
Base class to calculate force between SPH particles.

This is an abstract class that defines an interface that various SPH methods should implement. The class owns a collision system fsi which takes care of GPU based proximity computation of the particles. It also holds a pointer to external data of SPH particles, proximity data, parameters, and numbers.

Inheritance diagram for chrono::fsi::ChFsiForce:
Collaboration diagram for chrono::fsi::ChFsiForce:

Public Member Functions

 ChFsiForce (std::shared_ptr< ChBce > otherBceWorker, std::shared_ptr< SphMarkerDataD > otherSortedSphMarkersD, std::shared_ptr< ProximityDataD > otherMarkersProximityD, std::shared_ptr< FsiData > otherFsiData, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > params, std::shared_ptr< ChCounters > numObjects, bool verb)
 Base constructor for the ChFsiForce class. More...
virtual ~ChFsiForce ()
 Destructor of the ChFsiForce.
virtual void ForceSPH (std::shared_ptr< SphMarkerDataD > otherSortedSphMarkersD, std::shared_ptr< FsiBodyStateD > fsiBodyStateD, std::shared_ptr< FsiMeshStateD > fsiMesh1DStateD, std::shared_ptr< FsiMeshStateD > fsiMesh2DStateD, Real time, bool firstHalfStep)=0
 Function to calculate forces on SPH particles. More...
virtual void Initialize ()
 Synchronize the copy of the data (parameters and number of objects) between device (GPU) and host (CPU). More...
void SetLinearSolver (SolverType type)
 Function to set the linear solver type for the solver implemented using the ISPH method (ChFsiForceI2SPH).
- Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::fsi::ChFsiBase
 ChFsiBase (std::shared_ptr< SimParams > params, std::shared_ptr< ChCounters > numObjects)
 Constructor for the ChFsiBase class. More...
virtual ~ChFsiBase ()
 Destructor of the ChFsiBase class.

Static Public Member Functions

static void CopySortedToOriginal_Invasive_R3 (thrust::device_vector< Real3 > &original, thrust::device_vector< Real3 > &sorted, const thrust::device_vector< uint > &gridMarkerIndex)
 Copy sorted data into original data (real3). More...
static void CopySortedToOriginal_NonInvasive_R3 (thrust::device_vector< Real3 > &original, const thrust::device_vector< Real3 > &sorted, const thrust::device_vector< uint > &gridMarkerIndex)
 Copy sorted data into original data (real3). More...
static void CopySortedToOriginal_Invasive_R4 (thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &original, thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &sorted, const thrust::device_vector< uint > &gridMarkerIndex)
 Copy sorted data into original data (real4). More...
static void CopySortedToOriginal_NonInvasive_R4 (thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &original, thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &sorted, const thrust::device_vector< uint > &gridMarkerIndex)
 Copy sorted data into original data (real4). More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from chrono::fsi::ChFsiBase
static void computeGridSize (uint n, uint blockSize, uint &numBlocks, uint &numThreads)
 Compute number of blocks and threads for calculation on GPU. More...

Public Attributes

std::shared_ptr< ChCollisionSystemFsifsiCollisionSystem
 collision system for building neighbors list

Protected Attributes

std::shared_ptr< ChBcebceWorker
 pointer to Boundary Condition Enforcing particles class
std::shared_ptr< SphMarkerDataDsphMarkersD
 device copy of the SPH particles data
std::shared_ptr< SphMarkerDataDsortedSphMarkers_D
 device copy of the sorted sph particles data
std::shared_ptr< ProximityDataDmarkersProximity_D
 pointer object that holds the proximity of the particles
std::shared_ptr< FsiDatafsiData
 pointer to sph general data
thrust::device_vector< Real3 > vel_vis_Sorted_D
 sorted visualization velocity data
thrust::device_vector< Real3 > vel_XSPH_Sorted_D
 sorted xsph velocity data
thrust::device_vector< Real4 > derivVelRhoD_Sorted_D
 sorted derivVelRhoD
bool verbose
- Protected Attributes inherited from chrono::fsi::ChFsiBase
std::shared_ptr< SimParamsparamsH
 simulation parameters (host)
std::shared_ptr< ChCountersnumObjectsH
 problem counters (host)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ChFsiForce()

chrono::fsi::ChFsiForce::ChFsiForce ( std::shared_ptr< ChBce otherBceWorker,
std::shared_ptr< SphMarkerDataD otherSortedSphMarkersD,
std::shared_ptr< ProximityDataD otherMarkersProximityD,
std::shared_ptr< FsiData otherFsiData,
std::shared_ptr< SimParams params,
std::shared_ptr< ChCounters numObjects,
bool  verb 

Base constructor for the ChFsiForce class.

The constructor instantiates the force system and initializes the pointer to external data.

otherBceWorkerobject that handles BCE particles
otherSortedSphMarkersDinformation of particle in the sorted device array
otherMarkersProximityDobject that holds device proximity info
otherFsiDataSPH general data
paramssimulation parameters
numObjectsproblem counters
verbverbose output

Member Function Documentation

◆ CopySortedToOriginal_Invasive_R3()

static void chrono::fsi::ChFsiForce::CopySortedToOriginal_Invasive_R3 ( thrust::device_vector< Real3 > &  original,
thrust::device_vector< Real3 > &  sorted,
const thrust::device_vector< uint > &  gridMarkerIndex 

Copy sorted data into original data (real3).

This function copies the data that are sorted in the collision system, into the original data, where data is real3. The class is invasive, meaning that the sorted data will be modified (and will be equivalent to the original). Therefore, this function should be used whenever sorted data is not needed, but efficiency is preferred.

◆ CopySortedToOriginal_Invasive_R4()

static void chrono::fsi::ChFsiForce::CopySortedToOriginal_Invasive_R4 ( thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &  original,
thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &  sorted,
const thrust::device_vector< uint > &  gridMarkerIndex 

Copy sorted data into original data (real4).

This function copies the data that are sorted in the collision system, into the original data, where data is real4. The class is invasive, meaning that the sorted data will be modified (and will be equivalent to the original). Therefore, this function should be used whenever sorted data is not needed, but efficiency is preferred.

◆ CopySortedToOriginal_NonInvasive_R3()

static void chrono::fsi::ChFsiForce::CopySortedToOriginal_NonInvasive_R3 ( thrust::device_vector< Real3 > &  original,
const thrust::device_vector< Real3 > &  sorted,
const thrust::device_vector< uint > &  gridMarkerIndex 

Copy sorted data into original data (real3).

This function copies the data that are sorted in the collision system, into the original data, where data is real3. The class is non-invasive, meaning that the sorted data will not be modified. This comes at the expense of lower efficiency.

◆ CopySortedToOriginal_NonInvasive_R4()

static void chrono::fsi::ChFsiForce::CopySortedToOriginal_NonInvasive_R4 ( thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &  original,
thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &  sorted,
const thrust::device_vector< uint > &  gridMarkerIndex 

Copy sorted data into original data (real4).

This function copies the data that are sorted in the collision system, into the original data, where data is real4. The class is non-invasive, meaning that the sorted data will not be modified. This comes at the expense of lower efficiency.

◆ ForceSPH()

virtual void chrono::fsi::ChFsiForce::ForceSPH ( std::shared_ptr< SphMarkerDataD otherSortedSphMarkersD,
std::shared_ptr< FsiBodyStateD fsiBodyStateD,
std::shared_ptr< FsiMeshStateD fsiMesh1DStateD,
std::shared_ptr< FsiMeshStateD fsiMesh2DStateD,
Real  time,
bool  firstHalfStep 
pure virtual

Function to calculate forces on SPH particles.

Implemented by derived classes to compute forces in an implicit integrator using ISPH method (see ChFsiForceI2SPH) or an explicit integrator using WCPSH method (see ChFsiForceExplicitSPH).

◆ Initialize()

virtual void chrono::fsi::ChFsiForce::Initialize ( )

Synchronize the copy of the data (parameters and number of objects) between device (GPU) and host (CPU).

This function needs to be called once the host data are modified.

Reimplemented in chrono::fsi::ChFsiForceExplicitSPH, and chrono::fsi::ChFsiForceI2SPH.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • /builds/uwsbel/chrono/src/chrono_fsi/physics/ChFsiForce.cuh