Terrain nodes using Chrono physics


This module defines concrete terrain nodes using Chrono physics:

Collaboration diagram for Terrain nodes using Chrono physics:


class  chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeChrono
 Base class for terrain nodes that use one of the Chrono terrain formulations. More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeGranularGPU
 Definition of the GPU granular terrain node (using Chrono::Gpu). More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeGranularMPI
 Definition of the MPI granular terrain node (using Chrono::Distributed). More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeGranularOMP
 Definition of the OpenMP granular terrain node (using Chrono::Multicore). More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeGranularSPH
 Definition of the SPH continuum representation of granular terrain node (using Chrono::FSI). More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeRigid
 Definition of the rigid terrain node (using Chrono::Multicore). More...
class  chrono::vehicle::ChVehicleCosimTerrainNodeSCM
 Definition of the SCM deformable terrain node. More...