Collaboration diagram for Elements:

Classes | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementBar |
Simple finite element with two nodes and a bar that connects them. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementBase |
Base class for all finite elements, that can be used in the ChMesh physics item. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementBeam |
Base class for most structural elements of 'beam' type. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChMaterialBeamANCF |
Material definition. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamANCF |
ANCF beam element with 3 nodes. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamEuler |
Simple beam element with two nodes and Euler-Bernoulli formulation. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA |
Isogeometric formulation (IGA) of a Cosserat rod, with large displacements, based on the Geometrically Exact Beam Theory. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementBrick |
Brick element with 8 nodes (with EAS). More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementBrick_9 |
Brick element with 9 nodes. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementCableANCF |
Simple beam element with two nodes and ANCF gradient-deficient formulation. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementCorotational |
Class for corotational elements (elements with rotation matrices that follow the global motion of the element) More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric |
Class for all elements whose stiffness matrix can be seen as a NxN block-matrix to be splitted between N nodes. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementHexa_20 |
Class for FEA elements of hexahedron type (isoparametric 3D bricks) with 20 nodes. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementHexa_8 |
Class for FEA elements of hexahedron type (isoparametric 3D bricks) with 8 nodes. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementHexahedron |
Class for hexahedral elements. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementShell |
Base class for most structural elements of 'shell' type. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementShellANCF |
ANCF laminated shell element with four nodes. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementShellANCF_8 |
ANCF laminated shell element with eight nodes. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementShellBST |
A Kirchhoff-Love thin shell element of triangular shape. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementShellReissner4 |
Laminated thick shell with geometrically exact kinematics, with 4 nodes. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementSpring |
Simple finite element with two nodes and a spring/damper between the two nodes. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementTetra_10 |
Tetrahedron FEA element with 10 nodes. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementTetra_4 |
Tetrahedron FEA element with 4 nodes. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementTetra_4_P |
Tetrahedron FEM element with 4 nodes for scalar fields (for Poisson-like problems). More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElementTetrahedron |
Class for tetrahedral elements. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChFaceBrick_9 |
Face of a linear ChElementBrick_9 tetrahedron. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChFaceHexa_8 |
Face of a linear ChElementHexa_8 hexahedron. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChFaceTetra_4 |
Face of a linear ChElementTetra_4 tetrahedron. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChMaterialShellANCF |
Definition of materials to be used for ANCF shells. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityKirchhoff |
Base interface for elasticity of thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityKirchhoffIsothropic |
Isothropic elasticity for thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityKirchhoffOrthotropic |
Orthotropic elasticity for thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityKirchhoffGeneric |
Generic linear elasticity for thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChShellKirchhoffInternalData |
Base class for internal variables of Kirchhoff thin shells materials. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChPlasticityKirchhoff |
Base interface for plasticity of thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChDampingKirchhoff |
Base interface for damping of thin shells (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, without shear effects) to be used in a ChMaterialShellKirchhoff. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChDampingKirchhoffRayleigh |
Simple Rayleight damping of a Kirchhoff shell layer, where damping is proportional to stiffness via a beta coefficient. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChMaterialShellKirchhoff |
Material for a single layer of a thin shell (Kirchoff-Love shell theory, i.e. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityReissner |
Base interface for elasticity of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityReissnerIsothropic |
Elasticity of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityReissnerOrthotropic |
Elasticity of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChElasticityReissnerGeneric |
Generic linear elasticity for 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChShellReissnerInternalData |
Base class for internal variables of Reissner shells materials. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChPlasticityReissner |
Base interface for plasticity of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChDampingReissner |
Base interface for damping of 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al.) to be used in a ChMaterialShellReissner. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChDampingReissnerRayleigh |
Simple Rayleight damping of a Reissner-mindlin shell, where damping is proportional to stiffness via a beta coefficient. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChMaterialShellReissner |
Material for a single layer of a 6-field Reissner-Mindlin shells (kinematically-exact shell theory as in Witkowski et al). More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChMaterialShellReissnerIsothropic |
For backward compatibility only! New approach: create a ChElasticityReissnerOrthotropic and create a ChMaterialShellReissner by passing the elasticity as a parameter. More... | |
class | chrono::fea::ChMaterialShellReissnerOrthotropic |
For backward compatibility only! New approach: create a ChElasticityReissnerOrthotropic and create a ChMaterialShellReissner by passing the elasticity as a parameter. More... | |