Drawbar-pull rig mechanism with imposed slip.
This mechanism allows imposing known (fixed) vehicle forward linear velocity and wheel angular velocity to maintain a prescribed value of the longitudinal slip. The actuation specifies if the linear velocity or angular velocity is considered as "base velocity", with the other one derived from the slip value. The DBP force is extracted as the reaction force required to enforce the vehicle forward linear velocity (at steady state). Each run of this experiment produces one point on the slip-DBP curve.
| ChVehicleCosimDBPRigImposedSlip (ActuationType act_type, double base_vel, double slip) |
virtual Type | GetType () const override |
| Get rig type.
ActuationType | GetActuationType () const |
| Return the actuation type.
virtual double | GetSlip () const override |
| Return the current slip value.
virtual double | GetLinVel () const override |
| Return current rig linear speed.
virtual double | GetAngVel () const |
| Return current wheel angular speed.
virtual double | GetDBP () const override |
| Return current raw drawbar-pull value.
void | SetDBPFilterWindow (double window) |
| Set window (in seconds) for the running average filter for drawbar pull reporting (default: 0.1 s).
void | SetSlipFilterWindow (double window) |
| Set window (in seconds) for the running average filter for slip reporting (default: 0.1 s).
double | GetFilteredDBP () const |
| Return current filtered drawbar-pull value.
double | GetFilteredSlip () const |
| Return current filtered slip value.