Plot ChFunction objects in Matlab (demo_MTLB_functions_plot.cpp)
Entry level demo about how to use Matlab(TM) and the MATLAB module to plot Chrono::Engine objects of the chrono::ChFunction class.
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// Copyright (c) 2014
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
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// Authors: Alessandro Tasora
// =============================================================================
// Demo code for using the ChFunction objects for specifying functions y=f(t)
// and calling Matlab from Chrono (in particular, using Matlab to plot data)
// =============================================================================
#include "chrono/motion_functions/ChFunction.h"
#include "chrono_matlab/ChMatlabEngine.h"
// Use the namespace of Chrono
using namespace chrono;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
// Better put the Matlab stuff inside a try{}, since it may throw exception if
// the engine is not started (because Matlab not properly installed)
try {
GetLog() << "(please wait few seconds: Matlab engine must be loaded)\n\n";
// This is the object that you can use to access the Matlab engine.
// As soon as created, it loads the Matlab engine (if troubles happen, it
// throws exception).
ChMatlabEngine matlab_engine;
// EXAMPLE 1: create a ramp ChFunction, set properties, evaluate it.
GetLog() << "==== Test 1...\n\n";
ChFunction_Ramp f_ramp;
f_ramp.Set_ang(0.1); // set angular coefficient;
f_ramp.Set_y0(0.4); // set y value for x=0;
// Evaluate y=f(x) function at a given x value, using Get_y() :
double y = f_ramp.Get_y(10);
// Evaluate derivative df(x)/dx at a given x value, using Get_y_dx() :
double ydx = f_ramp.Get_y_dx(10);
// EXAMPLE 2: plot a sine ChFunction
GetLog() << "==== Test 2...\n\n";
ChFunction_Sine f_sine;
f_sine.Set_amp(2); // set amplitude;
f_sine.Set_freq(0.9); // set frequency;
// Evaluate y=f(x) function along 100 x points:
ChMatrixDynamic<> x_array(100, 1);
ChMatrixDynamic<> y_array(100, 1);
ChMatrixDynamic<> ydx_array(100, 1);
ChMatrixDynamic<> ydxdx_array(100, 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
double x = (double)i / 50.0;
x_array(i) = x;
y_array(i) = f_sine.Get_y(x);
ydx_array(i) = f_sine.Get_y_dx(x);
ydxdx_array(i) = f_sine.Get_y_dxdx(x);
// Send resulting vectors of values to Matlab
matlab_engine.PutVariable(x_array, "x_array");
matlab_engine.PutVariable(y_array, "y_array");
matlab_engine.PutVariable(ydx_array, "ydx_array");
matlab_engine.PutVariable(ydxdx_array, "ydxdx_array");
// Plot with Matlab 'plot' command
matlab_engine.Eval("figure; plot(x_array,y_array,'k');");
matlab_engine.Eval("hold on; plot(x_array,ydx_array,'g');");
matlab_engine.Eval("grid on; plot(x_array,ydxdx_array,'r');");
matlab_engine.Eval("legend ('y','dy/dx','ddy/dxdx');");
GetLog() << "Press a key to finish... \n";
getchar(); // pause until key..
} catch (ChException mex) {
GetLog() << mex.what(); // Print error on console, if Matlab did not start.
return 0;
Sine function y = sin (phase + w*x ) where w=2*PI*freq.
Definition: ChFunction_Sine.h:27
void Set_y0(double m_y0)
The value for x=0;.
Definition: ChFunction_Ramp.h:48
Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > ChMatrixDynamic
Dense matrix with dynamic size (i.e., with size a run-time variable, unknown at compile time).
Definition: ChMatrix.h:47
ChLog & GetLog()
Global function to get the current ChLog object.
Definition: ChLog.cpp:39
Linear function (like a straight ramp): y = y0 + x * speed
Definition: ChFunction_Ramp.h:27
virtual double Get_y(double x) const override
Return the y value of the function, at position x.
Definition: ChFunction_Ramp.h:43
virtual double Get_y(double x) const override
Return the y value of the function, at position x.
Definition: ChFunction_Sine.cpp:29
virtual double Get_y_dxdx(double x) const override
Return the ddy/dxdx double derivative of the function, at position x.
Definition: ChFunction_Sine.cpp:37
void Set_ang(double m_ang)
The angular coefficient.
Definition: ChFunction_Ramp.h:52
virtual double Get_y_dx(double x) const override
Return the dy/dx derivative of the function, at position x.
Definition: ChFunction_Ramp.h:44
virtual double Get_y_dx(double x) const override
Return the dy/dx derivative of the function, at position x.
Definition: ChFunction_Sine.cpp:33