Introduction to Python

Learn the basics of Python interoperation with Chrono::Engine, using PyChrono.

  • import the PyChrono module
  • use basic classes: vectors, matrices, etc.
  • inherit classes
# Name: pychrono example
# Purpose:
# Author: Alessandro Tasora
# Created: 1/01/2019
# Copyright: (c) ProjectChrono 2019
print ("First tutorial for PyChrono: vectors, matrices etc.");
# Load the Chrono::Engine core module!
import pychrono as chrono
import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
except ImportError:
print("You need NumPyto run this demo!")
# Test logging
chrono.GetLog() << "result is: " << 11+1.5 << "\n"
# Test vectors
my_vect1 = chrono.ChVectorD()
my_vect2 = chrono.ChVectorD(3,4,5)
my_vect4 = my_vect1*10 + my_vect2
my_len = my_vect4.Length()
print ('vect sum =', my_vect1 + my_vect2)
print ('vect cross =', my_vect1 % my_vect2)
print ('vect dot =', my_vect1 ^ my_vect2)
# Test quaternions
my_quat = chrono.ChQuaternionD(1,2,3,4)
my_qconjugate = ~my_quat
print ('quat. conjugate =', my_qconjugate)
print ('quat. dot product=', my_qconjugate ^ my_quat)
print ('quat. product=', my_qconjugate % my_quat)
# Test matrices and NumPy interoperability
mlist = [[1,2,3,4], [5,6,7,8], [9,10,11,12], [13,14,15,16]]
ma = chrono.ChMatrixDynamicD()
ma.SetMatr(mlist) # Create a Matrix from a list. Size is adjusted automatically.
npmat = np.asarray(ma.GetMatr()) # Create a 2D npy array from the list extracted from ChMatrixDynamic
w, v = LA.eig(npmat) # get eigenvalues and eigenvectors using numpy
mb = chrono.ChMatrixDynamicD(4,4)
prod = v * npmat # you can perform linear algebra operations with numpy and then feed results into a ChMatrixDynamicD using SetMatr
mb.SetMatr(v.tolist()) # create a ChMatrixDynamicD from the numpy eigenvectors
mr = chrono.ChMatrix33D()
mr.SetMatr([[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]])
print (mr*my_vect1);
# Test frames -
# create a frame representing a translation and a rotation
# of 20 degrees on X axis
my_frame = chrono.ChFrameD(my_vect2, chrono.Q_from_AngAxis(20*chrono.CH_C_DEG_TO_RAD, chrono.ChVectorD(1,0,0)))
my_vect5 = my_vect1 >> my_frame
# Print the class hierarchy of a chrono class
import inspect
# Use the ChFunction classes
my_funct = chrono.ChFunction_Sine(0,0.5,3)
print ('function f(0.2)=', my_funct.Get_y(0.2) )
# Inherit from the ChFunction, from the Python side,
# (do not forget the __init__ constructor)
class MySquareFunct (chrono.ChFunction):
def __init__(self):
def Get_y(self,x):
return x*x
my_funct2 = MySquareFunct()
print ('function f(2) =', my_funct2.Get_y(3) )
print ('function df/dx=', my_funct2.Get_y_dx(3) )
Sine function y = sin (phase + w*x ) where w=2*PI*freq.
Definition: ChFunction_Sine.h:27
Interface base class for scalar functions of the type: y= f(x)
Definition: ChFunction_Base.h:45
ChLog & GetLog()
Global function to get the current ChLog object.
Definition: ChLog.cpp:39
This is a specialized class for ASCII output on system's file,.
Definition: ChStream.h:789
CUDA_HOST_DEVICE CH_PARALLEL_API quaternion Q_from_AngAxis(const real &angle, const real3 &axis)
Definition: real4.cpp:153