Reissner shells (demo_FEA_shellsReissner.cpp)
Tutorial that teaches how to use the FEA module to perform FEA dynamics for shells of Reissner type.
// =============================================================================
// Copyright (c) 2014
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
// in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
// =============================================================================
// Authors: Alessandro Tasora
// =============================================================================
// FEA for shells of Reissner 6-field type
// =============================================================================
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include "chrono/physics/ChBodyEasy.h"
#include "chrono/physics/ChLinkMate.h"
#include "chrono/physics/ChSystemSMC.h"
#include "chrono/timestepper/ChTimestepper.h"
#include "chrono/fea/ChElementShellReissner4.h"
#include "chrono/fea/ChLinkNodeSlopeFrame.h"
#include "chrono/fea/ChLinkNodeFrame.h"
#include "chrono/fea/ChMesh.h"
#include "chrono_pardisomkl/ChSolverPardisoMKL.h"
#include "chrono_postprocess/ChGnuPlot.h"
#include "chrono_thirdparty/filesystem/path.h"
#include "FEAvisualization.h"
using namespace chrono;
using namespace chrono::fea;
using namespace chrono::postprocess;
ChVisualSystem::Type vis_type = ChVisualSystem::Type::VSG;
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::cout << "Copyright (c) 2017\nChrono version: " << CHRONO_VERSION << std::endl;
// Create (if needed) output directory
if (!filesystem::create_directory(filesystem::path(out_dir))) {
std::cout << "Error creating directory " << out_dir << std::endl;
return 1;
// Create a Chrono physical system
ChSystemSMC sys;
// Create a mesh, that is a container for groups
// of elements and their referenced nodes.
auto my_mesh = chrono_types::make_shared<ChMesh>();
// Remember to add the mesh to the system!
// sys.SetGravitationalAcceleration(VNULL); or
std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot> nodePlotA;
std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot> nodePlotB;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>> nodesLoad;
ChFunctionInterp ref_X;
ChFunctionInterp ref_Y;
ChVector3d load_torque;
ChVector3d load_force;
// Add an EANS SHELL cantilever:
if (false) // set as 'true' to execute this
double rect_thickness = 0.10;
double rect_L = 10.0;
double rect_W = 1;
// Create a material
double rho = 0.0;
double E = 1.2e6;
double nu = 0.0;
auto melasticity = chrono_types::make_shared<ChElasticityReissnerIsothropic>(E, nu, 1.0, 0.01);
auto mat = chrono_types::make_shared<ChMaterialShellReissner>(melasticity);
// In case you need also damping it would add...
// auto mdamping = chrono_types::make_shared<ChDampingReissnerRayleigh>(melasticity,0.01);
// auto mat = chrono_types::make_shared<ChMaterialShellReissner>(melasticity, nullptr, mdamping);
// Create the nodes
int nels_L = 12;
int nels_W = 1;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChElementShellReissner4>> elarray(nels_L * nels_W);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>> nodearray((nels_L + 1) * (nels_W + 1));
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>> nodes_start(nels_W + 1);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>> nodes_end(nels_W + 1);
for (int il = 0; il <= nels_L; ++il) {
for (int iw = 0; iw <= nels_W; ++iw) {
// Make nodes
ChVector3d nodepos(rect_L * ((double)il / (double)nels_L), 0, rect_W * ((double)iw / (double)nels_W));
ChQuaternion<> noderot(QUNIT);
ChFrame<> nodeframe(nodepos, noderot);
auto mnode = chrono_types::make_shared<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>(nodeframe);
mnode->GetInertia().fillDiagonal(0); // approx
nodearray[il * (nels_W + 1) + iw] = mnode;
if (il == 0)
nodes_start[iw] = mnode;
if (il == nels_L)
nodes_end[iw] = mnode;
// Make elements
if (il > 0 && iw > 0) {
auto melement = chrono_types::make_shared<ChElementShellReissner4>();
melement->SetNodes(nodearray[(il - 1) * (nels_W + 1) + (iw - 1)],
nodearray[(il) * (nels_W + 1) + (iw - 1)], nodearray[(il) * (nels_W + 1) + (iw)],
nodearray[(il - 1) * (nels_W + 1) + (iw)]);
melement->AddLayer(rect_thickness, 0 * CH_DEG_TO_RAD, mat);
elarray[(il - 1) * (nels_W) + (iw - 1)] = melement;
nodesLoad = nodes_end;
nodePlotA = nodes_end.front();
nodePlotB = nodes_end.back();
for (auto mstartnode : nodes_start) {
// applied load
// load_force = ChVector3d(200000,0, 20000);
load_force = ChVector3d(0, 4, 0);
// load_torque = ChVector3d(0, 0, 50*CH_PI/3.0);
// reference solution for (0, 4, 0) shear to plot
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.10, 1.309);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.40, 0.103);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.20, 2.493);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.80, 0.381);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.30, 3.488);
ref_X.AddPoint(1.20, 0.763);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.40, 4.292);
ref_X.AddPoint(1.60, 1.184);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.50, 4.933);
ref_X.AddPoint(2.00, 1.604);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.60, 5.444);
ref_X.AddPoint(2.40, 2.002);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.70, 5.855);
ref_X.AddPoint(2.80, 2.370);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.80, 6.190);
ref_X.AddPoint(3.20, 2.705);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.90, 6.467);
ref_X.AddPoint(3.60, 3.010);
ref_Y.AddPoint(1.00, 6.698);
ref_X.AddPoint(4.00, 3.286);
if (true) // set as 'true' to execute this
double plate_thickness = 0.03;
double plate_Ri = 6;
double plate_Ro = 10;
// Create a material
double rho = 0.0;
double E = 21e6;
double nu = 0.0;
auto mat = chrono_types::make_shared<ChMaterialShellReissnerIsothropic>(rho, E, nu, 1.0, 0.01);
// Create the nodes
int nels_U = 60;
int nels_W = 10;
double arc = CH_2PI * 1;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChElementShellReissner4>> elarray(nels_U * nels_W);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>> nodearray((nels_U + 1) * (nels_W + 1));
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>> nodes_start(nels_W + 1);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>> nodes_end(nels_W + 1);
for (int iu = 0; iu <= nels_U; ++iu) {
for (int iw = 0; iw <= nels_W; ++iw) {
// Make nodes
double u = ((double)iu / (double)nels_U);
double w = ((double)iw / (double)nels_W);
ChVector3d nodepos((plate_Ri + (plate_Ro - plate_Ri) * w) * std::cos(u * arc), 0,
(plate_Ri + (plate_Ro - plate_Ri) * w) * std::sin(u * arc));
ChQuaternion<> noderot(QUNIT);
ChFrame<> nodeframe(nodepos, noderot);
auto mnode = chrono_types::make_shared<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>(nodeframe);
nodearray[iu * (nels_W + 1) + iw] = mnode;
if (iu == 0)
nodes_start[iw] = mnode;
if (iu == nels_U)
nodes_end[iw] = mnode;
// Make elements
if (iu > 0 && iw > 0) {
auto melement = chrono_types::make_shared<ChElementShellReissner4>();
melement->SetNodes(nodearray[(iu) * (nels_W + 1) + (iw)], nodearray[(iu - 1) * (nels_W + 1) + (iw)],
nodearray[(iu - 1) * (nels_W + 1) + (iw - 1)],
nodearray[(iu) * (nels_W + 1) + (iw - 1)]);
melement->AddLayer(plate_thickness, 0 * CH_DEG_TO_RAD, mat);
elarray[(iu - 1) * (nels_W) + (iw - 1)] = melement;
nodesLoad = nodes_end;
nodePlotA = nodes_end.front();
nodePlotB = nodes_end.back();
for (auto mstartnode : nodes_start) {
load_force = ChVector3d(0, 0.8 * 4, 0);
load_torque = VNULL;
// reference solution to plot
ref_X.AddPoint(0.025, 1.305);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.025, 1.789);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.10, 4.277);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.10, 5.876);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.20, 6.725);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.20, 9.160);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.30, 8.340);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.30, 11.213);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.40, 9.529);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.40, 12.661);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.50, 10.468);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.50, 13.768);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.60, 11.257);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.60, 14.674);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.70, 11.970);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.70, 15.469);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.80, 12.642);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.80, 16.202);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.9, 13.282);
ref_Y.AddPoint(0.90, 16.886);
ref_X.AddPoint(1.00, 13.891);
ref_Y.AddPoint(1.00, 17.528);
if (false) {
double plate_thickness = 0.03;
double plate_R = 1.016;
double plate_L = 3.048;
// Create a material
double rho = 0.0;
double E = 2.0685e7;
double nu = 0.3;
auto mat = chrono_types::make_shared<ChMaterialShellReissnerIsothropic>(rho, E, nu, 1.0, 0.01);
// In case you want to test laminated shells, use this:
auto mat_ortho = chrono_types::make_shared<ChMaterialShellReissnerOrthotropic>(
rho, 2.0685e7, 0.517e7, 0.3, 0.795e7, 0.795e7, 0.795e7, 1.0, 0.01);
// Create the nodes
int nels_U = 32;
int nels_W = 32;
double arc = CH_PI;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChElementShellReissner4>> elarray(nels_U * nels_W);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>> nodearray((nels_U + 1) * (nels_W + 1));
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>> nodes_start(nels_W + 1);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>> nodes_end(nels_W + 1);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>> nodes_left(nels_U + 1);
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>> nodes_right(nels_U + 1);
for (int iu = 0; iu <= nels_U; ++iu) {
for (int iw = 0; iw <= nels_W; ++iw) {
// Make nodes
double u = ((double)iu / (double)nels_U);
double w = ((double)iw / (double)nels_W);
ChVector3d nodepos((plate_R)*std::cos(w * arc), (plate_R)*std::sin(w * arc), u * plate_L);
ChQuaternion<> noderot(QUNIT);
ChFrame<> nodeframe(nodepos, noderot);
auto mnode = chrono_types::make_shared<ChNodeFEAxyzrot>(nodeframe);
nodearray[iu * (nels_W + 1) + iw] = mnode;
if (iu == 0)
nodes_start[iw] = mnode;
if (iu == nels_U)
nodes_end[iw] = mnode;
if (iw == 0)
nodes_left[iu] = mnode;
if (iw == nels_W)
nodes_right[iu] = mnode;
// Make elements
if (iu > 0 && iw > 0) {
auto melement = chrono_types::make_shared<ChElementShellReissner4>();
melement->SetNodes(nodearray[(iu) * (nels_W + 1) + (iw)], nodearray[(iu - 1) * (nels_W + 1) + (iw)],
nodearray[(iu - 1) * (nels_W + 1) + (iw - 1)],
nodearray[(iu) * (nels_W + 1) + (iw - 1)]);
melement->AddLayer(plate_thickness, 0 * CH_DEG_TO_RAD, mat);
// In case you want to test laminated shells, do instead:
// melement->AddLayer(plate_thickness/3, 0 * CH_DEG_TO_RAD, mat_ortho);
// melement->AddLayer(plate_thickness/3, 90 * CH_DEG_TO_RAD, mat_ortho);
// melement->AddLayer(plate_thickness/3, 0 * CH_DEG_TO_RAD, mat_ortho);
elarray[(iu - 1) * (nels_W) + (iw - 1)] = melement;
nodesLoad.push_back(nodes_end[nodes_end.size() / 2]);
nodePlotA = nodes_end[nodes_end.size() / 2];
nodePlotB = nodes_end[nodes_end.size() / 2];
for (auto mstartnode : nodes_start) {
auto mtruss = chrono_types::make_shared<ChBody>();
for (auto mendnode : nodes_left) {
auto mlink = chrono_types::make_shared<ChLinkMateGeneric>(false, true, false, true, false, true);
mlink->Initialize(mendnode, mtruss, false, mendnode->Frame(), mendnode->Frame());
for (auto mendnode : nodes_right) {
auto mlink = chrono_types::make_shared<ChLinkMateGeneric>(false, true, false, true, false, true);
mlink->Initialize(mendnode, mtruss, false, mendnode->Frame(), mendnode->Frame());
load_force = ChVector3d(0, -2000, 0);
load_torque = VNULL;
// reference solution to plot
ref_X.AddPoint(0.10, 1 - 0.16);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.20, 1 - 0.37);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.30, 1 - 0.66);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.40, 1 - 1.13);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.50, 1 - 1.32);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.60, 1 - 1.44);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.70, 1 - 1.52);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.80, 1 - 1.60);
ref_X.AddPoint(0.90, 1 - 1.66);
ref_X.AddPoint(1.00, 1 - 1.71);
// Visualization of the FEM mesh.
// This will automatically update a triangle mesh (a ChVisualShapeTriangleMesh
// asset that is internally managed) by setting proper
// coordinates and vertex colors as in the FEM elements.
// Such triangle mesh can be rendered by Irrlicht or POVray or whatever
// postprocessor that can handle a colored ChVisualShapeTriangleMesh).
auto mvisualizeshellA = chrono_types::make_shared<ChVisualShapeFEA>();
auto mvisualizeshellB = chrono_types::make_shared<ChVisualShapeFEA>();
auto mvisualizeshellC = chrono_types::make_shared<ChVisualShapeFEA>();
// mvisualizeshellC->SetFEMglyphType(ChVisualShapeFEA::GlyphType::NODE_CSYS);
// Create the run-time visualization system
auto vis = CreateVisualizationSystem(vis_type, CameraVerticalDir::Y, sys, "Reissner Shells FEA",
ChVector3d(0.0, 6.0, -15.0));
// Change solver to PardisoMKL
auto mkl_solver = chrono_types::make_shared<ChSolverPardisoMKL>();
// Change type of integrator:
// sys.SetTimestepperType(ChTimestepper::Type::EULER_IMPLICIT_LINEARIZED);
// sys.SetTimestepperType(ChTimestepper::Type::HHT);
mint->SetAbsTolerances(1e-12, 1e-12);
double timestep = 0.1;
ChFunctionInterp rec_X;
ChFunctionInterp rec_Y;
double mtime = 0;
while (vis->Run()) {
// ...update load at end nodes, as simple lumped nodal forces
double load_scale = mtime * 0.1;
for (auto mendnode : nodesLoad) {
mendnode->SetForce(load_force * load_scale * (1. / (double)nodesLoad.size()));
mendnode->SetTorque(load_torque * load_scale * (1. / (double)nodesLoad.size()));
// mtime = sys.GetChTime();
// sys.DoStaticLinear();
mtime += timestep;
if (nodePlotA && nodePlotB) {
rec_Y.AddPoint(load_scale, nodePlotA->GetPos().y());
rec_X.AddPoint(load_scale, nodePlotB->GetPos().y());
// Outputs results in a GNUPLOT plot:
std::string gplfilename = out_dir + "/shell_benchmark.gpl";
ChGnuPlot mplot(gplfilename);
mplot.SetGrid(false, 1, ChColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f));
mplot.SetLabelX("Torque T/T0");
mplot.SetLabelY("Tip displacement [m]");
mplot << "set key left top";
mplot.Plot(rec_Y, "W", " with lines lt -1 lc rgb'#00AAEE' ");
mplot.Plot(rec_X, "-U", " with lines lt -1 lc rgb'#AA00EE' ");
mplot.Plot(ref_Y, "W ref.", "pt 4 ps 1.4");
mplot.Plot(ref_X, "-U ref.", "pt 4 ps 1.4");
return 0;
Vulkan Scene Graph.
void Add(std::shared_ptr< ChPhysicsItem > item)
Attach an arbitrary ChPhysicsItem (e.g.
Definition: ChSystem.cpp:197
virtual void Render() override
Draw all 3D shapes and GUI elements at the current frame.
Definition: ChVisualSystemIrrlicht.cpp:570
Supported run-time visualization systems.
Definition: ChVisualSystem.h:36
std::shared_ptr< ChTimestepper > GetTimestepper() const
Get the timestepper currently used for time integration.
Definition: ChSystem.h:93
const ChQuaterniond QUNIT(1., 0., 0., 0.)
Constant unit quaternion: {1, 0, 0, 0} , corresponds to no rotation (diagonal rotation matrix)
Definition: ChQuaternion.h:431
Namespace with classes for the POSTPROCESS module.
Definition: ChApiPostProcess.h:54
virtual void EndScene() override
End the scene draw at the end of each animation frame.
Definition: ChVisualSystemIrrlicht.cpp:560
virtual void BeginScene() override
Perform any necessary operations at the beginning of each rendering frame.
Definition: ChVisualSystemIrrlicht.cpp:543
const std::string & GetChronoOutputPath()
Obtain the path to the output directory for Chrono demos.
Definition: ChGlobal.cpp:52
bool DoStaticNonlinear(int nsteps=10, bool verbose=false)
Solve the position of static equilibrium (and the reactions).
Definition: ChSystem.cpp:1842
Class for a physical system in which contact is modeled using a smooth (penalty-based) method.
Definition: ChSystemSMC.h:30
ChVector3< double > ChVector3d
Alias for double-precision vectors.
Definition: ChVector3.h:283
virtual void SetSolver(std::shared_ptr< ChSolver > newsolver)
Attach a solver (derived from ChSolver) for use by this system.
Definition: ChSystem.cpp:320
Class defining quaternion objects, that is four-dimensional numbers.
Definition: ChQuaternion.h:34
virtual bool Run() override
Run the Irrlicht device.
Definition: ChVisualSystemIrrlicht.cpp:243
void SetTimestepperType(ChTimestepper::Type type)
Set the method for time integration (time stepper type).
Definition: ChSystem.cpp:413
void AddPoint(double x, double y, bool overwrite_if_existing=false)
Add a point to the table.
Definition: ChFunctionInterp.cpp:26
virtual void Setup()
Counts the number of bodies and links.
Definition: ChSystem.cpp:621
void Update(double time, bool update_assets)
Updates all the auxiliary data and children of bodies, forces, links, given their current state.
Definition: ChSystem.cpp:698