List of FEA nodes
Table of Contents
Different types of nodes can be used in the FEA module. In this page you can find a description of their properties.
- A node in an object with degrees of freedom (xyz, rotations, etc.).
- There are different types of nodes, some elements require specific types of nodes.
- Nodes are handled via std::shared_ptr shared pointers: you do not have to worry about deleting them.
- Add nodes to a mesh using ChMesh::AddNode()
- 3 coordinates (p, ie. x y z translation in 3D)
- Ex. Used by solid elements:
- ChElementTetra_4
- ChElementTetra_10
- ChElementHexa_8
- ChElementHexa_20 etc.
- 6 coordinates (translation p and rotation in 3D)
- Note: rotation expressed by quaternions q
- Ex. used by these elements:
- ChElementBeamEuler
- ChElementShellReissner
- 6 coordinates (p translation and Dx Dy Dz direction)
- Useful for defining simple beams of cable type, where information about torsion is not useful
- Ex. used by these elements:
- ChElementCableANCF
- ChElementShellANCF
- 9 coordinates (x y z translations and two directions)
- Ex. used by these elements:
- ChElementBeamANCF
- 1 coordinates (a scalar P, in a 3D space)
- Used for thermal and electrostatic analysis
- Ex. used by these elements:
- ChElementTetra_4_P
Additional information regarding the implementation of finite elements in Chrono can be found at the
whitepapers page.
See demos and examples at the tutorials page.