Archives and serialization in Chrono (demo_CH_archive.cpp)

Tutorial on serialization. Learn how to write serializa C++ classes in various formats:

  • JSON
  • binary (platform independent)
  • etc.

The serialization system in Chrono support class versions, automatic pointer serialization, and other features. Look at the code.

No GUI: only text output.

// =============================================================================
// Copyright (c) 2014
// All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
// in the LICENSE file at the top level of the distribution and at
// =============================================================================
// Authors: Alessandro Tasora
// =============================================================================
// Demo code about
// - archives for serialization,
// - serialization, with versioning and dynamic creation (class factory)
// =============================================================================
#include <typeinfo>
#include "chrono/serialization/ChArchive.h"
#include "chrono/serialization/ChArchiveBinary.h"
#include "chrono/serialization/ChArchiveAsciiDump.h"
#include "chrono/serialization/ChArchiveJSON.h"
#include "chrono/serialization/ChArchiveXML.h"
#include "chrono/serialization/ChArchiveExplorer.h"
#include "chrono/core/ChGlobal.h"
#include "chrono/core/ChLog.h"
#include "chrono/core/ChVector.h"
#include "chrono/core/ChQuaternion.h"
#include "chrono/core/ChMatrix.h"
#include "chrono/core/ChException.h"
#include "chrono/solver/ChConstraintTuple.h"
#include "chrono_thirdparty/filesystem/path.h"
using namespace chrono;
// A bit of forewords on 'enums'.
// Serializing enums to ascii 'human readable' strings is possible by means
// Use them as in the following example - possibly implement it right after your enums.
// After this, you have a class called "MyEnum_mapper", inherited
// from ChEnumMapper, and you can use it for converting enums from/to strings.
// If you forget one of the CH_ENUM_VAL, the correspondent enum value will
// be simply converted to a string with a number, and all will work fine.
enum myEnum { ATHLETIC = 0, SKINNY = 3, FAT };
CH_ENUM_VAL(FAT, "fatty"); // overrides the "FAT" mapped string with "fatty"
// Define some example classes just for showing how CHRONO serialization
// system works, even with inheritance and versioning...
// The statements marked with //##### are mandatory if you want to
// take advantage of basic Chrono streaming and serialization mechanisms,
// that is if you want to save/load the object to&from a stream.
// The statements marked with //***** are needed only if you want to
// take advantage of Chrono advanced serialization mechanism, that is the
// polymorphic creation (class factory) which can load an
// object from stream even if the object class is not known in advance.
// This more advanced feature requires a 'class factory' registration
// of your object type by means of the CH_FACTORY_REGISTER macro
class myEmployee {
int age;
double wages;
myEnum body;
std::string name;
myEmployee(int m_age = 18, double m_wages = 1020.3, myEnum m_body = myEnum::ATHLETIC, std::string m_name = "John")
: age(m_age), wages(m_wages), body(m_body), name(m_name){};
virtual ~myEmployee() {}
// NOTE!!!In order to allow serialization with Chrono approach,
// at least implement these two functions, with the exact names
// ArchiveIN() and ArchiveOUT():
virtual void ArchiveOUT(ChArchiveOut& marchive) //##### for Chrono serialization
// suggested: use versioning
// stream out all member data
marchive << CHNVP(age);
marchive << CHNVP(wages);
myEnum_mapper enum_map;
marchive << CHNVP(enum_map(body),
"body"); // note: CHNVP macro can override names used when streaming to ascii..
virtual void ArchiveIN(ChArchiveIn& marchive) // for Chrono serialization
// suggested: use versioning
/*int version =*/marchive.VersionRead<myEmployee>();
// stream in all member data
marchive >> CHNVP(age);
marchive >> CHNVP(wages);
myEnum_mapper enum_map;
marchive >> CHNVP(enum_map(body), "body");
// Optional: implement ArchiveContainerName() so that, when supported as in JSON,
// serialization of containers (std::vector, arrays, etc.) show a mnemonic name
// instead of "0", "1", "2", etc. :
virtual std::string& ArchiveContainerName() { return name; } // optional, for advanced serialization
// Somewhere in your .cpp code (not in .h headers) you should put the
// 'class factory' registration of your class if you want to deserialize
// objects whose exact class is not known in advance:
CH_FACTORY_REGISTER(myEmployee) //***** for advanced serialization
// Ok, now let's do something even more difficult: an inherited class.
class myEmployeeBoss : public myEmployee {
bool is_dumb;
myEmployee slave;
myEmployeeBoss(const myEmployeeBoss& other) { GetLog() << "------------------copy a boss \n"; }
myEmployeeBoss(int m_age = 38, double m_wages = 9000.4, bool m_is_dumb = true)
: myEmployee(m_age, m_wages), is_dumb(m_is_dumb), slave(21, 300){};
virtual void ArchiveOUT(ChArchiveOut& marchive) //##### for Chrono serialization
// suggested: use versioning
// remember to serialize the parent class data too!!!
// stream out member data
marchive << CHNVP(is_dumb);
marchive << CHNVP(slave); // this added only from version >1
virtual void ArchiveIN(ChArchiveIn& marchive) // for Chrono serialization
// suggested: use versioning
int version = marchive.VersionRead<myEmployeeBoss>();
// remember to deserialize the parent class data too!!!
// stream in member data
marchive >> CHNVP(is_dumb);
if (version > 1) {
marchive >> CHNVP(slave); // this added only from version >1
CH_FACTORY_REGISTER(myEmployeeBoss) // for advanced serialization
// Use the following to mark a class version: // optional, for advanced serialization
namespace chrono {
CH_CLASS_VERSION(myEmployeeBoss, 2)
// Finally, let's serialize a class that has no default constructor.
// How to manage the (de)serialization of the initialization parameters?
// The trick is adding two optional ArchiveOUTconstructor() and ArchiveINconstructor():
class myEmployeeCustomConstructor : public myEmployee {
double latitude;
int kids;
int legs;
myEmployeeCustomConstructor(int m_kids, double m_latitude)
: myEmployee(80, 4000), latitude(m_latitude), kids(m_kids), legs(2){};
virtual void ArchiveOUT(ChArchiveOut& marchive) // for Chrono serialization
// suggested: use versioning
// remember to serialize the parent class data too!!!
// stream out member data (except data used in constructor, already saved in ArchiveOUTconstructor)
marchive << CHNVP(legs);
virtual void ArchiveIN(ChArchiveIn& marchive) // for Chrono serialization
// suggested: use versioning
/*int version =*/marchive.VersionRead<myEmployeeCustomConstructor>();
// remember to deserialize the parent class data too!!!
// stream in member data (except data used in constructor, already saved in ArchiveOUTconstructor)
marchive >> CHNVP(legs);
// Add a ArchiveOUTconstructor function to deserialize the parameters
// of the non-default constructor!!!
virtual void ArchiveOUTconstructor(ChArchiveOut& marchive) {
// suggested: use versioning
// serialize the parameters of the constructor:
marchive << CHNVP(latitude);
marchive << CHNVP(kids);
// Add a ArchiveINconstructor static function to deserialize the parameters
// of the non-default constructor!!!
static void* ArchiveINconstructor(ChArchiveIn& marchive) {
// suggested: use versioning
/*int version =*/marchive.VersionRead<myEmployeeCustomConstructor>();
// 1) Deserialize the parameters of the constructor:
// you need some auxiliary variables because this method is static
// (the object will be created right after the >> parsing)
// Note, be sure that the names of those auxiliary vars are the same of member
// variables of your class, or use CHNVP(..., "myname") tags.
double latitude;
int kids;
marchive >> CHNVP(latitude);
marchive >> CHNVP(kids);
// 2) Important!!! Finally you MUST return an object of this class,
// constructed with the parameters that you just deserialized:
return new myEmployeeCustomConstructor(kids, latitude);
CH_FACTORY_REGISTER(myEmployeeCustomConstructor) // for advanced serialization
// Example on how to serialize OUT some data:
void my_serialization_example(ChArchiveOut& marchive) {
// All basic primitives (strings, int,etc.), plus and objects that has
// an ArchiveOUT() function defined can be serialized in archives.
// Write from transient data into persistent binary file
double m_double = 0.123456;
int m_int = -123;
double m_array[] = {13.1, 15.3, 16.5};
char m_text[] = "test string"; // better use std::string
std::string m_string = "hey! stl string";
std::vector<double> m_stlvector;
std::list<ChVector<> > m_stllist;
m_stllist.push_back(ChVector<>(1, 2, 3));
m_stllist.push_back(ChVector<>(3, 4, 5));
std::pair<int, double> m_stlpair(120, 0.99);
std::unordered_map<int, double> m_stlunorderedmap;
m_stlunorderedmap[12] = 11.2;
m_stlunorderedmap[41] = 44.8;
m_stlunorderedmap[34] = 33.6;
ChMatrixDynamic<double> m_matr_dyn(3, 5);
m_matr_dyn.fillRandom(0, 10);
m_matr_NM.fillRandom(-1, +1);
ChVector<> m_vect(0.5, 0.6, 0.7);
ChQuaternion<> m_quat(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4);
marchive << CHNVP(m_double, "custom_double"); // store data n.1
marchive << CHNVP(m_int); // store data n.2
marchive << CHNVP(m_array); // store data n.3
marchive << CHNVP(m_text); // store data n....
marchive << CHNVP(m_string);
marchive << CHNVP(m_stlvector);
marchive << CHNVP(m_stllist);
marchive << CHNVP(m_stlpair);
marchive << CHNVP(m_stlunorderedmap);
marchive << CHNVP(m_matr_dyn);
marchive << CHNVP(m_matr_NM);
marchive << CHNVP(m_vect);
marchive << CHNVP(m_quat, "m_quaternion", NVP_TRACK_OBJECT);
// Also store a c++ object
// In order to use this feature, the classes must implement
// ArchiveIN and ArchiveOUT functions.
myEmployeeBoss m_boss(53, 12000.34, true);
m_boss.body = FAT;
marchive << CHNVP(m_boss);
// Also store a c++ objects referenced by pointer(s).
// One could have multiple pointers to the same object:
// the serialization of pointers takes care of redundancy.
// In order to use this feature, the classes must implement
// ArchiveIN and ArchiveOUT functions.
ChVector<>* a_vect = new ChVector<>(1, 2, 3);
marchive << CHNVP(a_vect);
delete a_vect;
// Null pointers can be serialized. They will be deserialized as null.
ChVector<>* a_null_ptr = 0;
marchive << CHNVP(a_null_ptr);
// Also store c++ objects referenced by pointer, using the
// class abstraction (class factory) mechanism, so that it
// can be loaded later even if we do not know if it was an object of
// class 'myEmployee' or specialized class 'myEmployeeBoss'...
// In order to use this feature, classes must use the CH_FACTORY_REGISTER macros,
// and must implement ArchiveIN() and ArchiveOUT().
myEmployeeBoss* a_boss = new myEmployeeBoss(64, 22356, false);
a_boss->slave.age = 24;
marchive << CHNVP(a_boss); // object was referenced by pointer.
// If another pointer shares the same object instance, you can serialize
// it too without worrying, because the serialization system will save only
// the first copy and following copies will just use references.
myEmployeeBoss* a_boss2 = a_boss;
marchive << CHNVP(a_boss2); // object was referenced by pointer.
// Also store c++ objects referenced by shared pointers.
// If classes of pointed objects used CH_FACTORY_REGISTER, class abstraction
// will be automatically used.
auto s_boss = chrono_types::make_shared<myEmployeeBoss>();
marchive << CHNVP(s_boss); // object was referenced by shared pointer.
// Serialize a shared pointer pointing to the same shared resource of s_boss.
// Note, base class works fine too, as polymorphic object.
std::shared_ptr<myEmployee> s_boss_b(s_boss);
marchive << CHNVP(s_boss_b);
// Serialize null shared pointer
std::shared_ptr<myEmployeeBoss> null_boss;
marchive << CHNVP(null_boss);
// Serialize an object with non-default constructor:
myEmployeeCustomConstructor* mcustomconstr = new myEmployeeCustomConstructor(3, 40);
marchive << CHNVP(mcustomconstr);
// Serialize an object where some pointers are un-linked as external, marking them with unique IDs
std::vector<ChVector<>*> vect_of_pointers;
ChVector<>* mvp1 = new ChVector<>(1, 2, 3);
ChVector<>* mvp2 = new ChVector<>(7, 8, 7);
// define that some object should not be serialized, but rather marked with ID for later rebinding
marchive.UnbindExternalPointer(mvp1, 1001); // use unique identifier > 0
marchive << CHNVP(vect_of_pointers);
delete a_boss;
// Example on how to deserialize IN some data:
void my_deserialization_example(ChArchiveIn& marchive) {
// Read from persistent binary file to transient data
double m_double;
int m_int;
double m_array[3];
char m_text[12]; // better use std::string
std::string m_string;
std::vector<double> m_stlvector;
std::list<ChVector<> > m_stllist;
std::pair<int, double> m_stlpair;
std::unordered_map<int, double> m_stlunorderedmap;
ChMatrixDynamic<> m_matr_dyn;
ChVector<> m_vect;
myEmployeeBoss m_boss;
ChVector<>* a_vect;
ChVector<>* a_null_ptr;
marchive >> CHNVP(m_double, "custom_double"); // deserialize data n.1
marchive >> CHNVP(m_int); // deserialize data n.2
marchive >> CHNVP(m_array); // deserialize data n.3
marchive >> CHNVP(m_text); // deserialize data n...
marchive >> CHNVP(m_string);
marchive >> CHNVP(m_stlvector);
marchive >> CHNVP(m_stllist);
marchive >> CHNVP(m_stlpair);
marchive >> CHNVP(m_stlunorderedmap);
marchive >> CHNVP(m_matr_dyn);
marchive >> CHNVP(m_matr_NM);
marchive >> CHNVP(m_vect);
marchive >> CHNVP(m_quat, "m_quaternion", NVP_TRACK_OBJECT);
// Also deserialize the C++ object
marchive >> CHNVP(m_boss);
// Also deserialize the C++ pointer: an object will be created!
marchive >> CHNVP(a_vect);
// Also deserialize the null C++ pointer: no object is created, and pointer set as null.
marchive >> CHNVP(a_null_ptr);
// Also retrieve c++ objects, referenced by a base class pointer, using the
// class abstraction (class factory) mechanism, so that it
// can be loaded even if we do not know if it was an object of
// the base class 'myEmployee' or the specialized 'myEmployeeBoss' class.
myEmployee* a_boss = 0;
marchive >> CHNVP(a_boss); // object will be created
// Since the two pointers a_boss and a_boss2 were serialized when pointing to
// the same object instance, now the following will Not create another copy but will
// automatically point to the same object of a_boss.
myEmployee* a_boss2 = 0;
marchive >> CHNVP(a_boss2);
// Deserialize c++ objects referenced by shared pointers.
// If classes of pointed objects used CH_FACTORY_REGISTER, class abstraction
// will be automatically used.
std::shared_ptr<myEmployeeBoss> s_boss(0);
marchive >> CHNVP(s_boss);
// Deserialize a shared pointer pointing to the same resource of s_boss.
// Since the two pointers s_boss and s_boss_b were serialized when pointing to
// the same object instance, do not create new, but just point to the same of s_boss.
// Also, the shared pointer reference count is increased automatically.
std::shared_ptr<myEmployeeBoss> s_boss_b(0);
marchive >> CHNVP(s_boss_b);
// Deserialize a null shared pointer
std::shared_ptr<myEmployeeBoss> null_boss(0);
marchive >> CHNVP(null_boss);
// Deserialize an object with non-default constructor:
myEmployeeCustomConstructor* mcustomconstr = 0;
marchive >> CHNVP(mcustomconstr);
// Deserialize an object where some pointers are re-linked from external pre-existing objects,
// marking them with unique IDs. Assume a ChVector is already here.
std::vector<ChVector<>*> vect_of_pointers;
ChVector<>* mvp1 = new ChVector<>(5, 6, 7);
marchive.RebindExternalPointer(mvp1, 1001); // use unique identifier > 0
marchive >> CHNVP(vect_of_pointers);
// Just for safety, log some of the restored data:
GetLog() << "\n\nSome results of deserialization I/O: \n\n"
<< m_text << " \n"
<< m_int << " \n"
<< m_double << "\n";
GetLog() << m_matr_NM;
GetLog() << m_vect;
GetLog() << m_quat;
GetLog() << m_string.c_str() << "\n";
GetLog() << m_stlvector;
GetLog() << m_stlpair;
GetLog() << m_stlunorderedmap;
GetLog() << m_boss;
GetLog() << a_vect;
if (a_boss) {
GetLog() << "\n\n We loaded an obj inherited from myEmployee class:\n";
GetLog() << a_boss;
if (a_boss2) {
GetLog() << "\n\n We loaded a 2nd obj inherited from myEmployee class (referencing the 1st):\n";
GetLog() << a_boss2;
if (s_boss) {
GetLog() << "\n\n We loaded a 3nd obj inherited from myEmployee class:\n";
GetLog() << s_boss;
GetLog() << "(This object is handled by shared pointers, with ref.count=" << (int)s_boss.use_count() << ")\n";
if (!null_boss) {
GetLog() << "\n\n We tried to load a 4th obj with shared pointer, but was null.\n";
if (mcustomconstr) {
GetLog() << "\n\n We loaded a 5th object with non-default constructor with 2 parameters.\n";
GetLog() << mcustomconstr;
GetLog() << "\n\n We loaded a 6th object where sub-objects were unbind/rebind using IDs:\n";
GetLog() << vect_of_pointers;
GetLog() << *vect_of_pointers[0];
GetLog() << *vect_of_pointers[1];
GetLog() << "\n";
GetLog() << "loaded object is a myEmployee? :" << (dynamic_cast<myEmployee*>(a_boss) != nullptr) << "\n";
GetLog() << "loaded object is a myEmployeeBoss? :" << (dynamic_cast<myEmployeeBoss*>(a_boss) != nullptr) << "\n";
delete a_boss;
// Example on how to use reflection (c++ introspection) to explore the properties exposed
// through the ArchiveIN() and ArchiveOUT() functions.
void my_reflection_example() {
ChArchiveExplorer mexplorer;
myEmployeeBoss m_boss(71, 42000.4, true);
m_boss.body = FAT;
double my_wages;
if (mexplorer.FetchValue(my_wages, m_boss, "wages"))
GetLog() << "Property explorer : retrieved 'wages'=" << my_wages << "\n";
GetLog() << "Property explorer : cannot retrieve 'wages'! \n";
myEmployee my_slave;
if (mexplorer.FetchValue(my_slave, m_boss, "slave"))
GetLog() << "Property explorer : retrieved 'slave'=\n" << my_slave << "\n";
GetLog() << "Property explorer : cannot retrieve 'slave'! \n";
int my_age;
if (mexplorer.FetchValue(my_age, m_boss, "s?*e/age"))
GetLog() << "Property explorer : retrieved 'slave/age'=" << my_age << "\n";
GetLog() << "Property explorer : cannot retrieve 'slave/age'! \n";
int my_foo = 123;
if (mexplorer.FetchValue(my_foo, m_boss, "foo"))
GetLog() << "Property explorer : retrieved 'int foo'=" << my_foo << "\n";
GetLog() << "Property explorer : cannot retrieve 'int foo'! \n";
// Test access to containers (std::vector, arrays, etc.). Elements can
// be fetched using two approaches: integer indexes or menmonic names.
std::vector<myEmployee> mcontainer;
mcontainer.push_back(myEmployee(19, 4000, ATHLETIC, "Josh"));
mcontainer.push_back(myEmployeeBoss(29, 5000, "Jeff"));
mcontainer.push_back(myEmployee(31, 6000, ATHLETIC, "Marie"));
myEmployee a_employee;
// Method A: just use the index in the search string,
// ex: "stuff/arrayofpositions/6/x" as in:
if (mexplorer.FetchValue(a_employee, mcontainer, "1"))
GetLog() << "Property explorer : retrieved from element number in container '1' =\n" << a_employee << "\n";
GetLog() << "Property explorer : cannot retrieve from element number! \n";
// Method B: if you deal if working with objects that implement
// ArchiveContainerName(), you can use the name between single quotation marks '...',
// ex: "stuff/arrayofbodies/'Crank'/mass" as in:
if (mexplorer.FetchValue(a_employee, mcontainer, "'Marie'"))
GetLog() << "Property explorer : retrieved from element container name 'Marie' =\n" << a_employee << "\n";
GetLog() << "Property explorer : cannot retrieve from element container name! \n";
// Test if some object can be explored
GetLog() << "This has sub properties? : " << mexplorer.IsObject(mcontainer) << "\n";
GetLog() << "This has sub properties? : " << mexplorer.IsObject(my_age) << "\n\n";
// Fetch all subproperties of an object using "*"
GetLog() << "List of fetched properties in std::vector of employees: \n";
auto props = mexplorer.FetchValues(mcontainer, "*");
for (auto i : props) {
GetLog() << " val: " << i->name() << ", reg.class: " << i->GetClassRegisteredName()
<< ", typeid: " << i->GetTypeidName() << "\n";
// if (auto pi = dynamic_cast<myEmployeeBoss*>(i->PointerUpCast<myEmployee>()))
// GetLog() <<" castable to myEmployeeBoss \n";
ChArchiveExplorer mexplorer2;
auto props2 = mexplorer2.FetchValues(*i, "*");
for (auto i2 : props2) {
GetLog() << " val: " << i2->name() << ", reg.class: " << i2->GetClassRegisteredName()
<< ", typeid: " << i2->GetTypeidName() << "\n";
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
GetLog() << "Copyright (c) 2017\nChrono version: " << CHRONO_VERSION << "\n\n";
GetLog() << "CHRONO foundation classes demo: archives (serialization)\n\n";
// Create (if needed) output directory
const std::string out_dir = GetChronoOutputPath() + "DEMO_ARCHIVE";
if (!filesystem::create_directory(filesystem::path(out_dir))) {
std::cout << "Error creating directory " << out_dir << std::endl;
return 1;
// Archives inherited from the base class ChArchiveOut can be
// used to serialize objects, and streams inherited from ChArchiveIn
// can be used to get them back. For example, file streams like
// ChArchiveOutBinary and ChArchiveInBinary can be used for this
// purpose.
try {
// Example: SERIALIZE TO ASCII DUMP (useful for debugging etc.):
std::string asciifile = out_dir + "/foo_archive.txt";
ChStreamOutAsciiFile mfileo(asciifile.c_str());
// Create an ASCII archive object, for dumping C++ objects into a readable file
ChArchiveAsciiDump marchiveout(mfileo);
std::string binfile = out_dir + "/foo_archive.dat";
ChStreamOutBinaryFile mfileo(binfile.c_str());
// Use a binary archive object to serialize C++ objects into the binary file
ChArchiveOutBinary marchiveout(mfileo);
std::string binfile = out_dir + "/foo_archive.dat";
ChStreamInBinaryFile mfilei(binfile.c_str());
// Use a binary archive object to deserialize C++ objects from the binary file
ChArchiveInBinary marchivein(mfilei);
std::string jsonfile = out_dir + "/foo_archive.json";
ChStreamOutAsciiFile mfileo(jsonfile.c_str());
// Use a JSON archive object to serialize C++ objects into the file
ChArchiveOutJSON marchiveout(mfileo);
std::string jsonfile = out_dir + "/foo_archive.json";
ChStreamInAsciiFile mfilei(jsonfile.c_str());
// Use a JSON archive object to deserialize C++ objects from the file
ChArchiveInJSON marchivein(mfilei);
std::string xmlfile = out_dir + "/foo_archive.xml";
ChStreamOutAsciiFile mfileo(xmlfile.c_str());
// Use a XML archive object to serialize C++ objects into the file
ChArchiveOutXML marchiveout(mfileo);
std::string xmlfile = out_dir + "/foo_archive.xml";
ChStreamInAsciiFile mfilei(xmlfile.c_str());
// Use a XML archive object to deserialize C++ objects from the file
ChArchiveInXML marchivein(mfilei);
GetLog() << "Serialization test ended with success.\n\n";
GetLog() << "Reflection test ended with success.\n";
} catch (const ChException& myex) {
GetLog() << "ERROR: " << myex.what() << "\n\n";
return 0;
bool IsObject(const T &root)
Tell if "root" has sub values (i.e.
Definition: ChArchiveExplorer.h:108
Class for exceptions for throw() catch() mechanism.
Definition: ChException.h:25
This is a specialized class for BINARY output on system's file,.
Definition: ChStream.h:776
Eigen::Matrix< T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor > ChMatrixDynamic
Dense matrix with dynamic size (i.e., with unknown at compile time) and row-major storage.
Definition: ChMatrix.h:73
ChLog & GetLog()
Global function to get the current ChLog object.
Definition: ChLog.cpp:39
void RebindExternalPointer(void *mptr, size_t ID)
Use the following to declare object IDs that must not be de-serialized but rather be 'rebind' to alre...
Definition: ChArchive.h:1145
This is a specialized class for BINARY input on system's file,.
Definition: ChStream.h:802
A helper class to provide some basic mechanism of C++ reflection (introspection).
Definition: ChArchiveExplorer.h:29
bool FetchValue(P &val, const T &root, const std::string &property_name)
Search a property in "root" and directly assign it to "vl".
Definition: ChArchiveExplorer.h:58
This is a base class for serializing into archives.
Definition: ChArchive.h:790
This is a class for deserializing from XML archives.
Definition: ChArchiveXML.h:298
#define CHNVP(...)
Use this macro to mark a value, ex myarchive << CHNVP (myvalue, "mnemonic name") or,...
Definition: ChArchive.h:328
std::vector< ChValue * > & FetchValues(T &root, const std::string &value_name)
Search one or more values in "root" and return reference to a vector with results.
Definition: ChArchiveExplorer.h:87
This is a base class for serializing from archives.
Definition: ChArchive.h:1115
Definition of general purpose 3d vector variables, such as points in 3D.
Definition: ChVector.h:35
const std::string & GetChronoOutputPath()
Obtain the path to the output directory for Chrono demos.
Definition: ChGlobal.cpp:110
This is a class for serializing from binary archives.
Definition: ChArchiveBinary.h:118
This is a specialized class for ASCII input on system's file,.
Definition: ChStream.h:817
This is a class for serializing to XML file format.
Definition: ChArchiveXML.h:39
This is a class for deserializing from JSON archives.
Definition: ChArchiveJSON.h:298
Class defining quaternion objects, that is four-dimensional numbers, also known as Euler parameters.
Definition: ChQuaternion.h:45
This is a class for serializing to binary archives.
Definition: ChArchiveBinary.h:25
Main namespace for the Chrono package.
Definition: ChBarrelShape.cpp:17
void UnbindExternalPointer(void *mptr, size_t ID)
Use the following to declare pointer(s) that must not be de-serialized but rather be 'unbind' and be ...
Definition: ChArchive.h:837
#define CH_ENUM_MAPPER_BEGIN(__enum_type)
Three macros to simplify the use of enum mapper.
Definition: ChArchive.h:708
ASCII 'LOG' ARCHIVES (only output, for debugging etc.)
Definition: ChArchiveAsciiDump.h:27
This is a specialized class for ASCII output on system's file,.
Definition: ChStream.h:789
Eigen::Matrix< T, M, N, Eigen::RowMajor > ChMatrixNM
Dense matrix with fixed size (known at compile time) and row-major storage.
Definition: ChMatrix.h:78
This is a class for serializing to JSON.
Definition: ChArchiveJSON.h:36