Namespace with classes for the modal module.
class | callback_Ax |
| Generic A*x callback. More...
class | callback_Ax_sparse_complexshiftinvert |
| The callback to be used for "A*x" where for shift&invert is: A = (As - sigma Bs)/Bs , with COMPLEX sigma shift, so A*x = (As - sigma Bs)/(Bs*x), just like a linear system with coefficient matrix (As - sigma Bs) and known rhs Bs*x. More...
class | callback_Ax_sparse_shiftinvert |
| The callback to be used for "A*x" where for shift&invert is: A = (As - sigma Bs)/Bs , so A*x = (As - sigma Bs)/(Bs*x), just like a linear system with coefficient matrix (As - sigma Bs) and known rhs Bs*x. More...
class | ChEigenvalueSolverSettings |
| Class for passing basic settings to the Solve() function of the various solvers. More...
class | ChGeneralizedEigenvalueSolver |
| Base interface class for eigensolvers for the undamped constrained generalized problem (-wsquare*M + K)*x = 0 s.t. More...
class | ChGeneralizedEigenvalueSolverKrylovSchur |
| Solves the undamped constrained eigenvalue problem with the Krylov-Schur iterative method. More...
class | ChGeneralizedEigenvalueSolverLanczos |
| Solves the undamped constrained eigenvalue problem with the Lanczos iterative method. More...
class | ChKrylovSchurEig |
| Compute (complex) eigenvalues and eigenvectors using the Krylov-Schur algorithm. More...
class | ChModalAssembly |
| Class for assemblies of items, for example ChBody, ChLink, ChMesh, etc. More...
class | ChModalDamping |
| Base class for damping models of modal reduced assemblies. More...
class | ChModalDampingCustom |
| Class for damping defined with an user-defined matrix that could be obtained via external tools such as Matlab or FEA. More...
class | ChModalDampingFactorAssembly |
| Class for setting the damping via N damping factors z_i for all the modes of the subassembly, where assembly n.modes = (boundary coords+internal modes) R^ = V'^-1 * Dd * V^-1 with Dd=diag { 2 z_1 w_1, 2 z_2 w_2, ..., 2 z_i w_i }, and V = eigenvectors of (M^, K^). More...
class | ChModalDampingFactorRayleigh |
| Class for setting the damping via N damping factors z_i of the internal mode coordinates and alpha-beta Rayleigh damping for the boundary nodes, assuming R^ = [Rbb Rbm ] [Rmb Rmm ] with Rmm=diag { 2 z_1 w_1, 2 z_2 w_2, ..., 2 z_i w_i }, Rbb= alpha*Mbb + beta*Kbb, Rbm = 0, Rmb = 0. More...
class | ChModalDampingFactorRmm |
| Class for setting the damping via N damping factors z_i of the internal mode coordinates. More...
class | ChModalDampingNone |
| Class for no damping model. More...
class | ChModalDampingRayleigh |
| Class for simple Rayleigh damping model R^ = alpha*M^ + beta*K^ where M^ and K^ are the reduced matrices, both for boundary nodes and modal coords. More...
class | ChModalDampingReductionR |
| Class for damping as reduction of the original damping matrix via the eigenvectors of the undamped assembly, i.e. More...
class | ChModalSolveDamped |
| Class for computing eigenvalues/eigenvectors for the DAMPED constrained system. More...
class | ChModalSolveUndamped |
| Class for computing eigenvalues/eigenvectors for the undamped constrained system. More...
class | ChQuadraticEigenvalueSolver |
| Base interface class for eigensolvers for the damped dynamic problem ie. More...
class | ChQuadraticEigenvalueSolverKrylovSchur |
| Solves the eigenvalue problem with the Krylov-Schur iterative method. More...
class | ChQuadraticEigenvalueSolverNullspaceDirect |
| Solves the eigenvalue problem with a direct method: first does LU factorization of Cq jacobians to find the null space, then solves the problem using the direct Eigen::EigenSolver. More...
void | placeMatrix (Eigen::SparseMatrix< double, Eigen::ColMajor, int > &HCQ, const ChSparseMatrix &H, int row_start, int col_start) |
void | ordschur (ChMatrixDynamic< std::complex< double >> &U, ChMatrixDynamic< std::complex< double >> &T, ChVectorDynamic< bool > &select) |
int | testConverge (ChMatrixDynamic< std::complex< double >> &H, int k, int i, double tol) |
void | truncateKrylov (ChMatrixDynamic< std::complex< double >> &Q, ChMatrixDynamic< std::complex< double >> &H, const int k, const int m) |
void | sortSchur (ChMatrixDynamic< std::complex< double >> &US, ChMatrixDynamic< std::complex< double >> &TS, bool &isC, const ChMatrixDynamic< std::complex< double >> &A, const int k) |
void | expandKrylov (ChMatrixDynamic< std::complex< double >> &Q, ChMatrixDynamic< std::complex< double >> &H, callback_Ax *Ax_function, int sk, int ek) |
void | KrylovSchur (ChMatrixDynamic< std::complex< double >> &Q, ChMatrixDynamic< std::complex< double >> &H, bool &isC, bool &flag, int &nc, int &ni, callback_Ax *Ax_function, const ChVectorDynamic< std::complex< double >> &v1, const int n, const int k, const int m, const int maxIt, const double tol) |
void | swap (ChModalAssembly &first, ChModalAssembly &second) |
void | util_sparse_assembly_2x2symm (ChSparseMatrix &HCQ, const ChSparseMatrix &H, const ChSparseMatrix &Cq) |
void | util_convert_to_colmajor (Eigen::SparseMatrix< double, Eigen::ColMajor, int > &H_col, const ChSparseMatrix &H) |