Simple beam element with two nodes and Euler-Bernoulli formulation.
For this 'basic' implementation, constant section and constant material are assumed.
Further information in the white paper PDF
Note that there are also ChElementCableANCF if no torsional effects are needed, as in cables.
#include <ChElementBeamEuler.h>

Public Types | |
using | ShapeVector = ChMatrixNM< double, 1, 10 > |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual int | GetNnodes () override |
Gets the number of nodes used by this element. | |
virtual int | GetNdofs () override |
Gets the number of coordinates in the field used by the referenced nodes. More... | |
virtual int | GetNodeNdofs (int n) override |
Get the number of coordinates from the n-th node that are used by this element. More... | |
virtual std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAbase > | GetNodeN (int n) override |
Access the nth node. | |
virtual void | SetNodes (std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyzrot > nodeA, std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyzrot > nodeB) |
void | SetSection (std::shared_ptr< ChBeamSectionEuler > my_material) |
Set the section & material of beam element . More... | |
std::shared_ptr< ChBeamSectionEuler > | GetSection () |
Get the section & material of the element. | |
std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyzrot > | GetNodeA () |
Get the first node (beginning) | |
std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyzrot > | GetNodeB () |
Get the second node (ending) | |
void | SetNodeAreferenceRot (ChQuaternion<> mrot) |
Set the reference rotation of nodeA respect to the element rotation. | |
ChQuaternion | GetNodeAreferenceRot () |
void | SetNodeBreferenceRot (ChQuaternion<> mrot) |
Set the reference rotation of nodeB respect to the element rotation. | |
ChQuaternion | GetNodeBreferenceRot () |
ChQuaternion | GetAbsoluteRotation () |
Get the absolute rotation of element in space This is not the same of Rotation() , that expresses the accumulated rotation from starting point. | |
ChQuaternion | GetRefRotation () |
Get the original reference rotation of element in space. | |
void | SetDisableCorotate (bool md) |
Set this as true to have the beam behave like a non-corotated beam hence do not update the corotated reference. More... | |
void | SetForceSymmetricStiffness (bool md) |
Set this as true to force the tangent stiffness matrix to be inexact, but symmetric. More... | |
void | SetUseGeometricStiffness (bool md) |
Set this as false to disable the contribution of geometric stiffness to the total tangent stiffness. More... | |
void | ShapeFunctions (ShapeVector &N, double eta) |
Fills the N matrix (compressed! single row, 12 columns) with the values of shape functions at abscissa 'eta'. More... | |
virtual void | Update () override |
Update: this is called at least at each time step. More... | |
virtual void | UpdateRotation () override |
Compute large rotation of element for corotational approach The reference frame of this Euler-Bernoulli beam has X aligned to two nodes and Y parallel to Y of 1st node. | |
virtual void | GetStateBlock (ChVectorDynamic<> &mD) override |
Fills the D vector with the current field values at the nodes of the element, with proper ordering. More... | |
void | GetField_dt (ChVectorDynamic<> &mD_dt) |
Fills the Ddt vector with the current time derivatives of field values at the nodes of the element, with proper ordering. More... | |
void | ComputeStiffnessMatrix () |
Computes the local (material) stiffness matrix of the element: K = integral( [B]' * [D] * [B] ), Note: in this 'basic' implementation, constant section and constant material are assumed, so the explicit result of quadrature is used. More... | |
void | ComputeGeometricStiffnessMatrix () |
Computes the local geometric stiffness Kg of the element. More... | |
virtual void | ComputeKRMmatricesGlobal (ChMatrixRef H, double Kfactor, double Rfactor=0, double Mfactor=0) override |
Sets H as the global stiffness matrix K, scaled by Kfactor. More... | |
virtual void | ComputeInternalForces (ChVectorDynamic<> &Fi) override |
Computes the internal forces (e.g. More... | |
virtual void | ComputeGravityForces (ChVectorDynamic<> &Fg, const ChVector<> &G_acc) override |
Compute gravity forces, grouped in the Fg vector, one node after the other. | |
virtual void | EvaluateSectionDisplacement (const double eta, ChVector<> &u_displ, ChVector<> &u_rotaz) override |
Gets the xyz displacement of a point on the beam line, and the rotation RxRyRz of section plane, at abscyssa 'eta'. More... | |
virtual void | EvaluateSectionFrame (const double eta, ChVector<> &point, ChQuaternion<> &rot) override |
Gets the absolute xyz position of a point on the beam line, and the absolute rotation of section plane, at abscissa 'eta'. More... | |
virtual void | EvaluateSectionForceTorque (const double eta, ChVector<> &Fforce, ChVector<> &Mtorque) override |
Gets the force (traction x, shear y, shear z) and the torque (torsion on x, bending on y, on bending on z) at a section along the beam line, at abscissa 'eta'. More... | |
virtual void | EvaluateSectionStrain (const double eta, ChVector<> &StrainV) override |
Gets the axial and bending strain of the ANCF "cable" element. | |
virtual int | LoadableGet_ndof_x () override |
Gets the number of DOFs affected by this element (position part) | |
virtual int | LoadableGet_ndof_w () override |
Gets the number of DOFs affected by this element (speed part) | |
virtual void | LoadableGetStateBlock_x (int block_offset, ChState &mD) override |
Gets all the DOFs packed in a single vector (position part) | |
virtual void | LoadableGetStateBlock_w (int block_offset, ChStateDelta &mD) override |
Gets all the DOFs packed in a single vector (speed part) | |
virtual void | LoadableStateIncrement (const unsigned int off_x, ChState &x_new, const ChState &x, const unsigned int off_v, const ChStateDelta &Dv) override |
Increment all DOFs using a delta. | |
virtual int | Get_field_ncoords () override |
Number of coordinates in the interpolated field, ex=3 for a tetrahedron finite element or a cable, = 1 for a thermal problem, etc. | |
virtual int | GetSubBlocks () override |
Get the number of DOFs sub-blocks. | |
virtual unsigned int | GetSubBlockOffset (int nblock) override |
Get the offset of the specified sub-block of DOFs in global vector. | |
virtual unsigned int | GetSubBlockSize (int nblock) override |
Get the size of the specified sub-block of DOFs in global vector. | |
virtual bool | IsSubBlockActive (int nblock) const override |
Check if the specified sub-block of DOFs is active. | |
virtual void | LoadableGetVariables (std::vector< ChVariables * > &mvars) override |
Get the pointers to the contained ChVariables, appending to the mvars vector. | |
virtual void | ComputeNF (const double U, ChVectorDynamic<> &Qi, double &detJ, const ChVectorDynamic<> &F, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_x, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_w) override |
Evaluate N'*F , where N is some type of shape function evaluated at U coordinates of the line, each ranging in -1..+1 F is a load, N'*F is the resulting generalized load Returns also det[J] with J=[dx/du,..], that might be useful in gauss quadrature. More... | |
virtual void | ComputeNF (const double U, const double V, const double W, ChVectorDynamic<> &Qi, double &detJ, const ChVectorDynamic<> &F, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_x, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_w) override |
Evaluate N'*F , where N is some type of shape function evaluated at U,V,W coordinates of the volume, each ranging in -1..+1 F is a load, N'*F is the resulting generalized load Returns also det[J] with J=[dx/du,..], that might be useful in gauss quadrature. More... | |
virtual double | GetDensity () override |
This is needed so that it can be accessed by ChLoaderVolumeGravity. | |
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double | GetMass () |
The full mass of the beam, (with const. section, density, etc.) | |
double | GetRestLength () |
The rest length of the bar. | |
void | SetRestLength (double ml) |
Set the rest length of the bar (usually this should be automatically done when SetupInitial is called on beams element, given the current state, but one might need to override this, ex for precompressed beams etc). | |
![]() | |
ChKblockGeneric & | Kstiffness () |
Access the proxy to stiffness, for sparse solver. | |
virtual void | EleIntLoadResidual_F (ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const double c) override |
(This is a default (a bit unoptimal) book keeping so that in children classes you can avoid implementing this EleIntLoadResidual_F function, unless you need faster code) | |
virtual void | EleIntLoadResidual_Mv (ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const ChVectorDynamic<> &w, const double c) override |
(This is a default (VERY UNOPTIMAL) book keeping so that in children classes you can avoid implementing this EleIntLoadResidual_Mv function, unless you need faster code.) | |
virtual void | EleIntLoadResidual_F_gravity (ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const ChVector<> &G_acc, const double c) override |
(This is a default (VERY UNOPTIMAL) book keeping so that in children classes you can avoid implementing this EleIntLoadResidual_F_gravity function, unless you need faster code. More... | |
virtual void | ComputeMmatrixGlobal (ChMatrixRef M) override |
Returns the global mass matrix. More... | |
virtual void | InjectKRMmatrices (ChSystemDescriptor &mdescriptor) override |
Tell to a system descriptor that there are item(s) of type ChKblock in this object (for further passing it to a solver) | |
virtual void | KRMmatricesLoad (double Kfactor, double Rfactor, double Mfactor) override |
Adds the current stiffness K and damping R and mass M matrices in encapsulated ChKblock item(s), if any. More... | |
virtual void | VariablesFbLoadInternalForces (double factor=1.) override |
Adds the internal forces, expressed as nodal forces, into the encapsulated ChVariables, in the 'fb' part: qf+=forces*factor (This is a default (a bit unoptimal) book keeping so that in children classes you can avoid implementing this VariablesFbLoadInternalForces function, unless you need faster code) | |
virtual void | VariablesFbIncrementMq () override |
Adds M*q (internal masses multiplied current 'qb') to Fb, ex. More... | |
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virtual void | ComputeNodalMass () |
Compute element's nodal masses. | |
virtual void | EleDoIntegration () |
This is optionally implemented if there is some internal state that requires integration. | |
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virtual bool | IsTetrahedronIntegrationNeeded () |
If true, use quadrature over u,v,w in [0..1] range as tetrahedron volumetric coords (with z=1-u-v-w) otherwise use default quadrature over u,v,w in [-1..+1] as box isoparametric coords. | |
virtual bool | IsTrianglePrismIntegrationNeeded () |
If true, use quadrature over u,v in [0..1] range as triangle natural coords (with z=1-u-v), and use linear quadrature over w in [-1..+1], otherwise use default quadrature over u,v,w in [-1..+1] as box isoparametric coords. | |
![]() | |
ChMatrix33 & | Rotation () |
Access the cumulative rotation matrix of the element. More... | |
Public Attributes | |
bool | use_numerical_diff_for_KR = false |
Friends | |
class | ChExtruderBeamEuler |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
double | mass |
double | length |
![]() | |
ChKblockGeneric | Kmatr |
![]() | |
ChMatrix33 | A |
Member Function Documentation
◆ ComputeGeometricStiffnessMatrix()
void chrono::fea::ChElementBeamEuler::ComputeGeometricStiffnessMatrix | ( | ) |
Computes the local geometric stiffness Kg of the element.
Note: this->Kg will be set as the geometric stiffness EXCLUDING the multiplication by the P pull force, in fact P multiplication happens in all terms, thus this allows making the Kg as a constant matrix that is computed only at the beginning, and later it is multiplied by P all times the real Kg is needed. If you later change some material property, call this or InitialSetup().
◆ ComputeInternalForces()
overridevirtual |
Computes the internal forces (e.g.
the actual position of nodes is not in relaxed reference position) and set values in the Fi vector.
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementBase.
◆ ComputeKRMmatricesGlobal()
overridevirtual |
Sets H as the global stiffness matrix K, scaled by Kfactor.
Optionally, also superimposes global damping matrix R, scaled by Rfactor, and global mass matrix M multiplied by Mfactor.
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementBase.
◆ ComputeNF() [1/2]
overridevirtual |
Evaluate N'*F , where N is some type of shape function evaluated at U coordinates of the line, each ranging in -1..+1 F is a load, N'*F is the resulting generalized load Returns also det[J] with J=[dx/du,..], that might be useful in gauss quadrature.
- Parameters
U parametric coordinate in line Qi Return result of Q = N'*F here detJ Return det[J] here F Input F vector, size is =n. field coords. state_x if != 0, update state (pos. part) to this, then evaluate Q state_w if != 0, update state (speed part) to this, then evaluate Q
Implements chrono::ChLoadableU.
◆ ComputeNF() [2/2]
overridevirtual |
Evaluate N'*F , where N is some type of shape function evaluated at U,V,W coordinates of the volume, each ranging in -1..+1 F is a load, N'*F is the resulting generalized load Returns also det[J] with J=[dx/du,..], that might be useful in gauss quadrature.
- Parameters
U parametric coordinate in volume V parametric coordinate in volume W parametric coordinate in volume Qi Return result of N'*F here, maybe with offset block_offset detJ Return det[J] here F Input F vector, size is = n.field coords. state_x if != 0, update state (pos. part) to this, then evaluate Q state_w if != 0, update state (speed part) to this, then evaluate Q
Implements chrono::ChLoadableUVW.
◆ ComputeStiffnessMatrix()
void chrono::fea::ChElementBeamEuler::ComputeStiffnessMatrix | ( | ) |
Computes the local (material) stiffness matrix of the element: K = integral( [B]' * [D] * [B] ), Note: in this 'basic' implementation, constant section and constant material are assumed, so the explicit result of quadrature is used.
Also, this local material stiffness matrix is constant, computed only at the beginning for performance reasons; if you later change some material property, call this or InitialSetup().
◆ EvaluateSectionDisplacement()
overridevirtual |
Gets the xyz displacement of a point on the beam line, and the rotation RxRyRz of section plane, at abscyssa 'eta'.
Note, eta=-1 at node1, eta=+1 at node2. Results are not corotated.
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementBeam.
◆ EvaluateSectionForceTorque()
overridevirtual |
Gets the force (traction x, shear y, shear z) and the torque (torsion on x, bending on y, on bending on z) at a section along the beam line, at abscissa 'eta'.
Note, eta=-1 at node1, eta=+1 at node2. Results are not corotated, and are expressed in the reference system of beam.
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementBeam.
◆ EvaluateSectionFrame()
overridevirtual |
Gets the absolute xyz position of a point on the beam line, and the absolute rotation of section plane, at abscissa 'eta'.
Note, eta=-1 at node1, eta=+1 at node2. Results are corotated (expressed in world reference)
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementBeam.
◆ GetField_dt()
void chrono::fea::ChElementBeamEuler::GetField_dt | ( | ChVectorDynamic<> & | mD_dt | ) |
Fills the Ddt vector with the current time derivatives of field values at the nodes of the element, with proper ordering.
If the D vector has not the size of this->GetNdofs(), it will be resized. For corotational elements, field is assumed in local reference! Give that this element includes rotations at nodes, this gives: {v_a v_a v_a wx_a wy_a wz_a v_b v_b v_b wx_b wy_b wz_b}
◆ GetNdofs()
inlineoverridevirtual |
Gets the number of coordinates in the field used by the referenced nodes.
This is for example the size (n.of rows/columns) of the local stiffness matrix.
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementBase.
◆ GetNodeNdofs()
inlineoverridevirtual |
Get the number of coordinates from the n-th node that are used by this element.
Note that this may be different from the value returned by GetNodeN(n)->Get_ndof_w();
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementBase.
◆ GetStateBlock()
overridevirtual |
Fills the D vector with the current field values at the nodes of the element, with proper ordering.
If the D vector has not the size of this->GetNdofs(), it will be resized. For corotational elements, field is assumed in local reference! Given that this element includes rotations at nodes, this gives: {x_a y_a z_a Rx_a Ry_a Rz_a x_b y_b z_b Rx_b Ry_b Rz_b}
Implements chrono::fea::ChElementBase.
◆ SetDisableCorotate()
inline |
Set this as true to have the beam behave like a non-corotated beam hence do not update the corotated reference.
Just for benchmarks!
◆ SetForceSymmetricStiffness()
inline |
Set this as true to force the tangent stiffness matrix to be inexact, but symmetric.
This allows the use of faster solvers. For systems close to the equilibrium, the tangent stiffness would be symmetric anyway.
◆ SetSection()
inline |
Set the section & material of beam element .
It is a shared property, so it can be shared between other beams.
◆ SetUseGeometricStiffness()
inline |
Set this as false to disable the contribution of geometric stiffness to the total tangent stiffness.
By default it is on.
◆ ShapeFunctions()
void chrono::fea::ChElementBeamEuler::ShapeFunctions | ( | ShapeVector & | N, |
double | eta | ||
) |
Fills the N matrix (compressed! single row, 12 columns) with the values of shape functions at abscissa 'eta'.
Note, eta=-1 at node1, eta=+1 at node2. Given u = 12-d state block {u1,r1,u2,r2}' , d = 6-d field {u,r}, one has f(eta) = [S(eta)]*u where one fills the sparse [S] matrix with the N shape functions in this pattern: | 0 . . . . . 3 . . . . . | | . 1 . . . 2 . 4 . . . 5 | [S] =| . . 1 . -2 . . . 4 . -5 . | | . . . 0 . . . . . 3 . . | | . . -6 . 8 . . . -7 . 9 . | | . 6 . . . 8 . 7 . . . 9 |
◆ Update()
overridevirtual |
Update: this is called at least at each time step.
If the element has to keep updated some auxiliary data, such as the rotation matrices for corotational approach, this is the proper place.
Reimplemented from chrono::fea::ChElementBase.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/fea/ChElementBeamEuler.h
- /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono/fea/ChElementBeamEuler.cpp