Handles utilities including creating BCE particles, setting parameters via a JSON file, and output data into files with specified format.

Classes | |
class | chrono::fsi::ChUtilsTypeConvert |
Class for converting Chrono data structure to/from FSI data structure. More... | |
Functions | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateBCE_On_Sphere (thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, Real rad, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH) |
Create BCE particles from a sphere. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateBCE_On_surface_of_Sphere (thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, Real rad, Real kernel_h) |
Create BCE particles from the surface of a sphere. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateBCE_On_Cylinder (thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, Real cyl_rad, Real cyl_h, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, Real kernel_h, bool cartesian=true) |
Create BCE particles from a cylinder. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateBCE_On_Cone (thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, Real cone_rad, Real cone_h, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, Real kernel_h, bool cartesian=true) |
Create BCE particles from a cone. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateBCE_On_surface_of_Cylinder (thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, thrust::host_vector< Real3 > &normals, Real cyl_rad, Real cyl_h, Real spacing) |
Create BCE particles from the surface of a cylinder. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateBCE_On_Box (thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, const Real3 &hsize, int face, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH) |
Create BCE particles from box. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::LoadBCE_fromFile (thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, std::string fileName, double scale=1, double hsml=1) |
Load BCE particles from a file. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateBCE_On_shell (thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< chrono::fea::ChElementShellANCF_3423 > shell, bool multiLayer=true, bool removeMiddleLayer=false, int SIDE=-2) |
Create BCE particles from a shell element. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateBCE_On_ChElementCableANCF (thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< chrono::fea::ChElementCableANCF > cable, std::vector< int > remove, bool multiLayer=true, bool removeMiddleLayer=false, int SIDE=1) |
Create BCE particles from a cable element. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateBCE_On_ChElementShellANCF (thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< chrono::fea::ChElementShellANCF_3423 > shell, std::vector< int > remove, bool multiLayer=true, bool removeMiddleLayer=false, int SIDE=-2, double kernel_h=0) |
Create BCE particles from a shell element. | |
int2 | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateFluidMarkers (std::shared_ptr< SphMarkerDataH > sphMarkersH, std::shared_ptr< FsiGeneralData > fsiGeneralData, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH) |
Create fluid/granular SPH particles for the simulation. | |
ChVector | chrono::fsi::utils::TransformBCEToCOG (std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChVector<> &pos) |
This utility function converts a given position and orientation, specified with respect to a body's reference frame, into a frame defined with respect to the body's centroidal frame. More... | |
ChVector | chrono::fsi::utils::TransformBCEToCOG (std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const Real3 &pos3) |
This utility function converts a given position and orientation, specified with respect to a body's reference frame, into a frame defined with respect to the body's centroidal frame. More... | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::FinalizeDomain (std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH) |
Set subdomains to find neighbor particles faster. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateBceGlobalMarkersFromBceLocalPos (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, const thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChVector<> &collisionShapeRelativePos=ChVector<>(0), const ChQuaternion<> &collisionShapeRelativeRot=QUNIT, bool isSolid=true, bool add_to_fluid_helpers=false, bool add_to_previous_object=false) |
Create BCE particles from the local position on a body. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateBceGlobalMarkersFromBceLocalPosBoundary (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, const thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChVector<> &collisionShapeRelativePos, const ChQuaternion<> &collisionShapeRelativeRot, bool isSolid=false, bool add_to_previous=true) |
Create BCE particles from the local position on a boundary. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::AddSphereBce (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChVector<> &relPos, const ChQuaternion<> &relRot, Real radius) |
Add BCE particles genetrated from a sphere. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::AddCylinderBce (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChVector<> &relPos, const ChQuaternion<> &relRot, Real radius, Real height, Real kernel_h, bool cartesian=true) |
Add BCE particles genetrated from a cylinder. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::AddConeBce (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChVector<> &relPos, const ChQuaternion<> &relRot, Real radius, Real height, Real kernel_h, bool cartesian=true) |
Add BCE particles genetrated from a cone. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::AddCylinderSurfaceBce (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChVector<> &relPos, const ChQuaternion<> &relRot, Real radius, Real height, Real kernel_h) |
Add BCE particles genetrated from the surface of a cylinder. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::AddSphereSurfaceBce (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChVector<> &relPos, const ChQuaternion<> &relRot, Real radius, Real kernel_h) |
Add BCE particles genetrated from the surface of a sphere. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::AddBoxBce (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChVector<> &relPos, const ChQuaternion<> &relRot, const ChVector<> &size, int plane=12, bool isSolid=false, bool add_to_previous=false) |
Add BCE particles genetrated from a box. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::AddBCE_FromPoints (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const std::vector< ChVector<>> &points, const ChVector<> &collisionShapeRelativePos=ChVector<>(0), const ChQuaternion<> &collisionShapeRelativeRot=QUNIT) |
Add BCE particles genetrated from point information. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::AddBCE_FromFile (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, std::string dataPath, const ChVector<> &collisionShapeRelativePos=ChVector<>(0), const ChQuaternion<> &collisionShapeRelativeRot=QUNIT, double scale=1.0, bool isSolid=true) |
Add BCE particles loaded from a file. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateSphereFSI (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, ChSystem &mphysicalSystem, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChBody >> &fsiBodies, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< ChMaterialSurface > mat_prop, Real density, const ChVector<> &pos, Real radius) |
Create an FSI body for a sphere. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateCylinderFSI (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, ChSystem &mphysicalSystem, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChBody >> &fsiBodies, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< ChMaterialSurface > mat_prop, Real density, const ChVector<> &pos, const ChQuaternion<> &rot, Real radius, Real length) |
Create an FSI body for a cylinder. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::CreateBoxFSI (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, ChSystem &mphysicalSystem, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChBody >> &fsiBodies, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< ChMaterialSurface > mat_prop, Real density, const ChVector<> &pos, const ChQuaternion<> &rot, const ChVector<> &hsize) |
Create an FSI body for a box. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::AddBCE_ShellANCF (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< fea::ChElementShellANCF_3423 >> &fsiShells, std::shared_ptr< fea::ChMesh > my_mesh, bool multiLayer=true, bool removeMiddleLayer=false, int SIDE=-2) |
Add BCE particles genetrated from ANCF shell elements. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::AddBCE_ShellFromMesh (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< fea::ChElementShellANCF_3423 >> &fsiShells, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< fea::ChNodeFEAxyzD >> &fsiNodes, std::shared_ptr< fea::ChMesh > my_mesh, const std::vector< std::vector< int >> &elementsNodes, const std::vector< std::vector< int >> &NodeNeighborElement, bool multiLayer=true, bool removeMiddleLayer=false, int SIDE=-2) |
Add BCE particles genetrated from shell elements. | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::AddBCE_FromMesh (std::shared_ptr< ChSystemFsi_impl > fsiSystem, std::shared_ptr< SimParams > paramsH, std::shared_ptr< fea::ChMesh > my_mesh, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< fea::ChNodeFEAxyzD >> &fsiNodes, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< fea::ChElementCableANCF >> &fsiCables, std::vector< std::shared_ptr< fea::ChElementShellANCF_3423 >> &fsiShells, const std::vector< std::vector< int >> &NodeNeighborElement, const std::vector< std::vector< int >> &_1D_elementsNodes, const std::vector< std::vector< int >> &_2D_elementsNodes, bool add1DElem, bool add2DElem, bool multiLayer, bool removeMiddleLayer, int SIDE, int SIDE2D=2, double kernel_h=0) |
Add BCE particles genetrated from mesh. | |
CH_FSI_API bool | chrono::fsi::utils::ParseJSON (const std::string &json_file, std::shared_ptr< fsi::SimParams > paramsH, Real3 Domain) |
Parse FSI parameters from the specified JSON file. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::PrepareOutputDir (std::shared_ptr< fsi::SimParams > paramsH, std::string &demo_dir, std::string out_dir, std::string jsonFile) |
Create outut directories. | |
Real3 | chrono::fsi::utils::LoadVectorJSON (const Value &a) |
Load a Real3 vector from the given JSON value. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::InvalidArg (std::string arg) |
Issue warning about an invalid argument (write to stdout). | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::PrintToFile (const thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &posRadD, const thrust::device_vector< Real3 > &velMasD, const thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &rhoPresMuD, const thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &sr_tau_I_mu_i, const thrust::host_vector< int4 > &referenceArray, const thrust::host_vector< int4 > &referenceArrayFEA, const std::string &out_dir, bool printToParaview=false) |
Helper function to save the SPH data into files. More... | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::WriteCsvParticlesToFile (thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &posRadD, thrust::device_vector< Real3 > &velMasD, thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &rhoPresMuD, thrust::host_vector< int4 > &referenceArray, const std::string &outfilename) |
Helper function to save particle info from FSI system to a CSV files. More... | |
CH_FSI_API void | chrono::fsi::utils::WriteChPFParticlesToFile (thrust::device_vector< Real4 > &posRadD, thrust::host_vector< int4 > &referenceArray, const std::string &outfilename) |
Helper function to save particle info from FSI system to a ChPF binary files. More... | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::printStruct (struct Real2 &s) |
Print a Real2 struct. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::printStruct (struct int2 &s) |
Print a Int2 struct. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::printStruct (struct Real3 &s) |
Print a Real3 struct. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::printStruct (struct int3 &s) |
Print a Int3 struct. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::printStruct (struct Real4 &s) |
Print a Real4 struct. | |
void | chrono::fsi::utils::printStruct (struct int4 &s) |
Print a Int4 struct. | |
Function Documentation
◆ PrintToFile()
CH_FSI_API void chrono::fsi::utils::PrintToFile | ( | const thrust::device_vector< Real4 > & | posRadD, |
const thrust::device_vector< Real3 > & | velMasD, | ||
const thrust::device_vector< Real4 > & | rhoPresMuD, | ||
const thrust::device_vector< Real4 > & | sr_tau_I_mu_i, | ||
const thrust::host_vector< int4 > & | referenceArray, | ||
const thrust::host_vector< int4 > & | referenceArrayFEA, | ||
const std::string & | out_dir, | ||
bool | printToParaview = false |
) |
Helper function to save the SPH data into files.
When called, this function creates three files to write fluid, boundary and BCE particles data into files.
◆ TransformBCEToCOG() [1/2]
ChVector chrono::fsi::utils::TransformBCEToCOG | ( | std::shared_ptr< ChBody > | body, |
const ChVector<> & | pos | ||
) |
This utility function converts a given position and orientation, specified with respect to a body's reference frame, into a frame defined with respect to the body's centroidal frame.
Note that by default, a body's reference frame is the centroidal frame. This is not true for a ChBodyAuxRef.
◆ TransformBCEToCOG() [2/2]
ChVector chrono::fsi::utils::TransformBCEToCOG | ( | std::shared_ptr< ChBody > | body, |
const Real3 & | pos3 | ||
) |
This utility function converts a given position and orientation, specified with respect to a body's reference frame, into a frame defined with respect to the body's centroidal frame.
Note that by default, a body's reference frame is the centroidal frame. This is not true for a ChBodyAuxRef.
◆ WriteChPFParticlesToFile()
CH_FSI_API void chrono::fsi::utils::WriteChPFParticlesToFile | ( | thrust::device_vector< Real4 > & | posRadD, |
thrust::host_vector< int4 > & | referenceArray, | ||
const std::string & | outfilename | ||
) |
Helper function to save particle info from FSI system to a ChPF binary files.
This function saves only particle positions.
◆ WriteCsvParticlesToFile()
CH_FSI_API void chrono::fsi::utils::WriteCsvParticlesToFile | ( | thrust::device_vector< Real4 > & | posRadD, |
thrust::device_vector< Real3 > & | velMasD, | ||
thrust::device_vector< Real4 > & | rhoPresMuD, | ||
thrust::host_vector< int4 > & | referenceArray, | ||
const std::string & | outfilename | ||
) |
Helper function to save particle info from FSI system to a CSV files.
This function saves particle positions, velocities, rho, pressure, and mu.