chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi Member List
This is the complete list of members for chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi, including all inherited members.
AddBoxBCE(std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChFrame<> &frame, const ChVector<> &size, bool solid) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
AddBoxSPH(const ChVector<> &boxCenter, const ChVector<> &boxHalfDim) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
AddConeBCE(std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChFrame<> &frame, double radius, double height, bool solid, bool capped=true, bool polar=true) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
AddContainerBCE(std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChFrame<> &frame, const ChVector<> &size, const ChVector< int > faces) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
AddCylinderAnnulusBCE(std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChFrame<> &frame, double radius_inner, double radius_outer, double height, bool polar=true) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
AddCylinderBCE(std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChFrame<> &frame, double radius, double height, bool solid, bool capped=true, bool polar=true) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
AddFEAmeshBCE(std::shared_ptr< fea::ChMesh > my_mesh, const std::vector< std::vector< int >> &NodeNeighborElement, const std::vector< std::vector< int >> &_1D_elementsNodes, const std::vector< std::vector< int >> &_2D_elementsNodes, bool add1DElem, bool add2DElem, bool multiLayer, bool removeMiddleLayer, int SIDE, int SIZE2D) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
AddFsiBody(std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
AddFsiMesh(std::shared_ptr< fea::ChMesh > mesh, const std::vector< std::vector< int >> &beam_elements, const std::vector< std::vector< int >> &shell_elements) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
AddPointsBCE(std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const std::vector< ChVector<>> &points, const ChFrame<> &frame, bool solid) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
AddSphereBCE(std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChFrame<> &frame, double radius, bool solid, bool polar=true) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
AddSPHParticle(const ChVector<> &point, double rho0, double pres0, double mu0, const ChVector<> &velocity=ChVector<>(0), const ChVector<> &tauXxYyZz=ChVector<>(0), const ChVector<> &tauXyXzYz=ChVector<>(0)) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
AddSPHParticle(const ChVector<> &point, const ChVector<> &velocity=ChVector<>(0), const ChVector<> &tauXxYyZz=ChVector<>(0), const ChVector<> &tauXyXzYz=ChVector<>(0)) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
AddWallBCE(std::shared_ptr< ChBody > body, const ChFrame<> &frame, const ChVector2<> size) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
ChSystemFsi(ChSystem *sysMBS=nullptr) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
ChVisualizationFsi (defined in chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | friend |
CreateBCE_box(const Real3 &size, bool solid, thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &bce) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
CreateBCE_cable(thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, std::shared_ptr< chrono::fea::ChElementCableANCF > cable, std::vector< int > remove, bool multiLayer, bool removeMiddleLayer, int SIDE) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
CreateBCE_cone(Real rad, Real height, bool solid, bool capped, bool polar, thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &bce) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
CreateBCE_cylinder(Real rad, Real height, bool solid, bool capped, bool polar, thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &bce) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
CreateBCE_cylinder_annulus(Real rad_in, Real rad_out, Real height, bool polar, thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &bce) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
CreateBCE_shell(thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &posRadBCE, std::shared_ptr< chrono::fea::ChElementShellANCF_3423 > shell, std::vector< int > remove, std::vector< int > remove_s, bool multiLayer, bool removeMiddleLayer, int SIDE) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
CreateBCE_sphere(Real rad, bool solid, bool polar, thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &bce) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
CreateBCE_wall(const Real2 &size, thrust::host_vector< Real4 > &bce) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
CreateMeshPoints(geometry::ChTriangleMeshConnected &mesh, double delta, std::vector< ChVector<>> &point_cloud) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | static |
DoStepDynamics_FSI() | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
FindParticlesInBox(const ChFrame<> &frame, const ChVector<> &size) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
Get_G_acc() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetAdaptiveTimeStepping() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetBasePressure() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetBodyForce() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetContainerDim() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetDensity() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetFsiBodies() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetFsiMesh() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetFsiNodes() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetInitialSpacing() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetKernelLength() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetMaxStepSize() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetNumBoundaryMarkers() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetNumFlexBodyMarkers() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetNumFluidMarkers() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetNumRigidBodyMarkers() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetParams() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | inline |
GetParticleAccelerations() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetParticleAccelerations(const thrust::device_vector< int > &indices) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetParticleFluidProperties() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetParticleForces() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetParticleForces(const thrust::device_vector< int > &indices) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetParticleMass() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetParticlePositions() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetParticlePositions(const thrust::device_vector< int > &indices) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetParticleVelocities() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetParticleVelocities(const thrust::device_vector< int > &indices) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetSimTime() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | inline |
GetSoundSpeed() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetStepSize() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
GetViscosity() const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
Initialize() | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
OutpuMode enum name | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
PrintFsiInfoToFile(const std::string &dir, double time) const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
PrintParticleToFile(const std::string &dir) const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
ReadParametersFromFile(const std::string &json_file) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
Set_G_acc(const ChVector<> &gravity) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetActiveDomain(const ChVector<> &boxDim) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetAdaptiveTimeStepping(bool adaptive) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetBodyForce(const ChVector<> &force) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetBoundaries(const ChVector<> &cMin, const ChVector<> &cMax) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetCohesionForce(double Fc) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetContainerDim(const ChVector<> &boxDim) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetDensity(double rho0) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetDiscreType(bool useGmatrix, bool useLmatrix) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetElasticSPH(const ElasticMaterialProperties mat_props) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetInitialSpacing(double spacing) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetInitPressure(const double fzDim) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetKernelLength(double length) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetMaxStepSize(double dT_max) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetNumBoundaryLayers(int num_layers) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetOutputLength(int OutputLength) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetParticleOutputMode(OutpuMode mode) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | inline |
SetRigidBodyBC(BceVersion rigidBodyBC) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetSPHintegration(bool runSPH) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetSPHLinearSolver(SolverType lin_solver) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetSPHMethod(FluidDynamics SPH_method, SolverType lin_solver=SolverType::BICGSTAB) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetStepSize(double dT, double dT_Flex=0) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetVerbose(bool m_verbose) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
SetWallBC(BceVersion wallBC) | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
WriteParticleFile(const std::string &outfilename) const | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi | |
~ChSystemFsi() | chrono::fsi::ChSystemFsi |