Finite Element Analysis


Collaboration diagram for Finite Element Analysis:


 Mathematical support
 Utility classes


class  chrono::fea::ChContinuumMaterial
 Base class for properties of materials in a continuum. More...
class  chrono::fea::ChContinuumElastic
 Class for the basic properties of materials in an elastic continuum. More...
class  chrono::fea::ChContinuumElastoplastic
 Class for all elastic materials that can undergo plastic flow. More...
class  chrono::fea::ChContinuumPlasticVonMises
 Class for the basic properties of materials in an elastoplastic continuum, with strain yield limit based on Von Mises yield. More...
class  chrono::fea::ChContinuumDruckerPrager
 Class for the basic properties of elastoplastic materials of Drucker-Prager type, that are useful for simulating soils. More...
class  chrono::fea::ChContinuumPoisson3D
 Class for the basic properties of scalar fields P in 3D FEM problems that can be described by Laplace PDEs of type rho dP/dt + div [C] grad P = 0. More...
class  chrono::fea::ChLoadContactSurfaceMesh
 Class for applying loads to a contact mesh as a cluster of forces on the nodes of the underlying finite elements. More...
class  chrono::fea::ChLoaderBeamWrench
 Atomic wrench. More...
class  chrono::fea::ChLoadBeamWrench
 Atomic wrench (ready to use load) Load for a wrench (force+torque) at a specific position of a beam. More...
class  chrono::fea::ChLoaderBeamWrenchDistributed
 Distributed constant wrench. More...
class  chrono::fea::ChLoadBeamWrenchDistributed
 Distributed constant wrench (ready to use load) Load for a wrench (force+torque) at a specific position of a beam. More...
class  chrono::fea::ChMesh
 Class which defines a mesh of finite elements of class ChElementBase using nodes of class ChNodeFEAbase. More...
class  chrono::fea::ChMeshSurface
 Class which defines a surface for a mesh FEA elements. More...