphics ideal camera model.


Wide angle lens model based on single spherical lens.


Wide angle lens model based on polynomial fit.

◆ LidarBeamShape

enum LidarBeamShape

The shape of a lidar beam.


rectangular beam (inclusive of square beam)


elliptical beam (inclusive of circular beam)

◆ PipelineType

The type of ray tracing used to model the sensor.


camera rendering pipeline


segmentation camera pipeline


< depth camera pipeline>

single sample lidar


multi sample lidar


radar model

◆ RadarReturnMode

enum RadarReturnMode

The mode used when determining what data the radar should return.


raw data mode


object tracking mode

◆ RayType

enum RayType

Ray types, used to determine the shading and miss functions for populating ray information.


camera rays


shadow rays


lidar rays


radar rays


semantic camera rays

Function Documentation

◆ GetShaderFromFile()

CH_SENSOR_API void chrono::sensor::GetShaderFromFile ( OptixDeviceContext  context,
OptixModule &  module,
const std::string &  file_name,
OptixModuleCompileOptions &  module_compile_options,
OptixPipelineCompileOptions &  pipeline_compile_options 

launches ray generation program

contextoptix device context
moduleoptix module that will be created
file_namethe file where the shader program is implemented
module_compile_optionscompile options for the module
pipeline_compile_optionscompile options for the pipeline

◆ LoadByteImage()

CH_SENSOR_API ByteImageData chrono::sensor::LoadByteImage ( const std::string &  filename)

loads image to struct ByteImageData, returns an empty struct with 0 values if loading failed


Variable Documentation

◆ anisotropy

float MaterialParameters::anisotropy

< the emissive color // size 12>

the anisotropic value of material (0-1) // size 4

◆ metallic_tex

cudaTextureObject_t MaterialParameters::metallic_tex

<an emissive color texture // size 8

a metalic color texture // size 8

◆ normal_buffer

half4* CameraParameters::normal_buffer

The screen-space normal of the first hit.

Only initialized if using global illumination (screenspace normal)