Collaboration diagram for Solver:

Classes | |
class | chrono::ChDirectSolverLS |
Base class for sparse direct linear solvers. More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverSparseLU |
Sparse LU direct solver. More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverSparseQR |
Sparse QR direct solver. More... | |
class | chrono::ChIterativeSolver |
Base class for iterative solvers. More... | |
class | chrono::ChIterativeSolverLS |
Base class for Chrono solvers based on Eigen iterative linear solvers. More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverGMRES |
GMRES iterative solver. More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverBiCGSTAB |
BiCGSTAB iterative solver. More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverMINRES |
MINRES iterative solver. More... | |
class | chrono::ChIterativeSolverVI |
Base class for iterative solvers aimed at solving complementarity problems arising from QP optimization problems. More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolver |
Base class for all Chrono solvers (for linear problems or complementarity problems). More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverADMM |
An iterative solver based on modified version of ADMM Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverAPGD |
An iterative solver based on Nesterov's Projected Gradient Descent. More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverBB |
An iterative solver based on modified Krylov iteration of spectral projected gradients with Barzilai-Borwein. More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverLS |
Base class for solvers aimed at solving linear systems. More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverPJacobi |
An iterative solver for VI based on projective fixed point method (projected Jacobi). More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverPMINRES |
An iterative solver based on modified Krylov iteration of MINRES type with gradient projections (similar to nonlinear CG with Polyak-Ribiere). More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverPSOR |
An iterative solver based on projective fixed point method, with overrelaxation and immediate variable update as in SOR methods. More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverPSSOR |
An iterative solver based on symmetric projective fixed point method, with overrelaxation and immediate variable update as in SSOR methods. More... | |
class | chrono::ChSolverVI |
Base class for solvers aimed at solving complementarity problems arising from QP optimization problems. More... | |