Use mesh shapes

Create complex rigid body shapes based on .obj meshes. Uses PyChrono.

Learn how to:

  • load a .obj mesh file and use it for visualization of the shape
  • load a .obj mesh file and use it for collision
  • adjust position of center of mass respect to reference in ChBodyAuxRef
  • change inertia properties.
Collision detection with generic concave meshes is slower and less robust than any other options for collision shapes, so use it only if defining the collision shape via primitives like spheres boxes cylinders or their clusters is too complex. (In fact, a good trade-off often is the following: use a detailed mesh for visualization, and few simple primitives for collision.)
The mesh shape is a .obj file in Wavefront file format, you can generate it from 3D modelers such as Blender, Maya, etc., as well as from some CAD.
For collision purposes, the .obj mesh must be "watertight", i.e. having no gaps in edges, no repeated vertexes, etc. If you are not sure about this, the free tool MeshLab, for example, has tools to check the topological correctness of the mesh.
For visualization purposes only, i.e. if you do not use the mesh also for collision, the mesh does not need to be watertight. (btw. If the visualization does not look good, check if the normals are correct in your .obj file.)
# Name: pychrono example
# Purpose:
# Author: Alessandro Tasora
# Created: 1/01/2019
# Copyright: (c) ProjectChrono 2019
import pychrono.core as chrono
import pychrono.irrlicht as chronoirr
print ("Example: create a rigid body based on a .obj mesh file");
# The path to the Chrono data directory containing various assets (meshes, textures, data files)
# is automatically set, relative to the default location of this demo.
# If running from a different directory, you must change the path to the data directory with:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create the simulation system and add items
mysystem = chrono.ChSystemNSC()
# Set the global collision margins. This is expecially important for very large or
# very small objects. Set this before creating shapes. Not before creating mysystem.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create the simulation system and add items
# Create a contact material (with default properties, shared by all collision shapes)
contact_material = chrono.ChMaterialSurfaceNSC()
# Create a floor
mfloor = chrono.ChBodyEasyBox(3, 0.2, 3, 1000,True,True, contact_material)
# Now we will create a falling object whose shape is defined by a .obj mesh.
# NOTE: collision detection with generic concave meshes is slower and less
# robust than any other options for collision shapes, so use it if defining
# collision shapes via primitives like spheres boxes cylinders or their
# clusters is too complex.
# NOTE: the mesh shape is a .obj file in Wavefront file format,
# you can generate it from 3D modelers such as Blender, Maya, etc.
# NOTE: for collision purposes, the .obj mesh must be "watertight", i.e. having
# no gaps in edges, no repeated vertexes, etc.
# NOTE: for visualization purposes only, i.e. if you do not use the mesh also for
# collision, the mesh does not need to be watertight.
# Method A:
# - use the ChBodyEasyMesh
# This will automatically create the visualization mesh, the collision mesh,
# and will automatically compute the mass property (COG position respect to REF,
# mass and inertia tensor) given an uniform density.
body_A= chrono.ChBodyEasyMesh(chrono.GetChronoDataFile('shoe_view.obj'), # mesh filename
7000, # density kg/m^3
True, # automatically compute mass and inertia
True, # visualize?>
True, # collide?
) # use mesh for collision?
# Method B:
# - create a ChBodyAuxRef,
# - set mass and inertia tensor as you like
# - set COG center of mass position respect to REF reference as you like
# - attach a visualization shape based on a .obj triangle mesh
# - add contact shape based on a .obj triangle mesh
# This is more complicate than method A, yet this can be still preferred if you
# need deeper control, ex. you want to provide two different meshes, one
# with high level of detail just for the visualization and a coarse one for
# collision, or if you want to set custom COG and inertia values, etc.
# Rigid body part
chrono.ChVectorD( 0.12,0.0,0),
# Attach a visualization shape .
# First load a .obj from disk into a ChTriangleMeshConnected:
mesh_for_visualization = chrono.ChTriangleMeshConnected()
# Optionally: you can scale/shrink/rotate the mesh using this:
mesh_for_visualization.Transform(chrono.ChVectorD(0.01,0,0), chrono.ChMatrix33D(1))
# Now the triangle mesh is inserted in a ChTriangleMeshShape visualization asset,
# and added to the body
visualization_shape = chrono.ChTriangleMeshShape()
# Add the collision shape.
# Again load a .obj file in Wavefront file format. NOTE: in this
# example we use the same .obj file as for visualization, but here one
# could do a better thing: using a different low-level-of-detail mesh for the
# collision, so the simulation performance is not affected by many details such
# as bolts and chamfers that may be wanted only for visualization.
mesh_for_collision = chrono.ChTriangleMeshConnected()
# Optionally: you can scale/shrink/rotate the mesh using this:
mesh_for_collision.Transform(chrono.ChVectorD(0.01,0,0), chrono.ChMatrix33D(1))
contact_material, # contact material
mesh_for_collision, # the mesh
False, # is it static?
False) # is it convex?
# , mpos, mr, # pos of mesh respect to REF and rotation matr.respect to REF
# 0.01) # 'inflating' radiust for triangles for increased robustness
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create an Irrlicht application to visualize the system
myapplication = chronoirr.ChIrrApp(mysystem, 'PyChrono example', chronoirr.dimension2du(1024,768))
myapplication.AddTypicalCamera(chronoirr.vector3df(0.5,0.5,1), chronoirr.vector3df(0,0,0))
myapplication.AddLightWithShadow(chronoirr.vector3df(3,6,2), # point
chronoirr.vector3df(0,0,0), # aimpoint
12, # radius (power)
1,11, # near, far
55) # angle of FOV
# ==IMPORTANT!== Use this function for adding a ChIrrNodeAsset to all items
# in the system. These ChIrrNodeAsset assets are 'proxies' to the Irrlicht meshes.
# If you need a finer control on which item really needs a visualization proxy in
# Irrlicht, just use application.AssetBind(myitem); on a per-item basis.
# ==IMPORTANT!== Use this function for 'converting' into Irrlicht meshes the assets
# that you added to the bodies into 3D shapes, they can be visualized by Irrlicht!
# If you want to show shadows because you used "AddLightWithShadow()'
# you must remember this:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Run the simulation
std::string GetChronoDataFile(const std::string &filename)
Obtain the complete path to the specified filename, given relative to the Chrono data directory (thre...
Definition: ChGlobal.cpp:95
Material data for a collision surface for use with non-smooth (complementarity) contact method.
Definition: ChMaterialSurfaceNSC.h:34
A triangle mesh with connectivity info: vertices can be shared between faces.
Definition: ChTriangleMeshConnected.h:30
Easy-to-use class for quick creation of rigid bodies with a box shape.
Definition: ChBodyEasy.h:102
Class for referencing a triangle mesh shape that can be visualized in some way.
Definition: ChTriangleMeshShape.h:28
Easy-to-use class for quick creation of rigid bodies with a triangle mesh shape, that has a REF csys ...
Definition: ChBodyEasy.h:193
Class for rigid bodies with an auxiliary reference frame.
Definition: ChBodyAuxRef.h:33
Class for a physical system in which contact is modeled using a non-smooth (complementarity-based) me...
Definition: ChSystemNSC.h:29