Install the COSIMULATION module

This is an optional module that enables co-simulation capabilities in Chrono.

Read the introduction to modules for a technical background on the modularity of the Chrono project.


The COSIMULATION module allows users to perform cosimulation with other software that accept data exchange via TCP/IP sockets.

The most relevant case is the cosimulation with the Simulink product, to simulate subsystems like controls, pneumatic systems or electric circuits that interact with Chrono::Engine mechanisms.

The Simulink technology is well known for its ease of use: it is a graphical tool built on top of Matlab that allows the building of control systems, pneumatic and hydraulic circuits, drivetrains, electrical power systems, etc. By adopting a co-simulation approach, you can simulate, for example, an excavator bow with Chrono::Engine and its hydraulic subsystems with Simulink.

Here are the main features:

  • easy C++ functions to send/receive datagrams using TCP/IP sockets from Chrono::Engine
  • a CEcosimulation.mdl block is provided, to be inserted in your Simulink models as a ready-to-use interface to Chrono::Engine
  • examples are provided.


  • To run applications based on this module:
  • To build this module:
    • you must have a socket library (both Linux and Windows have these by default and you should not need to install any library)

Building instructions

  1. Repeat the instructions for the full installation, but when you see the CMake window, you must add the following steps:
  2. Set the ENABLE_MODULE_COSIMULATION as 'on', then press 'Configure' (to refresh the variable list)
  3. Press 'Configure' again, then 'Generate', and proceed as usual in the installation instructions.
Although this module is meant to interface with Simulink, the Simulink and Matlab APIs are not needed during the compilation, and also the Matlab unit is not needed. In fact the interface to Simulink is based on TCP/IP sockets only; actually such interface could be used to do cosimulation with other software that supports TCP socked communication, such as
Anyway, currently, only examples and files for Simulink are provided.

How to use it

  • Look at the API section of this module for documentation about classes and functions.
  • Look at the C++ source of demos to learn how to use the functions of this module.