chrono::ChConveyor Class Reference


Class for conveyor belt.

A conveyor belt is approximated by a box collision shape, where the upper surface has continuous motion in X direction. No cylindrical rounding is used at the ends.

#include <ChConveyor.h>

Inheritance diagram for chrono::ChConveyor:
Collaboration diagram for chrono::ChConveyor:

Public Member Functions

 ChConveyor (double xlength=1, double ythick=0.1, double zwidth=0.5)
 Build a conveyor belt, with motion along x axis.
 ChConveyor (const ChConveyor &other)
virtual ChConveyorClone () const override
 "Virtual" copy constructor (covariant return type).
virtual void SetSystem (ChSystem *m_system) override
 Set the pointer to the parent ChSystem().
void SetConveyorSpeed (double mspeed)
 Set the speed of the conveyor belt (upper part, X direction).
double GetConveyorSpeed ()
 Get the speed of the conveyor belt (upper part, X direction).
ChBodyGetTruss () const
 Access the internal body used as the truss of the moving belt.
ChBodyGetPlate () const
 Access the internal body used as the moving belt (a plate with const.vel.).
void SetFixed (bool mev)
bool IsFixed ()
const ChCoordsysGetCoordsys () const
const ChVector3dGetPos () const
const ChQuaternionGetRot () const
void SetCoordsys (const ChCoordsys<> &mcoord)
void SetCoordsys (const ChVector3d &mv, const ChQuaternion<> &mq)
void SetRot (const ChQuaternion<> &mrot)
void SetPos (const ChVector3d &mpos)
void SetMaterialSurface (std::shared_ptr< ChContactMaterial > mat)
 Set the material surface properties by passing a ChContactMaterialNSC or ChContactMaterialSMC object.
std::shared_ptr< ChContactMaterialGetMaterialSurface () const
 Access the material surface properties of the conveyor belt (shortcut).
virtual unsigned int GetNumCoordsPosLevel () override
 Number of coordinates: this contains an auxiliary body, so it is 14 (with quaternions for rotations).
virtual unsigned int GetNumCoordsVelLevel () override
 Number of coordinates of the particle cluster (for two bodies).
virtual unsigned int GetNumConstraintsBilateral () override
 Get the number of scalar constraints. In this case, a lock constraint is embedded.
virtual bool IsCollisionEnabled () const override
 Tell if the object is subject to collision. More...
virtual void AddCollisionModelsToSystem (ChCollisionSystem *coll_sys) const override
 Add to the provided collision system any collision models managed by this physics item. More...
virtual void RemoveCollisionModelsFromSystem (ChCollisionSystem *coll_sys) const override
 Remove from the provided collision system any collision models managed by this physics item. More...
virtual void SyncCollisionModels () override
 Synchronize the position and bounding box of any collsion models managed by this physics item.
virtual void ArchiveOut (ChArchiveOut &archive_out) override
 Method to allow serialization of transient data to archives.
virtual void ArchiveIn (ChArchiveIn &archive_in) override
 Method to allow deserialization of transient data from archives. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChPhysicsItem
 ChPhysicsItem (const ChPhysicsItem &other)
ChSystemGetSystem () const
 Get the pointer to the parent ChSystem().
virtual bool IsActive () const
 Return true if the object is active and included in dynamics.
virtual ChAABB GetTotalAABB () const
 Get the axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) of this object. More...
virtual ChVector3d GetCenter () const
 Get a symbolic 'center' of the object. More...
virtual void Setup ()
 Perform setup operations. More...
virtual void ForceToRest ()
 Set zero speed (and zero accelerations) in state, without changing the position. More...
virtual unsigned int GetNumConstraints ()
 Get the number of scalar constraints.
virtual unsigned int GetNumConstraintsUnilateral ()
 Get the number of unilateral scalar constraints.
unsigned int GetOffset_x ()
 Get offset in the state vector (position part)
unsigned int GetOffset_w ()
 Get offset in the state vector (speed part)
unsigned int GetOffset_L ()
 Get offset in the lagrangian multipliers.
void SetOffset_x (const unsigned int moff)
 Set offset in the state vector (position part) Note: only the ChSystem::Setup function should use this.
void SetOffset_w (const unsigned int moff)
 Set offset in the state vector (speed part) Note: only the ChSystem::Setup function should use this.
void SetOffset_L (const unsigned int moff)
 Set offset in the lagrangian multipliers Note: only the ChSystem::Setup function should use this.
virtual void InjectKRMMatrices (ChSystemDescriptor &descriptor)
 Register with the given system descriptor any ChKRMBlock objects associated with this item.
virtual void LoadKRMMatrices (double Kfactor, double Rfactor, double Mfactor)
 Compute and load current stiffnes (K), damping (R), and mass (M) matrices in encapsulated ChKRMBlock objects. More...
virtual void ConstraintsFbLoadForces (double factor=1)
 Adds the current link-forces, if any, (caused by springs, etc.) to the 'fb' vectors of the ChVariables referenced by encapsulated ChConstraints.
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChObj
 ChObj (const ChObj &other)
int GetIdentifier () const
 Get the unique integer identifier of this object. More...
void SetTag (int tag)
 Set an object integer tag (default: -1). More...
int GetTag () const
 Get the tag of this object.
void SetName (const std::string &myname)
 Set the name of this object.
const std::string & GetName () const
 Get the name of this object.
double GetChTime () const
 Gets the simulation time of this object.
void SetChTime (double m_time)
 Sets the simulation time of this object.
void AddVisualModel (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModel > model)
 Add an (optional) visualization model. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModelGetVisualModel () const
 Access the visualization model (if any). More...
void AddVisualShape (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShape > shape, const ChFrame<> &frame=ChFrame<>())
 Add the specified visual shape to the visualization model. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShapeGetVisualShape (unsigned int i) const
 Access the specified visualization shape in the visualization model (if any). More...
void AddVisualShapeFEA (std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShapeFEA > shapeFEA)
 Add the specified FEA visualization object to the visualization model. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShapeFEAGetVisualShapeFEA (unsigned int i) const
 Access the specified FEA visualization object in the visualization model (if any). More...
virtual ChFrame GetVisualModelFrame (unsigned int nclone=0) const
 Get the reference frame (expressed in and relative to the absolute frame) of the visual model. More...
virtual unsigned int GetNumVisualModelClones () const
 Return the number of clones of the visual model associated with this object. More...
void AddCamera (std::shared_ptr< ChCamera > camera)
 Attach a camera to this object. More...
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChCamera > > GetCameras () const
 Get the set of cameras attached to this object.
void UpdateVisualModel ()
 Utility function to update only the associated visual assets (if any).
virtual std::string & ArchiveContainerName ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChObj
int GenerateUniqueIdentifier ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::ChPhysicsItem
 parent system
unsigned int offset_x
 offset in vector of state (position part)
unsigned int offset_w
 offset in vector of state (speed part)
unsigned int offset_L
 offset in vector of lagrangian multipliers
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::ChObj
double ChTime
 object simulation time
std::string m_name
 object name
int m_identifier
 object unique identifier
int m_tag
 user-supplied tag
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualModelInstancevis_model_instance
 instantiated visualization model
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChCamera > > cameras
 set of cameras

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddCollisionModelsToSystem()

void chrono::ChConveyor::AddCollisionModelsToSystem ( ChCollisionSystem coll_sys) const

Add to the provided collision system any collision models managed by this physics item.

A derived calss should invoke ChCollisionSystem::Add for each of its collision models.

Reimplemented from chrono::ChPhysicsItem.

◆ ArchiveIn()

void chrono::ChConveyor::ArchiveIn ( ChArchiveIn archive_in)

Method to allow deserialization of transient data from archives.

Method to allow de serialization of transient data from archives.

Reimplemented from chrono::ChPhysicsItem.

◆ IsCollisionEnabled()

virtual bool chrono::ChConveyor::IsCollisionEnabled ( ) const

Tell if the object is subject to collision.

Only for interface; child classes may override this, using internal flags.

Reimplemented from chrono::ChPhysicsItem.

◆ RemoveCollisionModelsFromSystem()

void chrono::ChConveyor::RemoveCollisionModelsFromSystem ( ChCollisionSystem coll_sys) const

Remove from the provided collision system any collision models managed by this physics item.

A derived class should invoke ChCollisionSystem::Remove for each of its collision models.

Reimplemented from chrono::ChPhysicsItem.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/physics/ChConveyor.h
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/physics/ChConveyor.cpp