IMU Sensor Model

Chrono::Sensor supports three sensors commonly used collectively as an IMU. These are accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer.

Accelerometer Creation

// create a noise model
100.f, // float updateRate,
{0,0,0}, // float mean,
{0.001,0.001,0.001}, // float stdev,
.01f, // float bias_drift,
.1f // float tau_drift
auto acc= chrono_types::make_shared<ChAccelerometerSensor>(
parent_body, // body to which the IMU is attached
imu_update_rate, // update rate
imu_offset_pose, // offset pose from body
noise_model // noise model
acc->SetLag(.001); //1 millisecond lag
acc->SetCollectionWindow(.001); //1 millisecond collection time
// Accelerometer data access filter
// Addsensorto manager

Gyroscope Creation

// create a noise model
100.f, // float updateRate,
{0,0,0}, // float mean,
{0.001,0.001,0.001}, // float stdev,
.01f, // float bias_drift,
.1f // float tau_drift
auto gyro= chrono_types::make_shared<ChGyroscopeSensor>(
my_body, // body to which the IMU is attached
imu_update_rate, // update rate
imu_offset_pose, // offset pose from body
noise_model // noise model
gyro->SetLag(.001); // 1 millisecond lag
gyro->SetCollectionWindow(.001); // 1 millisecond collection time
// Gyroscope data access filter
// Addsensorto manager

Magnetometer Creation

// create a noise model
{0,0,0}, // float mean,
{0.001,0.001,0.001}, // float stdev
auto mag= chrono_types::make_shared<ChMagnetometerSensor>(
my_body, // body to which the IMU is attached
100.f, // update rate of 100 Hz
imu_offset_pose, // offset pose from body
noise_model // noise model
mag->SetLag(.001); // 1 millisecond lag
mag->SetCollectionWindow(.001); // 1 millisecond collection time
// Gyroscope data access filter
// Addsensorto manager

IMU Data Access

utils::CSV_writer imu_csv(" ");
UserGyroBufferPtr bufferGyro;
int imu_last_launch = 0;
while () {
bufferAcc = acc->GetMostRecentBuffer<UserAccelBufferPtr>();
bufferGyro = gyro->GetMostRecentBuffer<UserGyroBufferPtr>();
bufferMag = mag->GetMostRecentBuffer<UserMagnetBufferPtr>();
if (bufferAcc->Buffer && bufferGyro->Buffer && bufferMag->Buffer &&
bufferMag->LaunchedCount > imu_last_launch) {
// Save the imu data to file
AccelData acc_data = bufferAcc->Buffer[0];
GyroData gyro_data = bufferGyro->Buffer[0];
MagnetData mag_data = bufferMag->Buffer[0];
imu_csv << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6);
imu_csv << acc_data.X;
imu_csv << acc_data.Y;
imu_csv << acc_data.Z;
imu_csv << gyro_data.Roll;
imu_csv << gyro_data.Pitch;
imu_csv << gyro_data.Yaw;
imu_csv << mag_data.H;
imu_csv << mag_data.X;
imu_csv << mag_data.Y;
imu_csv << mag_data.Z;
imu_csv << std::endl;
imu_last_launch = bufferMag->LaunchedCount;
std::shared_ptr< SensorHostMagnetBuffer > UserMagnetBufferPtr
pointer to an acclerometer buffer on the host that has been moved for safety and can be given to the ...
Definition: ChSensorBuffer.h:287
std::shared_ptr< SensorHostAccelBuffer > UserAccelBufferPtr
pointer to an acclerometer buffer on the host that has been moved for safety and can be given to the ...
Definition: ChSensorBuffer.h:265
std::shared_ptr< SensorHostGyroBuffer > UserGyroBufferPtr
pointer to an acclerometer buffer on the host that has been moved for safety and can be given to the ...
Definition: ChSensorBuffer.h:276