TMeasy handling tire model.
| ChTMeasyTire (const std::string &name) |
virtual std::string | GetTemplateName () const override |
| Get the name of the vehicle subsystem template.
virtual double | GetRadius () const override |
| Get the tire radius.
virtual double | GetWidth () const override |
| Get the width of the tire.
virtual double | GetVisualizationWidth () const override |
| Get visualization width.
double | GetSlipAngle_internal () const |
| Get the tire slip angle computed internally by the TMsimple model (in radians). More...
double | GetLongitudinalSlip_internal () const |
| Get the tire longitudinal slip computed internally by the TMsimple model. More...
double | GetTireOmega () |
void | GuessTruck80Par (unsigned int li, double tireWidth, double ratio, double rimDia, double pinfl_li=1.0, double pinfl_use=1.0, double damping_ratio=0.5) |
| Guess Tire Parameters from characteristic truck tire parameter pattern (Ratio = 80%). More...
void | GuessTruck80Par (double loadForce, double tireWidth, double ratio, double rimDia, double pinfl_li=1.0, double pinfl_use=1.0, double damping_ratio=0.5) |
void | GuessPassCar70Par (unsigned int li, double tireWidth, double ratio, double rimDia, double pinfl_li=1.0, double pinfl_use=1.0, double damping_ratio=0.5) |
| Guess Tire Parameters from characteristic passenger car tire parameter pattern (Ratio = 70%). More...
void | GuessPassCar70Par (double loadForce, double tireWidth, double ratio, double rimDia, double pinfl_li=1.0, double pinfl_use=1.0, double damping_ratio=0.5) |
void | SetVerticalStiffness (double Cz) |
| Set vertical tire stiffness as linear function by coefficient [N/m].
void | SetVerticalStiffness (std::vector< double > &defl, std::vector< double > &frc) |
| Set vertical tire stiffness as nonlinear function by coefficients at nominal load 1 [N/m] and nominal load 2 [N/m]. More...
void | SetFrictionCoefficient (double coef) |
| Set the tire reference coefficient of friction.
void | SetRollingResistanceCoefficient (double coef) |
| Set rolling resistance coefficients (default: 0.01).
void | WritePlots (const std::string &plFileName, const std::string &plTireFormat) |
| Generate basic tire plots. More...
virtual double | GetDeflection () const override |
| Get the tire deflection.
bool | CheckParameters () |
| Simple parameter consistency test.
virtual TerrainForce | ReportTireForce (ChTerrain *terrain) const override |
| Report the tire force and moment. More...
virtual TerrainForce | ReportTireForceLocal (ChTerrain *terrain, ChCoordsys<> &tire_frame) const override |
| Report the tire forces expressed in the tire frame. More...
const ContactData & | ReportTireContactData () const |
| Report current tire-terrain contact information. More...
void | SetVerbose (bool verbose) |
| Enable/disable information terminal output (default: false).
void | SetStepsize (double val) |
| Set the integration step size for the underlying dynamics (default: 1ms). More...
double | GetStepsize () const |
| Get the current value of the integration step size.
void | SetCollisionType (CollisionType collision_type) |
| Set the collision type for tire-terrain interaction (default: SINGLE_POINT). More...
void | SetContactSurfaceType (ContactSurfaceType type, double dim=0.01, int collision_family=13) |
| Set the contact surface type (default: NODE_CLOUD). More...
void | SetPressure (double pressure) |
| Set the internal tire pressure [Pa] (default: 0). More...
double | GetPressure () const |
| Get the internal tire pressure [Pa].
virtual double | GetTireMass () const =0 |
| Return the tire mass.
virtual ChVector3d | GetTireInertia () const =0 |
| Return the tire moments of inertia (in the tire centroidal frame).
double | GetSlipAngle () const |
| Return the tire slip angle calculated based on the current state of the associated wheel body. More...
double | GetLongitudinalSlip () const |
| Return the tire longitudinal slip calculated based on the current state of the associated wheel body. More...
double | GetCamberAngle () const |
| Return the tire camber angle calculated based on the current state of the associated wheel body. More...
const std::string & | GetMeshFilename () const |
| Get the name of the Wavefront file with tire visualization mesh. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChWheel > | GetWheel () const |
| Get the associated wheel. More...
const std::string & | GetName () const |
| Get the name identifier for this subsystem.
void | SetName (const std::string &name) |
| Set the name identifier for this subsystem.
bool | IsInitialized () const |
| Return flag indicating whether or not the part is fully constructed.
virtual uint16_t | GetVehicleTag () const |
| Get the tag of the associated vehicle. More...
int | GetBodyTag () const |
| Get the tag for component bodies.
double | GetMass () const |
| Get the subsystem mass. More...
const ChFrame & | GetCOMFrame () const |
| Get the current subsystem COM frame (relative to and expressed in the subsystem's reference frame). More...
const ChMatrix33 & | GetInertia () const |
| Get the current subsystem inertia (relative to the subsystem COM frame). More...
const ChFrame & | GetTransform () const |
| Get the current subsystem position relative to the global frame. More...
void | SetVisualizationType (VisualizationType vis) |
| Set the visualization mode for this subsystem.
virtual void | SetOutput (bool state) |
| Enable/disable output for this subsystem.
bool | OutputEnabled () const |
| Return the output state for this subsystem.
virtual void | ExportComponentList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument) const |
| Export this subsystem's component list to the specified JSON object. More...
virtual void | Output (ChVehicleOutput &database) const |
| Output data for this subsystem's component list to the specified database.
virtual void | SetTMeasyParams ()=0 |
| Set the parameters in the TMsimple model.
virtual double | GetNormalStiffnessForce (double depth) const override final |
| Return the vertical tire stiffness contribution to the normal force.
virtual double | GetNormalDampingForce (double depth, double velocity) const override final |
| Return the vertical tire damping contribution to the normal force.
virtual void | Initialize (std::shared_ptr< ChWheel > wheel) override |
| Initialize this tire by associating it to the specified wheel.
virtual void | Synchronize (double time, const ChTerrain &terrain) override |
| Update the state of this tire system at the current time. More...
virtual void | Advance (double step) override |
| Advance the state of this tire by the specified time step.
void | CombinedCoulombForces (double &fx, double &fy, double fz, double muscale) |
void | tmxy_combined (double &f, double &fos, double s, double df0, double sm, double fm, double ss, double fs) |
double | AlignmentTorque (double fy) |
double | InterpL (double w1, double w2) |
double | InterpQ (double w1, double w2) |
| ChForceElementTire (const std::string &name) |
| Construct a tire with the specified name.
virtual TerrainForce | GetTireForce () const override |
| Get the tire force and moment. More...
virtual void | AddVisualizationAssets (VisualizationType vis) override |
| Add visualization assets for the rigid tire subsystem.
virtual void | RemoveVisualizationAssets () override |
| Remove visualization assets for the rigid tire subsystem.
| ChTire (const std::string &name) |
| Construct a tire subsystem with given name.
void | CalculateKinematics (const WheelState &wheel_state, const ChCoordsys<> &tire_frame) |
| Calculate kinematics quantities based on the given state of the associated wheel body. More...
double | GetOffset () const |
| Get offset from spindle center. More...
std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShapeTriangleMesh > | AddVisualizationMesh (const std::string &mesh_file_left, const std::string &mesh_file_right) |
| Add mesh visualization to the body associated with this tire (a wheel spindle body). More...
| ChPart (const std::string &name) |
| Construct a vehicle subsystem with the specified name.
void | AddMass (double &mass) |
| Add this subsystem's mass. More...
void | AddInertiaProperties (ChVector3d &com, ChMatrix33<> &inertia) |
| Add this subsystem's inertia properties. More...
virtual void | Create (const rapidjson::Document &d) |
| Create a vehicle subsystem from JSON data. More...
void | ExportBodyList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChBody >> bodies) const |
| Export the list of bodies to the specified JSON document.
void | ExportShaftList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChShaft >> shafts) const |
| Export the list of shafts to the specified JSON document.
void | ExportJointList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChLink >> joints) const |
| Export the list of joints to the specified JSON document.
void | ExportCouplesList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChShaftsCouple >> couples) const |
| Export the list of shaft couples to the specified JSON document.
void | ExportMarkerList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChMarker >> markers) const |
| Export the list of markers to the specified JSON document.
void | ExportLinSpringList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChLinkTSDA >> springs) const |
| Export the list of translational springs to the specified JSON document.
void | ExportRotSpringList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChLinkRSDA >> springs) const |
| Export the list of rotational springs to the specified JSON document.
void | ExportBodyLoadList (rapidjson::Document &jsonDocument, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChLoadBodyBody >> loads) const |
| Export the list of body-body loads to the specified JSON document.
enum | CollisionType { SINGLE_POINT,
} |
| Collision detection type. More...
enum | ContactSurfaceType { NODE_CLOUD,
} |
| Contact surface type. More...
static bool | DiscTerrainCollision (CollisionType method, const ChTerrain &terrain, const ChVector3d &disc_center, const ChVector3d &disc_normal, double disc_radius, double width, const ChFunctionInterp &areaDep, ChCoordsys<> &contact, double &depth, float &mu) |
| Perform disc-terrain collision detection, using the specified method. More...
static void | ConstructAreaDepthTable (double disc_radius, ChFunctionInterp &areaDep) |
| Utility function to construct a loopkup table for penetration depth as function of intersection area, for a given tire radius. More...
static bool | DiscTerrainCollision1pt (const ChTerrain &terrain, const ChVector3d &disc_center, const ChVector3d &disc_normal, double disc_radius, ChCoordsys<> &contact, double &depth, float &mu) |
| Perform disc-terrain collision detection. More...
static bool | DiscTerrainCollision4pt (const ChTerrain &terrain, const ChVector3d &disc_center, const ChVector3d &disc_normal, double disc_radius, double width, ChCoordsys<> &contact, double &depth, float &mu) |
| Perform disc-terrain collision detection considering the curvature of the road surface. More...
static bool | DiscTerrainCollisionEnvelope (const ChTerrain &terrain, const ChVector3d &disc_center, const ChVector3d &disc_normal, double disc_radius, double width, const ChFunctionInterp &areaDep, ChCoordsys<> &contact, double &depth, float &mu) |
| Collsion algorithm based on a paper of J. More...
static void | RemoveVisualizationAssets (std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item) |
| Erase all visual shapes from the visual model associated with the specified physics item (if any).
static void | RemoveVisualizationAsset (std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item, std::shared_ptr< ChVisualShape > shape) |
| Erase the given shape from the visual model associated with the specified physics item (if any).