chrono::ChBodyFrame Class Referenceabstract


Class for objects that represent moving frames in space and contain state variables.

#include <ChBodyFrame.h>

Inheritance diagram for chrono::ChBodyFrame:
Collaboration diagram for chrono::ChBodyFrame:

Public Member Functions

 ChBodyFrame (const ChBodyFrame &other)
virtual ChVariablesVariables ()=0
 Return a reference to the encapsulated variables, representing states (pos, speed or accel.) and forces.
void To_abs_forcetorque (const ChVector<> &force, const ChVector<> &appl_point, bool local, ChVector<> &resultforce, ChVector<> &resulttorque)
 Transform a force applied at a point on the body into a force and moment applied to the COM and expressed in the absolute frame. More...
virtual void ArchiveOUT (ChArchiveOut &marchive) override
 Method to allow serialization of transient data to archives.
virtual void ArchiveIN (ChArchiveIn &marchive) override
 Method to allow deserialization of transient data from archives.
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChFrameMoving< double >
 ChFrameMoving (const ChVector< double > &mv=ChVector< double >(0, 0, 0), const ChQuaternion< double > &mq=ChQuaternion< double >(1, 0, 0, 0))
 Construct from pos and rot (as a quaternion)
 ChFrameMoving (const ChVector< double > &mv, const ChMatrix33< double > &ma)
 Construct from pos and rotation (as a 3x3 matrix)
 ChFrameMoving (const ChCoordsys< double > &mc)
 Construct from a coordsys.
 ChFrameMoving (const ChFrame< double > &mc)
 Construct from a frame.
 ChFrameMoving (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other)
 Copy constructor, build from another moving frame.
virtual ~ChFrameMoving ()
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other)
 Assignment operator: copy from another moving frame.
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator= (const ChFrame< double > &other)
 Assignment operator: copy from another frame.
bool operator== (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other) const
 Returns true for identical frames.
bool operator!= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other) const
 Returns true for different frames.
ChFrameMoving< double > operator>> (const ChFrameMoving< double > &Fb) const
 The '>>' operator transforms a coordinate system, so transformations can be represented with this syntax: new_frame = old_frame >> tr_frame; For a sequence of transformations, i.e. More...
ChFrameMoving< double > operator* (const ChFrameMoving< double > &Fb) const
 The '*' operator transforms a coordinate system, so transformations can be represented with this syntax: new_frame = tr_frame * old_frame; For a sequence of transformations, i.e. More...
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator>>= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &T)
 Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by another frame, for example: A>>=T means A'=T*A ; or A'=A >> T.
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator>>= (const ChVector< double > &D)
 Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a vector D, to 'move' by a displacement D:
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator>>= (const ChQuaternion< double > &R)
 Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a quaternion R, to 'rotate' it by R:
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator>>= (const ChCoordsys< double > &F)
 Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a ChCoordsys F:
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator>>= (const ChFrame< double > &F)
 Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a ChFrame F:
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator%= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &T)
 Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by another frame, for example: A%=T means A'=T*A ; or A'=A >> T Note: DEPRECATED, use >>= instead.
ChFrameMoving< double > & operator*= (const ChFrameMoving< double > &T)
 Performs post-multiplication of this frame by another frame, for example: A*=T means A'=A*T ; or A'=T >> A.
ChCoordsys< double > & GetCoord_dt ()
 Return both current rotation and translation speeds as a coordsystem object, with vector and quaternion.
const ChCoordsys< double > & GetCoord_dt () const
ChCoordsys< double > & GetCoord_dtdt ()
 Return both current rotation and translation accelerations as a coordsystem object, with vector and quaternion.
const ChCoordsys< double > & GetCoord_dtdt () const
ChVector< double > & GetPos_dt ()
 Return the current speed as a 3d vector.
const ChVector< double > & GetPos_dt () const
ChVector< double > & GetPos_dtdt ()
 Return the current acceleration as a 3d vector.
const ChVector< double > & GetPos_dtdt () const
ChQuaternion< double > & GetRot_dt ()
 Return the current rotation speed as a quaternion.
const ChQuaternion< double > & GetRot_dt () const
ChQuaternion< double > & GetRot_dtdt ()
 Return the current rotation acceleration as a quaternion.
const ChQuaternion< double > & GetRot_dtdt () const
ChVector< double > GetWvel_loc () const
 Computes the actual angular speed (expressed in local coords)
ChVector< double > GetWvel_par () const
 Computes the actual angular speed (expressed in parent coords)
ChVector< double > GetWacc_loc () const
 Computes the actual angular acceleration (expressed in local coords)
ChVector< double > GetWacc_par () const
 Computes the actual angular acceleration (expressed in parent coords)
virtual void SetCoord_dt (const ChCoordsys< double > &mcoord_dt)
 Set both linear speed and rotation speed as a single ChCoordsys derivative.
virtual void SetPos_dt (const ChVector< double > &mvel)
 Set the linear speed.
virtual void SetRot_dt (const ChQuaternion< double > &mrot_dt)
 Set the rotation speed as a quaternion. More...
virtual void SetWvel_loc (const ChVector< double > &wl)
 Set the rotation speed from given angular speed (expressed in local csys)
virtual void SetWvel_par (const ChVector< double > &wp)
 Set the rotation speed from given angular speed (expressed in parent csys)
virtual void SetCoord_dtdt (const ChCoordsys< double > &mcoord_dtdt)
 Set both linear acceleration and rotation acceleration as a single ChCoordsys derivative.
virtual void SetPos_dtdt (const ChVector< double > &macc)
 Set the linear acceleration.
virtual void SetRot_dtdt (const ChQuaternion< double > &mrot_dtdt)
 Set the rotation acceleration as a quaternion derivative. More...
virtual void SetWacc_loc (const ChVector< double > &al)
 Set the rotation acceleration from given angular acceleration (expressed in local csys)
virtual void SetWacc_par (const ChVector< double > &ap)
 Set the rotation speed from given angular speed (expressed in parent csys)
void Compute_Adt (ChMatrix33< double > &mA_dt) const
 Computes the time derivative of rotation matrix, mAdt.
void Compute_Adtdt (ChMatrix33< double > &mA_dtdt)
 Computes the 2nd time derivative of rotation matrix, mAdtdt.
ChMatrix33< double > GetA_dt ()
 Computes and returns an Adt matrix (-note: prefer using Compute_Adt() directly for better performance)
ChMatrix33< double > GetA_dtdt ()
 Computes and returns an Adt matrix (-note: prefer using Compute_Adtdt() directly for better performance)
void ConcatenatePreTransformation (const ChFrameMoving< double > &T)
 Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another ChFrameMoving T. More...
void ConcatenatePostTransformation (const ChFrameMoving< double > &T)
 Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another ChFrameMoving T in local coordinate. More...
ChVector< double > PointSpeedLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &localpos) const
 Given the position of a point in local frame coords, and assuming it is sticky to frame, return the speed in parent coords.
ChVector< double > PointSpeedLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &localpos, const ChVector< double > &localspeed) const
 Given the position localpos of a point in the local reference frame, assuming that the point moves in the local reference frame with localspeed, return the speed in the parent reference frame.
ChVector< double > PointAccelerationLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &localpos) const
 Given the position of a point in local frame coords, and assuming it is sticky to frame, return the acceleration in parent coords.
ChVector< double > PointAccelerationLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &localpos, const ChVector< double > &localspeed, const ChVector< double > &localacc) const
 Given the position of a point in local frame coords, and assuming it has a frame-relative speed localspeed and frame-relative acceleration localacc, return the acceleration in parent coords.
ChVector< double > PointSpeedParentToLocal (const ChVector< double > &parentpos, const ChVector< double > &parentspeed) const
 Given the position of a point in parent frame coords, and assuming it has an absolute speed parentspeed, return the speed in local coords.
ChVector< double > PointAccelerationParentToLocal (const ChVector< double > &parentpos, const ChVector< double > &parentspeed, const ChVector< double > &parentacc) const
 Given the position of a point in parent frame coords, and assuming it has an absolute speed parentspeed and absolute acceleration parentacc, return the acceleration in local coords.
void TransformLocalToParent (const ChFrameMoving< double > &local, ChFrameMoving< double > &parent) const
 This function transforms a frame from 'this' local coordinate system to parent frame coordinate system, and also transforms the speed and acceleration of the frame. More...
void TransformParentToLocal (const ChFrameMoving< double > &parent, ChFrameMoving< double > &local) const
 This function transforms a frame from the parent coordinate system to 'this' local frame coordinate system. More...
bool Equals (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other) const
 Returns true if coordsys is identical to other coordsys.
bool Equals (const ChFrameMoving< double > &other, double tol) const
 Returns true if coordsys is equal to other coordsys, within a tolerance 'tol'.
virtual void Invert () override
 The transformation (also for speeds, accelerations) is inverted in place. More...
ChFrameMoving< double > GetInverse () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::ChFrame< double >
 ChFrame (const ChVector< double > &mv=ChVector< double >(0, 0, 0), const ChQuaternion< double > &mq=ChQuaternion< double >(1, 0, 0, 0))
 Default constructor, or construct from pos and rot (as a quaternion)
 ChFrame (const ChVector< double > &mv, const ChMatrix33< double > &ma)
 Construct from pos and rotation (as a 3x3 matrix)
 ChFrame (const ChCoordsys< double > &mc)
 Construct from a coordsys.
 ChFrame (const ChVector< double > &mv, const double alpha, const ChVector< double > &mu)
 Construct from position mv and rotation of angle alpha around unit vector mu.
 ChFrame (const ChFrame< double > &other)
 Copy constructor, build from another frame.
ChFrame< double > & operator= (const ChFrame< double > &other)
 Assignment operator: copy from another frame.
virtual bool operator== (const ChFrame< double > &other) const
 Returns true for identical frames.
virtual bool operator!= (const ChFrame< double > &other) const
 Returns true for different frames.
ChFrame< double > operator>> (const ChFrame< double > &Fb) const
 The '>>' operator transforms a coordinate system, so transformations can be represented with this syntax: new_frame = old_frame >> tr_frame; For a sequence of transformations, i.e. More...
ChFrame< double > operator* (const ChFrame< double > &Fb) const
 The '>>' operator transforms a vector, so transformations can be represented with this syntax: new_v = old_v >> tr_frame; For a sequence of transformations, i.e. More...
ChVector< double > operator* (const ChVector< double > &V) const
 The '*' operator transforms a vector, so transformations can be represented with this syntax: new_v = tr_frame * old_v; For a sequence of transformations, i.e. More...
ChVector< double > operator/ (const ChVector< double > &V) const
 The '/' is like the '*' operator (see), but uses the inverse transformation for A, in A/b. More...
ChFrame< double > & operator>>= (const ChFrame< double > &T)
 Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by another frame, for example: A>>=T means A'=T*A ; or A'=A >> T.
ChFrame< double > & operator>>= (const ChVector< double > &D)
 Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a vector D, to 'move' by a displacement D:
ChFrame< double > & operator>>= (const ChQuaternion< double > &R)
 Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a quaternion R, to 'rotate' it by R:
ChFrame< double > & operator>>= (const ChCoordsys< double > &F)
 Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by a ChCoordsys F, to transform it:
ChFrame< double > & operator%= (const ChFrame< double > &T)
 Performs pre-multiplication of this frame by another frame, for example: A%=T means A'=T*A ; or A'=A >> T Note: DEPRECATED, use >>= instead.
ChFrame< double > & operator*= (const ChFrame< double > &T)
 Performs post-multiplication of this frame by another frame, for example: A*=T means A'=A*T ; or A'=T >> A.
ChCoordsys< double > & GetCoord ()
 Return both current rotation and translation as a coordsystem object, with vector and quaternion.
const ChCoordsys< double > & GetCoord () const
ChVector< double > & GetPos ()
 Return the current translation as a 3d vector.
const ChVector< double > & GetPos () const
ChQuaternion< double > & GetRot ()
 Return the current rotation as a quaternion.
const ChQuaternion< double > & GetRot () const
ChMatrix33< double > & GetA ()
 Return the current rotation as a 3x3 matrix.
const ChMatrix33< double > & GetA () const
ChVector< double > GetRotAxis ()
 Get axis of finite rotation, in parent space.
double GetRotAngle ()
 Get angle of rotation about axis of finite rotation.
virtual void SetCoord (const ChCoordsys< double > &mcoord)
 Impose both translation and rotation as a single ChCoordsys. More...
virtual void SetCoord (const ChVector< double > &mv, const ChQuaternion< double > &mq)
 Impose both translation and rotation. More...
virtual void SetRot (const ChQuaternion< double > &mrot)
 Impose the rotation as a quaternion. More...
virtual void SetRot (const ChMatrix33< double > &mA)
 Impose the rotation as a 3x3 matrix. More...
virtual void SetPos (const ChVector< double > &mpos)
 Impose the translation.
void ConcatenatePreTransformation (const ChFrame< double > &T)
 Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another ChFrame T. More...
void ConcatenatePostTransformation (const ChFrame< double > &T)
 Apply a transformation (rotation and translation) represented by another ChFrame T in local coordinate. More...
void Move (const ChVector< double > &V)
 An easy way to move the frame by the amount specified by vector V, (assuming V expressed in parent coordinates)
void Move (const ChCoordsys< double > &VR)
 Apply both translation and rotation, assuming both expressed in parent coordinates, as a vector for translation and quaternion for rotation,.
virtual ChVector< double > TransformLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &local) const
 This function transforms a point from the local frame coordinate system to the parent coordinate system. More...
virtual void TransformLocalToParent (const ChFrame< double > &local, ChFrame< double > &parent) const
 This function transforms a frame from 'this' local coordinate system to parent frame coordinate system. More...
virtual ChVector< double > TransformPointLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &local) const
virtual ChVector< double > TransformParentToLocal (const ChVector< double > &parent) const
 This function transforms a point from the parent coordinate system to local frame coordinate system. More...
virtual void TransformParentToLocal (const ChFrame< double > &parent, ChFrame< double > &local) const
 This function transforms a frame from the parent coordinate system to 'this' local frame coordinate system. More...
virtual ChVector< double > TransformPointParentToLocal (const ChVector< double > &parent) const
virtual ChVector< double > TransformDirectionParentToLocal (const ChVector< double > &mdirection) const
 This function transforms a direction from 'this' local coordinate system to parent frame coordinate system. More...
virtual ChVector< double > TransformDirectionLocalToParent (const ChVector< double > &mdirection) const
 This function transforms a direction from the parent frame coordinate system to 'this' local coordinate system. More...
bool Equals (const ChFrame< double > &other) const
 Returns true if coordsys is identical to other coordsys.
bool Equals (const ChFrame< double > &other, double tol) const
 Returns true if coordsys is equal to other coordsys, within a tolerance 'tol'.
void Normalize ()
 Normalize the rotation, so that quaternion has unit length.
virtual void SetIdentity ()
 Sets to no translation and no rotation.
ChFrame< double > GetInverse () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from chrono::ChFrameMoving< double >
ChCoordsys< double > coord_dt
 Rotation and position speed, as vector+quaternion.
ChCoordsys< double > coord_dtdt
 Rotation and position acceleration, as vector+quaternion.
- Public Attributes inherited from chrono::ChFrame< double >
ChCoordsys< double > coord
 Rotation and position, as vector+quaternion.
ChMatrix33< double > Amatrix
 3x3 orthogonal rotation matrix

Member Function Documentation

◆ To_abs_forcetorque()

void chrono::ChBodyFrame::To_abs_forcetorque ( const ChVector<> &  force,
const ChVector<> &  appl_point,
bool  local,
ChVector<> &  resultforce,
ChVector<> &  resulttorque 

Transform a force applied at a point on the body into a force and moment applied to the COM and expressed in the absolute frame.

If local = true, the provided applied force and point are assumed to be expressed in body coordinates. If local = false, the provided applied force and point is assumed to be expressed in absolute coordinates.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/physics/ChBodyFrame.h
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/physics/ChBodyFrame.cpp