chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA Member List
This is the complete list of members for chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA, including all inherited members.
ChElementBase() (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementBase) | chrono::fea::ChElementBase | inline |
ChElementBeam() (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementBeam) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeam | inline |
ChElementBeamIGA() (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
ChElementGeneric() (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric) | chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric | inline |
ChExtruderBeamIGA (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | friend |
ComputeInternalForces(ChVectorDynamic<> &Fi) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
ComputeInternalForces_impl(ChVectorDynamic<> &Fi, ChState &state_x, ChStateDelta &state_w, bool used_for_differentiation=false) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
ComputeKRMmatricesGlobal(ChMatrixRef H, double Kfactor, double Rfactor=0, double Mfactor=0) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
ComputeMmatrixGlobal(ChMatrixRef M) override | chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric | inlinevirtual |
ComputeNF(const double U, ChVectorDynamic<> &Qi, double &detJ, const ChVectorDynamic<> &F, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_x, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_w) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
ComputeNF(const double U, const double V, const double W, ChVectorDynamic<> &Qi, double &detJ, const ChVectorDynamic<> &F, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_x, ChVectorDynamic<> *state_w) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
ComputeNodalMass() | chrono::fea::ChElementBase | inlinevirtual |
EleDoIntegration() override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
EleIntLoadResidual_F(ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const double c) override | chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric | virtual |
EleIntLoadResidual_Mv(ChVectorDynamic<> &R, const ChVectorDynamic<> &w, const double c) override | chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric | virtual |
EvaluateSectionDisplacement(const double eta, ChVector<> &u_displ, ChVector<> &u_rotaz) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
EvaluateSectionForceTorque(const double eta, ChVector<> &Fforce, ChVector<> &Mtorque) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
EvaluateSectionFrame(const double eta, ChVector<> &point, ChQuaternion<> &rot) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
EvaluateSectionPoint(const double eta, ChVector<> &point) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
EvaluateSectionStrain(const double eta, ChVector<> &StrainV) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
Get_field_ncoords() override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
GetDensity() override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
GetKnotSequence() | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
GetMass() | chrono::fea::ChElementBeam | inline |
GetNdofs() override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
GetNnodes() override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
GetNodeN(int n) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
GetNodeNdofs(int n) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
GetNodes() (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
GetPlasticData() | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
GetRestLength() | chrono::fea::ChElementBeam | inline |
GetSection() | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
GetStateBlock(ChVectorDynamic<> &mD) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
GetStrainE() | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
GetStrainK() | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
GetStressM() | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
GetStressN() | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
GetSubBlockOffset(int nblock) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
GetSubBlocks() override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
GetSubBlockSize(int nblock) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
GetU1() | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
GetU2() | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
InjectKRMmatrices(ChSystemDescriptor &mdescriptor) override | chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric | inlinevirtual |
IsTetrahedronIntegrationNeeded() | chrono::ChLoadableUVW | inlinevirtual |
IsTrianglePrismIntegrationNeeded() | chrono::ChLoadableUVW | inlinevirtual |
Kmatr (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric) | chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric | protected |
KRMmatricesLoad(double Kfactor, double Rfactor, double Mfactor) override | chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric | inlinevirtual |
Kstiffness() | chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric | inline |
length (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementBeam) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeam | protected |
LoadableGet_ndof_w() override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
LoadableGet_ndof_x() override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
LoadableGetStateBlock_w(int block_offset, ChStateDelta &mD) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
LoadableGetStateBlock_x(int block_offset, ChState &mD) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
LoadableGetVariables(std::vector< ChVariables * > &mvars) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
LoadableStateIncrement(const unsigned int off_x, ChState &x_new, const ChState &x, const unsigned int off_v, const ChStateDelta &Dv) override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
mass (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementBeam) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeam | protected |
SetIntegrationPoints(int npoints_s, int npoints_b) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
SetNodesCubic(std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyzrot > nodeA, std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyzrot > nodeB, std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyzrot > nodeC, std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyzrot > nodeD, double knotA1, double knotA2, double knotB1, double knotB2, double knotB3, double knotB4, double knotB5, double knotB6) (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
SetNodesGenericOrder(std::vector< std::shared_ptr< ChNodeFEAxyzrot >> mynodes, std::vector< double > myknots, int myorder) (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
SetRestLength(double ml) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeam | inline |
SetSection(std::shared_ptr< ChBeamSectionCosserat > my_material) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
Update() override | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inlinevirtual |
VariablesFbIncrementMq() override | chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric | virtual |
VariablesFbLoadInternalForces(double factor=1.) override | chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric | virtual |
~ChElementBase() (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementBase) | chrono::fea::ChElementBase | inlinevirtual |
~ChElementBeam() (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementBeam) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeam | inlinevirtual |
~ChElementBeamIGA() (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA) | chrono::fea::ChElementBeamIGA | inline |
~ChElementGeneric() (defined in chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric) | chrono::fea::ChElementGeneric | inlinevirtual |
~ChLoadable() (defined in chrono::ChLoadable) | chrono::ChLoadable | inlinevirtual |
~ChLoadableU() (defined in chrono::ChLoadableU) | chrono::ChLoadableU | inlinevirtual |
~ChLoadableUVW() (defined in chrono::ChLoadableUVW) | chrono::ChLoadableUVW | inlinevirtual |